1956-03-26 Regular MeetingPSeet:ing of Alarch 19, 1956 - Continued N'OR THE CIVIL TERP1, beginning April 16, 1956: W. H. Younger, 7 Woodlawn Avenue Hugh H. Fox, 4-T Lake Village . H. W. Millican, Box 128, Gordon Road J. W. Haiakins, 11 [drightsvi].le Avenue G. W. Harrelson, 307 Castle Street Norman F. Bass, 515 South 4th Street J. C. Moore, Rte.l-IIox 208 R. A. Holliday, 114 Ta'illiamson Drive J. G. Spel.l, 2508 Harx^ison Street R. L. Webb, 2209 Brandon Road W. S. Plarsh, 120 ICeaton Avenue C. P. Fox, 325 Ldilliamson Drive Paul Hess, 202 Brooicwoocl Avenue A. r'rank Hooper, 1 Liberty Court Bobby Bryant,4081B, Northern Boul.evard John E. Ptoore, 172 Yinecrest Parkway ft. Adrain Williams, 2722 Van 13uren Street J. D. ASedlin, Hte.2-Box 29 SECOATll IdEEK - CIVIli Ti:RM: J. T. tiargett, 409 Ldrightsville Avenue Beverley Stakley, Itte.3-Box 276 Paul Butler, ftte.3-Box 161 R. K. Buie, 143 Sumter.Dr.ive Thmnas McKoy, 116 Piorgan Street E. N. Hewett, 4208 Cedar Avenue Robert J. Herring, 4505 Greenfielcl Street Charles E. Lstes, 507 Sunset Avenue James E. Branch, Rte.l-Box 171 ltobert H. Bloorlworth, 212 llavie Urive John L. Lane, Jr., Box'l, Ldrighl.sville Beach C. C. York, 232 ICentaood Avenue Clarence SJ. Burton, Itte.l-Fiox 238 Verdun G. Lecois, 915 South 3rd Street William A. Register, Kure Beach SJ. G. Hunter, 2933-E Jefferson Street H. J. Rogers, Jr., 3819 Piarlcet Street W. L. Grisson, 2220 South Front Street ErecLid, Holdsworth, Box 301, City Janie D. Lee, 2310 Community Drive J. W. Braswell, 517 South FY^ont Sti°eet James H. Parker, 10 North Liberty Court T. B. Schley, Box 216, Carolina Beach Raymond A. Gardner, 1-0 Lake Porest [,im. W. Glisson, 240 North 25th Street Carlyle W. Cromwell, 516 Park Terrace Gar.land W. Iiull 122 Morgan Street R. D. Anderson, 222 Porest Hills Drive Ernest llay, 1007 liawthorne Road D. R. Bolton, 625 South 2nd Street W. J. Neioell, Jr., Rte.3-Box 125 [aillie Graham, 914 Castle Street Edward J. Fraylick, 2900 Adams Street Steve IIorrell, Rte.l-Box 180 Rollie M. Walton, 4908 Wrightsville Avenue Thomas B. Sdood, 4209 Gr•eenfield Si;reet Coel Lee Hansley, Rte.2-Box 237 Robert M. Phillips, 1-T1 Lake Village E. W. 13a11, 211 (;alhoun Drive H. 0. Thomas, 4702 Wrightsville Avenue J. A. Benson, Rte.2 L. F. Herring, Rte:l-Box 528-A P. A. Smith, 4916 Wrightsville Avenue D. T. Idilhite, Jr., 5013 Oleander Dri.ve Clyde Leonard, P. 6. Box 1567 James W. Buie, 51 Pinecrest Parliway A. J. Lee, 31:1 Walnut Street Joe ld. Padgett, Rte.l - Box 186 Claud Jordan, 217 tlercer Avenue E. G. ldilson, 210 Calhoun llrive Isaac L. Brown, 3413 Church Street Laurence J. Hewett, 2849-H Adams Street Joe L. Benton, 1113 TZarket Street H. G. Jaclcson, 1922 Church Street Upon Il0'G1011 of Mr. Trask, seconded by PSr. flayhan, the meeti.ng adjourned. All members of the lioard of County Commissioners having subscribed to the oath of office as membei^s of the 13oard of Equalization and Review, administered by Lhe Clerk of the Superior Court, immediately re-corivened with Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor as Clerk, to enter upon tY:e rluties of such Board to receive and coi7sider complaints on Tax Assessments, and to ta]ce such actions that may appear necessary in connection with the same, in accordance with the liaw. ; --I Clerk. 11,4 Wilmington, N. C., March 26 „ 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Iiurton, Chairman ond Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Alayhail, L. E. 13roadhurst, John Bright Hi11, County Attorney and T. D. Love; Count,y Auditor. The meeting was opeiled with prayer by the Reverend Milton Boone, Pastor of r'fasonboro liaptist Church. Copies of the miriutes of the meeting of Ptarch 19, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member oP the l3oarcl, the satne were upun notion of Mr. i?fa?rhan, seconded by Mr. fIall, approved. Q • ???q.