1956-02-20 Regular Meeting Meeting of Ebbruary 13, 1956 - Continued With reference to the appropriation of Feueral Nluzds to stabilize the sand dunes recently constructed by the County in the unincorporated Beach areas, the Board, oii.recommendatioii of the Chairman,.and upon motion of ASr. Hall, voted to go ahead and advertise for bids for the constructi??n of a saiid fence atop tlie sand dunes oii a lineal foot basis, to stabilize the same, and vegetatioil to be planted later to ezzable the saild to builci up to it to retard - further erosion. .? The Chairi,ian called attention to the National Association of County Officials in support.of Coilgressional action to authorize payments.by the National Government in lieu oP taxes on , P'ederal Real Yroperty and endorsemeiits by Assessing Gi°oups and Representatives to discourage the Federal Government to hold most real property tax free, which with increasing acquisi- tions wi11 almost put local Goveriunent in bai2imuptcy. Q A petition suUinitted by eight (8) propei^ty owners to open and pave dead-end ,portion of Cher- ry Avenue into Floral Parkway, a distance of approximately one tenth (1/10) of a mile on ? iahich seven (7) houses are located from the Boulevard to I7ora1 Parkway, was upon motion of A1r. Broadhurst, seconded by A4r. Piayhan, approved and referred to the State Hig[zway and - Public Worlis Commission. ???A petition and righ-of-iaay agreement caas received from property o?aners to cross their land ' fbr the pw?p'ose of draii?ing the area back of Tlright's Cleaners and along the land of P1r. ? J. F. Jorda,n at the Wrightsboro and Castle Hayne Roads, and the same ?aas rePerred to the Chairiaan for investigation with the Soil Conservation Service as to the best n6tliod Lo Zzan- dle the situatioiz and report back to the Board. Recommendations aiZd suggested changes to be made to convert the County T. B. liospital into a private operated Home for the Aged, was receivecl frotn T4rs. Annie Pfay Peruberton, Sttpervis- ? or Services to the Aged, State Board of Public T+lelfare. The Chairman told the Board he had gone over the proposed changes and renovations saith an Arclv.tect and estimate$ the cost at from '$40,000.00 to $60,000.00 and felt we coul.d build a structure cheaper than it would ;,II cost to make the necessary changes to meet requirements. The matter was discusses further at letrgth and i.nasmuch as the Hospital has been advertis- ed for sale f'urther action was postponed pending receint oP bids for the sale of the saBe. ? ?L? letter was received fram Mr. Jim Womriaek of Greensboro, N. C., aclenowleclgiiig receipt of /?1? our periait for the Azalea Festival N?remorks display for 1956, arid a very spectacular dis- V play was pronLised. eports)?aere ieceived from the followin9 for January: k7iLaington Public Library; ?Jilming- ?COn Colored Library; County Farm Agent; New Hanover County Swine report showing: 74 Pigs on hand first of month to 75 pounds 34 Sows on hand first of month 47 HOgS 150/250 " 1 BOar \Slaughtered 11 Loss-Pnewuoiiia 1 I:illed for meat 11 =2,450 powzds =$306.25 , I'rison Farw report for iveek_ encling Fehruasy 5, 1956 TJBS received anci f'iled. / r Statement was received from State Denartment of Public Welfare advising that $67,444.09 was sent to this County in December for OAA, AllC, APTD and Admirv.stration. Copy of Employes report to the North Carolina Industrial Commission coveming a back injury ? sustained by Charles L. Nixon, Airport employe January 16, 1956, iias receiyed. A request oP St. James C1iLU ch for an abatemeilt of the 1955 taxes charhed, to AZrs. Cary Davis PiacRae on property in Block 154, they gurchasefl from her April 19, 1955, and on the Tdootten ? property in said Block purcllased by the Church rented to tenants until the building was torn docan in 1955, first presented i;o the Board October 31, 1955, was referrecl to the Coun- ? ty Attorney for Purther study arrl opiuion. ?j A request of Tif°s. Tlilton Pittman a resident of Willzesboro for a refun?i of taxes paid or?auto- ?mobile for 1954 and abatement of taxes on the same car for the year 1955, on accowlt ofithe same listed here in error, and taxes claimed by Wilkes County, was refeF^red to the Coiulty .AtLorney for opinion. , Upon niotioi3 of Mr. Mayksan, secondea by Pir. Broadhurst, County Uills No. 1196 to 1288 were approved for payment. . The meeting then adjourned. 