1956-04-30 Regular Meeting MINUTES BOARD OF EQUALIZATION & RGVIEW NEW HArOVER COtiNTY 'Phe Board oP Equalization and Review met on April 23, 1956 at 11:00 A.Pf., with the follow- ,ing members present: _ lt. T. Horton Ra,iford Trask ' J. Ti. Hall, Jr. Ernest Diayhan L. E. Broadhurst Tax Supervisor T. D. Love presented the Board with recoimnendati a-is made by Tax Assessor, 't' o"?^ H. S. A1cGirt in which lie recommended that aUout twenty (20) parcels of propert3* be chang- ed in their assessed value for the year 1956. ?1 ` Tne matter of the changirig of these items was discuss"ed and Mr. Broadhurst made Pmot on ? ??r which was seconded by Mr. Hall `that the' recommeiidations made by Mr. r4cGirt relative to the changes in values be compiled with and that the values be changed. 7'his motion was carried with Mr. Mayhan dissenting. He based his dissension on, that it was on his opiilion that inasmuch as the Board themselves had not made a thorough check in the parcels in question that no change be made in any valuations until a cmnpleLe reval.uation was held. Mr. Trask expressed himself as Ueing in favor oP immediate reli.ef for all these that are out of line, but realizes thaL nothing can be done in regards to theM inasmuch as the ruliilg from the Attorney General of the State of North Carolina states that no cha,nges can be made. Taa Supervisor Love ivas requested to notiPy by letter all of the applications for a reduc- tion in Lheir valuation,and advise them that they could appear Uefore this Board on April 30th, 1956 at 10:30 A.M. . Mr. Wallace Diurchison representing Lake F'orest, Incorporated, asked that his client receive a reduction of valuation on i:heir property in line saith the reductioils that have been plac- ed on similar Housing Projects in the County. Tlie matter was discussed and Mr. Trask mov- ed and his motion was seconded by Mr. 2•iayhan that the County Attorney together with Mr. Wallace Alurchison address correspondence to the Attoi^ney General of North Carolina a.nd in- quire as to whetkier oi not his Office ruled that this Board of Equalization and Review had the riglit to reduce the property in question. His motion included the fact thai; if the Attorney Ueneral so ruled that the pi^operty be placed on the Assessment Rolls of the Coun- ty at 46% of their purchase price from the Pederal Government. This motion was carried with Mr. Broaclhurst dissenting. Mr. Broadhwrst stated that he was in favor to allow these val.ues to si;and as they are as Tax Assessor, Mr. McGirt did not rec- ommend the change, and in his opinion if they reduce these values there were a considerable number ot other values that should be reducefl. PIr, fIorton then brouoht up the matter of bids to be received from various parties for reval- uation of tihe Courity. These bids to be received by April 30, 1956. It was agreed that none of tYie bids should be made public until they have been thBroughly reviewed by this Board. Mr. R. C. Cantwell, representing his firm, appeared and said that he would be in a position to present his bid April 30 aloizg with the other bids. There being no further business, the meeting recessed until Moniiay, April 30, 1956. 161 T. D. Love -_Secretary Wilmington, N. C., April 30, 1956. The regular weekly meeti.ng of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. fIorton, Chait^man and Canmissioners.J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R.. Playhan, L. E. 13roadhurst, John Bright Hill, County Attorney, ancl T. U. Love, County.Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayei° by the Reverend TlZOmas H. Wright, Bishop Episcopal Diocese of Easi; Carolina. . Copies of the miuutes of the meeting of April 23, 1956, having previously been maiJ.ed to each , member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Aall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, upproved. ? NIiss Verna Belle Lowery, County,Home Deomonsti^ation Agent appeared caith approximately twentyqxrv? (20) club members in attendance here upon their District Pleeting in celebratioi7 of National Home Demonstration Weelc, to observe the proceedings of the County Conunissioners meeting as part of their program. A cordial welcome was extencled the ladies by the Chairman. The ladies eaplained they have plamled to gi.ve radio ancl television programs, xrange an exhibit ? in a local store window, tour the City and. County and attend meetings of the Civic C1uUs. All of these activities, they saicl, liave been planned ai°ound the theme for the week, "Today's - Home Builds tomorroca's World", with emphasis on leadership. . ? After approximately two (2) years oi' persistent effort and several brips to Raleigh to be as--7??' sured the County is receiving its rightful proportionate share of the Intangible Personal Pro- , perty Tax distriUution from the Stai;e, the CYiairman announcecl that his eTforts were finally rewarded by information received Prom the State Intangibl?,Tax Division that due to a recheck of the distribution, the County wouls3,receive $150,000.00 from thtit source thi.s suruner instead of the usual approximate $50,000.00. The increase woul.cl be equal. to a ten (10) cent tax rate yield, and will enable the County to do a better job in Lhe future. A letter was received from PicLean Industries, Inc., of Pfobile, Alabama, advising that they ex- pect to go to the ICC with their hearing shortly'to enable them to esi;aUlich their truck-ship ' system along the Atlantic Seaboard to opei^ate thru the Port of Wil.mington, and were appreCia- tive of our offer to render them what assistance we can in a successful prosecution of their cause, and said they may Ue calling on us for the services of a witness in their case. It was agreed to have a representative at the hearing when the date is set. CG fi?t-rw 1) -A ,66 Meeting of April 30, 1956 - Continued ? The Coiaroissioners having learned that the 83-foot Coast Guard ship has Ueen pulled out from the Qak Islarid Coast Guard Station for services in the NorPolk, Virginia District, the Board agreed to join Southport ana Bi°unswiclz County in their efi'ort to have the same rei;urned to the Oak Island Station where it is badly needed and has rendered va.luaUle services in this District in the past. To that end instructions were given to take the matter up iaith our Itepresentatives in Washington. CpT'The L"hairman reported progress in the City-Couni;y Tndustrial Survey be9.ng made by the Fantus Area Iiesearch Corporation of vew York City. Their Hepresentatives have made three, visits here recently and are doing a thorough job, and we will be greatly Uenefited, and are look- ing forward to big things from tkiis survey which should be completed in about two (2) weeks. jdHEttEAS, 0. W. Williamson, rirs. Arroveine W. Williamson, G. G. Ri.cha,rdson, Mrs. G.G. Richardson, Mrs, H. C. L. Borkenhagen, Pirs. Vivaii P. Iiowell, V. Ambrosiano, Mrs. 3ailet Iiigh Dlosher, Henry B. Wilkins, T1rs: Ste31a Wil:iins, N. E. Evet°son, Elizabeth H. Eversoil aizd the L?D Iloard of Education oY New IIanover County, comprising all of the owmers of tlie.property ad- jacont to Peachtree Street in Winter Park, filed a petition with t11is Board on April 3, 1956, pursuant to 'Lhe provisions of suUsection 153-5 (17) of the General Statutes of North Carolina, requesting the Board. of County Commissioners of Nesa IIanover County to close that poi^tion of said Peachtree Street which is boui;ded on both sides by the property of the ]3oard of Educa- ? tion of Atew Iianover County for the purpose of expanciing the Wintei° Parli Gardens School and in such expansion it will be necessary to close that portion of the street above mentioned and zaill afford a mare adequate School for the children of Ldinter Park Gardens, and TdHEREA5, tliis Board calendared the request fbr hearing at a meeting to be held in the Court House in Wilmington, North Carolina at 10:00 A.rI., on April 30, 1956, and notice of the time and place of said hearing was Suly given in accordance wiLh the term of said Statute by mailing notices thereof by registe.ed letter Co all persors owning property adjoining,said street, or