(- ? The Chairma?ought up the matter of collecting on Old Age Assi.stance property liens for Purther discussion. Afi^. 1Iall said he had been considering the matter and felt that any At- torney wl7o would handle the claims would be entitled to 10% of the amowlt of the lien collect- ed. 'Phe County Attorney said he had consulted other Attoi°neys and they suggested 15% up Lo $500,00 and 10?0 over ?500.00 of the amount of lien collected. A motion iaas tYien offered by Mr. Afayhan to allow any Attorney caho will do the job lOf of the amount of lien co'llected as compensation for his services thru to its conclusion. IIis motion was seconcled Uy Mr. Broarlhurst and. carried. ? ?. ?I ? The Chairman said nwnerous calls kiave been niade by follcs interested in the Social Security ef1'ort and Lhat a school will Ue arranged with Lhe Social Sei°vice Index andother Agencies for Wednesday to,formulate plans and procedure to assist eligible persons to prepare their applica- ti a1s to participate in Social Security Benefits, after which moi^e details will be available ancl we can give out fur,ller informatiori• - , OV,,,PvS ch?,,.,r,i.. Tlie Commissioners accepted an invitation receivea from Mr. G. T. Balcei°, Presiclent of National Airlines to join their Vice President Mr. John L. Plorris, and Assistant Vice President Mr. Charles F. Sharp, and Mr. Walter Sterizberg, Industrial Consultant in a luncheon conference at the Cape Fea-r Club on April 10, 1956 at 12:30 noon, to cunsider efforLs and procedure to espand the industirial and conunercial economy of this area in an effort to offset economical losses ii7 anticipation of tlie removal oP the Atlaiitic Coast Zine Railroad's General Offices to another Ci ty . The Chairman urged attendance of a meeting at Lhe Chambet^ of Commerce 3:00 P.P1., in an effort to sell the fi tlantzc Coast Line Railroad Coiapany on worthwhile advantages heie to ]ieep their Genera7. Offices in WilmingEon. I 15-56 Meeting of March 26, 1956 - Continued A letter of confirmation was received from the Sixth Aiaval llistrict concerning the erosion problem at Bluethenthal Field, advisi_ng that the Navy will proceed with p7.ans foi° correction S of the serious erosion problem, CulverLs, and so forth, as agreed at the meeting at the Air- r port on Diarch 14th, at the earliest practicable 3ate. A letter wds received fr-om Mr. 3ohn Alexander PicMahon, Assistant Dii^ector of the Instil:ute of Goverilment, in answer to a question raised by the Chairman, to the effect Lhat if the A]3C Law Enforcement OfPicers are not eligible for membershi.p in our County Retireruent System, Lhen they would be eligiUle foi Social Security. If it is desired to bring those Officers ? wider Social Security, it would rrobably be advisable to wait wztil after the Plarch 28Lh , referendwn, then if that i5 approved to get ii7 touch with Mr. Nathan Yelton to make.the nec- essary arraugements. . A letter was received irom the New lianuver County Piedical Societ,y stating that it feels that the time has come when it is necessary ishat P. public statement by the Society concerning the tr care of patienLs in this locality should be made. The Society feels that it wotil.d be dere- ? lict in its duty if it did not state that the larger Hospital facilities Yiz this area are in- adequate and obsolete not only for the Present time but for the futui^e growth and development of Southeastern North Carolina. . The New lianover County Medical Society feels that a modern Hospita.l structure of significant size to properly take care oP the medical needs of thi.s area is imperative and deserves the attention of every citizen of this section. Ii1 vieia of the above it was the feeling of the Board that an early request will be made for a bond issue to help 'finance a new Hospi.tal, similar to a request made by the Board of Piana- gers of James tdalker Hospital in November 1953. A letter was received f'iom Mr. H. M. Nicholson, llirector of Bureau oi' Rates, Industry