1956-04-23 Regular MeetingAfeeting of April 16, 1956 - Continued 6°? ¢? Second Week - Jury List - Conl:inued Henry D. Easterling, 2007 Woolcott Avenue G. A. Cook, 204 Davie Drive W. L. Godley, 1305 Virginia Avenue C: E: Gosnell, 2532 Washington Street R. C. Craft, C-15 Oleander AptS. -R, C. Brown, 207 South Pront Street M. D. Venters, Sr., 3909 ldrightsville Avenue Lawreilce S. Jeffords, 103 Stradleigh Road For the Criminal Tei°m beginning D1ay 21, 1956; Thoinas H. NlcDonald, 815 Alarket Sti eet J. T. Butters, 4924 Oleander ?rive F. R. Jordaii, 529 Castle Iiayne Road Willie P1cClain, Rte.l-IIoa 120 Willie Pen@er, Rte.l-Castle Hayne F. E. Aegister, Rte.2-Box 501 3ames C. Edmond.s, 14 Dorden Avenue Alartin L. Sessoms, 106 Church Street E. C. Johnson,2822 Adams Screet J. P. Hoiaell, P. 0. Box 1034 D. L. Gainous, 22-G Nesbitt Covrt Donald M. Parsley, Jr., Route 2 Jchn H. Ilanhy, 2109-2 Creasy Avenue L. 0. Davis, R1;e.2-Box 335 C. N. Ezzell, 2003 taoolcott Avenue James M. Cretas, 232 Lake Forest Parkway L. A. Justiee, Ate.l-13ox 168, Castle Iiayne George TicfPar•laile, Je., 2715 Jefferson Street L'ratik Dioore, 3018 Afaides Avenue L. L. Aewett, 1223 South 3rd Street U'. L. ,leier, 412 Church Sti^eet William J. Plintz, Jr,, 2316 Community Drive James R. Walters, 2115 13i°andon Road C. 0. Bellamy, Rte.l-Box 227-A Peter Brown Ruffin, P. 0. Box 270 Aonald C. Fowlei, 5-V Lake Village J. N. Barnes, 229 Vance Street Carl M. Ezzell, Rte.l-Box 175 A. L. Cwnber, Jr., 2527 Adams Street Leon L. Croom, 213 Vauce Stt^eet W. S. Chadwick, 108 Wright Street Lawrence E. Johnson, Itte.3-Box 433 0. C. Biu riss, Rte.7-Box 199 Sdilson Rogers, 308 South 6th Street I. L. Humphrey, 3510 Wi^ightsvil.le Avenue James Hawes, I408 Ann Street E. B. Graves, Jr., 67 Lake Forest Calhom7 D. Cwiningham, 135 Colonial Drive G. G. Harwaru, Rte.?-Rox 346 H. S. Collum, 147 I;al:e Forest Parleway D. M. Greer, Box 243, Carolina 73each A. B. Russ, 703 Central 13oulevara Albert N"ranks, Rte.3-Box 68 Ray Peterson, fite.2-Box 345 S. D. Corbett, 315 Church Sti^ee't B. G. Pioore, 51 Lee Drive 0'Nell A. Walsh, 2317 Nlai°ket Street Davis R. Long, Rte.3-Box 176 Major Worth Hewett, Rte.2-Box 350 John E. Walter, 113 Coloilial Village D. C. Hei,rett, Hte.2-Box 100. --- rn ? The regular meeting was then adjourxiecl and the Cownissionei°s met as the boarcl of Equaliza--- tion ai7d Revieia with T. D. Love,'Tax Supervisor, as Secretary. -*W Clerk. ? MINUTES BOARD OF EQUAIjIZATION ANll REVIEW iJETd HANOVliR COUNTY --?" ' The Board of Equalization and Review met on April 1.6, 1956 aL 10:30 A.Pi., with the follow- ing meiabers present: • R. T. Horton J. M. Hall, Jr.., Ernest Playhan L. E. Broadhurst Mr. Horton read a•letter from the Attorney ?General Rodman ?ahich iaas in anssaer to a letter i ?aritl;en by County Attorney Joizn Brignt Hil?l`in regards to the Board of Equa7.izaLion and Re- view's aui;hoiityr to change assessed values on the County's I3ooks, AZr. Rodman advi.sed that they do not have the legal right to reduce the values in question. i Discussion was entei^ed into aazd A1r.,Fia11 move3 ailci 'the iuotion was seconded by Mr. P1ayhan 7r4_' °? that action taken at previous meeting relative to employment of inen Lo value the property in question be rescinded. The motion was cariied unanimously. Air. Plcuirt, County Assessor wa,s requested to present the Conunissioners with all recommended cl7anbes to be macle on petitions which the Board had in front of tliem. Thi.s recommeiidation to be on hand not latei i:han April 23, 1356. ' There being no further businoss, the Board recessed until the next meeting, April 23, 1956. /s/ T. D. Love - Secretary Wil.mingtoii, N. C., April 23, 1956. The regular weel.l.y meetirig of the Board was hel.d this day at 10:00 o'cl.ock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Corrunissions Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Jorin Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with nrayer by the Reverend A. L. Tlzompson, Pastor of Grace Afethodist L'hurch. Copies of the minutes of the meeti.ng of April 16, 1856, havin; previousl,y been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon iuotion of PIr. I3a11, seconded by P1r. Tlayhan, approved. C rrw?,..c,33+"?. Mayor J. Frank Collier and City Attorney Add.ison IIew3.ett, Jr., of Carolina Beach appeared to urge the Board to make available tlze $10,000.00 appropriation indi_c.