1956-03-05 Regular Meeting, 48 Meeting of ibbruar,y 27, 1956 - Continued 3ury List - Continued l+br the Second Week: Mildred M. Jordan, 2724 Van 13uren Street James B. Bordeaux, Ftte.2-Box 437 Lindsey Sullivan, Rte.l-Box 274 Charles Chasen, 724 South 22nd Street T. N. Rowell, 217 South 17th Street John D. Clark, 105 Teiinessee Avenue E. H. Delano. 114 tdrightsville Avenue W. L. Harris, F-10 Oleander Court Apartments 9rland llale, 234 Calhoun Drive John A. Bryant, Rte.l-Box GO W. T. Hall, Sr., 1715 Oi^arige Street J. R. Harrell, Jr., 645 Castle Hayne Road J. C. Wmumack, 9 Sdrightsville Avenue R. H. Iiolden, 2621 Chestnut Street Wesley A. Nixon, Rte.?-Box 372 Ha-rry Ainsworth, 140 Lake kbrest Parkway D. D. Sloan, 2801 Chestnut Street Vernoi7 G. Slater, 253 AiorLh 25th Street W. P. llavis; 227 Vaizce Street D. R. Player, 125 Victoria Drive Noi^man L. Sneeden, 108 South 46th Street Charles Spellman, Rte.2-Box 141 E. E. Grantham, 2-L Lake Village W. ld. Carlyle, P. 0. Box 579, Carolina Beach,A'C Carl L. Sanders, 103 South 41st Street E. N. Small, 3805 Park Avenue W. D. Johnson, Ate.2-Box 349 Bertha C. Stevens, 112 Dlarion Drive David Foy, Jr., i3te.1-Box 341 Geo. S. Britt, 2870-A Jefferson 3treet E. P. Davis, Jr., 115 Grahain Drive Tiitcheli Kelly, Rte.l-Box 57 George M. Piurrell, Box 740, City Ed. J. Lowell, 415 South 16th Street \,?. S. Snipes, Hte.2-Box 425 ? H. G. J2ekson, 1922 Church Street -? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, secondecl b Mr. Trask, the Board approved the payment of $1,959.91 County's half sirare of cost of ?:3,979.81 teith the City, for repairs and painting ,Cape Fear Armory Buil.ding at 814 Pfarlcet Street. T11e Chairman reported progress on the dr agline work, and that the dragline had been moved over to Little Jo1in's Dairy ori the Blue Clay Road for a thousand (1,000) foot oPeration there. Pir. T. D. liove formally appeared before the Board at the request of t11e County Employes Re- tirement I3oard to ask for payment of $1,800.00 to the Retirement Board which is the amount ? shown by a recent audit by the County on unpaid balances due on appropriations, i Payment of $375.00 balance due Cherry, Bekaert and Holland, CPA's oiz the 1955 County Audit was approved for payment contiiigent upon payment of pro rata share of tize audit cost by the ? etirement Board, Officers Relief Board and other Departments sharinb ii1 the cost. Monthly reports were received from the 3oard of Health and Wilnv_ngton Colored Library, and orclered filed. In answer to a question asked by the Chairman if Mr. PSaylzan had any comments to make on the re- cent drinking among certain prisoners at tlze Couizty b'arm, Mr. ATayhan said he was notified of Lhe drinking, made an investigation and reporrted it to Mr. IIorton promptly the following Pfon- day, Pebruary 20. It was explained that tlze liquor was throian over tne fence by another prisoner. A1r. IIorton then recomnended that the least we could clo is to go out there and find out what prisoners are leaving the Compowzd. See that the gates are kept closed and locked and the SuPeriiltendent keep the keys. Every prisoner checked in and searched under the super- vision of hlr, llave Rivenbark who will be sole responsible for the prisoners and repo"rt to the Superintendent anytiiing out of the ordinary pertaifling to the prisoners. Any difficulty that may come up should be discizsses with the Superintendent aizd straightened out or irrunediately takeri up with the Commissioizers. In the future, the gates to tlie Compound shall be kept loekecl ai7c1 no admission allowed after 5:30 in the afternoon. ??k As to the Grand Jur°y investigation of conditions there which haxe been greatly discussed re- cently, it was esplained that 1•4r. Hor.ton and other Conmiissioners have offered to cooperate fully with the Granfl Jury at all times. At ?this point Mr. Hall said;"It is up to the Grand '1,7 Jury to make investigations caithout being asked to do so." f,t?Mr. Horton commended Mr. Herbert Riverbark, the Superintendent as having done a fine job at ??.N?the County Hmne and F'arm over anything in the past, and give hiiii a little cooperation and he ?vill do a better job. ACooperation iaas assured by the Winter Park Optimist Club, City Recreation Club and Carolina kower and Light Conipany to provide lights, and so forth, to in'crease the facilities of the .P?all diariond at llugh NlacRae Park for the further development of the Parlc. Zt Upon motion of Mr. Alayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Couiity bills No. 1362 to 1467 were approved for payment. ' Upon motion of Mr. tIall, the meeti.ng was then adjourned. 