1956-03-19 Regular Meeting06 ? Wilmington, N. C., Piarch 19, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was,,held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: H. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Dlayhail, L. E. Broadhurst, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love,County Auditor. The meetiilg was opened with prayer by the Reverend Ray B.?Noland, Pastor oP Grace Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of Pfarch 12, 1956, having previously been mailed Lo each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of P1r. Mayhan, seeonded by Nir. Broacllzurst, ap= provecl. • ?? ?y.,,? Sdith reference to collectians under the Old flge Assistance Lien Law, the Chairman reported thzs was discussed at the County Commissioners District meeting at ICenansville last Thursday as to providing compensation Por part-time or full-time Attorneys handling it. It was the feeling tlzat i;he amount of pay should be set thru the Countq Commissioners. Oi:her Attorneys may be intei^ested in it. We should set up 10°fo to 25% compensation on the amount collected which would be 'ai7 incentive for other Attorneys, and would be paid by the person involved and not by the Cowity. Mr. Hollis, Superintendent of Public idelfare, said 10% on small liens won't Ue very much, and suggesLed 10o up to $500.00 and 15% on 3iens over $500.00, and said there were thirty (30) cases ready now; accwnulated over three (3) years and right much in- volved. ?' a Mr. Hall would defer action on the matter for further investigation, and moved to post.pone the same until the next meeting to discuss it witri the Attorneys, his motion was seconded by Mr. Trask and carriecl on the affirmative vote of Comnu_ssioners Hall and Trask and the Chair- man, after a substitute motion offerecl by Mr. Aiayhan anc3 seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, to have the County Attorney do the worlc on a basis of 15% of the amount of lien collected in addition to his regular salary, failed 913-a tie vote. Col. R. S. McClelland and G. . DqcIntire, Af:torneys, representiizg Winter Parli residents ap- peared to further proLest a decision of the Staie Highway Coimnission to construct a proposed S.tate Iiighway thru 46th Street in Winter Park, a liilk in the proposed Castle Hayne-Monlcey Junctioil Highiaay. This protest Ueii7g a continuation of a protest that was postpoiled at a meeting of the Board of A1ay 16, 1955, at whibh time on advice of the then CounLy Attorney, was held in abeyance until such time the Boax°d received official notice from the State IIigh- [aay Conunission and the same posted showing the route over iahich the proposed road is to be locai;ed. The route of the proposed llighc,*ay Yiaving since been posted and it is understood that conl:racts for its construction will be aiaarded next month. The petitioners are there- fore, pursuing their former request to re-route the said proposed Higzway around Winter Parl' and Lhru a less hazardous a.nd populated area in the interest of the safety of the Winter Park residents and School chilclren, and?to that end the Attorneys for the petitioners uiged the Commzsszoners to make some decision iri the matter to enabi.e them to determiize what further steps they should take. Y The Chairman explained thaL impartial Highcaay Enbinecrs were brought in here to make an in- vestigation of the question, cross streets, ancl so forth, were checlced and it was found that the original survey was tlze logical place to put the Higliway, anai that a UE-N(d Higllway thru that particular part of the County is most needed and an important connection with the pro- posed bridge across the Cape Fear River, and if'we don't go forioard with the program will go bacli iahere we were. Most School Children go in School buses and traffic ligiits will be in- stalled where needed. A motion taas then offered by Mr. Broadhurst to ask i;he State 1ligPiway Coirmiission to consider an alternate route around Winter Pariz.' His riotion failed of a second. 