-ted would be made at meet- ing of January 16,' 1956, to help finance their Jetty Construction Project at Carolina Beach Tv--'? for T3each Lrosion Control, stating that the appropriation in cash at this ti.me wrzu).d b eatly T/'"""r`"` expedite the work, caas upon motion of ASr. Hall, secondecl by Pir. Broadhurst granted out of the unused $10,000.00 1955-1956 Budget Appt°opriation set up out of A.B.C. Punds shotian wlder Coun- Ly Aid for Social Security I'rogram, upon making the proper transfer of the F'unas neeowit. , .I ,64 Pleeting of April 23, 1956 - Continued ? ? ? . ? Mrs. Boyd Quarles representing the Animal We1Pai°e League appeared to rec;uest reactivation ? of the Dog Ordinance at once under the Board oi' Health on a full time basis, and that a man be employed to cover the entire County as Dog Warden and Dog Tax Collector, and funds be set up for that expense. Mr. J. E. L. [Jade, City Councilman was present to endorse the program suggested as a good one and in his opinion would be self-Pinancing. Mr. J. ' Franlc Collier, Playor of Carolina Beach who was present sai.d, Carolina Beacli has an Animal Ordinance, and would turn some of Lhei.r funds over to the organization. Mr. Trask felt the main thi_ng was to keep rabies doiim rather than for dog tax collecta.ng, was the most important. It was the feeling of the Conunissioilers that the preseni: program is workiilg out satisfac- tory. The Dog Warden operating thru the Sheriff's Office will be caorking on full time soon. No action was i:aken. ??? The Chairman reported progress by the Board of Education in making School repairs recom- ?jj? mended by the Grand Jury to eliminate cause of complaint, anrl. thought it a good idea to discuss the Schools with the Board of Education to familiari.ze ourselves iaitll their pro- blems. A letter of appreciation was received from DSiss Vera Belle Lowery, FIome llemonstration A- gent for the invitation to attend the County Conmiissioner's meeting on Apiil 30, 1956! as part of their celebration of National Home Demonstration [deek. "There will be approximate- ly 14 members to attend,"she said. l e?7AX-Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Nfr.'Broadhurst, tPie Board authorized the renewal of Federal contract for the housing of rederal prisoners arid detainees in the New Hanover IIan- over Jail, at the rate of $1.00 per day per person includinb ordinary medical care, efPec- tive hlay 16, 1956, to replace the present contract which expires May 15, 1356. A request of Goldsboro Milling Cornpany for a refund of ?59.2011not-listed"Penalty for fail- ing to list their 1954 taxes on a valuation of $15,500.00 claiming thei.r auditor came in C.,a?Af"^""2 late to list tlle property, and sioned a list and was assured a penalty would not be charg- - ed. The matter was referred Lo the County Attorney to handle with the Tax Supervisor. i A letter was received From Mr. William S. Rehder, President of the 1956 Wilmiilgton Azalea -?)'J??x- Festival, expressing his sincere appreciwtion to the Chairman tor his cooperation and as- sistance in connection caith the Political and Social phase of'the 1956 Festival, as well as his support of the Executive Committee, Motorcade and in numerous other ways. "I am in- debted to you for tile grand part you had in the success of the 1956 F'estival," he said. The Chairman told the Board the F'at Stoclz Show and Sales of April 18 and 19, led the State ed'` in a nun:ber of categories exhibited, and commended the Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Committee for its fine and successful efforts. ? Mr. T. D. Love, CounLy AudiLor and Tax Supervisor, recommended that the Board purchase a machine Por checking the Stwte Automobile Registration list for Lax purposes, at a cost of $245.00?,,which he said wil.l cut the cost of checkii:g the list in half and will save money for tlie County. , ../ Upon motion of' Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, payment of a bill for $965.75?to the Cape Fear Cowity Club, the same being the CounLy's part of expense for City-County Azalea b'estival Luncheon, Saturday April^7th, and authority was given to appropriate $p120.75Nut of the Emergency Pund and $182.02 out of Unanticipated ii'wids for balance necessar,y to T meet tiiat expense, on recomuiendation of the County Auditor. ? A reporrt of Dragline drainage was received shaa.n- that J. P. Newton, Jr., and others,drain- age canal has been completed at.3,200 feet. ?A,.?,,,A report of Farm Prisonei°s work for week ending April 9; a special five-year report of the ?