49"f Clerk. ? Wilmingtons N. C., March 5. 1956. ?n? ?\i'he regular weekly meeting of the Board was helcl this clay at 10:00 o'eloek A. M. Present: R. T. IIorton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. IIall, Jr,,.Ernest ? R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, John Brig1at Hill, County Ati,orney and T. A. Love, County Auditor. ?? . The meeting was'opened with prayer by the Reverend M. J. AlcChesney, Pastor of Immanuel. Pres- byterian Church. ' ? Copies of the minutes of - the meeting of February 27, 1956, having previously been mai"1ed to each member of the Board, the sar?e were upon moticn of Mr. Dlayhan, seconded Uy Mr. Trask, ? approve?l. ' • This being the date and hour set by the Board to receive bids i'or the sal.e of tl.ie New Han- ? over Cotulty Sanatorium; Nurses Home; Cottage and ap.proximately 7-1/3 acres of laild as adver- tised, ttao (2) bids caere received. i Before opening the bids, the Chairsvaiz Urouvlzt to the atteriti.on that the lai7d was donated Uy Mr. Willetts which raised two schools of tllought - Mr. Willetts be given some consideration . by returning some of the land to him that nu.ght not be included in the sale, or property in ? the rear for a Park. Mr. Sdilletts gave tYie land specifical.ly for the Sanatorium site and felt he should be given the privileoe to say what should be done iaith i:he property, if enti:- I? tled to something back, mouey or some of the land. Don't think it would be consistent not ? .? to do so in view of disposition of' other donated gifts. If we can't give some of`the land , back can put a value on it. ? ? ? Meeting of March 5, 1956 - Continued Mr. Eiall agreed he is due some consideration. Mr. Pfayhan asked Mr. jdilletts what did he think woul.d be a fair value for the land.. He rePlied that we caill have no trouble in. get- ting at a value. Mr. Trask said he caould not'go along on giving any money back, but would on land lePt. Mr. Horton suggested half of the land, or how much? Air. Sailletts said he mould accept 32 acres of land if given access to it. Mr. Broadhurst suggested that the bids be opened aild deal with Mr:Willel:ts as to a s0ttle- ment later. Thereupon the following,bid submitted by Doctors S. E. Pace, R. T. Sinclair, Jr., and W. C. Dtebane was opened and read,: "Offered to purchase the Hospital 13uilding, ATurses Houie, Cottage and other outbuild- inbs with all Lheir equinment (other than that which might be privately owned) and the aPproximate 7 1/3 acres of land on which they are located, for the purchase price of $50,000.00 in cash. . If the offer is accepted, they said, it is their intention to enlarge it and to use the property for tne development of a non-profit general Hospital, approximate- ly thirty-five (35) beds. It is contemplated that at least 2,000 square feet of floor space will have to be added to the presenL facility, and that this construc- tion plus the reilovation and equipnent of.the Hospital will apProximate $75,000.00 actditional exnenditure. It is their further intention, they said, to maintain facilities on the premises for the care oP alcoholic patients. Tde feel that there is a pressing need for such facilities,iii Neta Haazover County." 'the only other bid received was an offer to lease the Sanatoriiun with option to purcliase submitted by Pirs. G. T. Grotgen, a licensed practical nurse taho said she and her husband were interested in leasing the Sanatorium pi°operty with perhaps an option to purchase at some later date, ancl woul.d like the opportunity oP worleing oiit the details with the Commis- sioners. She suggested that"perhaps a fair rental ivould be, say, $10.00 per patient xsith a minimum rental of W0.00 per month". Mr. J. Hardie F'erguson, Attorney, speaking in behalY of t•irs. Grotgen's pro.posal, stressed the crying need For a facility for the care of agecl persons at less cost to them for main- tenance and care tJzan a General IIospital, and it would be a gretit asset to ldilmington to let it be lcnown we have a Nursing Home, 3tegistered as a Boarding fIome. , Mr. J. R. Hollis, Superintendent