1956-02-13 Regular Meeting, Pieeti:ng of February 6; 1956 - Continued Jury List - Continued T. T. Ea,son, 1-M Lake Forest E. E. Uber, 507 North 23rc1 Street J. E. ricWatty, 2247 rIimosa Place Harry J. Ottoway, Sr., Rte.2-Box 115 E. A. Brinkley, 4305 Greenfield Street C. C. Bowen, 113 Graham Street Wm. A. Davis, 225 Pauline Avenue A. C.•Pate, Rte.3-Box 486 • Ricizard L. Smith, Rte.3-Box 387 ? Judson H. Hill, 226 Vance Street. Robert Ingram,4709 Sarightsville Avenue Geo. P. Clark, 129 Plorgan Street B. F. Dawlcins, Jr., 2411 Chestnut Street ' Ii. J. 1'ate, 409 Walnut Street H. L. Sanderson, Jr., Rte.2-Dox 122 / At the invitation of the Board, members ?of the Heal Estate Revaluation Advisory Con;nu ttee ap- peared to discuss plans for the revaluation of property. Those present were Messrs. Hargrove Bellamy, J. L. 13aldwin, W. Eugene Edwards, W. Ronald Lane, H. S. McGirt and E. L. Pfathet.Ts. hi`r?.,'Prask opened the discussion that Pla.rch is the month to hear complaints for reduction of 0?assessments and suggested that aprogram be initiated to•continue investigations and'adjust- „ ments on complaints an3 other inequalities which he felt would take care of tlie situation and caould be the cheapest plan, and didn't thifzk it canuld cost $10,000.00 including cost of qual- ified adjusters. Pir. IIorton felt all property should be included aiid put on an equal basis. ? Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, read to the•joint meeting his recommendations for a revalua- tioiz of property submitted to the Board at a previous meetiug (October 31, 1955) which in part recommended zoning property in areas tahere i.he values are equalized, appraise:certain parcels within the area on a conservative market value, and then apply the new assesstnent to the ei7- ,. tire area; when the wnole revaluation is comgleted tae could determine the percei7tage we de- sire to use for tax values: IIe felt the whol.e program would not cost more than $60,000.00 . and could be apread over and completecl in about two (2) years. - P1r. Mathews felt._more property is wzder-assessed than over-assessed and Afr. Love's plan would work. - ' Mr. W. Eugeile Edwai^ds suggested that the County Commissioners should adopt a plan and submit it to the Advisory Conu;iittee for recoirunenciations or eiidorsement. P1r. Hargrove Bellamy said it was 100% respoiisibility of the Commissioners, and the Advisoi^y Conmiittee could onls give a plan its endorsement and Lnoral support, iP adopted. He thought our tax structiue is very fine over the past three (3) years. •It is e1o problem with new in- dustry - A matter of equalization and ive should secure statistical information and go ahead saith it. The sooner you face'it the better. 41r. Ti ask felt we shoLtld heln those irrunediately who are really hurt and go on with acljustments of others. ' 43, Tir, Iiorton didn't feel best results could Ue achieved by spot checking, it should be aone right - or leave as is. The idea is not raise taxes but to equalize. He recomrnended the Ri_chmond, Virginia plan whieh he discussed. Mr. riayhan suggested that the matter be postponed for the neca Board to handle in the event a change should be• made in its personnel'. After further ancl lengtlzy discussioii it was agreed to write up a plan for the Advisory Com- \ nu ttee to study. • ? Upon motion of r4r. `Prask, the meeting then adjourned. Clerk. Wilmingtoii, N. C., Fbbruary 13, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the 13oard was he;.d this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: ' R. T. Horton, Chairnan and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. K. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Jokm Bright Ilill, County Attorriey and T. D. Love, County Auditor,. The meeting was opened taith prayer by the Reverend Edt•iin.E..Kirton, Pastor of St. PZarks Epis- copal Church, colored. • , Copies of the minutes of February 6, 1956, haviizg previously been maiZed to each member of the . Board, the. same weie upon motzon of Mr. Mayhan, secoilded by AIr. Broadhurst, approved. The Chai naii announced that a change has been made by the Office of Civil Defei2se in handling applications.for Government Surplus Property for small business ancl farmers. A representative from tiieir Office contacted us last week and we agreed to handle the applications thru our Of- fice on the local level Faliich would be better Por all cncerned, the ssme then to be forzaarded to the State office for approval and processino. NIr. I Horton -reported gooc??re ntatioi? of?SOUi;i1e'rn States in attendance upon the South Atlan- tic Regioiial meeting of National Rivers atld Iiarbors Congress at Raleigh, Iftday• the 101:h. Will . go all out for Federal aid for permanent protection along the North Carolina and South Carolina coast to a successful•conclusioil. Agreed to get all Lhe groups together on sea z•ralls and jet- ties proLectioiz. [de have good backing and lool: for support from all tYie one hiuiclrecl (100) Counties in the SLate. A request for $60,000,000.00 for the area was submi+ted and $15,96E,000.00 - estimated for New IIanover Cowity!s 28 miles of Coastline. A-eso impressec3 with Colonel Richard S. plaii's adin_iriistration of State Por1;s Authority, iticrease in Loiinage aiid necessity for storage exnansion for cottoil and tobacco. "You would be siupiised, ?. he said, "of the number of hogsheads of tohacco passing thru this port. Should have a Board set up or representative mz that to give you an idea what is neecied here." Also inentioned that a contract fer a 34-foot channel has been let, and a bill is now penciing in the Congress for a •. 36-foot channel for the Cape Fear River!"`'. ? 91At tiiis poiut Nir. C. W. B. Korb appeared -to coruplain of the CoLUZty's endorsernent oP an auplica- tion made by Mr. J. M. Everett to tlie United States Lngineer for a permit for ciredging arid con- struction oP a Yachtel on the tlrightsville Beach Causeway wnich he szid will stop the flow of saater tlzru the channel in front of his Lots 38,39 and 40 Harbor Islaild, claiming tlle same to be i^esidential property only and will damage the same, hotaever, he has only such ri.ghts as given to ? him under the deed. ? Meeting of Ebbruary 13, 1956 - Continued With reference to the appropriation of Feueral Nluzds to stabilize the sand dunes recently constructed by the County in the unincorporated Beach areas, the Board, oii.recommendatioii of the Chairman,.and upon motion of ASr. Hall, voted to go ahead and advertise for bids for the constructi??n of a saiid fence atop tlie sand dunes oii a lineal foot basis, to stabilize the same, and vegetatioil to be planted later to ezzable the saild to builci up to it to retard - further erosion. .? The Chairi,ian called attention to the National Association of County Officials in support.of Coilgressional action to authorize payments.by the National Government in lieu oP taxes on , P'ederal Real Yroperty and endorsemeiits by Assessing Gi°oups and Representatives to discourage the Federal Government to hold most real property tax free, which with increasing acquisi- tions wi11 almost put local Goveriunent in bai2imuptcy. Q A petition suUinitted by eight (8) propei^ty owners to open and pave dead-end ,portion of Cher- ry Avenue into Floral Parkway, a distance of approximately one tenth (1/10) of a mile on ? iahich seven (7) houses are located from the Boulevard to I7ora1 Parkway, was upon motion of A1r. Broadhurst, seconded by A4r. Piayhan, approved and referred to the State Hig[zway and - Public Worlis Commission. ???A petition and righ-of-iaay agreement caas received from property o?aners to cross their land ' fbr the pw?p'ose of draii?ing the area back of Tlright's Cleaners and along the land of P1r. ? J. F. Jorda,n at the Wrightsboro and Castle Hayne Roads, and the same ?aas rePerred to the Chairiaan for investigation with the Soil Conservation Service as to the