1956-02-06 Regular Meetinghfeeting of January 30, 1956 - Continued ? A report of the Board of Health for December was received and f11ed. ? '?John C. SJessell Tuberculosis Sanatoriwn Census report as of 11:00 A.M., Priday, January 27, 1956: White patients 0 Nonresidents - 0 Negro " 0 Vacant becls - 32 -(Sanatorium closed) Potal 0 Discharged: Corine Broian, Home.for day - didn't return - January 21, 1956 Johnson Wright, I3ome, 1009 Hutaff A].ley, January 23, 1956 Carrie Mae Stulces, iransferred to T1cCain, " " " Sallie Green, " " " " " " Jiimnie Simpson, " " " George Rivers, " " " Eli jah Ldalker, 't it Aloses Brown, " " 25th " Christopher Spicer, " " " " Lizzie Bey, " " " " Edna «ilder, it tv it Vernice Simmons, " " " " hlrs. Mollie Riggs, ° 27th " Mrs. Virginia 13urten, " " " Mr. John Heery, ft PST`. W. E. Sinoletary, 't " Mr. Doiiald 1Celly, Discharged 1/26/56 for home 212 Orange Street to go to Wi7.son Sanatoriwu, January 27, 1956. Mrs. Lillian Tdade, Discharged to go home 1809 Princess Street, Januaiy 27, 1956 Mrs. Ione Lanier, " "" " 3511 Princess Street, " " " ` Mi^s. Arlene Porter, " " " " 4-I3 Nesbitt Court, " " John Piiller, " " " " Rte.1-T3ox 257, Castle Iiayne," 26th " The Chaii^man reported final presentati.on of eFforts for tlle Presbyteriai7 College caill be made at Raleigh, Thursday nig_}ht 7:30 ancl askecl for our prayers and efforts to bring aUout a sue- ? cessful conclttsion,this important matter. The Chairman called attention to the first meeti.ng of the Board of Equalization and Review, Alarch 19, 1956, to heai complaints on assessments, and urgecl that all complaints Ue filed protnptly. Ir. Love i°eported satisfactory piogress in tax listing. The CJiairiaan aniiounced tliat a representative from the State Departmeilt of Conservati_on ailci ? Development wiLl be here I1'iday of this week to take samples of soil to enable him to make recormnendations foi the proper grass to be planted, or other melns to stnp further erosion in connection with the sand dune project in the unincorporated Beach areas of the County. ? A letter was received from Dr. John C. Tdessell, stating that inasmuch as the Coutzty Tubercu- j ? losis Sanatoriwn is closed ancl all former patients talcen care of, he can see no..reason for=- ? the continued associati.on of lZis name coith that vacant Institution, aild aslced that there Ue ? no further use oP his name in connectioii TJlf.l] tha Sanatot^iwn, and that all Cowii:y i^ecords re- . ? ferable to the Ii7stitution he Piled under a new title, to be chosen by the Board. . ? Mr. Trask asked tkiat the iuembers of the Real Esi;ate Equalization Aclvisory ?oard be reqixested to meet witih the Conmiissioners 11:00 o'cJ.ock A.M., Pfonday, Fbbruary 6, 1956. ( Upon motion of Mr. Tiayhaii, seconcled by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 988 to 1091 were ap- proved for payment. ? Upon motioii of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. 1,1ayhan, the meeting adjourned. ? Clerk. '0? Wilmington, N. C., February 6, 1.956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was he:La this day at lO:QQ o'cJ.ock, A.M. ? Present: A. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiforcl Trask, J. M. Hall, Ji^., Ernest R. Tiayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, 3ohn Bright Hill, County Attorney, ancl T. D. Love, County Auditor,. The nseeting was oPened iaith prayer by the Reverend B. D. Witho.rspoon, Pastor of St. Andrews- Covenant Presbyterian Churcli. ? • Copies of the minutes of ineeting of JAnuary 30, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same wei^e upon motion of Mr. DSayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. ? A request of Mr. Hugh rlacRae to close South Liveoak Parkway, a road4iay leading south f1 om Oleander Arive, approximately 3,000 feet in length, (except a small section just outside the' City limits) on which no houses ai°e located, and possibly some error in former dedication as a Ytighway or street, and