1961-06-05 Regular Meetingr??? ?_ M3nutes of the Meeting May;.15, 1961 Continued PETIT JURY - (continued) Jurors - for week June 19th -Civil (continued) D. M. Robinson 3719 Wrightsv. Ave. Robert Louis Ellis 2220 Metts Ave. James H. Davis RFD 1, Box 163 Harry R. Davis 21 Woodlawn Ave. Castle Hayne George Evans RFD 3, Box 51j Edgar Z. Blanton Sr. R Dl BHox 110 0 c ? Ruff A. Devane 109 Keaton Ave. Robert F. Lewis , . aChurchaSte, 1 Wilbur W. Jackson 86 Pinecrest Pkwy. Perry A. Manning 516 Grace St. George S. Jackson 129 Rutledge Richard P. Reagan 118 Wayne Dr. Clarence L. Huggins 120 :Castie?-Hayne Rd Tracy Formyduvai 1301 S. 4th St. J. L. Musselwhite 307 Uirginia Ave. Charles Wesley Hopes 1312 Glynn St. Thomas W. Swain 206 Mercer Ave. Buclt Haywood Matthews2866 Adams St. Tassie Costello 211 Princess St. R. B. McCartney 15 Pinecrest Pkwy. Richard Wetherill P•QgiBffsvi}le Beach Thomas O. Lunsford 3720 Market St. Jurors - for week June 26, 1961 - Civil 0. G. Bass 101 E. South Carol na Henry Harrell Sr. 1921 Pender Ave. C. L. Wolff 622 Castle Hayne R?ve. J. P. McDougald 212 Francis Marion Dr. D. G. Bass 5009 Pine St. George E. Hughes 3615 Stratford Blvd. W. C. Long RFD 3, Box 652 P. H. Wallace 618 Caldwell Ave. J. C. Norton Sr. 14 Spofford Linn S. Warren 710 Holmlock Ter. S. R. Walters 503? S. 18th St. J. L. Willcox 3636 Wrightsv. Ave. Roy V. Page 18 Barnard Drive A. T. Summey 218 South 3rd St. W. S. Rourk 227 Page Ave. Louis Hargrave 1216 South 2nd St. H. D. Pearson RFD 3, Box 458 George T. Congleton 112 Myrtle Ave. Coy S. Bridgers 3811 Market St. S. D. Bartholow . 517 Sunset Ave. Alex Jacobs RFD 2, Box 299 H. W. Baugess 610 N. 25th St. J. Paul Avery 3820 Market St. J. C. Gregory RFD 2, Box 61 A J. L. Harrell RFD 1, Box 280 ' David B. George Jr. RFD 2, Box 72 Bobby L. Albea 30 Ct U Lake Village Thomas J. Carroll 3606 Winston Blvd. I. B. Brown 4709 Long Leaf Hills Dr.J.C. Horrell 236 Vance St. Horton Conyers 1417 Stanley St. H. R. Snipes RFD 1, Box 416 George A. Bowen 3901 Oleander Dr. Oscar Capps RFD 3, Box 427 M. R. Barnes , RFD 2, Box 294 Arthur F. Teague 206 Calhoun Drive James ldilliams RFD 1, Box 127 Frederick L. Block Forest Hills Drive Richard J. Armstrong' 12 Live Oak Ave. George Haydu Sr. 551 tla a A}? e. each N C g ?? Thomas Abraham'- 1116 S. 7th St. Thomas A. Lewellen , . 702 ree iela Sidney J. Rivenbark 1819 Market St. . James Thomas .Iohnson 5737 Oleander Drive Mitchell N. Saleeby•Jr.1912 Woolcott Ave. Warren Thomas Rowe Route 1, Box 411 George A. Saffo 249 N. Front St. James L. Thorpe 4525 Marltet St. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the nimously voted adjournment. 7:?r ?W` G. H?uck, Executive Secrkary Wilmington N. C. June $/ 1961 CALL TO ORDER - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held this day at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following in attendance: Vice Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Br:oadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love; also Mayor O. O. Allsbrook of the City of Wilmington, Acting City Manager C. F. Churchill and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, was unable to be present for the meeting. INVOCATION - Vice Chairman J. Van B. Metts, Jr. cal2ed the meeting to order and asked Rev- erend George Gay, Jr. pastor of Gregory Congregational Church, to"6pen the meeting with prayer. . , APPROVAL OF a'HE MINUTES - By common consent, the Board agreed'that the words "at no additional cost to the County" should be inserted in the paragrapti'under the topic of Prototype Fallout Shelter under the sentence including the motion to have a committee make a further study and recom- mendation. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that`t'he minutes be approved with the above amendment. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. VOTER REGiSTRATION Vice Chairttian Metts welcomed the members'of'the City Council and after the usual formalities, Mayor Allsbrook proposed that the'County Commissioners consider the advisability of a new voter registration for the County. The la§t registration was made in 1947 and since that time many people have moved and many have died which, on the old system of recordsi. clutter up the names in such a fashion that it is virtuaily iinpossible to determine the exact number of voters and requires an nnusual amount of tiine for the registrars to locate the names of voters when they come in to cast their ballots. Many people either become disgusted with th¢ waiting period or because of the press oP time must leave without voting. In the discussion which followed this suggestlon, the question was raised about the City participat- ing in the cost of a new perpetual registration system, The City Attorney ruled that it was , not legal for the City to spend money for that purpose as it is a function of the County. Some time was devoted to the advisabil3ty of seeking legislation permitting one combined County and municipal election every four years, th'us eliminating the cost of separate elections and sav- ing taxpayers money. No definite conclus'ion was reached on this question but ail agreed that the present registration system was antiquaLed and out of date and needed to be revised. ?Mr. Braak finally suggested that ajoint committee be appointed'to study the advantages and dis- advantages of the proposals discussed above but no official?action was taken on this matter. L_ vn Minutes of the Meeting, June 5, 1961 Continued MUSEUM LOCATION - Acting Chairman Metts called attention to recent requests by the New Hanover County Historical Commission, the Lower Cape Fear Historical Society and the Aast Presi- dents, Club of the Sorosis to locate the museum on the second floor of the City Hall after it is vacated by the Police Department which is reported to be in the process of transferring their headquarters to one of,the buildings recently vacated by the Atlantic CoasL Line and donated to the City. The City officials reminded the Board that the municipal building was not fireproof but that they would be willing to discuss the matter when the time came to make a firm decision. After a brief discussion of this subject, the C1ty officials asked to be excused from the meeting. ELECTRICAL SERVICE - ' ' Pursuant to instructions ati the last meeting, Electrical Inspector John E. Wood reported that he had conferred with Consulting Engineers Henry E. Von Oesen and Associates and the City Electrical Inspector in an attempt to present a workable electrical service for the Court House adequate and feasib"le for the"nezt 20 years. He stated that the pre- sent electrical system was unsafe and dangerous a5 weil as being inadequate to supply pre- ? sent needs. Some circuits are now so overloaded that the fuses are burning up instead of e,?14W•0` merely breaking current. While he did not have a cletailed sketch to substantiate his opin- ion he thought that the electrical system'desfgned by Henry E. Von 0esen S Associates in 1959 under Drawing # 831-8 could be modified to supply`suffici, ent current to meet our pre- sent service needs satisfactorily and that the cost would probably be in the neighborhood of $3,000 less than the low bid submitted in March 1960 of $15,460. These plans specify 1,000 amp. panel, 3-phase, L} wire 1201208 service. He said that a 1200 amp. panel could be installed at a slightly higher cost and would serve to supply adequate current for foresee- able needs. After a brief'discussiori,"'the Board,' by common conserit, agreed to table the further consideration until the full Board was present._ ._, ., ?.._.. ,. ,... . SCHOOL BUDGET Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the Consolidated Sc}iool Board was recognized by the Chairman and stated that he wanted to arrange a mutual date for the formal presentaLion of the needs covered in the 1961-62 School Budget proposal,. He was anxious to have it done while Superintendent Funderburk was still here. He understarids that the Citizenst Committee for Better Schools and the Chamber of Commerce Tax Committee desire to be present at this meet- ing, and therefore, he thought that larger quarters than the'Commissionerst Room would be necessary. He also preferred a night meetiing in order ttiat all who desire" might attend and have plenty of time for any explanations for them to receive'a clear picture of the school needs and their Budget requests. After a brief consideratlon, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the meeting be held Thursday evening June 8th in the Superior Court Room at 7:30 