1956-01-03 Regular Meetingrleeting of December 19, 1955 - Continued Jury List - Continued ) . 1 : C. W. Harley, 14 Ivey Circle R. H. Hershberger, 158 Colonial Village J. T. 13enton, 10 Pinecrest Parkway ' 7..W. Copeland, Box 425 H. S. Corbiil, 1902 Nun Street Spy W. 3?'armer, 2935 Park Avenue Douglas F. Dowd, Jr., 716 Ann Street B. F. Hewlett, Rte.3 - Box 135 C. E. TlcFayden, 209 Kenwood Avenue W. C. Bigford,.416 Grace Street John J. Saunders, 622 South 3rd Street Buddie L. b'oialer, Jr., 405 North Carolina Avenue Ldingate J.. Baldwin, 2604 Princess Street Rd. W. H. Fisher, 4007 Oleander Drive James E. Stiinley, Rte.l - Box 155-B J. L. Sullivart, 123 Atorningside Drive 'Phornas E. Bessellius, Jr., 322 South 171:h Street - Jaanes A. Forbes, 4937 Pine Street Robert M. Mercer, Rte.l - Box 304 Avan Iiickrnan, 2936 Jeffersoil Street D. M. Holmes, 1502 Ann Street Herman Kalfin, 2506 Guilford Avenue R. L. Bullard, 2201 Barnett Avenue L. Markatos, 236 North 23rd Street For the two weeks term of Civil Court Ueginning January 23., 1956: William Batsun, Jr., Rte.2 - Boz 452-A . John T. Sykes, 131 Castle Hayne Road B. L. Smith, 225 Pinecrest Parl?ivay Richard S. Turner, 3906 rfarket Street Road Walter P. Sprunt, 219 Yorth 3rd Street David Raines, Rte.l - Box 526 W. C. Nichols, 116 North 16th Stree ' t C. W. Strickland, Rte.l - Box 318 A. L. Rooks, 223 South 17th Street M. P. .Le[Tis, 808 Greenfield Street . A. F. FSincannon, Rte.3 - Box 184 archie,McGirt, Rte.2 - Box 417 Aubrey V. Thompson, 414 Vun Street L. E. rlortan, 205 Grace Street R. C. Towles, 518 South Front Street R. E. Ho1t,,320 Calhowi Street Ediaard S. IY-eshwater, 4406 GreenfYeld Street K. S. Piallard, 216 South ?nd Street William S. Horrell, Rte.l - Box 11 W. FI: Crawford.. 1715 Carolina Avenue B. F. riallard, 2225 Plaza Drive John Nlitchell, Rte.7 - Box 235 Clarence W. Parker., 2818 South Wasllzngton Street Shar^lie Leonard, 216 South 8th Street Com. V. Niorgan,.Rte.1 - Box 142 John A. Smith, Rte.l - Box 489 W. T. ICraft, Jr., Rte.2 - Boz 124 Harris J. Farrow, 1808 Nuri Street A. J. Prankenstein, 3905 Pri.ncess Street Road E. J. Toomer, 1901 Princess Street I. L. Padrick, 2016 Dfetts Avenue Albert Holly, Rte.l - Box 350 C. J. Tdilson, 3914 Market Street R. H. Mahn, 202 Castle Street J. B. Mallison, 407 Central Boulevard J. J. Warters, 314 South 16th Street L. F. George, 416 Pri.ncess Street G. C. Shoaff, 1702 Oi°ange Street Robert H. Lewis, 539 Castle Piayne 8oad W. G. Butler, Ate.3 - Box 177 R. I. Gabriel, 2326 Adams Street W. D. Nelson, Jr., 211 Castle Street 3ames F. Parish, 2219 Plaza Drive Alfred L. Carter, Jr., 1738 Orange Street C. J.?Jones, Rte.l - Box 276 Charles N. Nori^is, Jr., Rte.l - Box 165 Paul Dennis Galog, Jr., Rte.l-Box 76 Charles H. Cool, Rte.l-Box 470 G. Wilson [dhite, 144 Colonial Drive L. C. I{ure, Rure Beach ' Dena Iiewett, 815 Dlarket Street fieni°y L. [dard, 110 Rutledge Drive W. H. Worrell, 4104 Peachtree Street Fred Willetts, Jr., 707 Windsor Drive Elmer B. Murray, 214 South 17th Street W. C. Blizzard, 156 Colonial Drive M. T. Gerock, Sr., 2216 Brandoiz Road Chester M. Williams, 209 Davie Drive Walter C. Powell, Rte.2-Bos 392 Thomas P. Saunders, 208 Gi^ace Street B. J. Shepard, 633 Castle Hayne Road Preston W. PSooeley, 174 Pinecrest Pkwy. Isaac Piaryland Riggs, 3304 Tlarket Street D. T. Odom, 4604 Oleander Drive Joseph J. Lindley, Sr., 124 Pinecrest Edwin H. Pai°nell, Jr., 2421 Moilroe Street. Guy R. llavis, Ji., 2912 Adams Street Horace C. Finch, Jr., 2728 Van I3ureiz Street HoUert L. Jaclcsoiz, 129 Rutledge Drive G. L. Saunders, 14 WrighLsvil.l.e Avenue Geo. W. Smith, 43 0b Pe?ehtree Street L. T. Rhodes, 35 Afontgomery Avenue . p 'T,?,,? `?" C ? OIf , , A short recess ?aas taken to enable the Boar d to accompany r3r. Poster Ediaards, Clerk of Supe- rior'Court, to iv.s Office to hear him explain the necessity for the purchase of two (2) "Cott" Defendent Index Books and to observe Lhe same and changes made in four (4) Defendent Index Books previously purchased, which will cost appronimately $600.00, which would expedite:the