owiied by the Oleander Development Company, was received together with written approva.l of the property owners to abandoiz its straig}at line oP riglit-of-way be- C? yond the present residence of llr. Bear, also section to be ahandoiiecl desigizated hy Pir, Q. E. ]3rown, Division State Highway En;ineer. The same iaas referred to 1:he Coianty Attorney for opinion aud pi^oper procedure to follow. • '4 Mr. M. W. Botaen representing the U. S. Soil Conservation was present to discuss suitaUle veg- etation to plant on the sand dunes constructed by the County in the unincorporated Beach areas T to retard erosion, aiid submitted samples of Coastal Bermuda Grass, Pensecola Grass and idild Sea-oats, anii recommended tile use of Coastal IIermuda Grass. Mr. Horton felt it caould be best to set up a barrier atop the sand dunes first to stablize what we have and then go ahead caith the Grass Program. • Mr. Trask, said Wild Sea-oats were easy to plant and avail.able and suggested we p7.ant that and see what funds we have left for furtlier experii»ent as a temporaty measi,tre. Mr. Bowen was asked to make further investigation and recoirunendations ancl cost as to the vegetation that will serve tne purPose best. ' , ? , Pfeeting of N'ehi°uary 6, 1956 - Continued -? , *1 , Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by hfr. H'all, St. Marks Episcopal Church, colored at the sugbestion oP the Board of Education, was grailted an aUatem nt of taxes on Lots 1 and 2 in Block 236 for the year 1956, on account of Poi^mal agreement ioas made by the Board of Educa- tion in October 1955 to purchase Lhe property for the Peabody Elementary 5Chool Campus. A deed taas drawn by the Church in November 1955 and Attorneys for the Board of Educatian made an examination of the title. IIowever, for reasons not wi_thin the control of either the Church or the Board of Lducation, the contract to buy was not consumated until the next year had started. A lette faas received from A1r. J. R. Benson, City PIanager, advising that the City Cowicil at meetiilg of January 27, 1956, approved a request of the irustees of Tlount Roney Baptist Church that we reconvey to the ChuFrebpart west Lot 5 in Block 350 in accordance with our action of January 3, 1956. , Also approved the sale of thelltax foreclos.ure property zn Block 325 to tlze Trustees of Warner's Temple AP4E Church, at a price of $300.00 in accord.ance with our actioil of llecember 12, 1955. Cdhich was upon motlon of T1r. Trasli, seconded Uy Mr. Broadhurst, appt°oved, and the Chairnian and the Clerk were authorized ai1d ditected to sign a deed in the name of the County conveying the above property as a oresaid. 6?,??,p.,?^? ?? l?j?'i J 1w An itlvitationWaas received iY^om D1r. l+1. Avery Thompson, Director South Atlantic Region Nation- al Rivers anct Aarbors Congress, to attend a most important Regional meetii-ig of NR&IiC of the South Atlantic Division, in the FIouse Chauibers, State Capitol Building, Raleigh, N. C., Fi, i- day, bbbruary 10, at 10:30 A.M. This meeting endorsed by Governor Luther H. Hodges is being called for the purpose of discussiug ways and means and action Por petitioning the Congress for 2+laderal llznds toward the construction of permaneilt jetties, sea-walls, bulkheads, sand dunes, and so f'orth, oP the Coastal States where damage has been caused by the series of hur- ricanes during the past two (2) years. And, called attention to what the New En;land States were doing about permanent protection. The Chairman urged that all members attend who can find it possible to,do so. -rn? The Chairm?.n announce receipt of our znvoice dated July 15, 1955, rettu°ned to us by the RTavy Department covering the minimum payment of $4,992.00 for the use of Bluethenthal Field. The Navy requested that a new invoice be submitted in triplicate for the year endiiig July 1, 1955, in order tliat the same may be forwarded to the Navy Regioizal Accounts OPfice for payment. Their reque? was promptly