1956-01-09 Regular Meeting,3 2 Meeting of January 3, 1956 - Continued bblloiaing recent criticism of certain incidents concerning the County Home and Farm, Mr. Broadhurst suggested that a Grand Jury investigation be requested of conditions Lhere and said he would make a motion to that effect if necessary. The matter was discussed brief- ly and it was the opinioiz of Commissioners Trask, Hall and the Chairman that the Commis- sioners could satisfactorily straighten out any matters there, however, caould welcome any investigatiotl the Grand Jury saould care to make, but no steps would be.taken by the Board to that end at this time. Reverend J. S. Crowley, retired Presbyterian Diinister, appeared to wish the Comnissioners a Very Prosperous New Year and God's blessings. Reverend ilSr, Crowley, 92 years old", told the Commissioners he celebrated his 92nd Birthday, atld 37th Marriage Anniversary all in one on New Year Day. Reverend Mr. Crowley was assured settlement on his reqizest to refund to him the p urchase price he paid for tax foreclosure land on the old Plank Road in Harnett ? Townsliip, he purchased at a tax sale, but unable to locate the land, just as soon as an Eng- ineer has had opportunity to try to locate the land. U ? A request of Mr. J. N. Cooper, Jr., for assessment reduction on property in Block 86, saas ? given a form on wlu ch to file his complaint for investigation by the Board of Equalization and Review iahen they hold their meeting to hear complaints on the Eleventh Monday after the first Tax Listing llay, 1956. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by TZr, Broadhurst, County bills No. 533 to 692 were approv- ecl for Payment. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, secazded by Mr. P4ayhan, the meeti.ng adjourned. ? Clerk. / Ldilmington, N. C., January 9, 1956. n Cihe regular meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. ? cA Present: R. T. 13orton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Traslc, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest H. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, Couilty Attorney and T. D. Love County Auditor. The meetiizs was opened with prayer by the Reverend W. C. Ldhite, Pastor of I+irst Christian Church. Copies oP the minutes of ineeti.ng of January 3, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon ivotion of Mr. Broadhurst, s econded by Mr. Piayhan, / ?pproved. yr' The Chairman told the Board the Diurrayville Road fill requested by residents in that area has been worlted out c;*ith the State HigYiway Department, they wi.ll maYze the fill for them across from where the County placefl pipe to enable them to get to and from their homes and property. ? The question now is takii7g care of the water problem. c Q The Chairman annouilced that the College Comnittee i7as arranged for a mass meeting at Brogden fIall Cdednesday, January 11, 1956 at 7:30 P.ri., for everyone interested itz securing the Pres- ?, byter.ian College for Li'ilmington, and urged that all make plans to attend, and we will put G G forth every efPort to support it, and thankful to appropriate $2,000.00 to assure it, and the follotaing resolution was unanimously adopted: WFIiREA5, it has been amnounced that a four (4)-year Presbyterian College will be estaUlished somewhere in Eastern Nortli Carolina, and . WI3EREAS, New Hanover Cotuity and adjourning area is without the henefit of a four-year College and is proud to feel th•at it is distinguished sufficiently as a population center, capable of providing a repPesentative enrollment of day students, and WHE1tEAS, the locating of the proposed College in this Couilty would be a great asset to this Com- munity, and adjaceizt areas in cu3tural aild spiritual iaays, anci WHEREAS, New Hanover County has several beautiful sites ideally locai;ed for a College site ? in a most desirable climate ancl spiritual atmosphere. NOId, THLRL1ti112 BI', IT RESOLVEll that the Board of Commissioners of Neia Hanover County, fully recognizing the value of such an Institution in this area, hereby give its unqual.ified endorse- ment and join the efforts of its citizens and use its best influence to obtain a favoraUle de- cision of the Presbyterian Synod to establish the Presbyterian College in Nela Hanover'County. Reverend Joseph Johnson, Pastor oP P'ourth