P. M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted by the Board. BEER PERMITS - ' ' '- Upon motion of Mr. Broa dhuTSt, seconded b y Mr. Mayhan, tkie.following requests for Beer Permits were ordered sent to the Sheriff for his consideration: Mr. Festus Henry Herring T/A Herrings Texaco 539 Castle Hayne Rd. ' Mr. Ernest Linwood Rogers ' T/A Rogers Grocery` RFD #'3, (Harbor Island) Mrs. Ellouise Jones Davis T/A Brown Derby Cafe 1508 King St., Wilmington, N.C. Winn -Dixie Raleigh, Inc.) ' B.F. McGilvray, Mgr. ) T/A Winn-Dixie Store Floral Parkrray 8 Oleander GRAND .IURY REPORT - " ` ` ' ' The Grand Jury Report for the May Criminal Term was received'and read by the Chair-? man. In the remarks, it was noLed that an inspection of the County Home and Farm Prison re- vealed them to be in good condition and improvements were being made as previously requ¢sted by the Grand Jury. By coinmon consent, the Board unanimously expressed their commendation to Mr. Braak for the fine ,job he is doing on tliat commitLee'representing the Board. PETITION FOR RELIEF - ? Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare presented a petition for the admitLance of Youngless Parker to the County Home for personal care. He has a mild car- ? diac condition and inflamation of both eyes. His wife, who has been looking after him was recently stricken with a heart aftack and can no longer care for him. He will receive $59.00 from Social Security of which the County Home will be entitled to 90%. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved this_pet3tion. NATIONAL RIVERS AND HARBORS CONGRESS Mr. Peter H.'nraak reported that he, along'with Chairman Hall and Vice Chairman Metts attended the recent National Rivers S Harbors Congress 'in the' interest of (1) deepen- Ljcz_?? ing the Cape Fear River to Wilmington, (2) deepening and otherwise improving the Northeast P&2? River for a distance of approximately 10 miles above Wilmington to a full depth of 15 feet as far as King's Bluff. He said that they received the cooperation of our Congressmen and other Coastal Representatives interested. in the development of Eastern IVorth Carolina. While they were unsuccessfui in having,the pro,ject for the deepening of the Cape Fear River from Wilmington to the ocean approved', he was confident that it would be elevated to Class 1 at the Mid-Winter Conference or upon completion of studies now und'erway by the District Engineer. He reminded the Board of the approaching 35th Annual Meeting'of the Ainerican Shore & Beach Preservation Association at the Seascape Motel in Ocean City, Maryland, June 14 - 16 and sug- gested that this County should be represented at that'important meeting. JURY LIST County Attorney L. Bradfor'd'Tillery "referred the Board to Chapter 9, Article I ? of the General Statutes requiring a selection of new Jury lists forthe County. He suggest- ed that immediate steps be taken to obtain this new list to 'be pre'sented and screened by the Board not 2ater than the f'irst meeting in July. :4fter di§cussing the details, the Board authorized the Auditor to proceed to get up the names for the'Petit Jury list as his office was more familiar with the records of the citizens of the County and they had the proper equipment for tabulating them. It was the general consenus of the Board that the list should be presented for their consideration not later than .July 3rd. -A ?86 Minutes of the Meeting June 5, 1961 Continued APPROPRIATIONS - ? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the 8oard unanimously made the following appropriations: From County Home Emergency to Farm Home Telephone $30.00 " General Emergency " Coronerts Salary 15.00 " General Emergency " Coroner - Autopsy . 350.00 REPORTS AND LETTERS - The following reports and letters were reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for reference: aac,8?.?? 1- Changes in Welfare Recipients Status Reports. 2- Home Economics Narrative Report - ??,,,?„??7•?^? 3- Note of appreciation from the family of Walter Duval Bass 4- Red Cross announces Disaster institute to be he.ld June 9th at 3:OOP.M, in the Chapter House, 411 South Front St. , 5- Letter from John T. Talbert Jr 8 Associates announcing their entrance into hydrographic or topographic survey, si.te planning, hydraulic studies, paving drainage and beach erosion or any phase of civil and sanitary consulting engineering prob2ems. b- Thank-you letters from Sudan Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. 