1956-04-09 Regular Meeting58 Wilmington, N. C., April 9, 1956. The regular weekly meetiizg of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. I3orton, Chairman and Commissioners Haiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Niayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, John Brigl7t Hill, County Attoi°ney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the iteverend Ralph W. Smith, Jr., Pastoi^ of St. Andrews Episcopal Chw ch -on-the-Sound. Copies of the minutes of the meetirig of A.rril 3, 1956, havino previously been mai:Led to each member of the I3oard, the same caere upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded Uy Mr. Broad- hurst, approved. (?The Chairman conunended Lhe NinLh Azalea F'estival President, Mr. Will Rehder for the most (i complete and successful N'estival we have had and aslted that we write him our congratula- tions Por his accomplishment and oPf'er our assi.stance and cooperati_on in planni.ng the Tenth Annual Azalea b'estival, which was unanimously approved by the I3oard. An offer of $300.00 submitted by the 1'rustees of ldarner's Temple AP1E Church to pixrchase a )k parcel of tax foreclosure property in Block 325, having previously been accepted by the City and County, and it now appears that the Trustees thought the lot was 66 feet wide on Seventh Street, whereas it is only 30 feet wide, withdreta their offer and submi.tted a new offer at $150.00 and indicated a desire Lo purchase the additional 30x75 foot lot adjoin- ing'the same on the south at the same price, ocaned by Caroline Langston against which $17.54 back taxes for 1954 and 1855 plus ^.p'215.25 Street Assessment is due, if the purchase of the lot can be arranged by foreclosure for taxes, was referred to the C.lerk, and Tax Supervisor to ascertain the particulars and report back to the 13oard. An invitation was received from Wilmington College to hear Dr. William A. Mudge, one oP the la,? leading Engineers with Internai:ional Nickel Compan,y of New Xorlc, speak at 8:30 A.M.; April - ? 14th, 1956 in the Auditorium of 14ilmington College, on the subject, °What Industry Expects of the Colleoe Graduate in Gngi.neering", sponsored by the Engineering lleparLment of the iVorth Carolina 5tate College. Upon motion of Mr. Aall, seconded by Mr. l3roadhurst, Mrs. 13ertha Bostic Justice, 77 year old physically aud mentally disabled County Inczigent, was upon reconmiendation oF the Super- ??g intendent of Public ldelfare granted acLnission to the County Home. P1rs. Justice is an OAA °9 recipient at $15.00 per month and will contribute toward her care. Inasmuch as two (7) fitle representatives, Piessrs. Doaust and Smith from the Office of Area - llevelopment, United States Department of Canmerce, Washington, D. C., wei^e sent her.e at our request to assist us in dealing with a problem of payroll loss, instructi wzs were given to write them our thanks for their assistanee on the subject with wliich we are concerned, and c/ request their future cooperation. Confirmation of electric service agreement cancellation as of Piarch 12, 1956 for the opera- tion of the T. B. SaizaLorium under a 38 KW service agreement dated December 23, 1954 was received fi°om the Caroli.na Power and Light Company. No objectiuns were indicated by t,he Board to the United States llistrict Engineer granti_ng I the Lower Cape F'ear Telephone Piembership Corporation oi' Elizabethtown permission to con- struct an overliead caUle crossing over the Cape Pear River, 9 1/2 miles northwest of 3 Elizabethtown. ??- Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the 13oard joined the City Counci]. in ??onvJ approval of the proposed remodeling of the jointly owned Cape Fear Armory, 814 Dlarket Street so as to provide off'ice space oii the first floor as per pltins submitted, with the under- standing that the Military Unit will stand all expense of said remocleli_ng and that Lhe same will be done in a satisfactory manner. A petition submitted by eleven (11) proper•ty owners of Cape P'ear Township Por grading aild r resurfacing ]3lossom Street as shown on official map of Castle Iia,yne, which said street runs from US-117 at Walter Wilson's 5tore east one (1) block, thence north on Blossom Street to Castle Street as per sketch attached. Length of road is seven (r) blocks on cahich ten (10) houses are located. Upon motion of Mr. Broaclhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, the pet'i- tion was approved and referred to tlle Staise Higliway and Public Works Coimnission. Endorsement was received from riinance Incorporated, Agents, shoiaing that in consiiiei°ation of the return prerniwn of $7.24 schedule Insurance ceverage on items shown as John C. ldessell Sanatoriwn iiz the amount of $714.22 satne being tiie pro rai;a of total schedu].e, has been de- lated from Policy ATO. 111C-2758 with the General Insurance Company of America, as of Dfarch j5th, 1956. 