handling of judgments and greatly increase i,he efPiciency of the worlc. After obsei°ving the boolcs a,nd heai^ing A1r. Ldwards' request, the Board oii recorrunendation of the County Attorney, and upon motion of Nir. Broadhurst, seconded by rSr. Hall, authoi°ized an appropriation of $600.00 out of the Emergency Ftind to be transferred to the Clerk of Court Buclget under "Binders and Record Books" to meet the expense for the p urchase of tiao (2)-aeLditional Defendent Index Books and^changes foi four (4) Defendent Index Bo oks previously Purchased. bbthe interest of petitioners for relief on real estate assessinents for the year 1956, the Chairman announced that the Conunissioners iaill sit as the Board of Equalization and Review on the Eleventh Monday after the first listing day to hear coinplaints on assessments, as the Law directs. Christmas Day, DecemUer 25, 1955, falling on Sunday the following Tlonday caill be observed as a Holiday, and New Year's Day also falling on Sunday, and the follocsing Pionclay will Ue observ- ed as a Holiday, both falling on the dates of the regular weekly meetings of the Board, a re- cess was taken wztil 10:00 o'clock A.Pi., Tuesday, January 3rd, 1956. ? • $e- ? ? lerk. Wilmington, N. C., January .3, 1956. Pursuant to recess taken December 19, 1955, the,regular weeidy meetiizg o£ the I3oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clocli A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman,..and Conunissioilers Raiford Traslc, J. M. Hall, Jr., Eflnest R. DIa3*han, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by tlze Reverend T. A. Greene, Jr., Pastor of Sunset Park IIaptist Church. Copies of the minutes of tlze meetii.g of December 18, 1955, haviilg previously been maii.ed to ''each member of the Board, the same were upon moti.on of Mr. Nlayhan, secotlded by hir. I3roadhurst, ` apprbved. 2(0)-' ? ,30 ?feeting of January 3, 1956 - Continued I A request of the Trustees of TSount Roney Baptist Church thru their Attorney, Mr. G. Dudley Humphrey, that the County and City re-convey by quitclaim deed back to the Church, part west Iot 5 in Block 350 wlzich was their Church property bou5ht-in for taxes at a tax foreclosure sale Fbbruary 6, 1950, and abate $2.70 taxes charged against the Church i.n error for t,he year 1943, was upon motion of Mr. Broacihurst, seconded by Mr. Aiayhan, granted - PROVIDEll = theq will pay the back taxes due the City and County for the year 1939 and prior years amounting to $55.48 due the City and $52.97 due the County, plus costs and interest. For the reason the said property was occupied and used exclusively Por Church purposes. The preparation of the quitclaim deed caas r.eferr.ed to the County Attorney. Mr. Murray and group of ldurrayviile residents appeared to request aid to malce a fi31 across from where the County installed pipe on the rSurrayville Road to enable passage to ai1d. Prom ?their property and homes and to correct a?aater problem there. They taere assured of relief ? and were asked to contact Mr. A. K: Tiallard, State IIighway Ptaintenance Engineer for help to / make the fill. ? The Chairman announced receipt of $18,378.22 from General Griffin for sand dune worlc cahich has Ge been distriUuted to the contractors, except 10°fo. • j . . ?OPublic notice of intent to apply to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, for Q, a permit to sell beer and wine aff premises at Colonial 5tore No. 2213, Hanover Shopping Cen- ter, was received from Colonial Stores, Inc., and referred to the Sheriff, for checking. The following note of appreciation was received Prom Mr. Phillip Price, blind-oPerator of the Lions Club luncheon and cold drink concession in the CoLmt House: "Board of County Commissioners and StafP: It is with deep respect and appreciative thanlcs ancl best wishes tlzat I ? extend to you my best wishes for a Very Plerry Christmas and a most FIappy, Healthy G and Prosperous Neca Year. May God's richest blessinos be upon you thru the com- ing year for the services rendered by you dw ing the past