1956-02-27 Regular Meeting,46 Neeting of Pebruary 20, 1956 - Continued Mr. Hortoii also brouglit to the atteiation recent cancellations of flights in aizd out of idil- mington by National Airlines, and presented a letter written to Mr. John L'. Morris, Vice President of National Airlines protesting such actioxi and requested a meeting wi.th him here ! on this matter. P1r. Horton submitted copies of letters written to other Airlines for in- / formation concerning any contemplated additioiial scheduled routes to improve oi.ur north-south Airline Service in ana out of Wilrti.ngton. SJith industries comii7g in here, curtailment of our north-south serviee would creaLe a serious problem, and instructions were given to carite ? the Civil Aeronautics Board concerning til-is inadequate service by the National Airlines. Pfr. ? Horton said the Aviatian Committee of the Chamber of Commerce caould lilie to discuss this ? mai;ter with us. C Upon motion of P1r. Hall, seconded by Pir. Mayhan, County bills No. 1259 to 1361 were approv- ' ed for paynient. Upon motion of TSr. Broadhurst, secoiided Uy Mr. Traslc, the meeting adjourned. ? Clerk. // Wilmington, N. C., F-bruary 27, 1956. f The regulnr weekly meeting of the 13oard [aas heid this day at 10:00 o'cloclc, A. M. Preseizt: R. T. Horton, Clzairr:ian and Commissionei°s Raiford Traslc, J. M. Flall, Jr., Erizest R. Piayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, John Bright Hill, Cow7ty Attorney and T. J. Love, Couiity Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Clerk. Copies of tlze minutes of the meeting oP Ibbruary 20, 19560 havii-ig previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upoi-i cmotion of Mr. Hall, seconcied Uy Air. Alayhaiz, ap- proved. ? Tti.is being the date and hour to receive bids for the erectioiz of a temporary fence atop the / sand dunes coilstructed by the Couuty in the unincorporated Beach areas, in accordance with ? plans and specifications as advertised, tlze following sealed bids were received, and a fter in- , quiry by ttie Chairman if all bids were in, and if it was clearly understood that all bids were based on usiiig No. 13 double galvanized caire in the fence construction instead of No. 3 wire cahich was erroneousi"y sliown in the advertisement for bids, but later corrected, and it beil7g understood and agreed, were opened and publicly read: Sears-Roebuck and Company Wilmington, N. C. ?p 61570.00 Wm. S. FSuzderburg, 2105 Pender Avenue, " " 6,520.00 " " " Alternate -Brush type fence $5,320.00 Pliller Building Corporation, 5 Princess Street, " ". 7,233.00 Sailminoton IJell & Pump Company, 2824 Piarket Street," " 6,750.00 R. B. Wil;.iams, P. 0. Box 138, " " 61675.17 Pioore-Fonvielle Healty Company, 106 N. 2nd Street, " " 8,032.87 All bidders were then asked if they held North Carolina Coi-itractors' License to de Uusiiiess, as to this Sear-RoeUuck & Coiiipazty, representative could not gzve a positive ans`aer at this time, but thought they iaere duly lieensed. However, they being the lowest bidders were up- on motion of iN1r. Traslc, seconcled by P1r. Piayhan, awarded the contract to build the said fence at and for the bid price of ?6,570.00 provided tliey can meet State anci Fecleral requirements. If not, the coiltract is to be awarded to the next loi,Test Uiclder, R. B. Williams at and for the siun of $6, 675.17. ?Witiz refereiice to stabilizing tlze sand dunes, the Chairmzn recommended planting of Sea Oats out of funds left over from Nbderal money. "GeY ilIr. Aichard A. Shew who iaas presei2t explaii-ied his experience in i;he use of Uabs filled iaith sand and Bermuda grass placed along the damaged strand at his place at Wrightsville Beach following the kiurricaiie.. "The gr^ass grew thru the bags and proved satisfactoi°y in retardiiig further erosion;Yie