complied with and an early settlement of the account [aas requested. ? vr A letter was Peceive?d Jfrom Fantus Area Research, Incorporated of New York City, in reply to our City-County joint letter of Jaiiuary 31, 1956, authoriziizg them to make an Industrial Siu> vey of Wilmington. They advisecl they will proceed caith the statistical portion oP the Sur- vey within the next week or ten (10) days, and their final investigati.ons will begin within four (4) to six (6) weelis and hoped to have a complete report in our hands in aPproximately- six (6) months. Tizey did say further that it is understood that the Board of Commissioners of Neia Iianover County wi7.1 pay their all-inc.lusive fee of $10,000.00 caithin thirty (30) days of tY!e submission of their report. Tlze Connnissioi-lers have approved payment of the fee on a 50/50f basis witlz the City. $6.I5xreturned prerri.um on Boiler Insui^aiice Po].icy #53736 was received from H. G. Latimer 8: Soil, Agents, and turned ovei^ to the County Auditor for credit. Upon motio'Fof Mr. Broadliiu st, seconded by T1r. Trask, Colmzel A. D. Gorham, a Marine Retirecl Officer for disability, P. 0, Box 144, G'rightsville Beach, was exempt from the payment of poll taxes on accowzt ?o?f,o ?the disability, A lett;er iia.s received Px^om the office of the State Council of Civil Defense advising a change has beeii macle in the iaay the Goverrvneiit Swplus Property will be handled i`n the future f'or small buszness and farmers who sufYered loss or damage by the hurricanes, 6id the old circu- lars will no longer be used. A representative from their Office will ceu.t\ t us?soon and make arrangements to have some oize handle appli.cations on the local level, an explain ilzlly the procediu e for doing so. . Cw^'?''' The Chairman was authorized to attend a joint meeting of the Board of Directors and the Leg- islative Conunittee of the State Associatinn of County Commission rs at the Institute of Gov- errunent, Chapel IIill, Nriday and Saturday, l?bbruary 24 and 25:Also called atteiltion to the Third Annual course of instructions for neta Tax Collectors ancl other tax ofiYce persoizizel ? from March 5, thru P4arch 9 at the Institute of Goveinment urging that the Tax Collector or •some ;7ieviber qi' hisJStaff attencl. this course of serious study and discussioil. No objections xqere indicated by the Boat^d to the United States District Engineer granting a peruiit to Mr. Joseph Diigizton, Route 2, for construction of a pier in P1yrt].e Gi^ove Somid, 12 miles northeast of US-421 Bridde (Snows Cut) to Csrolina Beuch. Plans submitted sho?a a pier 10 feet ?aide exteildii?g into the Sowid 320 feet Ueyond the mainland caith?a 100 foot tee at the outer end. The end of the pier will be SO feet fi°om the edge of the Atlantic Intracoastal jdaterway channel. ? Reports for 3anua?r were received froia: Coiulty Iiome Agent; Colored It"o e Agent aizd 4-H Clubs; Veterans' Service Officer and Dragline report to January 19, 1956. Boiler Inspect4on repoits taere received 'froci LumUermans Mutual Easualty Company covering Boil.ers located in the Juven- 'ile Home, i'rison Laundry, Pisin Boiler Room County Home, County Home Dairy, Nejia Q??rf fio_We, Old Court ffo-use, and T. B. Hospital. All recoimnendations made by the Insurance an@ Inspec- tion Compan?y"?to correct any aaverse conditions have been complied with. Upon oti?n of rir. Iiall, seconded by Pir. Broaclhurst, the Board at the request of Dr. John C. Wessell for whom tne County Tuberculosis Sanatorium was named, ordered that inasmuch as the Sanatorium has been closed, that the name of John C. Sdessell Tuberculosis Sana.torium be drop- ped from the records of the Couiity and in'the future the HosPital be referred to as the Coun- ty Tuberculosis 5ar.atoriwn. . •? ? T%ao (2) five-year term fire and exteiided coveraTe insurance policies on County Sehedule'pro- perty in the amoiuit of $79,393.34 and bill for ?,1,054.34 premium on the same was received from the Wilmington?Association of Insurance Agents and approved. An invitation was received to attend the Dedication Services of the Prison llivision (Neia Annes) • of the North Caroliiia Sanatorium, MeCain, N. C., Wednesday, Fbbiuary 15', 2:00 o'cloclz P.M. i / ? ? "42.. 