1956-01-23 Regular MeetingDleeting of January 23, 1956 - Continued 37 1 1 Upon motinn of Mr. Hall, seconded by bir. Broaclhurst, the Board excused the Alarch oP Dimes Organization, thru the proper channels, from the pa3rment of a pi^ivilege tax for holding its annual Plarch of Dimes Dance, on accoiu7t of the proceeds are to be used for a public charit- able purpose, "The March of Dimes Effort", for the treatment of polio. Q/ The followi??ePrioclamation proclaiiuiizg the week of January 22 to 29, as"YAiCA CdEEIZ", was adopted: To the Citizens of Wilnii.ngton and Nexa Iianover Couilty, N. C. GRF:ETIN GS : I ? 1JHE13LAS, for years the I'oiuig Nien's Chi^istian Assoczation of tdilmington aild New Iianover County has exerted a powerful and contiiiixous influence Por good citizenship and high ideals arnong the young men and boys of the County, and ldAb:REAS, Lhe YA1CA of Cdilmington and New FIanover County thru its vuried youth program,. consistently has derionstrated the best in the American way of life, and - SdHEREAS, in adclition to rendering distinguished services to youth, the I^4CA has been ? a strong force in implementing the spirit of true brotherhood, tolerance and understanding thru,out this Conunwlity, and WHEREAS, the YAfCA of Wilmington and Neiv Ha.nover County has proven itself to be worthy of the continued interest, recognition and generous support of our Community; NOW, THEREFORE, the County Conunissioners of Netvlianover County, do hereUy proclaim the week of January 22 to 29 as "YhiCA WLEIt" in testimony to the value of tlzis splendid yolxth-ser- ing Organization, anci we urge all citizens to join with us i.n paying honor a.nd respect to L13e You 'rlen's Christian Association. r s abgregating $345.02 covering September 19, 1955, Hurricane Storm damage to Airport, Gommwiity 13osPital and Cape I'ear Armory, were received from H. TJ. Wells & Son, Agents, and turned over to the County Aucli tor for proper credit. ? An invitation was received to attend the Tenth Annual SEITCBA Banquet at the Cape 17'ear Hotel, 6:30 Y.M., January 28. Governoi Luther H. FIodges will be the guest speaker. The Banquet is inFormal?nd dinner is.P3.00 per person. ?? A_ petitiots of 20 px^operty otyners to pave a road in Masonbot o ToNanship lrnown as Yaupon and Cypress Drive, iahich runs from Lake Shore Drive in a"U" shape back to Lalze Shore Drive, a distance of 0.45 of' a mil.e on iai3ich 22 houses are located, was upon motion of P4r. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Alayhan, approved and ref'errecl to the State Highway ancl Publie Worizs Commission. "C, N04& C,. Ari invitation was received to attend Annual ASeeting and Worksliop of the Chamber of Commerce, January 26, at 4:00 P.DI., at the Cape Fear Club for a discussion oP Conununity problems. Those interested slwld?contact A1r. P. M. Camak, General Mailager ot' trie tailmington cnamber oi' coaunerce. No objecti.o s were indicated by the Board to the United 5tates District Engineer granting a per- mit to the State Highway and Public Worlrs Commissi.oiz Por dredging and construction of an em- baizlanent for the proposed ioad between the Atlantic Intracoastal Ldaterway and Wrightsville Beach. The follot` ,iing good ai7d lacaful persans were dracan to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civil Cases for the two (2) ioeeks term heginiling, Pebruary 13, 1956: Ralph A4cCart, 205 ATorth 7th Street S. F. Lewis, Rte.1-13ox 2 ' John R. l3aucom, 1906 Ann Street J. A. Johnson, 509 South 4th Street John L. Hart, 114 Stradleigh Road Alton R. 3ohsoiz, 109 South 7th Street D.