• kIousing Auihority of the City of Wilmington for 1951-1955, together with illustrations and " cmtunents'Laken from the S widay Star-News i.ssue of April l, 1956; a copy of the North Car- olina Public TdelPare Statistical report for the fiscal year 1954-1955; a copy o-P the P, o},;'Lt,e Department oP the City?of lJilminGton 1955 Aimual Report; a copy of the minutes of the meet- ing oP County 13oards of Public Welfare ai7d Bards oP County Commissicners of North Carolina; Second Annual State-wide meeting held on Pebruary 24, 1956 in the Sir Idalter Hotel; and a copy of Statement made by Dr. Ellen Winston, Conunissioner of the State Board of Public ldel- fare, Uefore Lhe Senate Committee on Finance, 1'ebruary 28, 1956 relating to certain provi- sions H.R. 7225 and related aspects of the Public Tdelfare Proeram, were received and filed. A statement of Income and Disbursements for March was received from the Airport shotaing: ]3udget $ 39,038.20 ` Expenditures for Aiarch $2,700.93 ' Expenditures to date 26,481.82 Balance 12,556,38 The Chairman reported satisfactory results on the Social Security effort to assi,st those , persons 65 years or older to qualify for aid who are eligible but not receiving Social Security. The Chairman called attention to a meeting caith Tel.ephone Representatives 3:00 o'clock P.M., ldednesday to disc.uss the new proposed switch board dial system installation to improve our telephone service. ' Upon moti.on of Mr. 13roadhi.rst, seconded by Mr. Hall, the l3oard endorsed the appointment of • ? E. M. Butler and Mrs. J. [lallace West' to succeed themselves on the Board of Directors of C Commwiity Hospital, reconunended by the liospital Board. The wife oP Mr. Thomas Donald Gallagher entered State Sanatorium Friday, April 20, and asked that the County be billed for County rate at 60¢ per day. His request was refused by the Superintendent of Public Sdelfare Uecause of tiis income, but did agree to submit to the Coun- ty Commissioners an itemized statement shocaing amount of his Uills and monthly payments. Up- on motion of Mr. Trasit, seconded by Mr. riayhan, the Board agreed to accept at County rate if he will reimUurse the Coiuity. r Upon motion -of Tir. Piaylian, seconded by Mr. Trask, Cowity bills No. 2137 to 2194 were approv- ed for payment. The reb lar meeting was then adjourned and the Commissioners recoilveiled as the Board of Equalization and Review with Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Super°visoi as Secretary, ?l Clerlc. ? MINUTES BOARD OF EQUALIZATION & RGVIEW NEW HArOVER COtiNTY 'Phe Board oP Equalization and Review met on April 23, 1956 at 11:00 A.Pf., with the follow- ,ing members present: _ lt. T. Horton Ra,iford Trask ' J. Ti. Hall, Jr. Ernest Diayhan L. E. Broadhurst Tax Supervisor T. D. Love presented the Board with recoimnendati a-is made by Tax Assessor, 't' o"?^ H. S. A1cGirt in which lie recommended that aUout twenty (20) parcels of propert3* be chang- ed in their assessed value for the year 1956. ?1 ` Tne matter of the changirig of these items was discuss"ed and Mr. Broadhurst made Pmot on ? ??r which was seconded by Mr. Hall `that the' recommeiidations made by Mr. r4cGirt relative to the changes in values be compiled with and that the values be changed. 7'his motion was carried with Mr. Mayhan dissenting. He based his dissension on, that it was on his opiilion that inasmuch as the Board themselves had not made a thorough check in the parcels in question that no change be made in any valuations until a cmnpleLe reval.uation was held. Mr. Trask expressed himself as Ueing in favor oP immediate reli.ef for all these that are out of line, but realizes thaL nothing can be done in regards to theM inasmuch as the ruliilg from the Attorney General of the State of North Carolina states that no cha,nges can be made. Taa Supervisor Love ivas requested to notiPy by letter all of the applications for a reduc- tion in Lheir valuation,and advise them that they could appear