4? C1eY'li. O Wilmington, N. C., February 20, 1956. The regular taeekly meeting of the Boa.rd t,*as held this.day at 10:00 o'clock A.i•S. . Present: R. T. TIorton, Chairman and Comnissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Iiall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayha.n, L. E. Broaclhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, Coun- ty Auditor. ' • The meeting was opened with prayer Uy the Reverend E. D. [aitherspoon, Pastor of St. Andrecas- Covenant Presbyterian Church. Copies ef the miuutes of the ctteeting oi' Febsuary 13, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Hr. Hall, seconded by Pir. Broadhurst, approvecl. `? , ! ??.? 1/ The Chairman callecl attention to Washiiigton's Birthday, February 22, iahich will be o served ??rs by the Couilty em131oyes as a legal holiday in accordance xaith our°Itules ai7d Regulations". , t A petitioii and Right-of -day Agreemeut sub;nitted b3= property owners for dragline drainage ap- 1-proximately 1,089 feet along their southeast property lines on the Dlarket Street Road (US-17) ?? i?1 the Sarzghtsville Beach Hi;hway-Leeuwenburg Farms intersection area, to tie-in with the ex- isting canal, presented by Mr. Paul Stanley, was upon motion or rrr. ]3roadhia•st, seeonded by Ptr. Hall, approved. ?? . ? o a L Aeeting of Pebruary 20, 1956 - Continued 45 ' A request of Mr. rbster Edwards, C1erk of Superior Co t, to transfer,$375.00 unused bond premium in his Budget to Repairs to Books and Bindars, was upon motion of Mr. Prask, second- ed by Mr. Broaclhurst, approved. I . TC4 , Upon motion of 41r. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, Piansfield A. Ready,'Post No. 8176 Vet- erans of l+oreign Wars, was'granted a refund of taxes paid in error on Post property 911 and -913 Castle Street, Block 95, for the years 1954 and 1955 which taas purchased September 1, 1953, and the same ordered placed on the tax-free list for the reason Lhe same is oxmed, occupied and used exclusively for Veterans of T'o eign TJars Post purposes,. A note oP thanks and appreciation was received from James B. Meadows, a native of Tdilmington and a studesit at New Pialden, Surrey, England, for the literature and pamphlets'we sent to him _ about Wilmington and ATew Iianover County, which"was of great help to him", he said, " in the preparation of a school paper concerning his native Town." ? y At this point the IIoard recognized the Eighteenth Birthday of the Sorosis Club and commended the Urganization for.its f'ine efforts and accomplislunents in the past. _ ? Ackno?aledgement was received fY?om U. S. Sena or W. Kerr Scott of our letter of recommendation of Air, Christopher Spivey, young High School Senior who is seeking a scholarship-appointment to the United Statee T4ilitary Academy at idest Point. He advised that his unscheduled vacancy for 1956 has already been filled, but he will keep his application aizd letters of reeonmienda- tion on file to be co!nI.0deredja December of this year for the 1957 vacancy. ?n vVl The Chairman presen e'E drcheck for $150.00 received from the Harbor Island Citizens Committee, which was upon motion of Mr. lIall, seconded `by Mr. Broadhurst appropriated to the Harbor Is- land Citizens Dra?zage Project to enable disbursement of the same for the project expense. Mr. J. R. Hollis, Superintendetlt of Public Sdelfare called atteution to an invitation to attend a joint discussion of Board of PLtUlic Welfare and County Cominissi.oneis resporisibilities at the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh, Fbbruary 24, 1?56. ? p„c? ,o? A request of the Atlantic Coast Line Rai'rrFoad CoAsny to exempt its Type "ll"" Telegraph Opera- tors froui Jury lluty as per list submitted by Mr. D. J. Padrick, Manager of "D" Telegraph Oper; ators, and approved by Nir. J. J. Peacock, General Superintendent of Transportation, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded b-T4r. Diayhan, granted. , ?i With rePerence'to disposing of the various articles and commodities inventoried at the T. B. Hospital, it was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst agreed to turn the stock of drugs over to Mr. Hall to wot^k out with the Community Hospital as to tlieir needs, and the refrigerator, deep- freeze, meat saia, foodstuffs, and so forth to Mr. Mayhan for the County I3ome use, and list of donations to the CI181*_"lilan t.o ascertain from the Donors what they iaant returned to Lheri, and report back to the Board. A very fine report sa received from Mr. C. C. AbernatYiy, Alanagement Agronomist, Soil Conser- vation Service, follocaing hi.s inspection of the sand dune construction at the Beaches, and of-i fered suggestions and reconunendatiotis as to ti!e planting and care of sea grasses to stabilize? the same. Mr. Horton raised the question as to where will available funds come from to meet the expense. ?,,?nnAN' A4r. I?oi^ton iYrged consideration be given to cleaning up deUris between the road aild ocean Pront iahich has been held up fran the Pederal angle. 