-11as Harker, 310 TJallace Avenue J. W. Crawley, 4211 Tdrightsville Av.enue John W. Covil, Rte.l- Box 165-D . C. W. Bailey, 611 Ann Street Joseph G. Smith, 5 North Lincoln Street Id. E. Burnett, 909 South 5th Street H. F. Sherman, 435 Caslle Hayne Road. J. T. Barden, Sr., 329 Pine Grove Drive Ernest Savage, Rte.l-Box 154 'Thomas W. McKee, 10-K Lake Village A. H. Clemons, 306 Nun Street D. L. McGuire, Ate.l-Box 45 For the second week Ueginning libbruary 20: Albert Williams, Jr., Rte.2-Box 183 J. 0. Pettet,Rte.2-Box 420 Joseph Pacora, lOS Lee llrive J. F. Cribb, 226-A Sdilliamson Drive Joseph T. Yopp, Rte.2-IIox 518 J. A. Wilson, Rte.2-13ox 215 Carl S. Graham, 25 Jackson Drive Jasper D. llavis, Jr., 9 Jackson Drive C. F. Earp, 2221 Pfimosa Place Robert H. Bloodworth, 212 Davie Drive Thos. 1+1. Overman, 123 Hutledge Drive Guy A. Benton, 138 Summitt Drive Bradley B. Hodges, 313 Idorth 21st Street Glenn M. Tucker; Box 661-A Carolina Beach R. W. Hodges, 3121 Wrightsville Avenue Otis MeKoy Hobbs, 2725 Harrison Street L. V. Covil, 3503 Market Street Eugene Ensley, 114 Vznce Street Gene P. Jewell, 3115 WP°ightsville Avenue hielvin J. Smith, P. 0. Box 623 William E. 13rock, 68 Pinecrest Parleway Sidney Godwin, 1020 Orange Street G. W. Walker, 106 E. Alabama Avenue J. H. Cherry, 8 Jackson Drfve Y. E. l3owers, 113 Bryant Avenue , H. C. Craft, 4606 Tdrightsville Avenue J. C. Crabtree, Rte.l-Dox 224 tdalter A. Russ, 224 Pinecrest Park-ioay M. J. Peterson, Rte.l-Box 5 James W. Ploore, 237 Calhoun Drive Herbert Bluethenthal,,Jr., 1.704 Nfarket Street Richard M. Smith, 714 Greenfield Street Hbward M. Denny, 13 Lee Drive H. L. Aianning, 188 Lake Forest Parkway Rudolph Martin, C 33- Box 346 J. C. Branner, 308 Church Street G. J. Larson, Rte.3-Box 181 1d. A. Brock, Rte.3-Box 119 A. K. gicPherson, 209 South 2nd Street RoUert E. Marlowe, 7-Q Lake Village\ H. T. Schmus, 2521 Sdashington Street; Stephen Green, 1112 Parlc Avenue Chas. M. BoyetLe, Rte.l W. T. Tdealzs, 702 Central Boul.evard A. H. Standland, 4601 tdrightsville Avenue lionald ld. Fisher, 615 Princess Street A. T. Yopp, Rte.2-Box 619 B. E.'Evans, 711 Orange Street Dennis Botevsky, 210 Victoria Drive ? Glenn N. Carter, 212 Virginia Avenue A. E. Gibsoil, 2744 Pfimosa Pl.ace id. X. Hobbs, 2230 Aletts Avenue M. G. Allison, 12 Dock Street James A1. C. Rankin, 117 Sumter Drive -A ,38 ? ? A" Meeting January 23, 1956 - Continued A statement of Cash Receipts, Disbursements and IIalances caas received from the Wilmington Colored Library for the period July 1, to December 31, 1955 = Total Receipts and Cash Balance at be g nni_ng of period $ 3,554.44 Less Disbursements 2,324.06 Cash Balance at end of period ? 1,230.38 John C. Sdessell Tuberculosis Sanat White patients S Nonresidents Negro " 13 Vacant beds ?T llischarged Admitted orium Census report for week ending January 20: 0 11= White male 5; Fbmale 3; Negro male 1; Female 2. 1- I•Zillis Pearson, transferred to McCai.n (Emergency) January 18, 1956. 0 /'41r. Trask expressed himself as feeling that weekly meetings of the Board are wlnecessary and ? should be changed to two (2) caeeks. The legal rigFit of the Cottunissicners to make the chan;e ? was raised, and it was suggested that consideration be given toward securing Legislative auth- ority to malce the change if it is found necessary. Upori motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, County bills IQo. 895 to 987 were approved for payment. ? Mr, liove reported satisfactoi^y progress in tax listing and estimated that 60 to 65°fo listed. I`J?he meeting theiz adjourned. Clerk. /IP4 Wilmington, N. C., January 30, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairinan and Conunissioners Raiford Traslc, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John T3rigbt Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, Coun- ty Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverei7d R. Irving Boone, Pastor of Central Baptist Church, Colored. - Copies of the minutes of the meeti.ng of JAnuary 23, 1956, having previously Ueen ma.iled to each meinber of the Board, the same were upon