1956-04-16 Regular Meeting60 PSeeting of Bnard of Equalization & Review, April 9, 1956 - Continued ? In line iaith request, T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor then reported that competent appraisers -fd??could be hired to woik with Mr. A1cGirt on the seventy (70) requests which the Board now has before them and that the charges for tkus service iaould run betxaeen $600.00 and $1,000.00, l and he recommended to the Commissioners: Mr. Walter Hewlett Mr. Itenneth iNfarshall Pir. D. A. Herring 'be hired to woi^k with Mr. A1cGirt to properly value the property in question. These gentle- men would make a charge of ?5.00 per parcel for their services. This does not incl.ude the larger assessments such as Lake Village. A separate assessment will be mad.e for these large items, Mr. Love stated Lhat one of these appraisers had recently appraised Lake Village for tl:e United Stai.es Government, and that the County would benefii: from this as it coould take a very short time to bring their appraisal up to date. Mr. Playhan made a motion that recommendatioizs made by the Tax Supervisor be accepted and that the property be appraised as he recouunemded. The motion received no second. It was t}ie feeliiig of the Commissioners that the cost involved in hiriizg these two (2) or three (3) appraisers svas excessive and that the matter could be handled at a smaller cost. Several motions and counter-motions were made. Pir. Trask then made a motiml which was seconded by Mr. Hall that two (2) men be lu.red at a price not to exceed 6125.00 per week and that these two men together with the County Apprais- er proceed to appraise all requests Por the Board on a current market value basis. The Tax Supervisor was to contact parties interestecA in working Por the County and report back to the Board cahen tliey met again, April 16, 1956. Mr. I{orton expressed himself stating that in his opinion this Board could not legally reduce values on property oi1 the petition wIiich the Board now has in frorit of it, and suggesl;ed thai{the Board get out of hand.ling t,his mat- ter by themselves and abide by the recommendations oP the Cowlty Appraiser. Tliere being no further business, the meeting recessed until April 16, 1956. Isl T. D. Love - Sect^etar,y Wilmington, N. C., April 16, 1956. a The regular weekly meeting of the l3oard was held this day at 10:00 o'c7.oc3c A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairmail ai7d Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L.B. Broadhurst, John Bright Hili, Cowlty Attorney and T. D. Love, Coilnty Auditor. The meetiizg was opened with prayer by the Iteverend E. H. Smotherman, Pastor of Epworth Methoctist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meetin; of April 9, 1956, having previously Ueen mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon moticn of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, / approved. Upon motion of Mr. 13roaclllurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Chambei° of Commerce Agricultural 0('Comiuittee was granted an appropriation of $1,000.00 out of the Industrial Development ap- ? propiiation.undei° County Aicl, for their Junior Dairy Cattle Show events for 1355-1356, Fat Stock and Sales Show, S7ednesday, April 18. The request was pr^esented by P•ir. John T'ox. Q?.y,,G Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court, preserited each member of the Board iaith a WVA copy of the Grand Jury report for the Apri1 1956 Term of Criminal Court, consisting of twen- ?w+? a ty (20) pages, which was receivecl and continued for study until nex1: meeti_ng. Upon motioii of