said. Whereas, a petitiori for improveanents to a roadway in Felmington Coimnwzity, Cape Pear To[anship, New Hanover County, under authority of and in accordance caith a Judgment of the Superior Court ? dated February 5, 1954, iii the proceedings entitled, "In i;he Piatter of Petition of G. W. Fleming et al", recorded in Judgmeiit Book 38 as numUer 2596, was presei7ted to tkie Board of County Com- missioners by rir. Richard A. Shew and NIr. Oliver Carter, Attoruey, petitioning the Board of County Comriissioners of New Hanover County to request the State Iiighway aizd Public Worlcs Com- • mission to open, grade, improve ancl dedicate for use as a public highway, part of F7.eming Street in the Coiwawlity of FJ.emington, from Fayetteville Avenue to its intersection with Second Avenue as relocated, thence eastwardly from this intersection to the new North Carolina paved llightoay, as showu iii "green" on the map of Fletni.ngton attached to said petition and copy of Judgment of the Superior Court of l+ebruary 5, 1954, aforesaid, and Whereas, it appears that the improve»ents requesi;ed and dedication of the Highcaap to the public use in lieu of other streets or roadways that have been closed in said subdivisiov, is for the best interest of the road system of New 33anover County. NOSd, THEREL'OHE, improveiaents requested to be made to the said roacl«ay are hereby, upon motion iof Du . Trask, seconded by Dfr. Hall, approved anci referred to tize Stai,e Highway and Public Worlts Corrunission for its consideration. ? The Chairman told the Board that he went over to the Chamber of Commerce follox.ing our meeting 1;? ticipated Ntiarm Receipts. A contract submitted by DSr. J. E. l?enberg to operate a "U-Drive-It" service at ?he Airgort aE ?G00.00 pe? year plus ".`8.00 rental Por couuter space, was referx•ed to the County Attorney for o?ini on aild repor°t at the next meeting. ? , • . v last Monday to discuss National Airlines cancellations of certain flights serving tdilmington and agreed to consolidate our ePforts with t}ieni to have Liie flights restored and asked that iae hold ofP writing Civil Aeronauties Board conceruing the matter and meet at the Aii^port Manag- er's Office at 3:00 P.PI., Tuesday, February? 28 to cliscuss it, and it is understood_a represent- ative of Mr. Piorris, Vice President of A?ational 1?irlines ?aill be present. ? The Chairman presented a check Por ?235.00 received from the Fbderal Government account of the /?,l? County Parm A. C. Program, ialiich was turned over to the County Auditor to be applied to Unar?- , ? Meeting of Pebruary 27, 1956 - Continued ??-?? ?? • ? With reference to Attorney fees for matcing Old Age Assistailce property collectioi-is and pro- cedure under the Old Age Assistance lien Law, it appears to be the responsiUility of the Coun- ty Commissioners to deter;nine the fee, or to allow no fee in cases where the County Attorney is on a full time salary, The County may deduct 10% of the amount collected to reimburse the,County for•the expense. Mr. Hollis, Superintendent of Public TJelfelre was present and said most liens aie paid off ioithout resorting to the services of an•Attorney, we have some 15 or 20 against whom action should be started now. Mr. Trask suggested that lOf for collections be allowed out of the General Dlznd Account, same to be repaid back into tYie General Fund thru the County Attorney, without additional pay. After further discussion the matter iaas referred to the County Attorney to pursue the question with TIr. Cobb, Assistant Solicitor and?.the_-.Jelfare Departinent and report back to the Board. The questioil of securing necessary Legislation to increase the State appropriation for Welfare Administration to reimburse the Counties for services renciered the State not covered by State