1956-01-30 Regular Meeting,38 ? ? A" Meeting January 23, 1956 - Continued A statement of Cash Receipts, Disbursements and IIalances caas received from the Wilmington Colored Library for the period July 1, to December 31, 1955 = Total Receipts and Cash Balance at be g nni_ng of period $ 3,554.44 Less Disbursements 2,324.06 Cash Balance at end of period ? 1,230.38 John C. Sdessell Tuberculosis Sanat White patients S Nonresidents Negro " 13 Vacant beds ?T llischarged Admitted orium Census report for week ending January 20: 0 11= White male 5; Fbmale 3; Negro male 1; Female 2. 1- I•Zillis Pearson, transferred to McCai.n (Emergency) January 18, 1956. 0 /'41r. Trask expressed himself as feeling that weekly meetings of the Board are wlnecessary and ? should be changed to two (2) caeeks. The legal rigFit of the Cottunissicners to make the chan;e ? was raised, and it was suggested that consideration be given toward securing Legislative auth- ority to malce the change if it is found necessary. Upori motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, County bills IQo. 895 to 987 were approved for payment. ? Mr, liove reported satisfactoi^y progress in tax listing and estimated that 60 to 65°fo listed. I`J?he meeting theiz adjourned. Clerk. /IP4 Wilmington, N. C., January 30, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairinan and Conunissioners Raiford Traslc, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John T3rigbt Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, Coun- ty Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverei7d R. Irving Boone, Pastor of Central Baptist Church, Colored. - Copies of the minutes of the meeti.ng of JAnuary 23, 1956, having previously Ueen ma.iled to each meinber of the Board, the same were upon motion ot Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. ?x ? A letter of thanlis and appreciatioiz was receivecl from The Band Parents' Club of Nela Iiailover ? Junior Ba,nd Por the recent appropriation received from the County. ? No objections were indicated by the Board to the Chairraan issuing a permit i.n the name of the ? County to Mr. Jim i+lonwiack, #1000 North Elm Avenue, Greensboro, N. C., to give an exhibition ? of l+ireworks in new Hanover County in comiection with the Azalea P'estival Weeit, 1956, in ac- cordance with Chapter 210 Session Laws of Nort11 Cai°olina, 1947. An Insurance Poli.cy in the amount of ?1,000.00 for a tei^m of five (5) years covering AirPort Building No. T-170 occupied by Cape Fear Ama$eLU^ Radio C1uU, said policy furnished by the Club as previously agreed., was received and'approved. A petition of 24 property owners requesting grading and improvements to roads in Tucker and I3urizett Development, Federal Point Totiiiship, lcnown as - Piyrtle Grove Avenue from US-421 to Burnett Avenue; Burnett Avenue from Afyrtle Gi^ove Avenue to Silver Avenue; Silver Avenue from Q Burnett Avenue to Coastal Avenue; and Coastal Avenue from Silver Aveizue to Lhe end of Coastal Avenue. Length of roads four-tenths(4/10) of a mi.le, on [ahich seven (7) houses are located, (?;Iwas upon motion of Mr. BroadhurSt, secoizded by Tfi. Hall, approved and referred to the 5tate L? Highway and Publ.ic tidorles -Cozrii-iiission. motion, the 73oard went on recorcl with an expressiom of sympathy to the members of the ,,Upon Trask family in the passing of idr. B.•B. Trask, Ur7cle of the Vice Chairman of the Board andBrother of Air. George [d. Trask an outstanding meinber of tliis Body for a number of years. The Ciiairinan reported a fine program and most successful meeting of the Greater Chamber of ?Comenerce Industrial Ldorlcshop Panel, January 26, 1956, at the Cape Pear Club, wlv_ch brought i4a number ef fine folks to our area for exchange of ttioughts of things that can be of assist- ance to 'this area, and how this Commwlity can be of assistance to their respective Companies ? and Organizations, and can depend on clos2r cooperation in the future. Instructinns were given C to write the Chamber of Commerce for i;heir fine efforts. Upon motion of A1r. Trask, seconded by P1r. Broaithurst, the 13oard approved an inclustrial Survey of Lhe City and County by the Pantus Area Research, Iiic., of New York, at a cost of $10,000.00 ?bn a 50/50% joint basis coiLh the City of tdilmington. After a substitute motion offered by Mr. ?? . Hall to shai^e tne cost on a basis of 60% by the Coinzty and 40% by the City, failed a second. And instructions were given to write the Cornoratioiz to proceed immediately u*itl:i the Survey. The following resolution regarding the Ogden Volunteer b'ire Department of New Aanover County, N. C., as presented by Mr. Ed B. Wrigi,t, a member of the New I3anover Fire Inspection Committee and 'approved Uy the said Committee, was upon motion oP rir, liroadhurst, seconded Uy Pir. Nlayhan, ? adopted: Ip Be it hereUy resd ved that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioliers designa.te the folloiaing defiiied District, in order that this llistrict may comply iai'th the - Bulletin issued by the North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau on "Community Fire Defenses for Coirununities not having Standard Ldater Worlcs System"- February 1952, to receive credit approval by the North Carolina liire Insurance Rating Bureau under _ the provisions of the above Bulletin. Be it understood and agreed that ttiis resolution in no way or manner voids, alters or supersedes any of the conditions that now,exist by written contract between New Han- over County and the respective Fire DeparLments. Description of Fire llistrict: OGDEN F'IRE DEPAi37TiLATT , . ?gI Meeting of January 30, 1956 - Continued OGDEN FIRE DEPARTPIENT Beginriing at a point on U.S. Highway 17 one tenth (1/10) of a.mile north of Rivenbark's Hoad and extending in a southerly dir?ection to Pages Creek, thence easter.ly along south bank of said Creek to east bank of Inland Waterway, thence southerly along Inland lJater- way to a point one (1) mile north of the Inland Watercaay drawbridge at Wrightsville Sound, thence southwesterly to Highway 74 at intersection of cut-off road from U.S. 17, thence northwesterly to a point on U.S. Highway 17 tiao £enths (2/10) of a mile northeasterly of intersection of U.S. 17/74 Highiaays, ttience norttierly to a point on Gordon Road lzalf mile east of Smith's Creek, thence northeasterly to point of beginning. 13e it hereby resolved in order to Prevent the above defined Fire District to Ue denied of Fire protection by ha,ving all of its units servicing a fire beyond its designated area, we hereby submit this pl.an oP coordinatiozz between the various Volunteer 13.re De- partments of the Countq. If the Ogden Volunteer•F'ire Department is called beyond its designated area with all of ' its units, the Seagate and Winter Park Voluriteer b3.re Departments be alerted to serve in event of a fire in the Ogden area. Resolved also that the Ogden Volunteer 2+?ire Department haviiig more than one (1) unit, should make a valid effort to keep one of their units at all times for protection of tlieir respective aa°ea, inasmuch, as it is practical. Hesolved further tha,t nothing in the fore.going resolutions shall in,any wise restrict the servicing of any portion of ATeca Hanover County by the Ogden units when the occasion creates such a demancl. . y?P7 ThCommissioiiers exteiided their sincere congratulations Lo the Ogden Volunteer Fire Aepartment for ttieir fine and_jS.uccessful operaLion of theix^ Department. ?p.?,? The John C. ?des'§e71 Tuberculosis Sgff?a__torium having been closed, the Chairman iiltrocluced for discussion the best and niost useful disposition that could be made of the facility, and sug- gested its use as a Home for the Aged; Hospital for the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company for the remainder of the time its General Offices remain in New ftanover County, or an addition- al private Hospital, Mental Hospital, or Hospital for Crippled Childred, and so fortn. Nirs. Annie May Pembei^ton, Supervisor Services to the Aged, State Boarcl of Public Welfa.re was preseilt to ofi'er her services to help the County to do the thing it wants to do with the fac- ility. She spoke of increased need for care of old peopl.e thru out the Sta.te, and said the County T. B. Hospital is a daptable for the care of old people, and recommended cei^tai.n changes and improvements such as patnting, need for diniizg room, enlargenent of the living room, laun- dry