P1r, i3roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Mr. H. W. Nlzllican, Box 128 Gordon s? Roacl, was excused from Jury Duty oiz accowi'u of his physical condition, on certificate of his pizysician that he has a heart condition whi.ch renders him unfit to serve. A check for $100.00 was received frum the Harbor Island L'itizens for account of their coop- erative drainaoe worlc, and upon motion of Mr. 1[all, the same was appropriated to the Haroor Island Drainage Project for the purchase of niaterials for Lhe project. ? The Chairman presented applica.tions Yoi° Federal Funds in the amount of $314,152.20 for Agri- cultural Drainage Aid out of the five (5) million doliars set up by the Government Por the pur,pose oP reivoving obstacles from our clogged up drainage to insure a good drainage program for our sixteen (16) County Projects, far iahich Lhe County's proportionate share of funds, values of supplies, equipment use available for Lhis project is apnroximately $41,671.80. The Chairman having been designated and authurized tio execute such papers and documents in the name of the County necessary in connection therewith, by resolution of i:he Board adopL- ed August 15, 1955, was upon motion approved. ,96,C, The Chairman announced that Social Security volunteer group were picking out naanes of per- ,bw, sons from the tax lists eligible for Social Security, but who are not receiving it, which project is sponsored by the County Coriunissioners with the Welfare lleparLuient cooperati:ng, to enable eligibles to receive Social Security benefits wh:ich will relieve the Old Age Assist- ance program. Al1 angles will be pursuecl for names, it was said. i? Payment of ?y150.00 Special. Attorney fees to Mr. David Sinclair, Attorney, on order of Judge `r?""?` lienry L. Stevens, Jr., Judge Presiding, April 1956 Criminal term bf the Superior Court, f? ?.w?? services rendered the defendant in the case of State vs ICe mieth Ray Yates, charged in two (2) bills of indictment with burglary in the first degree, iaas approved out of the Emerbency P1u1d. And, permission was granted the Chairman to confer with the Judge and Lacayers as to what amoiuzt should Ue set up in next year's budget to meet this exnense. ?- A petition was submitted by fifteen (15) owners of Harnett Township for gracliizg and paving 47th Street which iuns from Peachtree Street to Oleander Drive, a distance of approximately tiao (2) blocks on which tiao (2) houses are located, caas upon uiotion oP Mr. Flall, secorided by Mr. l3roadhurst, approved and referred to the State Hi g1iway and Pub].ic Works Conuuission. .\ . ` Pieeting of April 16, 1956 - Continued 6 1 Upon motioii of A1r. Hall, seconded by P1r,. Broadhurst,,,rirs. Elizabeth Bolton Carroll, 21-B CLl r_?? N ?'tt C t 81 a f' a e was on recommendation oP the Superintendent of Public Wel- ? esUi our , ye rs o g, fare admitted to tihe County Home as an inmate. It appeared that P1rs. Carroll has no liv- ing relatives ancl has been living in tYie home of Mrs. Diaggie Wilson at 21-B Nesbitt Court. D1i°s. [dilson is planning to leave to+an and Pfrs. Carroll has no place to live and cannot live alone. Upon motion of Mr. BroadhursL, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, Mr. Louis McIntire, a blind person residirig at No. 3 Colliers Alley, was granted free privilege license for the blind to oper- ate a business to provide a livelihood under General Statutes 105-249, on certificate of th'e State Commission for the I31ind. ' - An invitation was received to attend i,he Al1 Seashore Highway Association meeting at Nags Head, 3:00 P.Df., Thursday, April 26. A question brought up by the Chairman to take steps