Street Advent Christian Church and President of the Nlinisterial Association, Dr. J. Calvin Piacltaq, Physician in charge of the T. B. Sanatorium and I others appeared to ask about the status of the John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium ancl to urge continuation of its operation should the question arise. They were advised by the Chair- man that the question iaas not on the agenda for discussioil at this meeting and were thanked for taking the time to come doiaz to inquire aUout it. A clipping taken from the Charlotte Observer of January 5, 1956, concerning Delta Air Lines ? utilization of the Charlotte Airport on ori about April l, 1956, and has impoz^tarit service to ? the general Southwest territory of the country with connections to the West Coast, was receiv- 41' ed from Mr. Louis T. Aloore, Chairman of tlie New Hanover IIistorical Comr.i? ssion, caho suggested ?? it is possible they might welcome considei^ation of a sugbestion by this, Board that they ex- ?, ?? tend their service to Bluethenthal Airgort, thus giviizg them a connectinn with the Atlantic Seaboard in this area. ?I A letter of thanks and appreciation was received from Mrs. Louise S. Bland, Secretary of the ??Cluristmas I3ureau Committee, Social Service Index, for the use of truck and sei°vices of Mr. oqRhoda Farrow, making deliveries to the needy during the week before Christmas. 'the Chairman announced that a representative of the State Director of 'Uivil Defense will be in this vicinity Wednesday, January 11, in the Civil llefense Office, one (1) day only. Mr., Jim llenning will be in charge to help small business f`irms and farmers in the hurricane dis- aster area to acquire Government surplus equipment at 10% of the cost of the equtpment to the r'ederal Government. Available to those farmers and business firms who actually sufPered dam- I? age or destruction of equipment used in their operation as a direct result of the 1955 hurri- ? canes, restricLed to those with less than 500 employes. CJ • _ , Meeting of-Ja?ry 9, 1956 - Continued 33 Cgn^ci ?1?.?+.ri A letter of thanks and appreciation was received from Mr. Dugan Aycock, President of Caro- linas Professional Golfers' Association.of America,.in behalf of the entire Carolinas 1'.G.A., for our sponsorship, along with the City oP WiLnington, of their 1955 Sectional Championships. "It was a most wonderful Tournaanent", he said. l1Y, ? . Co ciizg L1ie application oP Air. J. M. Everett to Col. R. L. Hill, United States District Engineer for a permit to dredge and consti^uct a pier, "Everett's Causeway Yaciztel", in front of his property on the S+lrightsville Beach Causeway, ial3ich appears would be an added asset to our residents and tourists, and therefore was not objected to by this Board, Uut held up by the District Engineer on account of complaint. A letter was received from Conbressman Carlyle in reply to our letter of December 19, offeriilg assistance in every wav possible to provide the facility. Later, the Chairman advised, Colonel Hill gave Mr. Everett permission to go ahead caith the project. 6at? The Chairman announced that the 9th Annual Banquet of SENCBA ?aill be held on Saturday, JaniAar,y 28th, 6:30 P.M., at the Cape l+?ear Hotel. Governor Luther H. Hodges taill be the guest spealeer. , SENCBA Fishing Roskeo ?rizes will be acaarded at this meeting. No objections were raised by the Board to the County granting the Carolina Power and Light Com- pany a righi;-of-way easement to construct a short power lisie over its property along the edge of Hugh PfacRae Park as outlined Uy the Chairman, who made an investigation of the same on the premises wi.th Mr. R. V. Williamd, Caroliila Power and Light CompaiZy representative. Two trees will have to Ue cu cahicll will-he turiled over to the County for its use. The hairman reported on his coziference ivith Mr. Champ McD. Davis, President of the Atlti?ntic Coast Line Railroad ComPany, Thursday morning, January 5th, concernii3g the decision of tlie Board of llirectors of DecemUer 15, to remove its General Offiees from this City. Mr. Davis was very cordial, he said, but offered no encouragement to the information put out Uy the Board of Directors that their deaision can or will be changed or modified. Personalities nor any ill feeling has been injected into tlv.s or prompted tlze decision to remove the General Offices. It heing purely a matter of the geographical location. Absolutely nothii7g we have clone or failed to do has prompted this action. 