year to Neii Hanover County. Thanlcs a million for letting me stay in your Court tIouse. l3est wi.shes and all my support. Isl Phillip Price." ? ATo objections were indicated by the Board Prom the staizdnoint of navigation to the United States District Lngineer's approval of plans submitted by the North Carolina State Highway Commission, for coiistruction of a bridge across the Cape Pear River at Elizabethto?an. S+lillie Oliver Todd, 402 North 4th Street, John IIenry Sdhite, 1302 Church Stree.t, and John Walton Gra?haru, #3, Collins Alley, physically disabled Cowity indigents, were on recommenda- tion of the Superzntendent of Public j?ielfare approved for admission to the County IIome as iViinmates. Advice was receive3 from the State Higilway and PuUlic tdorks Comilnission, that at its meeting he13 December 2, 1955, approved the addition to the County Higl2taay System, the folloiaing Roads: • No. 1 Chadwiclc Avenue - FY^om a point on US-117 south of Wrightsboro Road, thence west .7 A. of a utile toward Northeast Cape Fear River. No. 2 Old Mill Road - East from US-117 at Castle Hayne to Railr°oad, .15 oP a mi.le. No. 3 Bay Street - birom Castle Hayne-Ham?stead Road at Castle Iiayne, due south paral- lel with railroad, 3/4 of a mile. °F No. 4 - - - No. 5 Piercer Avetiue -Fi-om US-17 south .7 of a mile. No. 6 Newkiriz Avenue, Francis 14arion Drive, Alidland Drive, Adelaide Drive and Parkway Boule- vard - Fi•om lJinter Park - Shipyard Road at Greenlaian Cemetery, northwardly. ' No. 7 Green Forest Drive - From Long Leaf Hills Drive in a"U" shape back to Long Leaf Hills Drive, .06 of a mile. No. 8 South Carolina Avenue - FYom Ethyl-DoNa Road (Sdilmington Beach Estension) to Cape Fbar River, half mile. yF No. 4 A request to iinprove this road which rwis from Castle I3ayne Road at a point above Ness Creek to Levi NicMillan's Development, iaas not aPproved as their in- . vestigation shows that the service rendered caill not justify this expenditure at this tiuie. A letter was received from Pir. Hugh Morton, member of the State llepartment of Conservation and llevelopment, advising that Governor Hodges and Bill Saunders, the new Director of the De- ? partment of•ConservAtion and Development, have a tentative appointment with Mr. C. PICD. Davis in Wilmington on January 24, in the interest of retaining the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad's General Offices in Ldilmington, if possible. 1 ? b3.ve (5) checks for $43.51 each, aggregating ?p217.55 ?aere i°eceived from Walker Taylor, Agent, 1.q which represent their share of the September Iiurricane claim at the Airport. The same was ?•? turned over to the County Auditor. ? On reconmiendatiuil of Commissioners Trask, Afayhan and the Chairman, and County Att,orney, a con- tract between the County and Yellow Cab Company, Inc., wherein the Yellow Cab Company shall furnish and properly maintain an adequate limousine and taxicab service at the Airport for the transportation of passengers, their baggage and other personal property, in accordance caith said contract presented. And, the Chairman was authorized and directed to sign tYi- sane for and on behalf of the County. C? , - 4? , Dieeting of January 3, 1956 - Continued t6-1 , 31 The following resolution previously forwarded to Mr. Champion McD. Aavis, President of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, and a copy to Pir, A. L. M. Wiggins, Chairiaan of the Board of Directors, Hartsville, S..C., with our letter expressing our feeling in the matter, and leti:ers from the rlerchants Organization and other groups, and rePly from Mr. Davis advis- ing he would be glad to meet.with tlze group January 5, 6, or 7, iaere presented by the Chair- man, and it was agreed to coordinate all efforts in one to retain the Atlantic Coast Line Of- fices here, if possiUle: WHEREAS, it has come to the a ttention of the Board of Commissioners.of New Hanover County that the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Coast Line Rai7.road Company's meeting in New Yorlt on or about DecemUer 15, 1955, proposed