of Public Welfare voiced the need of a Boarcling IIane and could participate in State and N'ederal Assistance. A representative of lloctors 1'ace, Sinelair and P1eUane, stressed the point of improvements to the Hospital and provision for tre2tmes7t of Alcoholics. "i Mr. W. R. llosher, former Wilrungton Postniaster, and who has given much of his time to the advancemen't of the care arid treatment of ALcoholics, was present to give his persoi:al en- dorsement of the need of such a facility., ? After due consicleratzon was given tlle bid and pioposal submitted, Mr. Traslz moved and it was seconded by Mr. l3roadhurst and'carried, that the ]3oard accept the bid for the purchase of the Tuberculosis Sanatoriwn, Buildings and Land as advertised, submitted by lloctors Pace, Sinciair and Mebane, at ancl for the'purchase price of q50,000.00. The said fwids to be ear- marked, iP needed, to provide a 13uilding for the care of the_Aged. It being iulderstood, however, that the Boara will go along with the bid as submitted by Doctors, Pace, Sinclair and 4lebane, and the question of ataarding Pir. Willetts a portion of the land be turned over to P1r. Willetts and the Doctors to settle. ?Aw ,?. llr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Education, a;ppeared to say that they were short on class rooms at Idiizter Park School, ancl need to build siz,(6) additional rooms and correct a bad drainage condition there. He asked that approximaLely two-thirds (2/3) of Peachtree Street on the School Yroperty be closed whicii is necessary for the additional class rooins. ' Upon motion of Mr. Trask, secoilded by Mr. I3a11, the Boa.rd voted to talre steps to close thwt part of Peachtree Street in Winter Park necessary to.permit the construction of additional class rooms, if no one objects, subject to receipL of petition,to be furizish- ed Uy the l3oard of Education. llr. Hoggard Purtliei asked that consideration Ue given to Lhe draiizage of the School Basement by opening up a drainage along TicPlillan Avenue, which he said would cost the Board of Educatiou $4,000,,Q0, if they had to do it. Mrs, M. F. Buckley appeared to ask for drainage of tne land in the Pumpkin kiln area, Cape Fbar Township to comzect with tlie draznage canal into Prince George Creek. She was in- structed to secure a petition for the drainage requested giving the Cowlty perr.ussion to enter upon private properl:y to perform the work, if the project should be approved. Upon motion of Mr. Ilall, seconded by Tir. Broadhurst, the Board approvecl a 5-year contract with the "U-Urive-It" Company to Provide transportation service at the Airport after the same shall have been amended by the Ceunty Attorney by tlie addition oP a clause to the ef- fect "that if at any time the services rendered are not satisfactory, the contract may be terminated by',either party on thirty (30) days notice". a4r The Lhairinan reirted on meeting--iaith National Airiznes Officials Tuesday. It was explain- ed that eibliteen (18) flight cancellations were necessary to take certain airplanes out for repairs anci they will be put back in service soon, with addii;ional service to take care of all.air flights, and the Airrort Pianager will be notified of any future cancellations that may be necessa.ry. A requ s of Mr. G. C. Bordeaux for a separation of the 1953 real and peisonal property tax- es due by J: F. Murray charged against Lot 8 in Block 3, Bordeaux Division, on a valuation of $700.00 on Lhe land and G,190.00 persoiial property, and permit him to pay taxes on the real estate and release the personal property tax lien against the said lot, for the reason he Tzad to take it'back anrl felt that he should not be required to pay the personal taxes of Mr. Murray charged against the same, taas upon motion referred to the Chairman, County AL- torney and Tax Colleetor for investigati m1 arid recoimnendation and report back to the IIoard. After a motion offered by Mr. Trask to separate the taxes to enable him to pay.on the real estate, failed of a second. \ \ 49 . . d ? ,_" o Meeting of riarch 5, 1956 - Continued The Cliairman annowlced a referendum on Social Security coverage was coming up on P•farch 28 with only Law Enforcemerit Officers participating. A letter was received from the District Public tdorks Officer of the Sixth Naval District, / Charleston, S. C., suhgesting a