Uefore this Board on April 30th, 1956 at 10:30 A.M. . Mr. Wallace Diurchison representing Lake F'orest, Incorporated, asked that his client receive a reduction of valuation on i:heir property in line saith the reductioils that have been plac- ed on similar Housing Projects in the County. Tlie matter was discussed and Mr. Trask mov- ed and his motion was seconded by Mr. 2•iayhan that the County Attorney together with Mr. Wallace Alurchison address correspondence to the Attoi^ney General of North Carolina a.nd in- quire as to whetkier oi not his Office ruled that this Board of Equalization and Review had the riglit to reduce the property in question. His motion included the fact thai; if the Attorney Ueneral so ruled that the pi^operty be placed on the Assessment Rolls of the Coun- ty at 46% of their purchase price from the Pederal Government. This motion was carried with Mr. Broaclhurst dissenting. Mr. Broadhwrst stated that he was in favor to allow these val.ues to si;and as they are as Tax Assessor, Mr. McGirt did not rec- ommend the change, and in his opinion if they reduce these values there were a considerable number ot other values that should be reducefl. PIr, fIorton then brouoht up the matter of bids to be received from various parties for reval- uation of tihe Courity. These bids to be received by April 30, 1956. It was agreed that none of tYie bids should be made public until they have been thBroughly reviewed by this Board. Mr. R. C. Cantwell, representing his firm, appeared and said that he would be in a position to present his bid April 30 aloizg with the other bids. There being no further business, the meeting recessed until Moniiay, April 30, 1956. 161 T. D. Love -_Secretary Wilmington, N. C., April 30, 1956. The regular weekly meeti.ng of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. fIorton, Chait^man and Canmissioners.J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R.. Playhan, L. E. 13roadhurst, John Bright Hill, County Attorney, ancl T. U. Love, County.Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayei° by the Reverend TlZOmas H. Wright, Bishop Episcopal Diocese of Easi; Carolina. . Copies of the miuutes of the meeting of April 23, 1956, having previously been maiJ.ed to each , member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Aall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, upproved. ? NIiss Verna Belle Lowery, County,Home Deomonsti^ation Agent appeared caith approximately twentyqxrv? (20) club members in attendance here upon their District Pleeting in celebratioi7 of National Home Demonstration Weelc, to observe the proceedings of the County Conunissioners meeting as part of their program. A cordial welcome was extencled the ladies by the Chairman. The ladies eaplained they have plamled to gi.ve radio ancl television programs, xrange an exhibit ? in a local store window, tour the City and. County and attend meetings of the Civic C1uUs. All of these activities, they saicl, liave been planned ai°ound the theme for the week, "Today's - Home Builds tomorroca's World", with emphasis on leadership. . ? After approximately two (2) years oi' persistent effort and several brips to Raleigh to be as--7??' sured the County is receiving its rightful proportionate share of the Intangible Personal Pro- , perty Tax distriUution from the Stai;e, the CYiairman announcecl that his eTforts were finally rewarded by information received Prom the State Intangibl?,Tax Division that due to a recheck of the distribution, the County wouls3,receive $150,000.00 from thtit source thi.s suruner instead of the usual approximate $50,000.00. The increase woul.cl be equal. to a ten (10) cent tax rate yield, and will enable the County to do a better job in Lhe future. A letter was received from PicLean Industries, Inc., of Pfobile, Alabama, advising that they ex- pect to go to the ICC with their hearing shortly'to enable them to esi;aUlich their truck-ship ' system along the Atlantic Seaboard to opei^ate thru the Port of Wil.mington, and were appreCia- tive of our offer to render them what assistance we can in a successful prosecution of their cause, and said they may Ue calling on us for the services of a witness in their case. It was agreed to have a representative at the hearing when the date is set. CG fi?t-rw 1) -A