7PA check for ?175.00 iaas i^eceived from tlie IiarUor Island Citizens for account of their co- 'k q operative drainage work, and upon motioiz of Mr. Iiall, seconded Uy Mr. Pfayhan,.the same was }1-appropriated to the liarbor Island Drainage ProjecL for the purchase of materizls for the project. Notice was received from i:he Institute of Government that a course of instructions for County Pax Supervisors will be held at Chapel Hill, 'May 14 thru the 18. This School will emphasize Llie basic Law and practice necessary to proper listin; ancl assessing of property for tax purposes. Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, iaas authorized to attend this School. 1,y-A statement was received f'rom the State Department of F?elfare advising Lhat $67,918.77 was °"?'3sent to this County in Pebruary for OAA, ADC, APTD grant5 and fur/Ad.ministra.tion. ?11 Monthly reports for March were received fro;a the i'ollowing: Veteran's Service OPficer; County Hor.ie Demonstration Agent; Colored I:ome Agent and 4-H Clubs; Wilmington PuUlic Libra- ry and Boolanobile; Drainage repoi^t foi° week ending Piarch 31, and Consolidated Board of Health., The Chairman annowlced that Di°. C. B. llavis, County Health Officer is in the lIospital for an ' operation and caill be out of his Office for approximately six (6) weeks during which time ? ? Dr. J. Calvin MacICay will handle tuberculosis cases for him. Sufficient F'LUicis are in the ` account to meet the expense. , ? ? . P4eeting of Ap;il 9, 1956 - Continued Upon motion of Mr. Alayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall; County bills No. 1947 to 2056 were ap- proved for payment. . ? 59 The regular.meeting was then adjourned and the Corrmiissi.oners met as the Board of Equaliz- ation and rteview with Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor as the Clerk. Clerlc. PIINUTE5 BOA1'tD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW NETd HAATOVCR COUNTX Tlzis Board met on April 3, 1356 at 11:00 A.M., iaith tne following members present: R. T. Horton Ernest PSayhan L. E. Broadllurst J. M. Hall, Jr. Mr. John Bright liill, County Attorney advised that the Attorney General of North Carolina had advised that Lhis Board may continue meeting and acting after April 9, 1956 piovided that it recessed at a fixed date. Mr. Iiorton read letters f'rom Davie and Alamance Counties in which they advised the suecess that they have had with their revaluation progi^aan carried out by professional appraisers. The matter was thoroughly discussed and the matter of handling the requests for adjustments tahich the Board now has before it was thoroughly discussed after cahich Mr. Hall made a mo- tion that the County employ two (2) competent appraisers and work iaith the County Assessor, Mr. Harry P1cGirt to place a present day maiket value on all of Lhe requests w}iich the Board hae before it, an,d that the County Tax Supervisor proceed totsind out the coSt involved of this procedure and report Uacic to the Board at its next meeting. Tliis motion was second- ed by Mr. Playhan aizd was carried. There being no further busi.ness, thi.s Baerd recessed until April 9, 1956. Is/ T. D. Love - Secretary NiINUTES ? BQARll OF E61,'UALIZATION AATD REVIG[d ' NEW IiANOVER COUNTY c TLis Board met on April 9, 1956 at 10:30 A. M., with the follouing members present: R. T. Horton L. E. Broadhurst Ernest PYayhan J. M. Hall, Jr. ' Raiford `Prask Mr. Iiall made a motion cahicli was seconded Uy Mr. Pfa.yhan that April 9, 1956 be the last date ' on which anyone can file petiticus for a revaluation. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Horton then presented Mr. Q,uigley of 'the C`le-Layer-Trwuble CoInnr? professional ap- praisers. Iie outlined the-steps that his Company woul.d talce in making a scientific reval- ' ua£ion of the County. IIe recommended strongly that the matter be done in a scieiiLific manner aiid in his opinion it would take from si.xteen (16) to eighteen (1-8) months to ac- complish the work. He was of the opinion that the matter could Ue handled rnore satisfac- torily by an out-of-town concern rather Lhaiz by local interests. Mr. Quigley was ques- tioned at length in regard to the services that his Compauy had to oi'fer. Mr. Horton then presented Mr. Kendle of the E. T. Wilkins & Associates, professional ap- praisers, and he outlined the procedure his Compaiiy woul.d use in revaluating the County. Mr. R. C. Cantsaell, III, local appraiser, then said he was in agreement with the statement tkiat had been made by Mr. Quigley and P1r. Kendle in tnat, only recognized professional ap- praisers should be usecl on the job of revaluation, but he was of the opinion that the ser- vices he and his associates had to offer were equal to the services of an outside apprais- er, and he did not think i;hat maps were altogether needed. He was oF the opinion that the research iihicYi oi:her appraisers would have to malce had already in a large meastu^e been made by his Canpany and he iilformed the Conuniss.i.oners that he intiended to bid on the work to be offe-red. After discixssi_ons, the Board as:ced these appraisers to present the Comm:issi.oners with the cost of the revaluation not later than ilay l, 1956, on the basis as outlined below: #l Over-all Revaluation. #2 Revaluation of all Real Estate with air maps. #3 Revaluation of all Real Estate with no iuaps. #4 Revaluation oP all Real Estate as maPped except those Cities locatea in the County. . #5 Supervisor Equalization Program. ` Mayor Dan Cameron and Councilman Jim Wade were on hailcl at tlle meeting and P1r. idade made a Pew remarks in regard to the Program now under consideration. Attoriiey R. I. Plintz r.epresented hintselP and Mr. Rivenbark and titrged the Commissiojlers that the two (2) apPlications which he represented be handled at this sitt:i.ng oF the Board. He " called to the attention of Lhe CmnmYSSionei°s the fact that tho his properLy might be in line ` with o?iler property in lv.s neighborhood, that it was drastically out of liize with similar 'property thru out the County and he asked tha,t his proprerty be reduced. i ? \ -A 60 PSeeting of Bnard of Equalization & Review, April 9, 1956 - Continued ? In line iaith request, T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor then reported that competent appraisers -fd??could be hired to woik with Mr. A1cGirt on the seventy (70) requests which the Board now has before them and that the charges for tkus service iaould run betxaeen $600.00 and $1,000.00, l and he recommended to the Commissioners: Mr. Walter Hewlett Mr. Itenneth iNfarshall Pir. D. A. Herring 'be hired to woi^k with Mr. A1cGirt to properly value the property in question. These gentle- men would make a charge of ?5.00 per parcel for their services. This does not incl.ude the larger assessments such as Lake Village. A separate assessment will be mad.e for these large items, Mr. Love stated Lhat one of these appraisers had recently appraised Lake Village for tl:e United Stai.es Government, and that the County would benefii: from this as it coould take a very short time to bring their appraisal up to date. Mr. Playhan made a motion that recommendatioizs made by the Tax Supervisor be accepted and that the property be appraised as he recouunemded. The motion received no second. It was t}ie feeliiig of the Commissioners that the cost involved in hiriizg these two (2) or three (3) appraisers svas excessive and that the matter could be handled at a smaller cost. Several motions and counter-motions were made. Pir. Trask then made a motiml which was seconded by Mr. Hall that two (2) men be lu.red at a price not to exceed 6125.00 per week and that these two men together with the County Apprais- er proceed to appraise all requests Por the Board on a current market value basis. The Tax Supervisor was to contact parties interestecA in working Por the County and report back to the Board cahen tliey met again, April 16, 1956. Mr. I{orton expressed himself stating that in his opinion this Board