motion ot Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. ?x ? A letter of thanlis and appreciatioiz was receivecl from The Band Parents' Club of Nela Iiailover ? Junior Ba,nd Por the recent appropriation received from the County. ? No objections were indicated by the Board to the Chairraan issuing a permit i.n the name of the ? County to Mr. Jim i+lonwiack, #1000 North Elm Avenue, Greensboro, N. C., to give an exhibition ? of l+ireworks in new Hanover County in comiection with the Azalea P'estival Weeit, 1956, in ac- cordance with Chapter 210 Session Laws of Nort11 Cai°olina, 1947. An Insurance Poli.cy in the amount of ?1,000.00 for a tei^m of five (5) years covering AirPort Building No. T-170 occupied by Cape Fear Ama$eLU^ Radio C1uU, said policy furnished by the Club as previously agreed., was received and'approved. A petition of 24 property owners requesting grading and improvements to roads in Tucker and I3urizett Development, Federal Point Totiiiship, lcnown as - Piyrtle Grove Avenue from US-421 to Burnett Avenue; Burnett Avenue from Afyrtle Gi^ove Avenue to Silver Avenue; Silver Avenue from Q Burnett Avenue to Coastal Avenue; and Coastal Avenue from Silver Aveizue to Lhe end of Coastal Avenue. Length of roads four-tenths(4/10) of a mi.le, on [ahich seven (7) houses are located, (?;Iwas upon motion of Mr. BroadhurSt, secoizded by Tfi. Hall, approved and referred to the 5tate L? Highway and Publ.ic tidorles -Cozrii-iiission. motion, the 73oard went on recorcl with an expressiom of sympathy to the members of the ,,Upon Trask family in the passing of idr. B.•B. Trask, Ur7cle of the Vice Chairman of the Board andBrother of Air. George [d. Trask an outstanding meinber of tliis Body for a number of years. The Ciiairinan reported a fine program and most successful meeting of the Greater Chamber of ?Comenerce Industrial Ldorlcshop Panel, January 26, 1956, at the Cape Pear Club, wlv_ch brought i4a number ef fine folks to our area for exchange of ttioughts of things that can be of assist- ance to 'this area, and how this Commwlity can be of assistance to their respective Companies ? and Organizations, and can depend on clos2r cooperation in the future. Instructinns were given C to write the Chamber of Commerce for i;heir fine efforts. Upon motion of A1r. Trask, seconded by P1r. Broaithurst, the 13oard approved an inclustrial Survey of Lhe City and County by the Pantus Area Research, Iiic., of New York, at a cost of $10,000.00 ?bn a 50/50% joint basis coiLh the City of tdilmington. After a substitute motion offered by Mr. ?? . Hall to shai^e tne cost on a basis of 60% by the Coinzty and 40% by the City, failed a second. And instructions were given to write the Cornoratioiz to proceed immediately u*itl:i the Survey. The following resolution regarding the Ogden Volunteer b'ire Department of New Aanover County, N. C., as presented by Mr. Ed B. Wrigi,t, a member of the New I3anover Fire Inspection Committee and 'approved Uy the said Committee, was upon motion oP rir, liroadhurst, seconded Uy Pir. Nlayhan, ? adopted: Ip Be it hereUy resd ved that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioliers designa.te the folloiaing defiiied District, in order that this llistrict may comply iai'th the - Bulletin issued by the North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau on "Community Fire Defenses for Coirununities not having Standard Ldater Worlcs System"- February 1952, to receive credit approval by the North Carolina liire Insurance Rating Bureau under _ the provisions of the above Bulletin. Be it understood and agreed that ttiis resolution in no way or manner voids, alters or supersedes any of the conditions that now,exist by written contract between New Han- over County and the respective Fire DeparLments. Description of Fire llistrict: OGDEN F'IRE DEPAi37TiLATT , .