to impr•ove the County's telephone ser- vice inasmuch as there are too many busy signals showing up on Department Heaci's telephones arid contacts cannot be made. IL appeared that this condition can be corrected and improve- ments made at an approximate cost of $120.00 per year to provide an adequate service. How- ever, discussion on the matter was postponed w1ti1 3:00 o'clock P.M., Wednesday, April 1.8, 1956. Inasmuch as the Weather Bureau service at Bluethenthal P'ield has been curtailed by eight (8) hours on account of their reduced budget, and it appearing that a twenty-four (24) hour service would be greatly to the advantage of the farmers in this area, and the Airport op- _eratioils, therefore, upon motion of Mr. tIall, secondecl by Mr. Broadhurst, instructions were given Lo contact our Representatives in the Congress, by proper resolution, to secure ad- di-tional funds to put the Station back on a twenLy-four (24) basis. A census repurt for Tlaxch was received from tkie State Board of Public Welfare showing: .. i County IIome Inmates present on first,day of month 65 County lIome Inuiates remaining at the?end of nionth 60 County Farm Prisoners serving on first day of month 74 County Parm Prisoners remaining on last day of month 70 . Juveniles present on first day of month 7 ' Juveniles remaining on last day of tnonth 12 j A petition of seventeen (17) property owners of Cape Fear Township requesting dragline drain-``' rGy?i- age in Llze Wood Haven Subdivision ancl area directly across the Blue Clay Road from the sub- division, which location is about 2000 feet north of where Prince George Creek crosses the Blue Clay Hoad, and is located on the west side of the said road, together with the right-of- way not to exceed fifteen (15) feet across the front of Mr. George H. IIutaff's Jr., property and along the side of his property in order 'uhat this drainage could be accomplished. The same was refei°recl to the Chairman for invesLigation with the Soil Conservatioriist and iaith the power to act. .? Monthly reports for Alarch were received from: Wilmington Co].ored Librar,y; County Parm Agen?• and the llousing Authorit3? oi' the City of Wilmington. .?''? A-report of County Funds deposited by the Airport Por Plarch 30, April 9 aild 13th, was receiv- ed ancl filed. ? The Chairman repoi°ted compleLion of the Harbor Island Drainage Program and advised thaL it is a complete auccess. Sand dune fence startecl on the north portion of' Beach area should be completed next week. Invoices will be submitted promptly anci we shoulct receive Government clleck covering the same within a week. --r The County Auditor suUmitted a statement of County Revnnue Por .period Jul.y 1, 1955 to Febru-4-?---?- .ary 29, 1856, together with a statement o!' Appropriations and Expenclitures. The Auditor reported Cowity Pinances were in good shape and $1,091,000.00 had been collected thru N'ebruary 29, 1956, which represents 88°fo of the 1955 lev,y, and receipts were runni.ng in • line with eapectations. In accordance with the upinion of the Attorney General of November 7, 1955, that the.County Tq- Commissi.onei°s lzave no legal authority to abate any part of Lhe 1955 taxes on property charg- ? ed in the naane of P4rs. Cary Davis PiacRae in Block 154, purchased by St.,James Church April C a? 19, 1955, oi^ any part of the 1955 taxes charged against the Church on tizat portion of the Woo.tten property in said 131oek, owned and rented by the Church for Comnierci_al purposes, (which said building ivas demolished ii1 May 1955). The I3oard, therefore, rescinded its ac- tion of October 31, 1955, and declined to grant the abaterients