1961-07-17 Regular Meeting69 7 , JOINT SPECIAL MEETING "g:00A.M,July 1:3, 1961, Wilmington, N. C Co?uncil Chambers, Municipal Building ASSEMBLY- - . The following members of the Neia"Hano"ver' Courity Co'mntfs'si'oner's and the, Wflmington City'Council`-met'in iriformal joint?s'essi'on=to'daycat-9':'00'=A. M,; Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst; Reter. H;'-Braakr Ernest R.'Mayhan.a.nd.J.•Van.'B.•Metts,.ir.; County Attorney L: Bradfor&Tiller-y, Countyc.Auditor-T. b. Love; Mayor• O. O. Allsbr'ook, Councilmen..W,.RonaYd Lane, Hannah S. Block, E. 'S. Capps, Jr. and J. E. L. V7ade, Acting City 1v7anager C. F. Churchill, and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. Mayor Aflsbrook acted as Chairman oS the.:join't meet.ing. The"f:o'llowing joint appropriations budgeted were reviewed and each department di•scussed in this order: 4Consol•idafed Tax Office, Traftfic Control°Boys', t'he':Health Deparbment,`Mental'Healfh;• Insect and Rodent, Military compani-es, Wilmington.City and Color- ed 11btaries, Sorosi-s Museum,.Ciui1 Deferis'e; -GiviT Air. Ratr'ol and.'the"U:5.0.-,. - Mr: Ha1Y re- marked that since this was;an infbrmal meeting the purpose was to clear up any questions about the different Budget items between the two boards so that when they met in formal ses- sion they would.be abie to conclude their business with no misunderstanding. On two of the items received, there was an unusual amount of discussion, i.e., 1- Sorosis Museum was again presented by Mrs. W. A. Fonvielle who stressed the importance and value of the cultural interests and development engendered for our County by having a museum to show visitors and of which they could be proud. The Council agreed to study their plans for using the third floor of the City Hall but said at present they were urowded for space; 2- Civil De- fense, which seemed to be unanimously approved by both governing bodies and unofficially agreed on the Budget Requests for $5,768.25 which would be ratified at a later meeting. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISING - Chairman Hall remarked that in thie past some of the appropriations have been made out of Emergency Funds where organi2ations came before one of the governing bodies with a request for an appropriation which was not budgeted by appearing before the Commiss- ioners and telling them they felt reasonably certain that the Council would go along with approving the joint request provided the County would do likewise, and vice versa. He fe2t that this caused much confusion for both bodies, and that this practice should be given some sbudy. " 'ADJOURNMENT - There being no further mutual business for discussion, the Boards adjoned. W. G. Houck,- Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. July 17,1961 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session today in the Commissionerst Room at 9:00 A. N. with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. Mr. Hall explained that he would not be able to remain for the meeting and Vice Chairman Metts presided over Lhe day's session. INVOCATION Mr. Metts called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. B. Lewis, Pastor of the Shiloh Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - the minutes of By common consent, the Board agreed to postpone the approval of/the regular semi- monthly meeting of July 3rd and of the intervening special meetings of July 7,10th and 12th until a later date. EIVTERTAINMENT OF THE BASEBALL TEAM The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that they had approved the entertain- ment for the Wilmington Coliege Baseball Team after winning the National Junior College Baseball Championship. Inadvertently, this was not recorded in the minutes and he asked that they formally approve it for the record, nunc pro tunc. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the entertainment be approved and that the invoice for one-half of the cost of the ?- dinner, which was shared with the City, be paid amounting to $215.83. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. BEER PERMITS - The foilowing applications for Beer Permits were reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously referred to the Sheriff for his considera- tion and investigation: Martin Thaddeus Winner T/A Martin's North Lake Park Boulevard Carolina Beach, N. C. Theordore Coggins T/A Rock-A-Way _ Seabreeze, Wilmington, N.C James Gordon Spell T/A Hanover-Heights-Superette 3504 Carolina Beach Road AGRICULTURE 8 ECONONICS BUDGET Mr. D. D. Baygett, Farm Agent, went over the proposed Budget for his department and expiained the various items which were not entirely clear to the Commissioners. He ? announced the resignation of the Assistant Agent, William S. Howell, and stated that he had several applications under consideration for replacement. Miss Verna Belle Lowery, the Home Economics Agent announced the resignation of her assistant, Miss Emmie Lou Teale, affective July 31, 1961. She has several applications for screening and will recommend her selection at a later meeting. The Executive Secretary was asked to investigate the reason for the Agriculture, Stabilization and Conservation telephone being charged to the County and to find out if other counties were paying. w ? I??? Minutes of the Meeting July 17, 1961 ELECTRICAL SERVICE - Messrs. W. B. King, representing Henry M. Von Oesen and Associates, and John E. Wood, County Electrical Inspector, presented the revised specifications and plans for bringing sufficient power into the Court House and relieve the unsafe and dangerous overload that was reported by the City Electrical Inspector. After discussing the mat- ter, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that,the recommendations of the County Electrical Ins- pector be approved and that the Executive Secretary be authorized to advertise for bids in accordance with the revision and recommendation. It was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimously adopted by the Board. REGISTER OF DEEDS COSTS - • ' Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds, reported to the Board that he felt like the prices for recording legal documents.were lower than those in surrounding counties and recommended the following changes: 1- Minimum recording from .50d to $1.00 2- After the first 300 words, from.l0d to 15d per hundred words,thereafter. ',.. 3- Birth and death certificates from 50d to $1.00 each. 4- Indexing at lOd per name and each one over l}. 1 5- Discontinue charging for cancellations. ` After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that these recommendations be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted by the Board. ? . MUSEUM - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reported that he had conferr.ed with City • Attorney Cicero P. Yow, in an effort to work out some means whereby the Museum might be ` ,??R ? located at a more convenient place. Together they recommended that consideration be •? dgiv,en to locating it on one floor of the Battleship USS North Carolina after it is berthed here . They had consulted many of the various'cultural organizations sponsoring the re- location of the Museum and none of them looked with favor on this recommendation. He had hoped to have it accepted by the State DeparLment of Archives and History but found , that responsible people familiar with the civic development of the arts would not go along with this idea. So far as he can determine the matter now rests entirely in the hands of the City and he asked the Commissioners to relieve him of any further responsi- bility. This was done by unanimous common consent. WELFARE BUDGET - l?. , _ A resumption of the study of the Welfare Budget led to several details which , / were not entirely clear to the Board and Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, the Superintendent, was called before the Board to clarify them particularly with reference to the restrictions , surrounding the $6,500 which has been promised by the State in addition to their regular funds. She reported that the Budget had to reach Raleigh on or before July 20th in order to be eligible to receive it. The Chairman thanked her for her information and after a brief discussion among the Board members, Mr. Mayhan moved that the following. portion of the Welfare Budget as listed on page 21 be approved: Aid to Blind $13,866.36, ADC $62,404.00, APTD $4E3,663.00, OAA $60,442.00 and the items listed on page 27 as - follows be approved: Indigent MC-1 $15,000.00, Public Rssistance BA-13 $500.00 Public Assistance SS-14 $5,000.00, Public Assistance State Pool $13,500.00. The motion , was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak, Mayhan and Metts voted in favor of the motion, Mr. Broadhurst