to move their General Offices of the Atlantic Coast Line Hailroad Company from IJilmington, North Carolina, to some other site to be.selected, and WHEHEAS, in 1830 Railroads started in North Carolina, financed by private Companies and helped later by State money, which contributed largely to its grocath and very existence we depencl up- on today, and ' WHER&AS, for many years have operated over many rail-miles of the State of North Carolina and properties both real and persoiial having existecl wzder the best tax structure comparable with ' most uti].ities and other industry, and . . WHERLAS, the life line of any business, larje or small, being the loyal employes who thru ne- cessity in most cases remained with the Railroad thru the many lean and prosperous years in giving of thei.r talents to and determined loyalty for service which contributed to groiath and success of a hetter Transportation System local, State and Nation-wide, and tJHEREAS, the employes have given most of'their productive li Conununity are buyi.ng homes, leaders in all Civic, Spiritual, els as well as all other Conununity efforts, a.re given notice so deeply implanted in this area to leave friends, families, elsewhere - most of these faithful, loy.al employes feel t11at of liPe to change now, and ves in serving the &a,ilroa?d in our Educa.tional and Governmental lev- that they must pull up the roots homes and so forth, to ,transport it is too late in their shortuspan idHEREAS, the loss of the offices alone caill be a severe blow to our economy, the loss of the officials and eriiployes residii3g among us will be even more regrettable, not to mention the hard- 'ship that many of the officials ancl employes will suf'Per by reason oP this move., and , NOW, THEItEH?1RE $E IT RESOLVEll; that the Board of Caauiissiozzers of Neca tIanover Cowlty, in a spec- ial assembly express their deep and sincere regret at the decision of the Directors.of the At- lanti.c Coast Line Rail.road Company to move its General Offices from Idilmirlgton, nTOrth Carolina, whei^e it has so long been situated and should remain, and BE IT bYJRTHER RESOLVLD; that this Board, cognizant of the position of the Atlantic Coast Line Hailroad Company in this Conmiunity and of the effect its removal would have upon the ].ives of its people, authorized and requested tl-ja Chairmail of the I3oard of Commissioners to confer and to respectful.ly petition the President, Mr. Champ PScD. Davis to intercede in its behalf in ar- ranging a meeting with ti2e Board of Directors and the Goverruuent bodies and persons, with the view to correcting omiSsions of the past to avoid recuri^ence in future endeavors, to demon- strate our knoialedge of depenclence, pride and deep regret for this Industry, and to pledge our sincere efforts to promote the welfare of the said Company and our Community looking to the possibility of retaining this vital part of our.County aiid its residents in working out any other solutibn thaL may be possible to soften the impact of this great poteiltial loss. Isl R. T. Horton, Chairman ?,9?/?"rNew IIanover County Board oP Commissioners ?C Q.U,. Mr. George H. Hutaff appeared to complain of the unlawful ancl objectional use by trespassers of the County-owned old Hed Cross Sanatorium tract of land located across the Ai.rport Road op- posite the State Iiighiaay Camp a nd adjourning his property, and urged that smnething be done to stop it. A1r. Hutaff further asked that a fence be constructed betcaeen his property and. the Airport land and the widergrowth be cleared out to keep trespassers out of there. "Too many spies are getting in there," he said. Mr. Horton advised most of the Property in that area is owiled by the Board of Education, and that he had spoken to A1r. John Marshall, Schools .Busi- ness Mmnager, about putting up a bar°racade there to keep people out. A motion was then ofPered by Mr. Trask and seconded by Mr. Mayhan, to put the 5.8 acre old Red Cross Sanatorium tract of land up for.sale to the hi_ghest Uidder, and the Commissioners re- serve