facilities, hand rails installed at the steps, and so forth, and small dining room in the Nurses Home for the Staff. Renovations to be made on advice of an Architect. B1r. Trask raised the question as to what income iaoulcl the County get out of it. Mr. Hall zn- quired as to what expense would the Coui7ty be r•el.ieved of. Air. Trask said he ciidiz't think it • would help the Cowity a bit. Pir. Holl.is, Superintendent of County Wel.fare, said some bf the imnates at the County Iiome would ' fit in aiiycahere, some iaould not and it would appear we ca?uld altaays need a County Home. Mr. Horton suggested we put in a dining room at the County Home to meet Nursing Home require- ments to iahich Airs. Pemberton did not agree. P1r. IL A. Marks, a representative of Cottununity Council was present and said different treat- ment could be provided in a Nursing Home, izot available at the County Home. He has not stud- ied the T. B. Hospital facility, but iaould be glad to c1o so. Dirs. Pemberton made reference to the County I3ome as being clean and caell kept by the Superin- tendent with what he had to do with. . Reverend W. C. White, Pastor of First Christian Clzurcli was present, but made no comment otller tlian to stress the need ?; some glace f^ old follis to reLire. V" ??, After further discussioi?. Trask moved ancl it caas seconded by T1r. Mayhan and carried to ad- vertise the T. B. Hospita and laild for sale to the higlzest bidder after giving thirty (30) days notice by advertisement, the Conunissioners reserving the right to reject any and all bids or to accept ai7y bid that may appear to be to the. best interest of the County. And to employ an Architect to furnish an estimate of the cost of changes reconmiended by Pirs. Pemberton to convert the SanAtor?.um?nto a Home fot the Aged. Upon motion of PZr. Hall, seconded by ,4r. Broadhurst, Miss Elizabeth Williams, Superintendent of Nurses at the T. B. Hospital was granted permission to continue to occupy her quarters on the premises until such time the sa¢ie is needed for other purposes or the Sanatorium is dis- posed of. The Chairman suggested that the T. B. fIospital acreage other than tliat utilized by the Sana- torium shoul.d be returned to the donor. No action was Laken. Cs?.,hl?- Inasmuch as tizere are no patient to Ue handlecl to and. from the Sanatorium, autizority was giv- en to place the Sanatorium Station Sdagon at the County Home to transport prisoners back and Porth as required. • A letter was received from Senator SJ. Iterr Scott seeking our oPinion on certain important is- sues he said will be comi.ng up for consideratinn by the Congress. Our coopera.ti.ve study of these matterf ould help him a great deal in deciding hoca to vote, he said. The Board cotruuended the SENCBA for haviilg the Governor down here Saturday, January •28,°to telk over our problems with us. He will back up our efforts to secure Industries for this area: , C s^oz??? E a.w?--,?-ev?" Bills fo r$1.00 each were?received from the State Department of Labor for operating certifi- ? "cates for the County Home Dairy hot iaater heater, and hot water heater for the Coizrt House An- nex, and approved for payment, A dragline report on the clearing of?ri zt-of-way, side slopes and cubic yards estimated for the IIlack Swamp area was received. t ' hfeeting of January 30, 1956 - Continued ? A report of the Board of Health for December was received and f11ed. ? '?John C. SJessell Tuberculosis Sanatoriwn Census report as of 11:00 A.M., Priday, January 27, 1956: White patients 0 Nonresidents - 0 Negro " 0 Vacant becls - 32 -(Sanatorium closed) Potal 0 Discharged: Corine Broian, Home.for day - didn't return - January 21, 1956 Johnson Wright, I3ome, 1009 Hutaff A].ley, January 23, 1956 Carrie Mae Stulces, iransferred to T1cCain, " " " Sallie Green, " " " " " " Jiimnie Simpson, " " " George Rivers, " " " Eli jah Ldalker, 't it Aloses Brown, " " 25th " Christopher Spicer, " " " " Lizzie Bey, " " " " Edna «ilder, it tv it Vernice Simmons, " " " " hlrs. Mollie Riggs, ° 27th " Mrs. Virginia 13urten, " " " Mr. John Heery, ft PST`. W. E. Sinoletary, 't " Mr. Doiiald 1Celly, Discharged 1/26/56 for home 212 Orange Street to go to Wi7.son Sanatoriwu, January 27, 1956. Mrs. Lillian