14ants assurance of pay and should negotiate for the removal of the same notwithstanding it is on private property, feeling the -Federal Government would pern,it i;he County to remove the debris on securing permissi•on of the proper- ty owners. Approximately ?3,200.00 being available foi that iaork Mr. Hall moved and it was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and carried that advertiserient be made for^ cleaning up the debris in the area between the public strand and road, and that bidders interested may come to the Conunissioners Office for cletails. / , ??, ?")4 . . , No objectioils were rai.sed by the 13oar to the temporary care of James Hardy at the County Home pending recovery from a brolzen leg. It apPeared that he has a broleen leg which is in a cast reaching almost to i2is thigh. He is unable to work. Is a lone person and was placed in the Courity Hone temporary on recoimnendation of the Superintenclent of Public Welfare as it is cheap- er than reptin„-a room ancl paying his Uoard while in the cast. A? A rep??f Airport Receipts and Disbursements for January was received, together with a re- port of Cash Heceipts for January 25, and 31, lAbbruary 3, and lOth. 'Phe following census report of the County Home Iniaates; Nlarm 1'risoners aild Juveniles for Jan- - uary was receiveil from the State Board of Public Sdelfare: a Co wity Home Inmates present lst, day of month 67. " " " remaining at end of month 71 County l+larm Prisoners serving on lst, day of month 67 " " " remaining on last day of month 85 Juvenile Detention Quarters - Present on lst ctay of month 6 't " " Remainixlg on last day of month-7 Reports for January were received froin: Iiousing Authority of the City oP Sdilmington, and James t4alker Hospital. OOA? . The Chairman reported progress in the construction of the Communications Equipment Building. , at the Ai?t, and cables cut iaill soon be replaced. .6 .The Chairman called attention to this final weelc of effort to secure favorable ancl successful consideration of the Trustees to 2ocate the four-year Presbyterian College in this area, and to that eizd we should bend every effort toward tlze best presentation possible. The Committee will come in here Fkoiday to look over the sites we have to offer. ZJe have ask- ed assistance for widening the roadways into the ground sites and general cleaning up of the premises. The Chairmail was very optimistic as to this all important undertaking. ? ? ? ,46 Neeting of Pebruary 20, 1956 - Continued Mr. Hortoii also brouglit to the atteiation recent cancellations of flights in aizd out of idil- mington by National Airlines, and presented a letter written to Mr. John L'. Morris, Vice President of National Airlines protesting such actioxi and requested a meeting wi.th him here ! on this matter. P1r. Horton submitted copies of letters written to other Airlines for in- / formation concerning any contemplated additioiial scheduled routes to improve oi.ur north-south Airline Service in ana out of Wilrti.ngton. SJith industries comii7g in here, curtailment of our north-south serviee would creaLe a serious problem, and instructions were given to carite ? the Civil Aeronautics Board concerning til-is inadequate service by the National Airlines. Pfr. ? Horton said the Aviatian Committee of the Chamber of Commerce caould lilie to discuss this ? mai;ter with us. C Upon motion of P1r. Hall, seconded by Pir. Mayhan, County bills No. 1259 to 1361 were approv- ' ed for paynient. Upon motion of TSr. Broadhurst, secoiided Uy Mr. Traslc, the meeting adjourned. ? Clerk. // Wilmington, N. C., F-bruary 27, 1956. f The regulnr weekly meeting of the 13oard [aas heid this day at 10:00 o'cloclc, A. M. Preseizt: R. T. Horton, Clzairr:ian and Commissionei°s Raiford Traslc, J. M. Flall, Jr., Erizest R. Piayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, John Bright Hill, Cow7ty Attorney and T. J. Love, Couiity Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Clerk. Copies of tlze minutes of the meeting oP Ibbruary 20, 19560 havii-ig previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upoi-i cmotion of Mr. Hall, seconcied Uy Air. Alayhaiz, ap- proved. ? Tti.is being the date and hour to receive bids for the erectioiz of a temporary