appropriation. Zt appeared that the amo wit of administratian cost received f rom the Federal GovernmenL and the State is approximately 40o which means the Counties are paying 60'fo which, it was said, is entirely too hibh, aiid the present State appropriation should be iizCreased from $300,000.00 to st least $750,000.00. Seven (7) other Legislative items now being consid- ered by the Legislative Couunittee of ttie State Association of County Comnissioners were pre- , sented by the Chairinan who invited comment and suggestions, but no action,caas taken at this time. ? - - The Commissioners agreecl?to 'furnish the Fa.ntus Area Research Corporation, at their request, saith a list of names of Industries and Manufacturers in this area, number of employes aild pay scale, for their use in conneetion with their Industrial Survey of this County under agreement with the City and County._,,??? • ? A letter of thanlts and appreciation was received Prom Dr. H. S. Willis, Superintendent Medical llirector of North Carolina Sanatorium§ for our offer to the Sanatorium at McCai:n, the liUrary facilities of the New Hanover County Sanatorium. G4?'rN/yY? . An invitation was received from ist Lt. Oscar C.•Herring, Camnanding OfPi_cer Artillery NCNG Headquarters Battery 252 !aAA Group, to attend opeti house and display of equipment to be held Saturday afternoon, February 25, at the National Guard Installation, Bluethenthal Fiel.d. A RGSOI,UTION RELATIVE TO THE ESTABLISHNIEPdT OP A ?G''/„9?• ? F??iRY r1CI20S5 TFIEt L01dER CAPE FPAR RIVER WHLREAS, the Board of Couizty Commissioners of New Hanover County has beetz informed of the fil- ing with the North Caroliria Utilities Comr:+ission of an application for a certi'ficate of publzc conveuieilce and necessity to operate a ferry across the lower Cape Fear River. ld1iEREAS, this Board has been further inPormed that the most suitaUle approaches for the pro- Posed ferry in New I3anover County are within a protective raclius acquired Uy the United States Goverivuent in connection taith the Sunny Point Aminunition Depot aizcl the permission must be ob- , tained from the United States Gover°nment before the proposed ferry service may Ue established. WHL+'ttliAS, this Board recogiu zes the great and immediate need for tlze proposed ferry service, not only for the convenience of the citizens oP Nes'Panover County and Brunssaicli County, but al- so for the convenience of the tourists who visit the fine Beaches, heautiflzl gardens, Historic and otlier places of public interest zalZich abouild in New lianover and Brunswick Counties. , NO[a, THEREFOIL?, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Coi.uity Conunissioners of New Hanover County, 1. That the F'edeial Government be requested to grant permi.ssion for the estab- - lislvnent of the proposed ferry service caith approaches in New Hanover County near the eastern terminus of U. S. HigJ7way 421. 2. That the North Carolina Utilities Comnission pe requested to find that public convenience and izecessity r°equire tize operation of the proposed ferry service. 3. That a copy of tkiis resolution be sent to Col. William A. TicAleer, Comr:;anding Officer, Swzny Point Anvnunition Loading 'Perminal, Southport, N. C.; Co.l. Haymond L. Hill, District Engineer, Army Corps Engineers, Wilmington, N. C.; Honorable Stanley Winborne, Chairman, North Carolina Utilities Coumiission, Haleigh, N. C.; and HonoraUle A. Ti. Graham, Chairman, North Carolina State IIighway and Public Works Cmmnission, Raleigh, North Carolina. The foregoing resolution was upon »iotion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, adopted, and in- structions were given to ask our Repiesentatives in the Congress to exert their influence to bring the saiae to a successful conclusion. The follocaing good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial_Qf Civil cases for the two (2) weeks term beginning Ttarch 12, 1956: 1 JacoU S?r?t,?P. 0. Box 838 Ta. N. 3ordan,-4-U Lake Viliage LeRoy Whitfield, 113 Vietoria Drive H. H. Corbett, P. 0. Box 1139 Justin S. Smith, 122 Graham Street Stacy Ilerring, 310 Davie Street J. H. Hintai, 1919 Dlarkel: Street E. T. Auld, 410 South lEith Street J. F. Heinbockle, Rte.2-I3ox 146 D. J. Pankey, Itte.l-Box 188 Ii. D. ICelley, Rte.2-Box 397-A C. E. Yarborough, Rte.l-Box 470 Eddie Raynor; Rte.3-Box 452 P. A. Courley, P. 0. 