voted against the motion. The Chairman de- -, clared it prevailed. e P.ULLMAN SERVICE - ? Mr. Robert B. Holton representing the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, advised , the Board that the Georgia Railroad Company was contemplating discontinuing their trains from Augusta, Georgia to Atlanta, Georgia. These are the two trains that pickup the ACL round trip pullman in Augusta and if the service is discontinued by the Georgia Railroad, the ACL will be forced to discontinue that service from WilmingUon to Atlanta. The Hearing on this matter will be held on September 6th in Atlanta. The Board, by common consent, aareed that they should be represented in this matter and the Chairman appointed W. Broad- .) hurst as a committee to represent the County's interests. Mr. Holton was thanked for his interest in bringing this to the Board's attention and the Executive Secretary was directed , to include it on the next Agenda for joint discussion with the City Council. / WELFARE BUDGET - The Chairman again asked the question of the Board, "Do we want the extra • ? $6,500 which the State has agreed to pay into the County Welfare Fund provided the approved Budge ?eaches their office not later than July 20?" After a brief discussion, Mr. Braa ??` the Welfare Budget be approved as recommended and that $6,500 be used to increase the salaries as recommended and improve the office quarters with any overage. There was ' , no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. County Auditor Love was instructed to confer with the Ydeifare Officials in Raleigh to see if he could get them to agree to a delay in receiving the Welfare Budget and still be eligible for the $6,500. He reported ? that Mr. Srown gave him verbal permission to wait until July 28th. ' LISTING FAILURE - , ? Mr. Love, the Tax Supervisor, reported to the Board that Dr. Ransey Weathersbee, Jr. had failed to list personal property for taxes in Wilmington Township. He reported ,. . that he had assessed said property as $1,000.00. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the assessment was approved and the Supervisor was directed to apply the fu11 extent of the law as provided in such cases. REPORTS AND LETTERS - , 11. The following reports were reviewed by the Board members and ordered filed for reference: 1- 4Jilmington Public Library Statistical Report for the year 1960-1961. 2- USO Club Report for June, 1961 alvL",/ 3- Farm Agent's Extension report for June 1961 ? 7e/ l}' Tax Collector's Back Taxes Report ending June 30, 1961. 5- Wilmington Public Library Report for June 1961. L_ Minutes of the Meeting July 17th, 1961 Continued ,. CY I PETIT JURY The fol lowing good and lawfu l persons were selected to serve as Jurors in • Superior Court for the weeks beginning July 31st- Criminal term; August 7th - Civil and August 21st - Criminal term: - Jurors for week be qinninq Julv 31, 1961 - Criminal I J. M. Morris RFD 1, Box 305 E Julius F. Rogers 5732 Oleander Drive Willie James Samue l 210 Mercer Ave. C. F. Carr 2512 Jackson St. ' Horace Prevatte 235 Calhoun Drive Robert E. Vowell 216 N. Sth St. Eli Cavenaugh 2509 Washington John T. Turlington 5 Mercer Ave. E. B. Harris 2934 D. Adams St. Everett Ray Sanders Box 2, Wrightsville Beach Preshy H. Mills 708 Princess St.. Arthur E. Moore 618 Rosemont Ave. J. B.. Justice Newtons Lane John Winder HughesJr. 1111 Country Club Rd. " D. G. Porter 111 Myrtie Ave. N. W. Lorick 208 S. 46th St. Jack M.E. Sellars 127 Gordon Road J. B. Watson 330 Davie Drive W. Winfield Harmon p 0. Box 21 W l B h James E. Williams 25111 Guilford Ave. r eac ri ghtsvil T N C RF 2 1 C l H J. Lawrence Larson 15 Lame St. Melvin . Howell ast ayne . . D 1 Box , e 9 W. H. Bradley 4008 Wrightsv. Ave. John P. Russ RFD 2, Box 445 A. L. Tedder 409 Nun St. Joe M. Tardugno 6005 Oleander Drive Dan Phillips Jr. 3601 Winston Bivd. Joseph A. Kramasz 2833 F. Jefferson H. B. Nobles 120 Lake Forest Pkwy .James C. Jordan RFD 1, Box 58 -h Donald Denny 20' North 7th St. E. P. Godwin 5r. Box 1806 M. Golden 1147 Country Club Rd .F. V. Batson Route 1, Box 303 H. H. Hewett 2005 Castle St. Ceronell S. Chestnut 805•Red Cross St. J. F. Grotgen 210 Northern Blvd. M. B. Thomas • 2532 Harrison St. , ' =C . A. K. Mallard P. O. Box 543 C. H. McAllister RFD 2, Box 65 Clarence H. Moore RFD 1, Box 35 Alton Rivenbark 2906 Market St. N. C. M,agnuson 1107 Azalea Drive Donald