'Mr. Aall said he wow].d go along with the recommendations of the State Highway Coviinission, but if they can find a better rcute, should consider?it. C?9?'??• A motion was then offered by Mr. IIall that the Board go on record apUroving the route adopt- ed and posted by the State lIighway Commission in its decision to build the Castle Hayne-Plon- key Junction Highioay. His motion was seconded by Mr. Trask. A substitute•motioiz was of- fei°ed by Mr. Broadhui°st to request the State IIighcaay Commission to use an alternate route around Sdinter Parli, not that he opjected to the Highway, but felt ive should use an alternate route if possih3e. His substitute motion was seconc3ed by Mr. Mayha,n. A vote on the sub- stitute motion was taleen and TL . Broacihurst and Mr. Mayhan voted fet° it and Mr. Trask and Mr. IIall voted against the substitute tnotion. A tie Nvas declared an3 the first motion of- fered by PZi^. FIall to approve the route adopted by the State Highway Conunission was put to vote ana carried b3r the affirmative vote of Mr. Hall, Mr. Trask ancl the Chairman. Mr. McClelland, Attorney for the petitioners, then amzounced that the Commissinz7ers action would be appealed if they,.can ?vvi- The Chairnian reported ?he? mat installations at Bluethenthal at a lat erQdate. Q? find??a?, ?way to do it, ,I ?zy' tet^ of correcting the erosioii Field is now in the hands of problem, drainage and caLch-basin the Navy, and wi11• report on this A petition of sixteeri (16) property osaners to take oveF^, maintain and harct surface a road lznocan as Idillanda Drive in Harnett Tofalship, whic2z runs from 5051 Wrightsville Aveiiue, north to a Dead-End for a distance of l00^8 feet on wliich five (5) houses are located, was received and upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved and referred to the State FIighsaa and. PuYilic tdorks Conunission. • 't??h?? l Th iGhairman acivised that petitions are being.prePared to secure Federal Aid in our farm laizcl drainage program. I ?, . Upon L[SOtI011 of PIr. Ti ask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board approved a11' r1g1"@EI71C'll't'b6t.W02Y1 the County ana Julius E. [denberg, ti°ading and doii7g business as "U=Drive-It" Company for ex- clusive car rental concession from.the New Hanover County Airport for a period of years be- ginning 3anuary 1, 1956, and ending DecemUer 31, 1961. Either party having the right to terminate the agreement if services:are izot satisPactory, upon giving to the other party thirty (30) days written noti.ee of cancellation. Also to ftu°nish counter spaCe in the 1ob- by of tkie passenger terminal at the New liailover Caunty Airport of approximntely 40 square feet, at an amzual rental of ?600.00 to be paid in equal monthly installments of ?50.00 per iuonth, and $8.00 per month rental Por counter space, minimwn gtarani;ee; anc2 in addition to the base rental of $50.00 per month caill pay to the County 10% of all gx^oss i^entals in ex- cess of $420.00 per month originating at the Airport, in accordance with the said agreement. And, the Chairman wws autliorized to sign the same ag-eement in the name of L'he Coiuity. 1- ` ? ? 9/ Aieeting oP Diarch :L9, 1956 - Continueci 54??U?pon notion of P1r. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, b?rederick Whitfi_eld Davis, 3809 Park ?Avenue, County indigent disabled citizen, c,=as granted admission to the County Iiome as an in- v? mate on recommendation of tlie 5uperintendent of Public Sdelfare. Also, Tdalter [dright Carroll, 130 Sumter llrive, 77 3?ears of age and Annie Yopp Piintz. 702 South 2nd Street physically dis- abled bed-ridden patient, were granted admission to the County Home as pay patients at $40.00 per month each. d? 1 ! ? \ !''?? County Home Inmates - Present on first of month Remaining at end of month County Farnt Prisoners - Serving on first of month , Remaining on last day of month Airport Receipts and Disbursements for February, and cash receipts for Fe.'aruary 21, and Piarch 7th, were received and filed. 71 65 85 74 7 7 Drainage report for the two (2) weeks ending•PSarch 16, 1956 was received and fil.ed. ? Juvenile lletention Quarters - Present on first day of month Remain3ng last day of month Notice of Yiearino on OAA appeal by James Harry Gurganus, ancl ADC appeal by Walter Hopson, in tiie ofi'ice of the Welfare Depar•tmerit, Monday rlarch 19, 1956, was received from the State Board ? of Allotments and Appeal. Appropriations out of the Gener•al b'und Emergency to meet overdraf'ts in tlie following Budget Accounts reported by the County Auclitor, were upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. T3road- h ? hurst, autYiorized: ? Tuberculosis Sanatoriwn Account - Overdrawn ? .18 F??? Unpaid bills for telephone service 32.83 Lights and Poiaer 41.05 . ? 74.U6 County Aid Drainage and Erosion-Over°draft ? 1,783.09 Harbor Island Drainave Yroject - Materials 1,000.00 Appropriate from County Home Concessiai-Store Unanticipai;ed b'uncls to Janitor's Supplies 500.00 ? A check for $100,00 was rec ivad rom the Harbor Island Citizens CommitLee and appropriated to the liarbor Tslznd llraitiaP?q?nable disbursement of the amount for materials. Transfer $700.00 from General Assistance under the Welfare Budget to Canoer, on motion of ,j f?(? Mr. BroadhursL, seconded by Mr. Trask. ? ?? ` Upon moticn of ?Ir. Hall, seconded by Mr. 'Prask, County bills A?o. 1682 to, 1730 caere approved ? ? for payment. Clerk Superior Court: Transfer Ualance of $237.75 from Binder Accouilt to Stationery and Supp:Lies 237.75 ? • Appropriate from Emergency P'und to Specia.l Attorney Pees 135.00 ? IPP'OR THE CRIDIINAL TliFtrl: . %Norman P. Ftochelle, 3013 South Jefferson Elton Cherry, 3610 Stratford Avenue Isaac Barfield, Jr., Rte 3, Boz 257 Charles Daniels, 1219 Dawson StreeL John S. Murray, 205 Ann Street J. B. Styles, 4606 Cedar Avenue J. D. Johnson, 203 Virginia Avenue A. L. Wooten, 134 Colonial llrive lt. R. Boswell, Rte.2-Box 358 Ellis Nobles, 20 Alorningside Drive W. H. Hecaett, 1406 Castle Streel: IIester B. Smith, 112 South 14th Street J. Frauk Walton, RLe.3-Box 65 J. V. Williams, 109 E. Tenn. Avenue J. A. Williams, 613 Surry Street Geo. S. Atlcinson, Jr., 61 Pinecrest Parkway Bernard Galloway, 1311 Ann Street Thomas W, Holton, 13 Pinecrest Parizway W. I. Wilson, Rte.2-Box 215 R. Ld. Dielvin, 1415 South 4th Street PSack I. Harrelson, 49 Lake Forest Parkiaay Dani.el D. lluncan, 409 Nun Street I. D. Potter, 212 Castle Street E. B. kegister, Jr., 126 Victoria Drive E. L. Ellis, 5 Pinecrest Farlcway The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in tiie Superior Court for tlie trial of Criminal cases for the one week term begiiuling April 9, 1956, and for the two weeksCivil Term beginning April 16, 1956: , A copq of a letter written by Mr. 3onn A. Westbrook, Aii^port Manager, to,r4r, L. R. Frost, Chief Dfeteorologist at the Weather