fence atop the / sand dunes coilstructed by the Couuty in the unincorporated Beach areas, in accordance with ? plans and specifications as advertised, tlze following sealed bids were received, and a fter in- , quiry by ttie Chairman if all bids were in, and if it was clearly understood that all bids were based on usiiig No. 13 double galvanized caire in the fence construction instead of No. 3 wire cahich was erroneousi"y sliown in the advertisement for bids, but later corrected, and it beil7g understood and agreed, were opened and publicly read: Sears-Roebuck and Company Wilmington, N. C. ?p 61570.00 Wm. S. FSuzderburg, 2105 Pender Avenue, " " 6,520.00 " " " Alternate -Brush type fence $5,320.00 Pliller Building Corporation, 5 Princess Street, " ". 7,233.00 Sailminoton IJell & Pump Company, 2824 Piarket Street," " 6,750.00 R. B. Wil;.iams, P. 0. Box 138, " " 61675.17 Pioore-Fonvielle Healty Company, 106 N. 2nd Street, " " 8,032.87 All bidders were then asked if they held North Carolina Coi-itractors' License to de Uusiiiess, as to this Sear-RoeUuck & Coiiipazty, representative could not gzve a positive ans`aer at this time, but thought they iaere duly lieensed. However, they being the lowest bidders were up- on motion of iN1r. Traslc, seconcled by P1r. Piayhan, awarded the contract to build the said fence at and for the bid price of ?6,570.00 provided tliey can meet State anci Fecleral requirements. If not, the coiltract is to be awarded to the next loi,Test Uiclder, R. B. Williams at and for the siun of $6, 675.17. ?Witiz refereiice to stabilizing tlze sand dunes, the Chairmzn recommended planting of Sea Oats out of funds left over from Nbderal money. "GeY ilIr. Aichard A. Shew who iaas presei2t explaii-ied his experience in i;he use of Uabs filled iaith sand and Bermuda grass placed along the damaged strand at his place at Wrightsville Beach following the kiurricaiie.. "The gr^ass grew thru the bags and proved satisfactoi°y in retardiiig further erosion;Yie said. Whereas, a petitiori for improveanents to a roadway in Felmington Coimnwzity, Cape Pear To[anship, New Hanover County, under authority of and in accordance caith a Judgment of the Superior Court ? dated February 5, 1954, iii the proceedings entitled, "In i;he Piatter of Petition of G. W. Fleming et al", recorded in Judgmeiit Book 38 as numUer 2596, was presei7ted to tkie Board of County Com- missioners by rir. Richard A. Shew and NIr. Oliver Carter, Attoruey, petitioning the Board of County Comriissioners of New Hanover County to request the State Iiighway aizd Public Worlcs Com- • mission to open, grade, improve ancl dedicate for use as a public highway, part of F7.eming Street in the Coiwawlity of FJ.emington, from Fayetteville Avenue to its intersection with Second Avenue as relocated, thence eastwardly from this intersection to the new North Carolina paved llightoay, as showu iii "green" on the map of Fletni.ngton attached to said petition and copy of Judgment of the Superior Court of l+ebruary 5, 1954, aforesaid, and Whereas, it appears that the improve»ents requesi;ed and dedication of the Highcaap to the public use in lieu of other streets or roadways that have been closed in said subdivisiov, is for the best interest of the road system of New 33anover County. NOSd, THEREL'OHE, improveiaents requested to be made to the said roacl«ay are hereby, upon motion iof Du . Trask, seconded by Dfr. Hall, approved anci referred to tize Stai,e Highway and Public Worlts Corrunission for its consideration. ? The Chairman told the Board that he went over to the Chamber of Commerce follox.ing our meeting 1;? ticipated Ntiarm Receipts. A contract submitted by DSr. J. E. l?enberg to operate a "U-Drive-It" service at ?he Airgort aE ?G00.00 pe? year plus ".`8.00 rental Por couuter space, was referx•ed to the County Attorney for o?ini on aild repor°t at the next meeting. ? , • . v last Monday to discuss National Airlines cancellations of certain flights serving tdilmington and agreed to consolidate our ePforts with t}ieni to have Liie flights restored and asked that iae hold ofP writing Civil Aeronauties Board conceruing the matter and meet at the Aii^port Manag- er's Office at 3:00 P.PI., Tuesday, February? 28 to cliscuss it, and it is understood_a represent- ative of Mr. Piorris, Vice President of A?ational 1?irlines ?aill be present. ? The Chairman presented a check Por ?235.00 received from the Fbderal Government account of the /?,l? County Parm A. C. Program, ialiich was turned over to the County Auditor to be applied to Unar?- , ?