requested by the Church on the grounds that the first par-cel was privately owned on January 1, 1955 and the second Par- cel used Por Commercial purposes, and voted to abide by the La,w governing this matter in ac- cordance with the opinion of the Attorney General. Upon motion, Miss Lillian Pittman was grante*n abatement of taxes on automobile located in rtl?,? • North Sdilkesboro for the year 1955, which was inadvertently listed in this County, and taxes claimed by Wilkes County. Her request for a refund of the 1954 taxes paid on the same car here in 1954, was declined. Upon motion of Mr. Playhan, seconded Uy Mr. IIall, County bills No. 1971 to 2105 iaere approv- ed 't'oi° pa,yment. , . ? ?' ,62 M.eeting of April 16, 1956 - Continued I get and Appropriations from the Emergency Fund and tinanticipated Ptixnds, recommended by the ?t,v,,,4bn County Auditor needed to meet requirements for the balance of the fiscal yeai on the follow- ing accounts as of Dfarch 31; 1956, were approved and authorized. The County Auditor was in- stiucted to rna3ce transfers within the Budget where possiUle: ? Upon motion of ?Sr. Hall, seconded by Pir. Broadhiu°st, the following transPers within the Bud- Unanticipated Funds n n Auditor - Capital Outlay General Emergency F'und n n u u u n ir n u n n n n n v Unanticipated Pund Auditor - Salaries General Emergency Fwid County Aid - Fire Plow " " Oak Grove Cem. General Ititnd Emei°gency n n n Court House Repairs, Bldg. n v n n Jail Bedding and Linen " Laundry n it " Produce from F'arm " Hepairs and Plaintenance Equipmeni: R/C Conveying Prisoners Hegister of Deeds - Binders and Record Books R.D Binders - Record Boolis General Pund Emergency Sheriff - Insurance - Boiids Superior Cow°t Jury F'ees u n n rt General Fznd Emergency v u n u n n Taz Listing - City Listers n u n u u u n n Genei al Fund Emergency u ,t n u tt it to Airport Elect,rical Supplies ' 50.00 " " Janitor " 100.00 Salary Account 600.00 " Auditor - Telephone 125.00 " C.S.C. Fees - Insane - Inebriates 75.00 " " Refund Pees 5.00 " Commissioners - Stationery & Supplies 100.00 " " Telephone 125.00 ° County Aid - Caskets 16.64 " Cape Fear Armory Repairs 220.86 " " " " Insurance Claims 621.11 " Auditor - Travel 100.00 " Coroner - Autopsy - 500.00 " County Aid - llrainage and Erosion 500.00 " " " " " " 300.00 " " " " " " 1,500.00 " " ° Retirement Plan 750.00 " Court liouse - Farm Labor 54.00 " Lights and Power 125.00 " Jail Clothing 100.00 " " Electrical Power 20.00 " " Elevatox• Contract 7.28 " " Farm Labor 153.00 " " Telephone 10.00 ° Recorder's Court Telephone 25.00 ? ,r n n ? n n ? u n u County Home " " n n u u County llrainage - Salaries " Iiome FSnergency ia'urid . " Unanticipated Funds - State Public Assistance " General P'wId Emergency " Unantiicipated Funds OAA Liens" Register of Deeds - Stationery and Supplies 150.00 " " " 'lelephone 50.00 Sheriff - Auto Espense 1,000.00 " Supplies 50.00 Supei°ior Court-iaitness Fees 50.00 " " Telephone 10.00 Tax Coll.ector - Repairs and Maintenance Equipment 25.00 " " Stationery and Supplies 100.00 " " Tel ephoiie 15.00 Tax Listing - County Listers 300.00 " " Repairs - PIaintenance, Equipment 50.00 " " Travel 100.00 Agriculture and Econonucs,-ASC Telephone 75.00 " " " CoTored Agent Telephone ?O.OQ " " " County Agent Telephone 20.00 County h ane - Juvenile Home • 35.00 " • " Lights - Power 150.00 Salaries 250.00 Telephone 50.00 Hospital - PuUlic Assistance Hospitalization 500.00 T. B. fIospital - '1'elephones 23.77 OAA Liens - Appraising • 200.00 ? The following good and lawful persons were drawlz to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civil cases for the tiao