Bureau Station at the Airport, was received sholaing that he lZad submitted an approximate cost of $7.50 per month for electric current for the opera- tion of the two (2) air conditioning units to be installed by the Bureau in their oPfices at the Airport without cost to Lhe County, was tentatively approved until such tinie the meter is set and payment will Ue on actual cost of current used. Alontnly reports were received from: Housing Authority of the City of Wilmington; James Walker Hospital, and Census report from the State Board of Publ.ic Welfare for february, showing: J. C. Hardwick, 507 Colonial Drive Esther May, 1406 Chestnut 9'treet Maurice M. Smith, 514 Nun Street 3ohn L. Lane, Jr., Wriglitsville Beach Iiugh A. Plowden, Jr., 227 Pinecrest Parkway Robert Gore, Rte.l-Iiox 123 C. J. Southerland, 4922 Oleander llrive J. H. Peteraon, 2107 IIarnett Avenue Carl A. Elliott, Rte.2-IIox 306 G. C. Seaton, 2842 South Front Street - Troy Fennell, 11 North llth Street Iiubert M. L'vans, 15 Summit Walk C. Elbert Hill, Rte.3-Harbor Island J. L. denkins, 2524 laas}iington Street Janies C. C1iPf, 410 South 22nd Street Ueo. D. Blakely, 146 Lake Forest Parkway SanPord Carter, 135 Sumter Drive B. C. Lee, 2726 South b'ront Strret IIaywood Devane, 802 South 16th Street Marvin D. 13rown, 2207 Barnett Avenue Clarence I3lanton, 318 South 2nd Street Paul H. Wilson, Rte.?-Box 215 D. W. Hewett, Rte.3-Box 437-B James P. Lane, 171 Lake 1+'orest Parlcway T. E. Brown, 2916 Hydrangea Place \ PSeet:ing of Alarch 19, 1956 - Continued N'OR THE CIVIL TERP1, beginning April 16, 1956: W. H. Younger, 7 Woodlawn Avenue Hugh H. Fox, 4-T Lake Village . H. W. Millican, Box 128, Gordon Road J. W. Haiakins, 11 [drightsvi].le Avenue G. W. Harrelson, 307 Castle Street Norman F. Bass, 515 South 4th Street J. C. Moore, Rte.l-IIox 208 R. A. Holliday, 114 Ta'illiamson Drive J. G. Spel.l, 2508 Harx^ison Street R. L. Webb, 2209 Brandon Road W. S. Plarsh, 120 ICeaton Avenue C. P. Fox, 325 Ldilliamson Drive Paul Hess, 202 Brooicwoocl Avenue A. r'rank Hooper, 1 Liberty Court Bobby Bryant,4081B, Northern Boul.evard John E. Ptoore, 172 Yinecrest Parkway ft. Adrain Williams, 2722 Van 13uren Street J. D. ASedlin, Hte.2-Box 29 SECOATll IdEEK - CIVIli Ti:RM: J. T. tiargett, 409 Ldrightsville Avenue Beverley Stakley, Itte.3-Box 276 Paul Butler, ftte.3-Box 161 R. K. Buie, 143 Sumter.Dr.ive Thmnas McKoy, 116 Piorgan Street E. N. Hewett, 4208 Cedar Avenue Robert J. Herring, 4505 Greenfielcl Street Charles E. Lstes, 507 Sunset Avenue James E. Branch, Rte.l-Box 171 ltobert H. Bloorlworth, 212 llavie Urive John L. Lane, Jr., Box'l, Ldrighl.sville Beach C. C. York, 232 ICentaood Avenue Clarence SJ. Burton, Itte.l-Fiox 238 Verdun G. Lecois, 915 South 3rd Street William A. Register, Kure Beach SJ. G. Hunter, 2933-E Jefferson Street H. J. Rogers, Jr., 3819 Piarlcet Street W. L. Grisson, 2220 South Front Street ErecLid, Holdsworth, Box 301, City Janie D. Lee, 2310 Community Drive J. W. Braswell, 517 South FY^ont Sti°eet James H. Parker, 10 North Liberty Court T. B. Schley, Box 216, Carolina Beach Raymond A. Gardner, 1-0 Lake Porest [,im. W. Glisson, 240 North 25th Street Carlyle W. Cromwell, 516 Park Terrace Gar.land W. Iiull 122 Morgan Street R. D. Anderson, 222 Porest Hills Drive Ernest llay, 1007 liawthorne Road D. R. Bolton, 625 South 2nd Street W. J. Neioell, Jr., Rte.3-Box 125 [aillie Graham, 914 Castle Street Edward J. Fraylick, 2900 Adams Street Steve IIorrell, Rte.l-Box 180 Rollie M. Walton, 4908 Wrightsville Avenue Thomas B. Sdood, 4209 Gr•eenfield Si;reet Coel Lee Hansley, Rte.2-Box 237 Robert M. Phillips, 1-T1 Lake Village E. W. 