4' if k .t F Tleeting of Ebhruary 6, 1956 - Continued , Upon motion of 4ir. Trask, seconded by Pir. Broadhurst, the following increases and transfers of apFropriations to balance various over-expeizded Budget accowlts as of January 15, 1956, were authorized and approved by the Board on recommendation of, the County Auditor: . Auditor - Commissioners - County Aid - County Aid - Court House- Harbor Island - Slzeriff - Superior Court - Tax Collector - Veterans' Service • Officer - Tax Discount - Cowiby Farm.- • County Home - Hospital - Unanticipated. Emergency Ihl. County T. B. Sanatoriwn - IIarbor Island - AIaterials-appropriate check received - IIar- bor Isla.nd Citizens Airnort - Hliel .50 .50 " " 1,478.41 1,478.41 " , " 20.95 20.95 County Iiome " " 58.81 8£.81 " " " " 51.03 100.00 " " " " 421.13 500.00 " " ". " 106.40 106.40 2,000.00 200.00 150.00 106.40 Unanticipated Emergency Ltl. John T. Iioggard, Chairman of the Boarcl of Education, came in just long enough to say ?? the Boiler at Tileston ScI1oo1 has been condemned and caill be considerable espense to re- place and unless some help comes 11lom the County Commissioilers; the saiqe will have to go over into next year's Budget. • • yUpon motion of D1r. Hall, secoridad Uy Mr. AIayhan, County bills No. 1092 to 1195 were approved y for payment. . ? The follocaing good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court * for the ti ao (2) [aeeks term begiilning P2bruary 27, 1 3 956: ? E. R. Cai°peizder, 1519 Pri.ncess Street Calvin W. fIood, 251A Castle Hayne Road D. rlcllougold, Rte 1-Box 210 C. B. P4cCondless, Rte.?-Box 466-A Chas. P. rSiiztz, 2-B Lake Village • A4ilton D. Ross, 123 Necaton'Lane C. W. Tlishoe, Castle Hayne Road W. H. Barnett, 2527 Harrison Street Iiorman Eldridge Hudson, Jr., 153 1'inecrest L. C. Berry, 413 Dicitinson 5treet L. C. TlcClanuny, 110 Borleaux Avenue Harry S. Pope, 819 South 5th Street ' R. T. Burney, 15 Oleander llrive M. J. Aavis, 310 South 20th Street E. B. Williams, 210 N. C. Avenue 14. D. Edeus, 179 Lake rorest Parkway Tiios. E. Neiakirk, 202 Sunset Avenue J. R. I3amilton, 2424 Monroe Street Soseph A. Itramasz, 2833-P Jefferson Street James ? H. Gregory; 11 Tei•race Walk L. J. Diintz, P. 0. Box 281 0. W. Davis, Rte 2- Box 335 R. C. Persons, 22 Lake ibrest Park7aay R. W. Geddes, 443•Castle HayY?e Road Johilnie C. Vollers, 4407 Peachtree Avenue G. T. Stewart, 3r., Rte.3 - Box 417 Ldalter F. Glover, 231 bbrest Hi.ils Drive Robert P. Trent, Rte:l - Box 440 P. E. Gregory, 5034 Pine Street Dan Plullips, 208 Grace Street Charles.N. Speneer, 3719 Wri;htsville Avenu e-Arthur D. Cashwell, 213•North 6th Street Laureiiee 4. Bowden, 210 North 9th Street SJn. H. Guy, Jr., 2536 Burnett Blvd. liraiik B. 5holar, Rte.3-Box 347 C. G. Itiggs 7825 laashingtoi3 Street? Roy C. Broome; 2934-C Adams Street J. W. , Brewer, 20-J Lake Village J. W. Evans, Jr., 11-Y Lake Village G. A. TlcFayden, Rte.?-Box 9 Zeddie Fbwler, 307 Davie Drive Charles W. Cailnon, 26-T Lake Village A. E. Crow, 207 Northern Blvd. D. B. Stegall, Rte.3-Box 468 • C. L. Spencer, Sr,, 2719 Washington Street V. A. Creech, Sr., 606 Orehard 1lvenue tdm. J. Harper, 107 Colonial Drive Chas. H. Pbai°d, 213 Ann Street ,.?-? ' - S. G. Withers, 131 h4organ Street J. G. , P4cILeitkian, 2323 ASetts Avenue'"` lbr the second week - Sames M. Goodrum, 202 SbutYa 41st Street Chris H. Buttleman, 1710 Carolixia Avenue ` '£hurman Barnhiil, ll Lee Drive Elwood C. Bell, 413 Ncui Street W. L. Barnes, Jr.,142 Pinecrest Parkway Plaraon Verzaal, 110 Sarightsvil.le Avenue ' Lindsey P. Bass, 105 Lalte Forest Parkcaay _ LeRoy Bennett, Rte.2-Box 15 Sdm. C. IIoykin, 913 Grace Street Eben W. Lewis, 2709 Jackson Street Emory W. Mills, 112 Lake Nbrest Parkway L. B. Burnette, 170 Pinecrest Parlcway R. V. Hardison, Jr., 1414 Castle Street Idewton Gillette, Rte.3-Box 425 ' Leo Harriiigton, 216 Brunswick'Street Joizn E. Pridgen, 2720 Harrison Street R. B. Ificlman, Jr., 22 Summitt tiJalk D. S. Silvia, 2731 Park Avenue •-(for the trial of criminal eases) 0ver Required Unantici- Appropri- Ex pended for • Total pated ation to be at 1/15/56 - Bal.year - Required - bluids Recd. -maae from. Travel $? 