meeting be held in Ctiarleston or Wilmington concerni_ng cor- rection of an wldesirable drainage-erosion problem existi.ng in certain areas of the drain- age ditches which, to a consiclerable exi;ent, is related to coizstruction performed by the Navy in connectiori with the new runway work ai: Bluei:henthal I`ield. The Chairman was instructed to iarite the ATavy thaL cqe feel it taould be to the best advan= tage if the meeting was held here in LJilmington 10:00 o'clock A. PI., Aiarch 14, 1956, xahere d the condition could Ue observed and uiethod of correction discussed, and to that end they. ?make arrangements to have a representative meet with us here on thai; date. Sdith reference to tize removal of debris left along the unincorporated Beach areas by the hurricanes, it appeais we cannot advertise to tuidertake the expense for removal of the same with what money we have, but it [aas suggested that anyone interested could come in and dis- ? ? cuss it as to tahat they zaould be iailliilg to do towarcl relieving tlie situation and giviiig. permission to move it off as ?ae have no right to 00 on private property without permission. The Chairfnan suggested that ioe could get contractors at yp3:00 per hour for trucks and $1.50 for labor, and have thein get together on a contract and go ahead with the work. A letter was received from Dr. James R. Brandon requesting of $75.00 for treatment of John Graham at Coiwnunity Hospital, October 22, 1955 and subsequent treatments for injury to right wrist on OctoUer 19, 1955, when he was struck Uy a policeman's club, was upon motion of Mr. p?a Broadhurst, seconded by Tir. Hall, declined and referred to the City inasmuch as the injury taas sustained before he became a County prisoner, therefore iL is not a Co wity responsibility. A letter was received from Mr. A. H. Graham, Chairmai: of the State IIighcaay and Publ.ic Works Conmiission, in reply to our resolution concerning pi°ovision for ferry service Uy private in- terests Uetween the lower part of the County with Brunsiaick Couizty, advising that the posi- ?? tion of the Highcaay Commission i,*ill be one of cooperation in the matter of establishirig a ? ferry across the lower Cape Fear River. Stating further, that while the Commission is not in a position from lack ot funds to operate such a ferry, will assist in providing adequate highway connections. A letter was received from D1r. B. C. Snow, Chief Engineer, State Division of Water Resources, llepartnient of Conservation and Development, making inquiry as to the cos1: per linear fooL, or per nule, of sancl dunes anrl fences constructed in New Hanover Cowity under the provision of Public LaNa 875, also the height, top Naidth ancl bottom ioidth of the dunes, and if vege-t?) tion or brush was used to stabiIize the dunes and cost,. A copy of a comprehensive report on long-range Ilurricane Rehabilitation Project, prepared by the State Council of Civil Defeizse was reeeived i'rom Gavernor Luther H. Iiodges for the r Board's study and suggestions on coping with future storms. Zoning ordinances, construc- /? ? tion projects necessary to pi^event hurricane damage or to stop erosion and such necessary Legislation to cope with the hurricane situation. I A letter of confirmation was received from Mr. Wally Dunham, President of the North Carolina ? County Couvnissioners Association, of the appointment of Mr. Horton as a member of the North c,t?, Caroli?3a Conmiissioners Association Tax Study Committee. y A/letter was received Prom A1r. John Alexander McPlahon, Assistant ?irector of the Institute of Goverrunent callino attention to a mOeting of the Committee for preparing a brief for sub- mission to the Tax Study Commission, called by P1r. Wally llunham, Presideiit of the State As- sociation of County Corrmiissioners, for 2:00 P.P1.; Thursday, March 8, at the Institute of Government. The Chairman was authorized to attend the meeting as a member o'f the Tax Study Committee. • Notice was received from P1r. McPSahon, of the annual one(1)-day District pfeeting for Count,y Canmissioners to be held by the Institute of Governmen-L at Iienansville, Thursday, Plarch 15, lqat 10:00 o'clock A.Pi., and urged all to attend who can'find it possi.ble to do so. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded Uy Mr. 13roadhurst, the Board approved the payment of not exceeding $50.00 out of the Ernergency Pund for necessary materials and labor and installing new generator and relay switch for the Sheriff's Department Emergency Radio System in the •? .?` A ?Court Fiouse for Police and Patrol Officer's use. A report of the Grand Jury, Fbbruary 1956 Criminal Term was received and the attention was called to the uncleanliness of the Basement OPfices and Rest Rooms and the presence of roach- es and ants, a,nd repairs needed in various places was reported as not having been attended to ?-a since their last report in August. The question as to why such conditions existed and we were not informed of it, or corrected, inasmu.ch as each one who is responsible is given no- '? tice to perform the duties required. I3owever, the report was made during a Court Term when ? the Court House was crowded could have accounted for the premises not being up to par at that time, however, taork on the premises is going forward all the time. Notice was received from the State Department of Publa.c Welfare advising that in accordance ,?with the policy of the State Board of Allotments and Appeal, an adjustment of $247.00 has ?-lbeen made zn the State-Fbderal Allotment for Public Idelfare Administration based on expendi- ..F tures for the six (G) months ending December 1955, and the amount will be deducted from the allotment for the current month. qA statement of Income and Expenses for January and Balance Sheet as of Januarq 1, 1956 to- `igether with a copy of the Board of Trustees meetiiig of lbbruary 24, 1956, toas received frmn the Cominunity Elospital. m 41A report of the Veterans' Service Officer Por F'ebruary and Airport Cash Receipts for Pebs^uary 29, and report oi' the County Electrical Inspector for December coere received and filed. otice of a month:Ly meeting of SENCBA zoill be held Rriday, P4arch 2, 1956, was received. c A check for $100.00 was received froni the Harbor Island Citizens Committee, and the same was Pappropriated to the FIarbor Island Drainage Project as directed, to meet expenses of the Drain- ?fage Pr?oect. :' Upon motion of Air. Broadhurst, seconded by Pir. P4ayhan, authority was given to transfer $550.00 Prom the General Emergency Flind to l+lzel and $500.001to Janitor's Supplies under the Court Ilouse Budget, recommended by the County Auditor. ? * ! ? , ? .. r ? Meeting of March 5, 1956 Continued ? A request of the Cou y Auditor to transfer 4"280.00 from the General Emergency Ftznd to the lf cw Harbor Zsland Citizens Drainage 1'roject for payment of materials, was held ii1 abeyance pend- ing receipt of further anticipated receipts from the Citizens Committee or possibly FL-deral iA,,,as. . Pir. Playhan complained of releasing Mr. John'V. Thompson from the County employment as Fore- man of the Drainage Creta, without giving him notice of the intention to dismiss him inasmuch as he (Mr. Playhan) was the Committee on County Farm aff'airs, and stated that Mr. Thompson had done a good job. Mr. Alayhan said he as the Coimnittee had spent a lot of time trying to im- prove conditions at the County Farm, and the rules and regulations governing the Coiuity Home and 14'arm should have been lived up to in dismissing Mr. Thompson. P1r. I3roadhurst felt Mr. Thompson was a good man and made a motion to reinstate him and not let him go without giving reasons for doing so. The Chaii^man ruled 12is motion out of order. PSr. Horton said he would give the reasons without attacking his reputation publicly. His dismissal was up to Mr. Rivenbark as head of that Department. Upo? motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. P4ayYian, County bills No. 1468 to 1525 were ap- proved for payment. • Upon motion of Pir. Trask, seconded by Mr. Fiall, the meeting was then adjourned. rir. CMay`han then resigned as the Corruru ttee of County 7 ,L ? ? .0--P.. il. Clerk. Farm affairs at 12:40 P. P1.' Wilmington, N. C., March 12, 1956. The regular weelely meeting of the I3oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr.; Ernest R. Playhan; L. E. Broadhurst, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love,, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Randolph L. Gregory, Pastor of IYrst Bap- tist Church. 51. 