1956-03-12 Regular Meeting? .. r ? Meeting of March 5, 1956 Continued ? A request of the Cou y Auditor to transfer 4"280.00 from the General Emergency Ftznd to the lf cw Harbor Zsland Citizens Drainage 1'roject for payment of materials, was held ii1 abeyance pend- ing receipt of further anticipated receipts from the Citizens Committee or possibly FL-deral iA,,,as. . Pir. Playhan complained of releasing Mr. John'V. Thompson from the County employment as Fore- man of the Drainage Creta, without giving him notice of the intention to dismiss him inasmuch as he (Mr. Playhan) was the Committee on County Farm aff'airs, and stated that Mr. Thompson had done a good job. Mr. Alayhan said he as the Coimnittee had spent a lot of time trying to im- prove conditions at the County Farm, and the rules and regulations governing the Coiuity Home and 14'arm should have been lived up to in dismissing Mr. Thompson. P1r. I3roadhurst felt Mr. Thompson was a good man and made a motion to reinstate him and not let him go without giving reasons for doing so. The Chaii^man ruled 12is motion out of order. PSr. Horton said he would give the reasons without attacking his reputation publicly. His dismissal was up to Mr. Rivenbark as head of that Department. Upo? motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. P4ayYian, County bills No. 1468 to 1525 were ap- proved for payment. • Upon motion of Pir. Trask, seconded by Mr. Fiall, the meeting was then adjourned. rir. CMay`han then resigned as the Corruru ttee of County 7 ,L ? ? .0--P.. il. Clerk. Farm affairs at 12:40 P. P1.' Wilmington, N. C., March 12, 1956. The regular weelely meeting of the I3oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr.; Ernest R. Playhan; L. E. Broadhurst, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love,, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Randolph L. Gregory, Pastor of IYrst Bap- tist Church. 51. 1 Copies of the minutes of the meeting of Plarch 5, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the I3oard, the-same were upon motion of P1r, rlayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadlhurst, approved. / _f4 CV m The Chairman, to whom it was referred, reported oi1 the request made by Mr. G. C. Bordeaux at tlze last meetin;, to separate the 1953 real and personal taxes due by Mr. J. F. Plurray charg- ecl against Lot S in Block 3, Bordeaus Division, and permit him to pay the real estate taxes and release the said lot from the operation of the personal tax lien against the same, for the reason he had to take the lot Uack. Tdas found, upon iiivestigation, that it was a delinquent tax and pt°operty sold at the Court House door for taxes and is not now within our jurisdiction, aild the taxes will have to be settled in accdance.?aith tlne La?a. ? ? The Reverend Elwood R. Orr, Pastor of Winter Park Baptist Church appeared to initiate a re- quest tYfat the Commissioners oppose any movement to establish a proposed.A.B.C. Store in the IIanover Cetiter located on Oleander Drive, feeling that an overwhelining majority of the citi- zens in nearby Winter Yark caould not approve of sueh.a store, anci asked that they be given opportunity to express their feeling in the mattei^. This question was brought about, it was reported, by the Hanover Center Interests polling the wishes of the people by mailing out du- plex cards. Of the cards returned a great majority favored suah a store, it caas said. The CYiairman said this was a service the people wanted due to trie congested conditions in toian, he was to].d, anci the County Commissioners have nothitlg to do with it, that being up to the A.B.C. Board under authority voted by the people for liquor control. It will not be brou;ht to this Board for an expressi?on in the matter. Pe... r4r. J. R. Holl.is, Superintetident of Public tdelfare was present to further pursue the method of handling the OAA lien business. Mr. Horton advised that good informatioii on the question will be clerived from the County Commissioiiers District meeta,ng in Kenansville, Thursday, Dfarch 15, which will helk_,to hanrll.e tize matter next Nlonday. ?dt,?nk',Ioz? n , 0A„Po4 The Chairman presented a check Yor $4,992.00 received from the Navy for the joint use of lands and facilities at Bl.uethenthal Field for the year ending July 1, 1955, in accordance xaith the agreement betweei7 the Government and the County. • Upon motion oi' Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Dlayhan, the said funds were received and earmarked for use for the construction of T-Hangars for private planes at additional rent iahich would make the coYt,oP same s?lf liquidatiug in effect. ?