90.00 90.00 ? Emergency Nd. Capital Outlay 52.13 • 52.13 " " ' Special Deputies 30.00 30.00 (Seak?reeze) ` Aog Cholera Serwn 72.24 827.76 900.00 • 900.00 Unantiaip d Electrical Supplies 46.57 100.00 146.57\ Emergency . Labor from Farm 181.00 • 200.00 351.00 Repairs - Boiler • 52.00 • 48.00• 100.00 Capital Outlay 133.62 133.62 133.62 Labor 1,213.92 486.08• 1,700.60 Insurance Iire-Tlzeft 15.03 :.15.03 15.03 Conveying Prisoners 43.62 •131.38 175.00 Repairs - Equipmeii; 39.92 20.08 60.00 " " Dues - Subscriptions .50 1,475.41 SLationery & Supplies 20.95 Capital Outlay 88.81 Electrical Supplies -48.97 Janitors 75.87 Community Ins. Claim • Refund 106.40 J. Q. Pleacle, 705 Central Blvd. E. D. Dean, 2717 SdashiElgton Street Robert J. Hooden, Rte.3-Box 213A J. Ii. Mi.llinor, 110 Orange Street, Apt.#3 R. K. IClander, 3619 kirightsville Avenue A. J. Cooper, P. O:Box 1378, City C. H. Stanton, 4022 Cherry'Avenue Alex B. Stanland, 207 North 48th Street 14M. A. Leiais, P. 0. Box 615, Cit? C. L. Curtis, 39 Lalce Nbrest Parkway Albert E. I-Iarris,' 9 Woodlawm kvenue G. C. Brid;ers, 2732 South .+ ont Street W. T. Player, 125 Victoria Drive Ld. B. Brown, 7510 Nfonroe Street Thomas M. Walton, 317 Nort.1 5th Street W. D. Borneman, 301 South 17th Street John F. Powell, 412 Nun Street Gardell Alexander, Rte.3-IIox 227 ? ) , , Pieeti:ng of February 6; 1956 - Continued Jury List - Continued T. T. Ea,son, 1-M Lake Forest E. E. Uber, 507 North 23rc1 Street J. E. ricWatty, 2247 rIimosa Place Harry J. Ottoway, Sr., Rte.2-Box 115 E. A. Brinkley, 4305 Greenfield Street C. C. Bowen, 113 Graham Street Wm. A. Davis, 225 Pauline Avenue A. C.•Pate, Rte.3-Box 486 • Ricizard L. Smith, Rte.3-Box 387 ? Judson H. Hill, 226 Vance Street. Robert Ingram,4709 Sarightsville Avenue Geo. P. Clark, 129 Plorgan Street B. F. Dawlcins, Jr., 2411 Chestnut Street ' Ii. J. 1'ate, 409 Walnut Street H. L. Sanderson, Jr., Rte.2-Dox 122 / At the invitation of the Board, members ?of the Heal Estate Revaluation Advisory Con;nu ttee ap- peared to discuss plans for the revaluation of property. Those present were Messrs. Hargrove Bellamy, J. L. 13aldwin, W. Eugene Edwards, W. Ronald Lane, H. S. McGirt and E. L. Pfathet.Ts. hi`r?.,'Prask opened the discussion that Pla.rch is the month to hear complaints for reduction of 0?assessments and suggested that aprogram be initiated to•continue investigations and'adjust- „ ments on complaints an3 other inequalities which he felt would take care of tlie situation and caould be the cheapest plan, and didn't thifzk it canuld cost $10,000.00 including cost of qual- ified adjusters. Pir. IIorton felt all property should be included aiid put on an equal basis. ? Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, read to the•joint meeting his recommendations for a revalua- tioiz of property submitted to the Board at a previous meetiug (October 31, 1955) which in part recommended zoning property in areas tahere i.he values are equalized, appraise:certain parcels within the area on a conservative market value, and then apply the new assesstnent to the ei7- ,. tire area; when the wnole revaluation is comgleted tae could determine the percei7tage we de- sire to use for tax values: IIe felt the whol.e program would not cost more than $60,000.00 . and could be apread over and completecl in about two (2) years. - P1r. Mathews felt._more property is wzder-assessed than over-assessed and Afr. Love's plan would work. - ' Mr. W. Eugeile Edwai^ds suggested that the County Commissioners should adopt a plan and submit it to the Advisory Conu;iittee for recoirunenciations or eiidorsement. P1r. Hargrove Bellamy said it was 100% respoiisibility of the Commissioners, and the Advisoi^y Conmiittee could onls give a plan its endorsement and Lnoral support, iP adopted. He thought our tax structiue is very fine over the past three (3) years. •It is e1o problem with new in- dustry - A matter of equalization and ive should secure statistical information and go ahead saith it. The sooner you face'it the better. 