26, 4]rightsville I3each Joseph Niigkiton, 212 Or.ange Street A. Hart. 5-0 Lake Village ,W. C. Scoggins, 1909 Castle Street W. H. Merritt, Box 247 Castle Hayne Road A. G. ICornegay, 720 Nlarlcet Street / L. D. Nelson, 271E rlonroe Street ChadUourn Wliitfield, Rte.l-Box 229-A J. H. Redmon, 14-B liake Village W. J. Gore, 4513 Oleancler Drive John H. NicEachern, 1619 Princess Street F. E. Rouse, 2128 Oleander Drive' ' Lomlie Melvin, 107 Castle Hayne Road Horace Allen, Rte.1-l3ox 64 William E. Beruiett, Ate.3-Box 173 M. Page Taylor, Rte.2-Box 498 5inclair Williams, Rte.l-Box 121 Cdilhelmina M. rfcNair, 3825 Princess Street Road Fbdy C. Burroughs, 140 Gordon Road ' Olden Terry, 1015 South Lincoln Court C. W. Padgett, Rte.3-Box 30 P. L. Jones, Jr., P. 0. Box 154 Castle Hayne,.N. Chas. B. Hudson, Rte.?-Box 297 ? 47 ? , 48 Meeting of ibbruar,y 27, 1956 - Continued 3ury List - Continued l+br the Second Week: Mildred M. Jordan, 2724 Van 13uren Street James B. Bordeaux, Ftte.2-Box 437 Lindsey Sullivan, Rte.l-Box 274 Charles Chasen, 724 South 22nd Street T. N. Rowell, 217 South 17th Street John D. Clark, 105 Teiinessee Avenue E. H. Delano. 114 tdrightsville Avenue W. L. Harris, F-10 Oleander Court Apartments 9rland llale, 234 Calhoun Drive John A. Bryant, Rte.l-Box GO W. T. Hall, Sr., 1715 Oi^arige Street J. R. Harrell, Jr., 645 Castle Hayne Road J. C. Wmumack, 9 Sdrightsville Avenue R. H. Iiolden, 2621 Chestnut Street Wesley A. Nixon, Rte.?-Box 372 Ha-rry Ainsworth, 140 Lake kbrest Parkway D. D. Sloan, 2801 Chestnut Street Vernoi7 G. Slater, 253 AiorLh 25th Street W. P. llavis; 227 Vaizce Street D. R. Player, 125 Victoria Drive Noi^man L. Sneeden, 108 South 46th Street Charles Spellman, Rte.2-Box 141 E. E. Grantham, 2-L Lake Village W. ld. Carlyle, P. 0. Box 579, Carolina Beach,A'C Carl L. Sanders, 103 South 41st Street E. N. Small, 3805 Park Avenue W. D. Johnson, Ate.2-Box 349 Bertha C. Stevens, 112 Dlarion Drive David Foy, Jr., i3te.1-Box 341 Geo. S. Britt, 2870-A Jefferson 3treet E. P. Davis, Jr., 115 Grahain Drive Tiitcheli Kelly, Rte.l-Box 57 George M. Piurrell, Box 740, City Ed. J. Lowell, 415 South 16th Street \,?. S. Snipes, Hte.2-Box 425 ? H. G. J2ekson, 1922 Church Street -? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, secondecl b Mr. Trask, the Board approved the payment of $1,959.91 County's half sirare of cost of ?:3,979.81 teith the City, for repairs and painting ,Cape Fear Armory Buil.ding at 814 Pfarlcet Street. T11e Chairman reported progress on the dr agline work, and that the dragline had been moved over to Little Jo1in's Dairy ori the Blue Clay Road for a thousand (1,000) foot oPeration there. Pir. T. D. liove formally appeared before the Board at the request of t11e County Employes Re- tirement I3oard to ask for payment of $1,800.00 to the Retirement Board which is the amount ? shown by a recent audit by the County on unpaid balances due on appropriations, i Payment of $375.00 balance due Cherry, Bekaert and Holland, CPA's oiz the 1955 County Audit was approved for payment contiiigent upon payment of pro rata share of tize audit cost by the ? etirement Board, Officers Relief Board and other Departments sharinb ii1 the cost. Monthly reports were received from the 3oard of Health