-?-?- The Chairman also presented three (3) checks in the aggregate amount of $50,000.00 received from Doctors S. E. Pace, R. T. Sinclair and 14. C. Mebane, the same being the purchase price for the purchase of the County Tuberculosis Sanatorium in accoriiance iaith i;he advertisement and bid accepted at the meeting oP.Pfarch 5, 1955. The keys for the Sanatoriwn were turned over to them, and as of today, the County Auditor was instructed to have all Insurance Polic- ies and all other County obligations in corulection with the Sanatoriwn cancelled. Mr. J. F. IIart, 311 McAZillan Avenue, Sdinter Park was present to ask why did the County sell the Sanatorium at a price of $50,000.00 which cost apProximately $115,000.00 to buil.d. He was tolcl it caas built for a particular purpose cahich is now available at State Institutions. If i.t had been put to other usage, i1: would have been an additional expense or leave it there dozmant. Mr. Hall said if zoe had kept it, would have had to spend $40,000.00 or $60,000.00 for renovations, and if leased caould have been tied up for twenty-five (25) yeais, and the only other alternate would have been to spend $50,000.00 to maintain a feca patients. Mr. Hart said that explanation made sense to him inasmuch as the State will care for the patients. Upon juot oi o Pir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the eheck aggregatiilg $50,000.00 suUmit- ted by the Doctors for the purchase of the banatorium was accepted, and the County Auditor was directed to check into where the funds should be deposited together with any future funds due the account wheiz collected, that would produce tYie best interest yield to the County, and , the same be deposited to the Sanatorium Aund Account and earmarked to provide a facility for t17e Aged. .A pr 52 Aleeting of March 12, 1956 - Continued The Chairman called attention to a District bleeting of the State Association of County Com- missioners, County Accountants and County Attorneys, to be held by the Institute of Govern- ment at ICenansville, Duplin County, Thursday morning, rfarch 15, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. All who can find it possible to attend were urged to do so. Commissioner Ernest R. hiayhan, and the County Auditor and County Attorney indicated they caould attend with the Chairman. / Upon motion oE Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, payment of $150.00 special Attorney fees to" Mr. [d. K. Rhodes, Attorney, for services rendered Harry J. Hobbs, in the case of State vs. HoUbs, charged with the capital offense of Burglary, beUruary-Aiarch Criminal Term 1956, was approved on order of the Honorable Henry L. Stevens, Judge Presiding. A letter addressed to the Chairman was received f'rom the Reverend Ben L. Rose, Pastor of First PresUyterian Church -"Speaking both for the Board oP Consolidated Presbyterian Col- C?'?,? lege and for the I'resbyterians of Wilmington", thanked him for the fine work that he did in the effort to get the College located in SJilmington. "You did a magnificent job", he said, "Giving unselfishly of your tinie and youi°self, and Wilmington can be proud of the invitation which she gave, lde feel that she presented her invitation in the best possible fashion." Mr. Horton then announced that there was another movement on foot, i.f not on a competative p? basis, representatives will go to Riclunond today, thence to llurham tomorroia, concerning a Niethodist four(4)-year College, and the Committee will go along with thern on the proposal if it is not a competative issue, The Chairman told the Board, that thru the Agricultural Conservation Program, the Government ??- would participate and share the cost of our dragline drainage service for cultivated,farm•lands; which would enable us to enlarge our program. Petitions for the property owners' sigi2atures to 'be prepared by the County Attorney which will give the County rig1it-of-way upon the said lands to perform the services, iohich will be presented later. A reply was received from the Navy to our letter of Plarch 60 advising that representatives front the Yavy will meet with us at Bluethenthal Field at 10:00 o-'clock, jdednesday, March 14, ? 