41r. Ti ask felt we shoLtld heln those irrunediately who are really hurt and go on with acljustments of others. ' 43, Tir, Iiorton didn't feel best results could Ue achieved by spot checking, it should be aone right - or leave as is. The idea is not raise taxes but to equalize. He recomrnended the Ri_chmond, Virginia plan whieh he discussed. Mr. riayhan suggested that the matter be postponed for the neca Board to handle in the event a change should be• made in its personnel'. After further ancl lengtlzy discussioii it was agreed to write up a plan for the Advisory Com- \ nu ttee to study. • ? Upon motion of r4r. `Prask, the meeting then adjourned. Clerk. Wilmingtoii, N. C., Fbbruary 13, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the 13oard was he;.d this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: ' R. T. Horton, Chairnan and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. K. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Jokm Bright Ilill, County Attorriey and T. D. Love, County Auditor,. The meeting was opened taith prayer by the Reverend Edt•iin.E..Kirton, Pastor of St. PZarks Epis- copal Church, colored. • , Copies of the minutes of February 6, 1956, haviizg previously been maiZed to each member of the . Board, the. same weie upon motzon of Mr. Mayhan, secoilded by AIr. Broadhurst, approved. The Chai naii announced that a change has been made by the Office of Civil Defei2se in handling applications.for Government Surplus Property for small business ancl farmers. A representative from tiieir Office contacted us last week and we agreed to handle the applications thru our Of- fice on the local level Faliich would be better Por all cncerned, the ssme then to be forzaarded to the State office for approval and processino. NIr. I Horton -reported gooc??re ntatioi? of?SOUi;i1e'rn States in attendance upon the South Atlan- tic Regioiial meeting of National Rivers atld Iiarbors Congress at Raleigh, Iftday• the 101:h. Will . go all out for Federal aid for permanent protection along the North Carolina and South Carolina coast to a successful•conclusioil. Agreed to get all Lhe groups together on sea z•ralls and jet- ties proLectioiz. [de have good backing and lool: for support from all tYie one hiuiclrecl (100) Counties in the SLate. A request for $60,000,000.00 for the area was submi+ted and $15,96E,000.00 - estimated for New IIanover Cowity!s 28 miles of Coastline. A-eso impressec3 with Colonel Richard S. plaii's adin_iriistration of State Por1;s Authority, iticrease in Loiinage aiid necessity for storage exnansion for cottoil and tobacco. "You would be siupiised, ?. he said, "of the number of hogsheads of tohacco passing thru this port. Should have a Board set up or representative mz that to give you an idea what is neecied here." Also inentioned that a contract fer a 34-foot channel has been let, and a bill is now penciing in the Congress for a •. 36-foot channel for the Cape Fear River!"`'. ? 91At tiiis poiut Nir. C. W. B. Korb appeared -to coruplain of the CoLUZty's endorsernent oP an auplica- tion made by Mr. J. M. Everett to tlie United States Lngineer for a permit for ciredging arid con- struction oP a Yachtel on the tlrightsville Beach Causeway wnich he szid will stop the flow of saater tlzru the channel in front of his Lots 38,39 and 40 Harbor Islaild, claiming tlle same to be i^esidential property only and will damage the same, hotaever, he has only such ri.ghts as given to ? him under the deed. ?