1961-07-13 Special Meeting69 7 , JOINT SPECIAL MEETING "g:00A.M,July 1:3, 1961, Wilmington, N. C Co?uncil Chambers, Municipal Building ASSEMBLY- - . The following members of the Neia"Hano"ver' Courity Co'mntfs'si'oner's and the, Wflmington City'Council`-met'in iriformal joint?s'essi'on=to'daycat-9':'00'=A. M,; Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst; Reter. H;'-Braakr Ernest R.'Mayhan.a.nd.J.•Van.'B.•Metts,.ir.; County Attorney L: Bradfor&Tiller-y, Countyc.Auditor-T. b. Love; Mayor• O. O. Allsbr'ook, Councilmen..W,.RonaYd Lane, Hannah S. Block, E. 'S. Capps, Jr. and J. E. L. V7ade, Acting City 1v7anager C. F. Churchill, and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. Mayor Aflsbrook acted as Chairman oS the.:join't meet.ing. The"f:o'llowing joint appropriations budgeted were reviewed and each department di•scussed in this order: 4Consol•idafed Tax Office, Traftfic Control°Boys', t'he':Health Deparbment,`Mental'Healfh;• Insect and Rodent, Military compani-es, Wilmington.City and Color- ed 11btaries, Sorosi-s Museum,.Ciui1 Deferis'e; -GiviT Air. Ratr'ol and.'the"U:5.0.-,. - Mr: Ha1Y re- marked that since this was;an infbrmal meeting the purpose was to clear up any questions about the different Budget items between the two boards so that when they met in formal ses- sion they would.be abie to conclude their business with no misunderstanding. On two of the items received, there was an unusual amount of discussion, i.e., 1- Sorosis Museum was again presented by Mrs. W. A. Fonvielle who stressed the importance and value of the cultural interests and development engendered for our County by having a museum to show visitors and of which they could be proud. The Council agreed to study their plans for using the third floor of the City Hall but said at present they were urowded for space; 2- Civil De- fense, which seemed to be unanimously approved by both governing bodies and unofficially agreed on the Budget Requests for $5,768.25 which would be ratified at a later meeting. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISING - Chairman Hall remarked that in thie past some of the appropriations have been made out of Emergency Funds where organi2ations came before one of the governing bodies with a request for an appropriation which was not budgeted by appearing before the Commiss- ioners and telling them they felt reasonably certain that the Council would go along with approving the joint request provided the County would do likewise, and vice versa. He fe2t that this caused much confusion for both bodies, and that this practice should be given some sbudy. " 'ADJOURNMENT - There being no further mutual business for discussion, the Boards adjoned. W. G. Houck,- Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. July 17,1961 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session today in the Commissionerst Room at 9:00 A. N. with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. Mr. Hall explained that he would not be able to remain for the meeting and Vice Chairman Metts presided over Lhe day's session. INVOCATION Mr. Metts called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. B. Lewis, Pastor of the Shiloh Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - the minutes of By common consent, the Board agreed to postpone the approval of/the regular semi- monthly meeting of July 3rd and of the intervening special meetings of July 7,10th and 12th until a later date. EIVTERTAINMENT OF THE BASEBALL TEAM The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that they had approved the entertain- ment for the Wilmington Coliege Baseball Team after winning the National Junior College Baseball Championship. Inadvertently, this was not recorded in the minutes and he asked that they formally approve it for the record, nunc pro tunc. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the entertainment be approved and that the invoice for one-half of the cost of the ?- dinner, which was shared with the City, be paid amounting to $215.83. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. BEER PERMITS - The foilowing applications for Beer Permits were reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously referred to the Sheriff for his considera- tion and investigation: Martin Thaddeus Winner T/A Martin's North Lake Park Boulevard Carolina Beach, N. C. Theordore Coggins T/A Rock-A-Way _ Seabreeze, Wilmington, N.C James Gordon Spell T/A Hanover-Heights-Superette 3504 Carolina Beach Road AGRICULTURE 8 ECONONICS BUDGET Mr. D. D. Baygett, Farm Agent, went over the proposed Budget for his department and expiained the various items which were not entirely clear to the Commissioners. He ? announced the resignation of the Assistant Agent, William S. Howell, and stated that he had several applications under consideration for replacement. Miss Verna Belle Lowery, the Home Economics Agent announced the resignation of her assistant, Miss Emmie Lou Teale, affective July 31, 1961. She has several applications for screening and will recommend her selection at a later meeting. The Executive Secretary was asked to investigate the reason for the Agriculture, Stabilization and Conservation telephone being charged to the County and to find out if other counties were paying. w ?