best n6tliod Lo Zzan- dle the situatioiz and report back to the Board. Recommendations aiZd suggested changes to be made to convert the County T. B. liospital into a private operated Home for the Aged, was receivecl frotn T4rs. Annie Pfay Peruberton, Sttpervis- ? or Services to the Aged, State Board of Public T+lelfare. The Chairman told the Board he had gone over the proposed changes and renovations saith an Arclv.tect and estimate$ the cost at from '$40,000.00 to $60,000.00 and felt we coul.d build a structure cheaper than it would ;,II cost to make the necessary changes to meet requirements. The matter was discusses further at letrgth and i.nasmuch as the Hospital has been advertis- ed for sale f'urther action was postponed pending receint oP bids for the sale of the saBe. ? ?L? letter was received fram Mr. Jim Womriaek of Greensboro, N. C., aclenowleclgiiig receipt of /?1? our periait for the Azalea Festival N?remorks display for 1956, arid a very spectacular dis- V play was pronLised. eports)?aere ieceived from the followin9 for January: k7iLaington Public Library; ?Jilming- ?COn Colored Library; County Farm Agent; New Hanover County Swine report showing: 74 Pigs on hand first of month to 75 pounds 34 Sows on hand first of month 47 HOgS 150/250 " 1 BOar \Slaughtered 11 Loss-Pnewuoiiia 1 I:illed for meat 11 =2,450 powzds =$306.25 , I'rison Farw report for iveek_ encling Fehruasy 5, 1956 TJBS received anci f'iled. / r Statement was received from State Denartment of Public Welfare advising that $67,444.09 was sent to this County in December for OAA, AllC, APTD and Admirv.stration. Copy of Employes report to the North Carolina Industrial Commission coveming a back injury ? sustained by Charles L. Nixon, Airport employe January 16, 1956, iias receiyed. A request oP St. James C1iLU ch for an abatemeilt of the 1955 taxes charhed, to AZrs. Cary Davis PiacRae on property in Block 154, they gurchasefl from her April 19, 1955, and on the Tdootten ? property in said Block purcllased by the Church rented to tenants until the building was torn docan in 1955, first presented i;o the Board October 31, 1955, was referrecl to the Coun- ? ty Attorney for Purther study arrl opiuion. ?j A request of Tif°s. Tlilton Pittman a resident of Willzesboro for a refun?i of taxes paid or?auto- ?mobile for 1954 and abatement of taxes on the same car for the year 1955, on accowlt ofithe same listed here in error, and taxes claimed by Wilkes County, was refeF^red to the Coiulty .AtLorney for opinion. , Upon niotioi3 of Mr. Mayksan, secondea by Pir. Broadhurst, County Uills No. 1196 to 1288 were approved for payment. . The meeting then adjourned. 4? C1eY'li. O Wilmington, N. C., February 20, 1956. The regular taeekly meeting of the Boa.rd t,*as held this.day at 10:00 o'clock A.i•S. . Present: R. T. TIorton, Chairman and Comnissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Iiall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayha.n, L. E. Broaclhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, Coun- ty Auditor. ' • The meeting was opened with prayer Uy the Reverend E. D. [aitherspoon, Pastor of St. Andrecas- Covenant Presbyterian Church. Copies ef the miuutes of the ctteeting oi' Febsuary 13, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Hr. Hall, seconded by Pir. Broadhurst, approvecl. `? , ! ??.? 1/ The Chairman callecl attention to Washiiigton's Birthday, February 22, iahich will be o served ??rs by the Couilty em131oyes as a legal holiday in accordance xaith our°Itules ai7d Regulations". , t A petitioii and Right-of -day Agreemeut sub;nitted b3= property owners for dragline drainage ap- 1-proximately 1,089 feet along their southeast property lines on the Dlarket Street Road (US-17) ?? i?1 the Sarzghtsville Beach Hi;hway-Leeuwenburg Farms intersection area, to tie-in with the ex- isting canal, presented by Mr. Paul Stanley, was upon motion or rrr. ]3roadhia•st, seeonded by Ptr. Hall, approved. ?? . ? o a L