and Wilnv_ngton Colored Library, and orclered filed. In answer to a question asked by the Chairman if Mr. PSaylzan had any comments to make on the re- cent drinking among certain prisoners at tlze Couizty b'arm, Mr. ATayhan said he was notified of Lhe drinking, made an investigation and reporrted it to Mr. IIorton promptly the following Pfon- day, Pebruary 20. It was explained that tlze liquor was throian over tne fence by another prisoner. A1r. IIorton then recomnended that the least we could clo is to go out there and find out what prisoners are leaving the Compowzd. See that the gates are kept closed and locked and the SuPeriiltendent keep the keys. Every prisoner checked in and searched under the super- vision of hlr, llave Rivenbark who will be sole responsible for the prisoners and repo"rt to the Superintendent anytiiing out of the ordinary pertaifling to the prisoners. Any difficulty that may come up should be discizsses with the Superintendent aizd straightened out or irrunediately takeri up with the Commissioizers. In the future, the gates to tlie Compound shall be kept loekecl ai7c1 no admission allowed after 5:30 in the afternoon. ??k As to the Grand Jur°y investigation of conditions there which haxe been greatly discussed re- cently, it was esplained that 1•4r. Hor.ton and other Conmiissioners have offered to cooperate fully with the Granfl Jury at all times. At ?this point Mr. Hall said;"It is up to the Grand '1,7 Jury to make investigations caithout being asked to do so." f,t?Mr. Horton commended Mr. Herbert Riverbark, the Superintendent as having done a fine job at ??.N?the County Hmne and F'arm over anything in the past, and give hiiii a little cooperation and he ?vill do a better job. ACooperation iaas assured by the Winter Park Optimist Club, City Recreation Club and Carolina kower and Light Conipany to provide lights, and so forth, to in'crease the facilities of the .P?all diariond at llugh NlacRae Park for the further development of the Parlc. Zt Upon motion of Mr. Alayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Couiity bills No. 1362 to 1467 were approved for payment. ' Upon motion of Mr. tIall, the meeti.ng was then adjourned. 49"f Clerk. ? Wilmingtons N. C., March 5. 1956. ?n? ?\i'he regular weekly meeting of the Board was helcl this clay at 10:00 o'eloek A. M. Present: R. T. IIorton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. IIall, Jr,,.Ernest ? R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, John Brig1at Hill, County Ati,orney and T. A. Love, County Auditor. ?? . The meeting was'opened with prayer by the Reverend M. J. AlcChesney, Pastor of Immanuel. Pres- byterian Church. ' ? Copies of the minutes of - the meeting of February 27, 1956, having previously been mai"1ed to each member of the Board, the sar?e were upon moticn of Mr. Dlayhan, seconded Uy Mr. Trask, ? approve?l. ' • This being the date and hour set by the Board to receive bids i'or the sal.e of tl.ie New Han- ? over Cotulty Sanatorium; Nurses Home; Cottage and ap.proximately 7-1/3 acres of laild as adver- tised, ttao (2) bids caere received. i Before opening the bids, the Chairsvaiz Urouvlzt to the atteriti.on that the lai7d was donated Uy Mr. Willetts which raised two schools of tllought - Mr. Willetts be given some consideration . by returning some of the land to him that nu.ght not be included in the sale, or property in ? the rear for a Park. Mr. Sdilletts gave tYie land specifical.ly for the Sanatorium site and felt he should be given the privileoe to say what should be done iaith i:he property, if enti:- I? tled to something back, mouey or some of the land. Don't think it would be consistent not ? .? to do so in view of disposition of' other donated gifts. If we can't give some of`the land , back can put a value on it. ? ?