F. Dawson 4121 Lake Ave. Ricktard L. Neares 105 Colonial Drive Thomas J. Strickland 221 Pages Ave. James W. Daughtery 4616 Long Leaf Hills K. G. Lloyd 1$3 Colonial Circle . M. L. Bretson 30 Woodlawn Ave. J. S. Golden F 12 Oleander Court , D. G. Mills 115 Calhoun Drive E. M. Sanders 2835 S. Front St. ' _ Lois W. Solomon 1302 S. sth St. Thomas W. Strange RFD#1 Box 305 B G. B. Carter RFD 1, Box 141 E. L. Johnson Jr. 2026 Klein Rd. . Herman H. Brock 904 Princess St. J. R. Brock 127 Spofford J. A. Gray 406 South bth St. L. O. Corbett 0 205 South 2nd St. Jurors for week beginning August 7,1961- Civil . V. T. Oliver 1906 Market St. W. H. Hardee P. O. Box 83, Carolina Beach Wilbur H. Davis 2 O Lake Forest Pkwy. W. S. McKeithan 4910 Park Ave. ?Frank R. Piner RFD 2, Box 398 Joseph Ganey 26 West Drive . Norwood Williams RFD 2, Box 94 Thomas Blackham Jr. 1:1 Lake Village David Mohr RFD 1, Castle Hayne Milton C. Merrill Azalea Motel, Market St. . Charles W. Rogers 204 Greenville Ave. S. G. Long 3805 Wrightsv. Ave. ?, - Leon C. Norris Jr. 234 Oakcrest Dr. John E. Lawhorne 107 5. 8th St. John C. Skipper 10 X Lake Village Lester E. Nichols RFD 1, Box 501 , L. W. Stokley 5 D Nesbitt Cts. D. E. Murray Jr. 914 Market St. ? Clyde Leonard 407 S. 19th St. Robert B. Jones 1822 Chestnut St. . Jimmy D. Lawhon RFD 1, Box 101 James Blanie YJilson Jr. 201 Lake Forest Pkwy. Castle Hayne N. C. Harold L. Cage 220 Dixie Ave. J. W. Reaves 407 S. 3rd St. M. R. Wadsworth 2511 Burnett B'1vd. Kenneth M. Starrett 4215 Market St. ? , LeRoy Beasley RFD 2, Box 430 George H. Fields 212 S. 13th St. Richard F. Sheppard Box 102 , - Wrightsv. Beach,N.C. Mitchell Henderson RFD 2, Box 152 A Robert S. Legwin 812 Chestnut Aob'ert K. Melvin 3619 Stratford Blvd. C. L. Harper 615 S. lbth St. R. R. McCartney 4923 Pine St. C. R. Peterson 14 Live Oak Ave. J. L. White 1407 Princess St. , L. B. Mint2 702 S. 2nd St. P. W. Tartt 215 Bagley Ave. W. F. Roach 316 N. l}sth St. John N. Tate Box 975 Jack T. Ward RFD 1, Box 34 V. G. English 128 Newton Lane ' E. H. Cheshire 4104 Market St. E. L. Matthews 5r. 2802 Lyndon Road " James Avison 133 Greenville Ave. Jack R. Craig 2509 Jefferson St. R. M. Roberts Box 34 Pine Grove Roger Wade RFD 2, Box 254 D. Patelos 1506 Princess St. E. G. Wagner Jr. 2945 Jefferson St. Jurors for week beginninq August 21st- Criminal ? E. C. Ashe RFD 1, Box 222 A W. K. Caldwell 29 Terrace Wa.lk • . C. Pate 3823 Wilshire Blvd. H. C. Godwin 822 S. 6th.St, L. P. Rooks 2707 AdamsSt. W. A. Morton 802z Market St. James F. Capps 314 Queen 5t. John W. Bright RFD 3, Box 426 B. E.:.Bowen 217 Greenville Ave. Garland B. Cook 19 D. Nesbitt Cts. Leonard Watts 2603 Wrightsv. Ave. James L. Sprunt 1806 Princess St. H. S. Smith 1215 S. 3rd St, Robert Scott 101 N. 5th St. . IL. G. Reaves 5307 Oleander Dr. D. C. Winner Box 605,Carolina Beach Ray S. Landen RFD 2, Box 492 James F. Parrish 2219 Plaza Dr. S. C. Hemby 12 O Lake Village W. D. Nerritt 1917 Woolcott Ave. O. B. Lewis 2425 Monroe St. Allen B. Jones 1505 Ann 5t. Edward C. Long RFD 2, Box 358 Charles 0. King 4 Q Lake Village Joy D. Joyner RFD 1, Box 230 Robert B. Long RFD 2, Box 191 George Haydu 551 Atlanta Ave. Frank L. Casteen 116 Davie Drive R. S. Smith 103 Lullwater Drive Charles L. Humphries RFD 2, Box 196 J. E. Boylan Jr. 12 Lake Forest Pkwy. James A. Perkins 507 S. 2nd St. W. F. Murphy 24 Pinecrest Ter. Walter C. Sykes Jr. 4116 Oleander Dr. W. P. Oakley 2 Y Lake Forest Donnie L. Godwin 4115 Lake Ave. IE. E. Graham 3007 Jefferson Robert A. Jenkins 47 Colonial Apts. ? J. U. Edwards RFD 1, Box 213 James P. Townsend Jr .59 Lake Forest Pkwy. Clyde W. Carlton 307 Castle Hayne Charles Curtis Parke r 34 Lake Forest Pkwy. z. ' ,I continued- Minutes of the.Meeting July 17th, 1961 Continued PETIT JURY - contin.ued Jurors- Week of August 21, 1961 Criminal Clarence D. Powell 2706 Chestnut Thomas H. Barker 219 Forest Hills Dr. J. Dallas Orrell Ft. Chestnut St. Raymond E. Creech 3715 Wrightsv. Ave. C. S., Singleton 4902 Park Ave. Harry Clay Jackson 228 Oakleaf Dr. Wm. Richard Dean 133 Sumter Dr. Al,len, T. Strange 1305 S. Churchill Dr. RECESS. =• . - Mr. Mayhan then offered a motion that the Board recess until 9:00.A. M. Wednesday, July 19th at which time the School Board would be invited to discuss their Budget further. It was seconded by Mr. Broa'dhurst and unanimously passed. " BUDGET NF-ETING Commissioners Room ,luly ly, lybl Wilminqton, N. C. RECONVENTION Pursuant to the recess of the regular meeting on July 17th, the following members of the Board of County Commissioners met to resume consideration of the 1961-62 Budget: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ern Playhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bra Tillery. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The ExecutiVe :Secretary remi'nded the Board that the minutes of the meeting on July 3, 7,' lOth and 12th had not been approved. It was the unanimous common consent of the Board that approval be dispensed with at this time and taken up at a later meet- ing. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - c,p.,d?4? C• The Chairman announced that he had heen approached by the officers of the ' Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce with the request that they be allowed to appear before the Board to present their Budget before any final decision was made. ? SCHOOL BUDGET-, - I Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the Consolidated School Board, accompanied by other members of the Board announced that they were ready and willing to clarify and answer any questions relative to their School Budget. Chairman Hall then remarked ' that since.items #1 and #6 in their CapiLal Outlay proposal had already been approved they would continue consideration of that portion of the Budget at this time, if there was no objection. After discussing the various items, the following conclusion was reached. The furnace room at Carolina Beach School in the amount of $1200.00 was de- let.ed. In item #3, Chestnut Street Jun.ior High, the portion of that recommendation to convert.and remodel certain rooms into a shower and dressing room was approved .. 'in the _• amoun t .. of $4,700.00 inst.ead of the original recommendation of $9,814.01 In item #4, which covered the construction of a shower room for the Williston Junior High was approved as requested w.ith the proviso that further investigation be.made with reference to having it done as cheaply ss possibie. Item #5 covering the renovation _ of the Isaac.Bear Building to serve as an Administration Building for the supervisory staff was deleted in the_amount of $60,000. Item #7 covering new Library books to br.ing the Roland-Gris-e Junior High Library up .to accreditation standards was approved in the amount of $5,000. Item #8 for an additional school bus was approved as re- quested for $4,000.. County Auditor T. D. Love reported that in his conversation with the school authorities in Raleigh, he was informed that the "State would increase their appropria- tion on-Instructiona_1 Supplies by 38? per pupil, for Libraries 50d per pupil and for Clerical Assistance? $1.00 per pupil. CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY EASEMENT - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that in May of 1960, they had ? granted a right-of-way and easement to the Carolina Power & Light Company for construct ing a light pole on County property at the back of the Court House in order to instail the new electrical service in the building.' The old instrument which was executed by ' the Chairman was returned and they request a new contract be approved. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the request for the right-of-way for easement be granted and that the Chairman be auLhorized to sign the agreement and the Executive Secretary to place the County seal on it. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. WELFARE BUDGET - Mr. Braak reported that'he had disc.ussed increases contained in the Welfare Budget with Mrs. Sneeden who told him that the Countyts portion of the recommended in- crease would.amount to only $3200.00 which could come out of the $6500.00 extra which the State has set up for prompt Budget ap.proval. Thus, the salary adjustments could be made without any cost to the taxpayers.of the County and offered a motion that the Welfare Budget be approved as requested.. There was no second to his motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. . RECESS - The Chairman declared there was no this time and the Board unanimously agreed'to July 20th at which time the Board of tducation Budget discussions. further business for consideration at recess until 7:30 P. M. Thursday e ening wou2d be asked to reappear for f?ther / z i? W.?G. Houc`k?'Executive t d eta? ? ? S ? ?