could not legally reduce values on property oi1 the petition wIiich the Board now has in frorit of it, and suggesl;ed thai{the Board get out of hand.ling t,his mat- ter by themselves and abide by the recommendations oP the Cowlty Appraiser. Tliere being no further business, the meeting recessed until April 16, 1956. Isl T. D. Love - Sect^etar,y Wilmington, N. C., April 16, 1956. a The regular weekly meeting of the l3oard was held this day at 10:00 o'c7.oc3c A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairmail ai7d Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L.B. Broadhurst, John Bright Hili, Cowlty Attorney and T. D. Love, Coilnty Auditor. The meetiizg was opened with prayer by the Iteverend E. H. Smotherman, Pastor of Epworth Methoctist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meetin; of April 9, 1956, having previously Ueen mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon moticn of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, / approved. Upon motion of Mr. 13roaclllurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Chambei° of Commerce Agricultural 0('Comiuittee was granted an appropriation of $1,000.00 out of the Industrial Development ap- ? propiiation.undei° County Aicl, for their Junior Dairy Cattle Show events for 1355-1356, Fat Stock and Sales Show, S7ednesday, April 18. The request was pr^esented by P•ir. John T'ox. Q?.y,,G Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court, preserited each member of the Board iaith a WVA copy of the Grand Jury report for the Apri1 1956 Term of Criminal Court, consisting of twen- ?w+? a ty (20) pages, which was receivecl and continued for study until nex1: meeti_ng. Upon motioii of P1r, i3roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Mr. H. W. Nlzllican, Box 128 Gordon s? Roacl, was excused from Jury Duty oiz accowi'u of his physical condition, on certificate of his pizysician that he has a heart condition whi.ch renders him unfit to serve. A check for $100.00 was received frum the Harbor Island L'itizens for account of their coop- erative drainaoe worlc, and upon motion of Mr. 1[all, the same was appropriated to the Haroor Island Drainage Project for the purchase of niaterials for Lhe project. ? The Chairman presented applica.tions Yoi° Federal Funds in the amount of $314,152.20 for Agri- cultural Drainage Aid out of the five (5) million doliars set up by the Government Por the pur,pose oP reivoving obstacles from our clogged up drainage to insure a good drainage program for our sixteen (16) County Projects, far iahich Lhe County's proportionate share of funds, values of supplies, equipment use available for Lhis project is apnroximately $41,671.80. The Chairman having been designated and authurized tio execute such papers and documents in the name of the County necessary in connection therewith, by resolution of i:he Board adopL- ed August 15, 1955, was upon motion approved. ,96,C, The Chairman announced that Social Security volunteer group were picking out naanes of per- ,bw, sons from the tax lists eligible for Social Security, but who are not receiving it, which project is sponsored by the County Coriunissioners with the Welfare lleparLuient cooperati:ng, to enable eligibles to receive Social Security benefits wh:ich will relieve the Old Age Assist- ance program. Al1 angles will be pursuecl for names, it was said. i? Payment of ?y150.00 Special. Attorney fees to Mr. David Sinclair, Attorney, on order of Judge `r?""?` lienry L. Stevens, Jr., Judge Presiding, April 1956 Criminal term bf the Superior Court, f? ?.w?? services rendered the defendant in the case of State vs ICe mieth Ray Yates, charged in two (2) bills of indictment with burglary in the first degree, iaas approved out of the Emerbency P1u1d. And, permission was granted the Chairman to confer with the Judge and Lacayers as to what amoiuzt should Ue set up in next year's budget to meet this exnense. ?- A petition was submitted by fifteen (15) owners of Harnett Township for gracliizg and paving 47th Street which iuns from Peachtree Street to Oleander Drive, a distance of approximately tiao (2) blocks on which tiao (2) houses are located, caas upon uiotion oP Mr. Flall, secorided by Mr. l3roadhurst, approved and referred to the State Hi g1iway and Pub].ic Works Conuuission. .\ . `