7- T'hank-you letters from New Hanover High School for Student Local Government Day. ' 8- Letter of appreciation from Congressman Lennon for assistance on the Corps of Engineers problem. 9- New Hanover County Statement of Tax Collections by Tax Collector, Sam W. Johnson 10- Notice from State Board of Public Welfare regarding appointment of a new mem- :. bec to the County Welfare Board to replace Mr. W. Alleri Cobb whose term will expire on June 30, 1961. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. to ad,journ the meeting. Broadhurst, seconded by lNr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted s / , Executive Secr\tItary Wilmington, N. C. June 19, 1961 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. N. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House. The following members of the Board were in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commiss- ioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and J. Van B. Metts, Jr; County Auditor T. D. Love. County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery was out of the City and unable to be present for the meeting. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend D. L. Alexander, Pastor of the First Christian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF T}iE MINUTES - The minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved upon motion of Mr. May- han, seconded by Mr. Braak. ' WILMINGTON COLLEGE - ?/ Dr. John T. Hoggard, President Emeritus of Wilmington College, stated that they had a'problem concerning the Physical Education Program of the college and presented Mr, Frederick B. Graham, Chairman of the Building 8 Grounds Committee and asked him to explain their needs. Mr. Graham reported that they had some fine new buildings out at the college and he realized that buiidings and campus alone did noL make a good college but said they had a quality faculty to operate it in an economical way and at the same time render an edu- cational service second to none. Wilmington College is accredited by the Southern Associa- tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools and by the North Carolina College Conference. Their long range plans include a four year college. At present, the North Carolina Conference requires two years of Physical Education for graduation. Wilmington has no Physical Educa- tional Building at present. Our graduates who seek higher learning in their Junior and Senior years are forced to go back to the Freshmen and S'ophomore classes in the higher in- stitutions to which they go. In order to correct this deficiency in the curriculum, it is recommended that a combination Auditorium and Physical Educational Building be erected. Estimates indicate ihat such a functional building might be constructed at a cost of $200,000. This means that matching funds from the State of $100,'000 and local interests to put up $100,000. The College Building Fund will have an approximate balance of $25,000 left over brought about by frugal handling and economic expenditures. They request the County to appropriate $25,000 from the present 1960-61 year and $25,000.during the 1961-62 year and $25,000 during the 1962-63 Budget year. Dr. C. E. Hartford, Chairman of the Finance Com- mittee, thariked the Commissioners for their cooperation in -the past and pledged their , continued economic handling of any funds which were allocated to them. He is of the opin- . ion that Wilmington College is one of ttie outstanding assets of New Hanover County and will be the drawing card for industry to move into this area. Dr. William M. Randall, President, stressed the need for a place to hold assemblies of the students and explained further the requirement of North Carolina Schools for two years Physical Education or three years of ROTC before graduation. Chairman Hall explained the difficulty in making a decis- ion for such an appropriation on the spur of the moment and asked that they be allowed to table the request until next Monday, June 26th when they would give them an answer to this request. This arrangement was satisfactory to all concerned. , . ,