weeks term Ueginnino PIa,y 7, 1956, and for the one week Cri.minal tern beginning Blay 21, 1956: Hurbert Barnes, 128 Rutledge Drive Wilbur A. Batchelor, Ct.2-A Lake rorest George Simpson, Rte.1-Box 146 . Elyse H. Carter, Ate.2-Box 389-A Jas. L. Noruient, 12 Lake Village A. W. Smith, 4916 Oleander Drive G. C. Baltzegar,,-Jr., 51 Woodlawn Avenue R. C. Gray, 223 South 5th SLreet G. W. Colkitt, 192 Pinecrest Parl.way W. H. Aiidrews, Jr., 4909 Pine Street D. E. Murray, 710 South 3rd Street Joseph C. Penley, 232 Vance Street L. W. Piner, Rte.1-Box 219 AB V. K. Scott, 818 South 5th Street George B. itoche, 1908 Princess Street W. H. Pridgen, 209 Rutledde Drive George Sloan, Jr., 5031 Oleander lirive John 1{elly, Jr., 1506 South 3rd Street Second Week: I. C. Lewis, 3312 P4arket Street C. D. Bonham, 312 ChurCh Street Joseph PYcClammy, Rte.1-Box 184 Woodrow Mallard, 103 Williamson Drive Jessie M. Weeks, 2002 Dietts Avenue C. J. Plastre, 2215 Chestnut Street E. B. Keitih, 24 Pinecrest Parkway Marvin C. Gaines, 208 Rutledge Drive Rudolph Piclcett, Rte.l-13ox 47.3 Ilubin Hor•rell, 217 Castle Hayne Road R. M. I{ern, Rte.J.-Castle Hayne Rayntond A. Creech, 3715 Wrightsville Avenue W. W. Higgins, 115 Pine Grove Drive Henry B. Meier, 2205 Carlton Avenue Edward Z. ICing, 305 South 17th Street J. C. Rogers, 2108 South Front Street J. I,i..Bryant; Rte.1-Box 17.8 D. W. 13ackley, 1.27 Newton Lane Gibson Register, 1619 Oa°ange Street Aubery V. Smitfi, Sr., 107 South 41st Street J. W. Ci^iUU, 251-D Castl.e Hayne Road P. H. Snell, 206 North 15th S1;reet Robert Swindell, 502 Park Terrace IIugh Browning, Rte.1-Box 438 W. P. Sanunons, RLe.l-Castle Hayne L. R. Iiufham, Sr., 512 Church Si;reet Herbert Grady, Rte.1-Box 65. Carl W, liodges, 42 Woocilatail Avenue lIenry 0. Poy, Rte.l-I3ox 309 I3enry Plurray, 702 South Pront Street M. J. Carsw,ell, Jr., 31 Carolina Apt. J. P. ICing, 2411 Princess Street Theo. R. Palmeter, Hte.3-Box 459 ' Edward Earl Bullard, 1913 Pender Avenue T. A. Allison, 325 North 46th Street George Fox, 26-U La.ke Forest J. D. Hobbs, P. 0. Box 1423 Charlie Iiarrison, Wrightsville Sound J. K. Powers, Jr., 2404 Afarket Street [dalter P. Barnes, Jr., 110 Pine Grove Dnive P. H. Hargraves, 509 Arorth 73r3 Street Elbert Herring, 2118 Ba,rnett Avenue E. X. ScoLt, Rte.2-Box 110 B. P. Piner, Jr., 308 Davie Drive C. J. Watts, 1144 Country Club Road [lalter E. Harris, 445 Cast].e 1layne Road , Afeeting of April 16, 1956 - Continued 6°? ¢? Second Week - Jury List - Conl:inued Henry D. Easterling, 2007 Woolcott Avenue G. A. Cook, 204 Davie Drive W. L. Godley, 1305 Virginia Avenue C: E: Gosnell, 2532 Washington Street R. C. Craft, C-15 Oleander AptS. -R, C. Brown, 207 South Pront Street M. D. Venters, Sr., 3909 ldrightsville Avenue Lawreilce S. Jeffords, 103 Stradleigh Road For the Criminal Tei°m beginning D1ay 21, 1956; Thoinas H. NlcDonald, 815 Alarket Sti eet J. T. Butters, 4924 Oleander ?rive F. R. Jordaii, 529 Castle Iiayne Road Willie P1cClain, Rte.l-IIoa 120 Willie Pen@er, Rte.l-Castle Hayne F. E. Aegister, Rte.2-Box 501 3ames C. Edmond.s, 14 Dorden Avenue Alartin L. Sessoms, 106 Church Street E. C. Johnson,2822 Adams Screet J. P. Hoiaell, P. 0. Box 1034 D. L. Gainous, 22-G Nesbitt Covrt Donald M. Parsley, Jr., Route 2 Jchn H. Ilanhy, 2109-2 Creasy Avenue L. 0. Davis, R1;e.2-Box 335 C. N. Ezzell, 2003 taoolcott Avenue James M. Cretas, 232 Lake Forest Parkway L. A. Justiee, Ate.l-13ox 168, Castle Iiayne George TicfPar•laile, Je., 2715 Jefferson Street L'ratik Dioore, 3018 Afaides Avenue L. L. Aewett, 1223 South 3rd Street U'. L. ,leier, 412 Church Sti^eet William J. Plintz, Jr,, 2316 Community Drive James R. Walters, 