1961-06-28 Special Meeting Minutes of the Meeting June 26, 1961 (Continued RECE55 - Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that a recess be taken.until 9:00 on Wed- nesday, June 28th for the purpose of ineeting and further discussing the Budget Requests- of the Airport, Clerk of Superior Court, Coroner, Register of Deeds and the Sheriff's Department. The Executive Secretary was instructed to schedule the hear ngs at thirty minute intervals and notify the interested department heads. This mo on was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimousiy approved. ?? e::- + A ;,.?! ?c SPECI.4L MEETING June 28, 1961 RECONVENTION - The special meeting was called to order by the Chairman as per recess June 26th 1961 with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and J. Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. HEARINGS - The proposed Budget requests for the following departments were considered in detail and adjustments noted wherever they seemed advisable: Airport, Clerk of Superior Court, Coroner, Register of Deeds, and Sheriff. INTERIM BUDGET - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by NYr. Metts, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED SY THE BOARD OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Section i- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July 1, 1961 to date of adopt?ion of the 1961-62 Budget Resolu- tion, appropriations are hereby made for the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness and the usual ordinary expense of the County and its subdivisions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the 1960-61 Fiscal Budget Year. Section 2- This Resolution shall cease to be effective from and after the adoption of the 1961-62 Budget Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with tIlis Resolution shall be chargeable to appropriations made in the 1961-62 Budget Appropriations. APPROPRIATION - ? County Auditor T. D. Love informed the Board that an adjustment of $470.21 r was needed to complete payment of the allocation promised the. Chamber of Commerce. ' Mr. Mayhan moved that $470.21 be appropriated from Unanticipated Revenue-Back Tax Inter- est to County Aid,- AdvertYsing. It was seconded by Mr. B'raak and unanimously approved. MUSEUM DIRECTOR - / Mr. Metts reported that Mr. J. C. Davis asked that the Committee of three per- sons be appointed to act as joint Directors with a like number to be appointed by the Ci.ty • for the Nuseum. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, this request was tabled unf.il such-tfine as they considered the budgetary request. ! ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Boa na ously voted to adjourn. ? ?- ? , /Executi5e' Secretary Wilmington, N. C. July 3, 1961 ASSENBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chair- man J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners J. Van B. Netts, Jr., Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. May- han and L. E. Broadhurst, County Auclitor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Vice Chairman Metts presided over the first part of the day's session as Chairman Hall was unavoidably detained but arrived later on during the meeting. IIWOCATION - The invocation was given by the Executive Secretary in the absence of the min- ister scheduled to serve as Chaplain. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - By common consent, the Board unanimously agreed that in the Special Meeting of June 26th, it was their intent to appropriate funds for Wilmington College and in the meeting of June 28th under the paragraph relating to the Museum they asked that the Dir- ectors be appointed at the time the joint Budget requests were discussed and thaL the appointment be tabled until that time. After these amendments, Mr. Mayhan offered a mo- tion that the minutes of both meetings be approved as amended above. It was seconded by Nr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ` I FiJEL BIDS - atlJw` Complying with'the annual routine manner of advertising for fuel bids for supplying gasoline, fuel and lubricating oiis for the County during the next year, the Executive Secretary presented the following bids which were opened and read: ,