Tdade, Discharged to go home 1809 Princess Street, Januaiy 27, 1956 Mrs. Ione Lanier, " "" " 3511 Princess Street, " " " ` Mi^s. Arlene Porter, " " " " 4-I3 Nesbitt Court, " " John Piiller, " " " " Rte.1-T3ox 257, Castle Iiayne," 26th " The Chaii^man reported final presentati.on of eFforts for tlle Presbyteriai7 College caill be made at Raleigh, Thursday nig_}ht 7:30 ancl askecl for our prayers and efforts to bring aUout a sue- ? cessful conclttsion,this important matter. The Chairman called attention to the first meeti.ng of the Board of Equalization and Review, Alarch 19, 1956, to heai complaints on assessments, and urgecl that all complaints Ue filed protnptly. Ir. Love i°eported satisfactory piogress in tax listing. The CJiairiaan aniiounced tliat a representative from the State Departmeilt of Conservati_on ailci ? Development wiLl be here I1'iday of this week to take samples of soil to enable him to make recormnendations foi the proper grass to be planted, or other melns to stnp further erosion in connection with the sand dune project in the unincorporated Beach areas of the County. ? A letter was received from Dr. John C. Tdessell, stating that inasmuch as the Coutzty Tubercu- j ? losis Sanatoriwn is closed ancl all former patients talcen care of, he can see no..reason for=- ? the continued associati.on of lZis name coith that vacant Institution, aild aslced that there Ue ? no further use oP his name in connectioii TJlf.l] tha Sanatot^iwn, and that all Cowii:y i^ecords re- . ? ferable to the Ii7stitution he Piled under a new title, to be chosen by the Board. . ? Mr. Trask asked tkiat the iuembers of the Real Esi;ate Equalization Aclvisory ?oard be reqixested to meet witih the Conmiissioners 11:00 o'cJ.ock A.M., Pfonday, Fbbruary 6, 1956. ( Upon motion of Mr. Tiayhaii, seconcled by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 988 to 1091 were ap- proved for payment. ? Upon motioii of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. 1,1ayhan, the meeting adjourned. ? Clerk. '0? Wilmington, N. C., February 6, 1.956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was he:La this day at lO:QQ o'cJ.ock, A.M. ? Present: A. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiforcl Trask, J. M. Hall, Ji^., Ernest R. Tiayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, 3ohn Bright Hill, County Attorney, ancl T. D. Love, County Auditor,. The nseeting was oPened iaith prayer by the Reverend B. D. Witho.rspoon, Pastor of St. Andrews- Covenant Presbyterian Churcli. ? • Copies of the minutes of ineeting of JAnuary 30, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same wei^e upon motion of Mr. DSayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. ? A request of Mr. Hugh rlacRae to close South Liveoak Parkway, a road4iay leading south f1 om Oleander Arive, approximately 3,000 feet in length, (except a small section just outside the' City limits) on which no houses ai°e located, and possibly some error in former dedication as a Ytighway or street, and owiied by the Oleander Development Company, was received together with written approva.l of the property owners to abandoiz its straig}at line oP riglit-of-way be- C? yond the present residence of llr. Bear, also section to be ahandoiiecl desigizated hy Pir, Q. E. ]3rown, Division State Highway En;ineer. The same iaas referred to 1:he Coianty Attorney for opinion aud pi^oper procedure to follow. • '4 Mr. M. W. Botaen representing the U. S. Soil Conservation was present to discuss suitaUle veg- etation to plant on the sand dunes constructed by the County in the unincorporated Beach areas T to retard erosion, aiid submitted samples of Coastal Bermuda Grass, Pensecola Grass and idild Sea-oats, anii recommended tile use of Coastal IIermuda Grass. Mr. Horton felt it caould be best to set up a barrier atop the sand dunes first to stablize what we have and then go ahead caith the Grass Program. • Mr. Trask, said Wild Sea-oats were easy to plant and avail.able and suggested we p7.ant that and see what funds we have left for furtlier experii»ent as a temporaty measi,tre. Mr. Bowen was asked to make further investigation and recoirunendations ancl cost as to the vegetation that will serve tne purPose best. ' ,