the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid that may appear to be to the liest interest of Lhe County. The motion was carried. The Chirmiz?announced that a meeting of the Committee representing Lhe I3oard of Trustees of . the Presbyterian College will Ue here January 16, 1856, and asked that he be excused from duty on that day to enable him to meet with the Committee on the matter, which was agreeable to the '. Board./ A req ?,? u?est of Pir. G. C. Bordeai.ix to separate Mr. J. F. hiurray's $1,190.00 personal property tax he listed in 1952 from the real estate taxes charged against Lot 8 in Block 3, Bordeaux 17ivi- sion which he had to take back from Plurray in 1953, and permit him to pay the taxes?on the said lot and release the same from the personal property tax lien, was referred to the County Attor- ney and ?e Tax Supervisor fo(r re ommen tioiis. - . ,,,? -?w ?.???- hionthl? or bt for Dec Ae'r were'received from 1:he Board of Health and Veterans' Service Of- ficer, and statement of Cash Receipts, Disbursements and Balances for Wilmington Colored Li- brary for period July 1, 1955 thru October 31, 1955. Amzual report of Community Hospi_tal, North Carolina Public Welfare Statistical report for fiscal year 1954-1955, and Preliminary 1955 F`arm Census Summary. Qi Jofi??. j+lessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Report for t wo weelcs ending December 30, 1955: tdhite patients 8 Ndnresideilts 0 Negro ". 14 Vacant beds. 10 = Ldhite male 5; Sdhite female 3; Colored male 1; Col- 27 ored female 1. Discharged 0 ? Admitted 0 Upon otion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, $1,000.00 caas appropriated out of Unanticipated Heceipts from the County Iioine Store to enable the County AudiLor to disburse the same for the purchase of supplies. ? ,3 2 Meeting of January 3, 1956 - Continued bblloiaing recent criticism of certain incidents concerning the County Home and Farm, Mr. Broadhurst suggested that a Grand Jury investigation be requested of conditions Lhere and said he would make a motion to that effect if necessary. The matter was discussed brief- ly and it was the opinioiz of Commissioners Trask, Hall and the Chairman that the Commis- sioners could satisfactorily straighten out any matters there, however, caould welcome any investigatiotl the Grand Jury saould care to make, but no steps would be.taken by the Board to that end at this time. Reverend J. S. Crowley, retired Presbyterian Diinister, appeared to wish the Comnissioners a Very Prosperous New Year and God's blessings. Reverend ilSr, Crowley, 92 years old", told the Commissioners he celebrated his 92nd Birthday, atld 37th Marriage Anniversary all in one on New Year Day. Reverend Mr. Crowley was assured settlement on his reqizest to refund to him the p urchase price he paid for tax foreclosure land on the old Plank Road in Harnett ? Townsliip, he purchased at a tax sale, but unable to locate the land, just as soon as an Eng- ineer has had opportunity to try to locate the land. U ? A request of Mr. J. N. Cooper, Jr., for assessment reduction on property in Block 86, saas ? given a form on wlu ch to file his complaint for investigation by the Board of Equalization and Review iahen they hold their meeting to hear complaints on the Eleventh Monday after the first Tax Listing llay, 1956. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by TZr, Broadhurst, County bills No. 533 to 692 were approv- ecl for Payment. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, secazded by Mr. P4ayhan, the meeti.ng adjourned. ? Clerk. / Ldilmington, N. C., January 9, 1956. n Cihe regular meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. ? cA Present: R. T. 13orton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Traslc, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest H. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, Couilty Attorney and T. D. Love County Auditor. The meetiizs was opened with prayer by the Reverend W. C. Ldhite, Pastor of I+irst Christian Church. Copies oP the minutes of ineeti.ng of January 3, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon ivotion of Mr. Broadhurst, s econded by Mr. Piayhan, / ?pproved. yr' The Chairman told the Board the Diurrayville Road fill requested by residents in that area has been worlted out c;*ith the State HigYiway Department, they wi.ll maYze the fill for them across from where the County placefl pipe to enable them to get to and from their homes and property. ? The question now is takii7g care of the water problem. c Q The Chairman annouilced that the College Comnittee i7as arranged for a mass meeting at Brogden fIall Cdednesday, January 11, 1956 at 7:30 P.ri., for everyone interested itz securing the Pres- ?, byter.ian College for Li'ilmington, and urged that all make plans to attend, and we will put G G forth every efPort to support it, and thankful to appropriate $2,000.00 to assure it, and the follotaing resolution was unanimously adopted: WFIiREA5, it has been amnounced that a four (4)-year Presbyterian College will be estaUlished somewhere in Eastern Nortli Carolina, and . WI3EREAS, New Hanover Cotuity and adjourning area is without the henefit of a four-year College and is proud to feel th•at it is distinguished sufficiently as a population center, capable of providing a repPesentative enrollment of day students, and WHE1tEAS, the locating of the proposed College in this Couilty would be a great asset to this Com- munity, and adjaceizt areas in cu3tural aild spiritual iaays, anci WHEREAS, New Hanover County has several beautiful sites ideally locai;ed for a College site ? in a most desirable climate ancl spiritual atmosphere. NOId, THLRL1ti112 BI', IT RESOLVEll that the Board of Commissioners of Neia Hanover County, fully recognizing the value of such an Institution in this area, hereby give its unqual.ified endorse- ment and join the efforts of its citizens and use its best influence to obtain a favoraUle de- cision of the Presbyterian Synod to establish the Presbyterian College in Nela Hanover'County. Reverend Joseph Johnson, Pastor oP P'ourth Street Advent Christian Church and President of the Nlinisterial Association, Dr. J. Calvin Piacltaq, Physician in charge of the T. B. Sanatorium and I others appeared to ask about the status of the John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium ancl to urge continuation of its operation should the question arise. They were advised by the Chair- man that the question iaas not on the agenda for discussioil at this meeting and were thanked for taking the time to come doiaz to inquire aUout it. A clipping taken from the Charlotte Observer of January 5, 1956, concerning Delta Air Lines ? utilization of the Charlotte Airport on ori about April l, 1956, and has impoz^tarit service to ? the general Southwest territory of the country with connections to the West Coast, was receiv- 41' ed from Mr. Louis T. Aloore, Chairman of tlie New Hanover IIistorical Comr.i? ssion, caho suggested ?? it is possible they might welcome considei^ation of a sugbestion by this, Board that they ex- ?, ?? tend their service to Bluethenthal Airgort, thus giviizg them a connectinn with the Atlantic Seaboard in this area. ?I A letter of thanks and appreciation was received from Mrs. Louise S. Bland, Secretary of the ??Cluristmas I3ureau Committee, Social Service Index, for the use of truck and sei°vices of Mr. oqRhoda Farrow, making deliveries to the needy during the week before Christmas. 'the Chairman announced that a representative of the State Director of 'Uivil Defense will be in this vicinity Wednesday, January 11, in the Civil llefense Office, one (1) day only. Mr., Jim llenning will be in charge to help small business f`irms and farmers in the hurricane dis- aster area to acquire Government surplus equipment at 10% of the cost of the equtpment to the r'ederal Government. Available to those farmers and business firms who actually sufPered dam- I? age or destruction of equipment used in their operation as a direct result of the 1955 hurri- ? canes, restricLed to those with less than 500 employes. CJ • _ ,