'Our relationship;'he said,'has been the fin- est all tiZe caay thrull arid he expressed his apnreciation for the many courtesies the County has shown his Company, and assured a continuation of interest in Wilmington. Mr. Davis further said, "Atlantic Coast Line Buildings A, B, C, and D, will be avail.able for rent, lease or sale, preferably for sale, after removal of the General Offices cahich caill take a minimwn oP from twelve (12) to eigilteen (18) months." Mr. Horton further advised that tae have not r,eceived a reply to our letter directed to Mr, A. L. M. Tdiggins, Chairman of the Board of Directors. It was Tfi°. Horton's feeling to do everything we can to lceep the Offices here, but thought it bad to sit around griPing about it. Ile still think tnis is a good place to live a nd will go along with it. Wi11 put our shoulders together and go forwarcl. Reverenci B. II. Baslzerville, Pastoi^ of Chestnut 5treet Presbyterian Chuu ch appeared to express his appreciatioiis for oiu steps takeil to keep the A.C.L. Offices heie, and that we will contin- / ue our efPorts to that end. ? _+r 4,?.• Pionthly reports foi December wex^e received from the Home Demonostration Agent, Colored liome Demonstration Agent and 4-11 Clubs, Sdilmingtion Public Liorary anu I3ool?obile, and November re- gort of t4e Board of Health.??i ` `?'g''?"N? • A"Ttatement a s received from the State Department of Public Welfare advising that $66,636.50 was sent to this County in November for OAA, ADC, APTD ancl Administration. Co?ty Iiome and A`arm swine report for December: Pigs on hand 75 powids 13 Plarroxaed 10 Shoats 75/150 " 15 Slaughtered 32 Hogs 150/250 " 78 Loss: 64 - Cholera and Pneumonia Boars . 1 ,2 - Young pigs, exposure TU7 ¢y Inoculatioils Por Cholera and Pneumonia - cost $156.00 Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census report Por week ending 3anuary Fi: White patients 8 Nonresidents 0 Negro " 14 Vacant beds 10 = White male 5; Pemale 3; Colored male 1; Female 1. - 727 Discharge 0 / p Admitted 0 C6s?? . The Chairman brought to the.attention that nothi to catch and hold the sand in the unincorporated we have received payment for the sand dune saork, have built up. The Clzairman mentioned the sand Iilructions were given to secure information as o? same. 1g has been done towarcl providi.nb a sand fence hurricane damaged Beach areas. Inasmuch as some provision should be made to hold what we fence at Surf City has done.a iaonderful job. to the best way to handle the problem and cost TFie'Chairman fw^ther urged decision on the selection of Cei^tified Public Accowltant to audit the County Officers Books and Records for 1955-1956. Should get staited iilasmuch as it caill have to be cleared thru the Local Government Conu7issioii. Thereupon Mr. Trask moved and it was seeondecl Uy Pir. Mayhan and eai°ried, that Mr. 14illiam C. Barfielcl, CPA, be employed to auclit the Books and Aecords of the Coimty Officers for the fY.scal year ending June 30, 1956. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Air. Broadlzurst, $1,000.00 was appropriated out of the Gen- eral FYznd Emergency Fund for niaterials and temporary repairs to the Harbor Islancl Bmergency Drainage caused by IIurricanes Connie, lliane and Tone. Ti`r; T.? D. Love, Tasc Supe-rvisor reported satisfactory progress in tax listing, over the past week, but not going along too well on securing information requested on the back of the tax abstracts pertaining to the Izind of str^ucture, conditions of same, land and value and so forth, for ther purpose of assessment adjustments and equa].ization. ?,•0??? s `?6+t1e-r?'? ? The Chairman announced that Governor Lutizer H. Hodges caill be here January 24, and thought it well that the City and County confer with him and Mr. Saunders, newly appointed Director of the State Department of Conservation and llevelopment, to talk over our proUlems and discuss niati;ers in the interest of securing neia industries for this area. • Upon U o? o i of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. liall, Countyr bil.ls No.693 to 770 were a.pjroved for payment. Upon motioiqof Mr. Hall, the meeting adjoui^necl. Clerlt. -A