13a11, 211 (;alhoun Drive H. 0. Thomas, 4702 Wrightsville Avenue J. A. Benson, Rte.2 L. F. Herring, Rte:l-Box 528-A P. A. Smith, 4916 Wrightsville Avenue D. T. Idilhite, Jr., 5013 Oleander Dri.ve Clyde Leonard, P. 6. Box 1567 James W. Buie, 51 Pinecrest Parliway A. J. Lee, 31:1 Walnut Street Joe ld. Padgett, Rte.l - Box 186 Claud Jordan, 217 tlercer Avenue E. G. ldilson, 210 Calhoun llrive Isaac L. Brown, 3413 Church Street Laurence J. Hewett, 2849-H Adams Street Joe L. Benton, 1113 TZarket Street H. G. Jaclcson, 1922 Church Street Upon Il0'G1011 of Mr. Trask, seconded by PSr. flayhan, the meeti.ng adjourned. All members of the lioard of County Commissioners having subscribed to the oath of office as membei^s of the 13oard of Equalization and Review, administered by Lhe Clerk of the Superior Court, immediately re-corivened with Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor as Clerk, to enter upon tY:e rluties of such Board to receive and coi7sider complaints on Tax Assessments, and to ta]ce such actions that may appear necessary in connection with the same, in accordance with the liaw. ; --I Clerk. 11,4 Wilmington, N. C., March 26 „ 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Iiurton, Chairman ond Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Alayhail, L. E. 13roadhurst, John Bright Hi11, County Attorney and T. D. Love; Count,y Auditor. The meeting was opeiled with prayer by the Reverend Milton Boone, Pastor of r'fasonboro liaptist Church. Copies of the miriutes of the meeting of Ptarch 19, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member oP the l3oarcl, the satne were upun notion of Mr. i?fa?rhan, seconded by Mr. fIall, approved. Q • ???q.(- ? The Chairma?ought up the matter of collecting on Old Age Assi.stance property liens for Purther discussion. Afi^. 1Iall said he had been considering the matter and felt that any At- torney wl7o would handle the claims would be entitled to 10% of the amowlt of the lien collect- ed. 'Phe County Attorney said he had consulted other Attoi°neys and they suggested 15% up Lo $500,00 and 10?0 over ?500.00 of the amount of lien collected. A motion iaas tYien offered by Mr. Afayhan to allow any Attorney caho will do the job lOf of the amount of lien co'llected as compensation for his services thru to its conclusion. IIis motion was seconcled Uy Mr. Broarlhurst and. carried. ? ?. ?I ? The Chairman said nwnerous calls kiave been niade by follcs interested in the Social Security ef1'ort and Lhat a school will Ue arranged with Lhe Social Sei°vice Index andother Agencies for Wednesday to,formulate plans and procedure to assist eligible persons to prepare their applica- ti a1s to participate in Social Security Benefits, after which moi^e details will be available ancl we can give out fur,ller informatiori• - , OV,,,PvS ch?,,.,r,i.. Tlie Commissioners accepted an invitation receivea from Mr. G. T. Balcei°, Presiclent of National Airlines to join their Vice President Mr. John L. Plorris, and Assistant Vice President Mr. Charles F. Sharp, and Mr. Walter Sterizberg, Industrial Consultant in a luncheon conference at the Cape Fea-r Club on April 10, 1956 at 12:30 noon, to cunsider efforLs and procedure to espand the industirial and conunercial economy of this area in an effort to offset economical losses ii7 anticipation of tlie removal oP the Atlaiitic Coast Zine Railroad's General Offices to another Ci ty . The Chairman urged attendance of a meeting at Lhe Chambet^ of Commerce 3:00 P.P1., in an effort to sell the fi tlantzc Coast Line Railroad Coiapany on worthwhile advantages heie to ]ieep their Genera7. Offices in WilmingEon. I