2115 13i°andon Road C. 0. Bellamy, Rte.l-Box 227-A Peter Brown Ruffin, P. 0. Box 270 Aonald C. Fowlei, 5-V Lake Village J. N. Barnes, 229 Vance Street Carl M. Ezzell, Rte.l-Box 175 A. L. Cwnber, Jr., 2527 Adams Street Leon L. Croom, 213 Vauce Stt^eet W. S. Chadwick, 108 Wright Street Lawrence E. Johnson, Itte.3-Box 433 0. C. Biu riss, Rte.7-Box 199 Sdilson Rogers, 308 South 6th Street I. L. Humphrey, 3510 Wi^ightsvil.le Avenue James Hawes, I408 Ann Street E. B. Graves, Jr., 67 Lake Forest Calhom7 D. Cwiningham, 135 Colonial Drive G. G. Harwaru, Rte.?-Rox 346 H. S. Collum, 147 I;al:e Forest Parleway D. M. Greer, Box 243, Carolina 73each A. B. Russ, 703 Central 13oulevara Albert N"ranks, Rte.3-Box 68 Ray Peterson, fite.2-Box 345 S. D. Corbett, 315 Church Sti^ee't B. G. Pioore, 51 Lee Drive 0'Nell A. Walsh, 2317 Nlai°ket Street Davis R. Long, Rte.3-Box 176 Major Worth Hewett, Rte.2-Box 350 John E. Walter, 113 Coloilial Village D. C. Hei,rett, Hte.2-Box 100. --- rn ? The regular meeting was then adjourxiecl and the Cownissionei°s met as the boarcl of Equaliza--- tion ai7d Revieia with T. D. Love,'Tax Supervisor, as Secretary. -*W Clerk. ? MINUTES BOARD OF EQUAIjIZATION ANll REVIEW iJETd HANOVliR COUNTY --?" ' The Board of Equalization and Review met on April 1.6, 1956 aL 10:30 A.Pi., with the follow- ing meiabers present: • R. T. Horton J. M. Hall, Jr.., Ernest Playhan L. E. Broadhurst Mr. Horton read a•letter from the Attorney ?General Rodman ?ahich iaas in anssaer to a letter i ?aritl;en by County Attorney Joizn Brignt Hil?l`in regards to the Board of Equa7.izaLion and Re- view's aui;hoiityr to change assessed values on the County's I3ooks, AZr. Rodman advi.sed that they do not have the legal right to reduce the values in question. i Discussion was entei^ed into aazd A1r.,Fia11 move3 ailci 'the iuotion was seconded by Mr. P1ayhan 7r4_' °? that action taken at previous meeting relative to employment of inen Lo value the property in question be rescinded. The motion was cariied unanimously. Air. Plcuirt, County Assessor wa,s requested to present the Conunissioners with all recommended cl7anbes to be macle on petitions which the Board had in front of tliem. Thi.s recommeiidation to be on hand not latei i:han April 23, 1356. ' There being no further businoss, the Board recessed until the next meeting, April 23, 1956. /s/ T. D. Love - Secretary Wil.mingtoii, N. C., April 23, 1956. The regular weel.l.y meetirig of the Board was hel.d this day at 10:00 o'cl.ock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Corrunissions Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Jorin Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with nrayer by the Reverend A. L. Tlzompson, Pastor of Grace Afethodist L'hurch. Copies of the minutes of the meeti.ng of April 16, 1856, havin; previousl,y been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon iuotion of PIr. I3a11, seconded by P1r. Tlayhan, approved. C rrw?,..c,33+"?. Mayor J. Frank Collier and City Attorney Add.ison IIew3.ett, Jr., of Carolina Beach appeared to urge the Board to make available tlze $10,000.00 appropriation indi_c.-ted would be made at meet- ing of January 16,' 1956, to help finance their Jetty Construction Project at Carolina Beach Tv--'? for T3each Lrosion Control, stating that the appropriation in cash at this ti.me wrzu).d b eatly T/'"""r`"` expedite the work, caas upon motion of ASr. Hall, secondecl by Pir. Broadhurst granted out of the unused $10,000.00 1955-1956 Budget Appt°opriation set up out of A.B.C. Punds shotian wlder Coun- Ly Aid for Social Security I'rogram, upon making the proper transfer of the F'unas neeowit. , .I