1956, to discuss the erosion problem. ? A petition of ten (10) property owners asking for a drainage canal southeast of Mr. Barnhill's ? land to a canal rtuining southeast next to AIr. Roberts' property on Highway 117-A in the Cas- ? tle Hayne area, Cape Pear Townshtip, was referred to the Chairman to take up with the Soil Con- servationist for recommendations ancl. report back to the Board. A request oP Mr. Sohn H. Davis of Lincolnton, N. C., to refund $5.00 he paid for a marriage ` license tahich was not used, and 30 days had elapsed betcaeen the date of purchase anct date mar- a? riage eeremony was to have taken place, which caould tiave necessitated another blood test and exauiination, and he was married in South Cai^olina, was presented to the Iloard by the Register of lleeds, and request declined for the reason the Register of Deeds had rendered the service and we have no legal iigiat to refund the money. / ? A letter was received from Mr. Stanley Winborne, Chairman of the State Utilities Commission, eacknowledging receipt of our resolution of February 29, relative to 1;he establishment of a ferry across the lower Cape Fear Hiver, ancl advised that th.i.s matter is set for a hearing on Narch S, 1956, before the Coiumission upon an application asleing for a Certificate of Public Convenience anc! Necessity, and that our resolution will be considered at that time. , The Chairman reported on his attendance upon the Tax Study Committee of the State Association ,? of County Commissioners at the Institute oP Goverrunent Thursday, Plarch 8. Platters pertain- Gr?? ing to the lecleral-State Governfnents"participating further in Health and Welfai°e programs was discussed. It appeared that as the years have gone by they have relaxed on their con- tributions and should go back on a 25% County and 75°jo State-Federal basis as originally,, and the $30,000,000.00 State surplus derived from sales tax should be turned into these categor- ies, and if the Schedule B. and Intangible taxes are taken away from the Counties as propos- ed, then let tkie money derived from sales taxes take care of it. 4 / The Chairman also brought to the attention that a m.unUer of folks eligible for Social Secur- l?- ity are not aware of it. Economically Social Security is as good as a new industry comi.ng in here, and feel the problem could be handled very satisfactorily thru giving clerical as- sistance in preparing applicatioris, and so forth, to enable thein to qualify for this assist- ailce, and it is to our advantage to carry it thru to a successful conclusion to reJ.ieve wel- fare grants. ?Nr'?,?J,uUpon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Dfayhan, the Board author•ized that repairs be made to the lightiiig in the Juvenile Office at a cost not to exceed $36.00. / Upon motiun oP Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. 13roadhurst, the Board approved the temporary place- ment of Edwarct Cornelius Evans, a lone colorecl citizen, in the County Eome by the Superintend- 'c•??'' ent of Yublic Welfare, pending healing of his brolcen leg to enable hini to go back to work, which caill Ue cheaper than paying his room rent and furnishing him with food. / / Heports for the nwnth of N'ebruary were received from: Wilmington Public LiUrary; Wilmirigton Colore3 Library; CowZty Home Agent; Colored Home 9gent and 4-II Clubs and Parm llemonstration b Agent. / ? --- A copy oP the minutes of the 13oard of Trustees of Commwiity FIospital for Qctober 19, 1,955, ' was received and filed. /? The Chairmaiz announced that only two (2) contractors ha.,ve come in to consider the removal of ? hurricane debris at the uilincorporated Beach areas. Inasmuch as it is a smal.l matter involved, r ? it iaas agreed to have the two (2) contractors, Plessrs. Sneeden and Funderburg go ahead With its reinoval on securiizg peritiission of the property owners to' enter upon private property to remove it. The expense wi7.1 be paid out of Fed.eral Funds of wliich there is appi^osimately 44,000.00 in that account. AYr. Hall suggested tliat some comniitment be made for t.he jetty work at Carolina Bea,ch pending ?,s"?'the outcome of the Government decision on applications for Federal Ftuids," fee7.ing it is a Ca,? worthwhile project Por protection aJainst adverse conditions. ,__??pon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Alayhan, County bills No. 1575 to 1661 taere approved ?}ne for payment. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, the meeting adjourned.. Clerk. ? u ,