and Conuuerce of the City of iJilmington, advising that confirmation has been received from Plessrs. Smith and Daoust of tiie Area Development Office, U. S. Department of Commerce, that they will / arrive in Wilmington on tlle morniizg of Tuesclay, March 27th and will be at the City Council 6 rcom Lo discuss ways and means of promoting industrial develcipment for thi.s area. . y J Pear Admiral u ? CrawfordaofothedSixth from o?clolck attend The Chairman presented an executed and recorded Deed of Easement between T. A. Crews and wife Myrtle H. Crews and D. N. Chad.wick and wife Ethel H. Chaclwick and NetaIIanover County, grant- ? ing the County a perpetual right-of-way and easement to construct and maintain a drainage ditch, across thru, over and upon tlieir lots 45, 47 and 49 of Section "A" Oalt Cresi; in i;he 1Jiiltei^ Park area of Harnett Township, in order to drain off excess water on lands north of t[lribhtsville Avenue,. The Chairman stressed the need of such a program, and the same was ap- proved as a priority project. InasmucYi as federal Funds for hurricane diaster relief is handled thru Civil Defense, and Pfr.. Hortoii has been performing these duties since the Local Civil llefense Office was closed, and in order to expedite the handling of these matters thru tliat media and workiiig out the d.eta,ils, the Chairman reported that Playor Dan D. Cameron recommended putting Mr. Pranklin Sd. Bel.l, ? former local Civil llefense llirector back in that full time position at the same former salary I?3 of §75.00 per month on a 50/50 basis with tlie City and County, feeling that we ai^e in need of ? such a representative now in our particular area, to enable us to get such aid we should. The matter was discussed but no action was taken at this time. The Chairman reported progress on the sand dune fence work in the unincorporated 13ea.ch areas. ?Monthly reports were received from: Wilmin;ton Colored Library and Bard oP Healtsh meeting - Of Plarch 7th. A soil test report oP the sand dunes at ?.he Beaches, analysis and suggested fertilization, /?,was received from the Soil Testing Division of the State Department of Agriculture. 4No objections were indicated Uy i;he Board to tkie United States Di.strict Engineer granting a Lgpermit to the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company to lay a submarine cable-under 1/the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway on the north side of the Highway Bridge at Wrightsville. A check for ?125.00 was received Prom the Harbor Island Citizens Committee for account of s their cooperative dra.inage work_,. and upon motion oP Mr. Hall, seconded Uy Mr. Mayhan, the ?same was appropriated to tlie liarbor Island llrainage Project for the purchase of materials. Up mi motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by D1r..Ha11, County bills Aio. 1736 to 1810 were approved `for payment. , . ? Tlonday, April 2nd, being a Holiday and f'alling on the date of the next weekly meeting of the 13oard, (Easter Alonday), a i°ecess was taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M. Tuesday, April 3, 1956. rollowing conclusion of this nieeting the Conunissioners re-convened to sit as the l3oard of Equalization and Review with Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor as Clerk. ? ,ii '.t Clerk. ? Tlilmiizgton, N. C., April 3, 1956. ` 'Phe regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Hor.ton, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Broadhurst, John Bright Hill, County Attorney aiid T. D. Love, County The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. P. C. Jotinson, Street Advent Christian Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeti.ng of Plarch 26, 1956, haviug previ member of the Board, the same were upon uiotion of Mr. Aall, secun3ed Ernest H. Mayhan, L. E. Auditor. Pastor of the Pourth )usl,y been mailed to each by Mr. Tfa.yhan, approved. 61