1961-07-12 Special Meeting SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING Wilminyton, N.C. July 10, 1961 Z_dlv?c ` REGONVENTI, A. M. with Braak, L. T. D. Love in detail. JN - The New Hanover County the following present: E. Broadhurst, Ernest and County Attorney L. Adjustments were mad Board of Commissioners reconvened on this date at 9:00 Chairman J. M. Hail, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. R. Mayhan and J. Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor Bradford Tillery. The Budget consideration was resumed > as they deemed it wise in the various departments. / BOARD OF EDUCATION The Chairman reminded theBoard that Mr. Emsley A. Laney, Chairman pf-?,the Consol- idated Board of Education, had requested an additional hearing before the finakiiing of the Budget but after he had received additional information from the State that would affect the School Budget. No time was scheduled for this meeting. Mr. Metts suggested that de- tailed salaries of the school personnel be furnished by the job. He asked that salaries be itemized where increases were proposed. / CONSOLIDATED BOARD OF HEALTH - By unanimous common consent of the Board, the Exeeutive Secretary was instruct- ed to invite the Consolidated Board of Health to present their Budget at 7:00 P. M. Wednes- day, July 12th. RECESS - The Chairman then declared a recess until Wednesday, July 12th,at which time the Board would continue their Budget deliberations. ? i W. SPECIAL MEETING ary 7:00 P. M.,July 12, 1961 Wilmington, N. C. RECONVENTION Foilowing the recess of the meeting Monday, the following members of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for the purpose of considering the Budget for the fi.scal year, 1961-62: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, J. Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. CONSOLIDATED HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Dr. C. B. Davis, Health Director and the following members of his staff, J. B. Edwards, Miss Viola Boyln, Miss Annie Lou Davis and Mrs. Betty West were present and presented the itemized Health Department Budget for the coming year. They explained the items which were not self-evidently clear and answered the questions propounded by the Commissioners. MENTAL HEALTH - Mrs. Betty West explained the present status of the Mental Health Program in ? this County and her vision for its expansion. She told of her experience recently at a convention of the top people in this program and said that New Hanover County was among the few which based its program for Mental Health on preventive rather than a therapeutic method. Our program is being studied by some of the leaders in this field. Chairman Hall . expressed his complete approval of the program and his hopes for its expansion. COUNTY H05PITAL DIRECI'OR - Mr. Hall informed the Board that he.had received a letter from the Medical ? Staff of Community Hospital recommending the appointment of Dr. F. R. Reynolds to the Board of Directors to represent the Medical Association. After a brief review of the past record, Mr. Metts offered a motion that Dr. F. R. Reynoids be approved by this Board to serve for a period of one year as a member of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital to represent the Medical Staff. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and the Board unanimously approved it. CONSERVATION & DEVELOPP7ENT DINNER oik4j- / [.9'4"4 Chairman Hall informed the Board that he had been advised that the State Board of Conservation and Development would hold their next meeting in New Hanover County and he thought it would be nice if the County provided some entertainment for them while here. He suggested a dinner at the Cape Fear Country Club. After discussing this matter briefly, the Commissioners, by common consent, agreed that this should be a worthwhile and worthy gesture if extended to them. It will be held on July 24th, 1961. RECESS - The Chairman then declared the Board adjourned until their next regular meeting on July 17th. He reminded them, however, that they were scheduled to meet informally in joint session with the City Council tomorrow morning at 9:00 A. M. and urged all to hear a discussion on the Budget items which jointly concerned the City and Couryty. ; Executive gecretary 1 L_