1 Copies of the minutes of the meeting of Plarch 5, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the I3oard, the-same were upon motion of P1r, rlayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadlhurst, approved. / _f4 CV m The Chairman, to whom it was referred, reported oi1 the request made by Mr. G. C. Bordeaux at tlze last meetin;, to separate the 1953 real and personal taxes due by Mr. J. F. Plurray charg- ecl against Lot S in Block 3, Bordeaus Division, and permit him to pay the real estate taxes and release the said lot from the operation of the personal tax lien against the same, for the reason he had to take the lot Uack. Tdas found, upon iiivestigation, that it was a delinquent tax and pt°operty sold at the Court House door for taxes and is not now within our jurisdiction, aild the taxes will have to be settled in accdance.?aith tlne La?a. ? ? The Reverend Elwood R. Orr, Pastor of Winter Park Baptist Church appeared to initiate a re- quest tYfat the Commissioners oppose any movement to establish a proposed.A.B.C. Store in the IIanover Cetiter located on Oleander Drive, feeling that an overwhelining majority of the citi- zens in nearby Winter Yark caould not approve of sueh.a store, anci asked that they be given opportunity to express their feeling in the mattei^. This question was brought about, it was reported, by the Hanover Center Interests polling the wishes of the people by mailing out du- plex cards. Of the cards returned a great majority favored suah a store, it caas said. The CYiairman said this was a service the people wanted due to trie congested conditions in toian, he was to].d, anci the County Commissioners have nothitlg to do with it, that being up to the A.B.C. Board under authority voted by the people for liquor control. It will not be brou;ht to this Board for an expressi?on in the matter. Pe... r4r. J. R. Holl.is, Superintetident of Public tdelfare was present to further pursue the method of handling the OAA lien business. Mr. Horton advised that good informatioii on the question will be clerived from the County Commissioiiers District meeta,ng in Kenansville, Thursday, Dfarch 15, which will helk_,to hanrll.e tize matter next Nlonday. ?dt,?nk',Ioz? n , 0A„Po4 The Chairman presented a check Yor $4,992.00 received from the Navy for the joint use of lands and facilities at Bl.uethenthal Field for the year ending July 1, 1955, in accordance xaith the agreement betweei7 the Government and the County. • Upon motion oi' Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Dlayhan, the said funds were received and earmarked for use for the construction of T-Hangars for private planes at additional rent iahich would make the coYt,oP same s?lf liquidatiug in effect. ?-?-?- The Chairman also presented three (3) checks in the aggregate amount of $50,000.00 received from Doctors S. E. Pace, R. T. Sinclair and 14. C. Mebane, the same being the purchase price for the purchase of the County Tuberculosis Sanatorium in accoriiance iaith i;he advertisement and bid accepted at the meeting oP.Pfarch 5, 1955. The keys for the Sanatoriwn were turned over to them, and as of today, the County Auditor was instructed to have all Insurance Polic- ies and all other County obligations in corulection with the Sanatoriwn cancelled. Mr. J. F. IIart, 311 McAZillan Avenue, Sdinter Park was present to ask why did the County sell the Sanatorium at a price of $50,000.00 which cost apProximately $115,000.00 to buil.d. He was tolcl it caas built for a particular purpose cahich is now available at State Institutions. If i.t had been put to other usage, i1: would have been an additional expense or leave it there dozmant. Mr. Hall said if zoe had kept it, would have had to spend $40,000.00 or $60,000.00 for renovations, and if leased caould have been tied up for twenty-five (25) yeais, and the only other alternate would have been to spend $50,000.00 to maintain a feca patients. Mr. Hart said that explanation made sense to him inasmuch as the State will care for the patients. Upon juot oi o Pir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the eheck aggregatiilg $50,000.00 suUmit- ted by the Doctors for the purchase of the banatorium was accepted, and the County Auditor was directed to check into where the funds should be deposited together with any future funds due the account wheiz collected, that would produce tYie best interest yield to the County, and , the same be deposited to the Sanatorium Aund Account and earmarked to provide a facility for t17e Aged. .A