eitlzer of them, who did ilct join in the request for the closing thereof namely: Mr, and PSrs. W. J. Piosher, 899 Culvei Road, Rochester, New York, and A1i s. Sadie Long, Cit,y- TSountecl, I3oute 144, Box 180, Charlotte, N. C., and publishing notice of the request and the nature thereof and the time ancl place of the meeting thereon once a caeek for Pour (4) weelzs, in the Wilmington Morning Star, a necaspaper published in said Count,y , and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by this Board ai; the time and place specified in said notices, on April 30, 1956 at which time all interested persons were given an opportun- ity to be heard. Tlie only person asked to be heard was rir. 3lenry 13..Wilkins one of the peti- tioners who reconvneiided that inasmuch as that portion of PeachLree Street between Masonboi°o Highway and A1cMillan Street is a shoi^t street which will be mostly used in the Winter Parle School expansion program and the reuiaining portion iaould be useless Por traffic and a haz- ard to the school children, that the saine be closed at both ends betweeii Masonboro Iiigliway ai7d PicAfillan Stree,• was endorsed by tYie }3oard: `J 1'HERLFORE, upon motion of Mr. 13roadhurst, secoilded by Mr. I3a11, be it resolved and it ?1?is hei°eby'resolved that the request for the closing of that poi°tion of Peachtree Stieet as aforesaid be and the saine is liereby approved and the same oi°flered closeii. ? An offer of $100.00 submitted by Mr. N. Plisco to purchase foreclosure Lot Std 1/8-4 in Dlock n?v?v 541 appraised for sale value at $289.00, was upon uiotion of NIr. ha7.1, seconded by Mi^. Broa.cl- hurst, declined for the reason the off'er is not sufficient to pay the aCCrued taxes, cost and interest involved in the foreclosure transaction. Upon motion of Nir. Broacihurst, secondecl by A1r. Iiall, payment oP $50.00 Special Ai:torney fees '?"Ao Cla,yton C. Ho3?mes, Court Appointee, for services rendered 'uhe defendant in the case of State vs Sohn R. 13rot,m in a heax°i_ng on a Writ of Review which was held in the Superior Court Room on April 28, 1956, was approved on the order of the fIonora.ble Cl.ifton L. PSoore, Resident Judce of the Nifth Judicial Disi,rict. Same to be paicl out of the General Emergency Fxnd of the Cowlty. ? i .?° It was agreeaUle to the Board to grant a request of the Wilroington Savings and `i`rust Cmnpany to release $150,000.00 Treasury 2 1/2° Bonds of August 15, 1963, helcl by the Hanover Bank of New York to secure deposits of County P'unds, on account of decreased deposits and other ample securities are pledged by the said WiLnington Savings and Trust Company to secure New Hanover County 1+'unds,•in accordance with authority of this Board of October 26, 1953. 5??? A letter of thanks was received from rir. Allen B. Jones, Chairma.n of the Board of•.?'rustees of ` the Wilmington Public Library for the County's help and cooperation in transporting gift boolcs from Mrs. J. A. Schafer to the W. L. I. Library. Notice of final decision ori appeal was receivecl from the State Board of' Allotments and flppeal, advising that the action of the Neca IIancver County Welfare llenartment terntinating OAA payments to James Harry Gurganus, P. 0. 13ox 785, was uphel.d because it was found that he had resources sufficient to meet his needs as budgeted bg the County llepartment oP Public Welfare in accord- ance iqith the policies of the State Board of PuUlic Welfare on resources. The case of '[1a.lter Hopson, 805 Dawson Street, was also consiclered on appeal, and ADC payments were reinstated as of April 1956, because it was Pound that he is eligible for aid to dependent children to the extent that he is not able to earn enough to provide for their neads on accowlt of bei.ng dis- abled for caork and continued absence from the home oP the motlzer. ?1, A letter was received frmn Mr. L. Y. Ballentine, Corrmiissioiier of Agriculttare, and Cllairman of ??nQ n the Eastern North Carolina District of the Y. M. C. A.'s World Service Committee,'seeking our backing and cooperation in a Nation-wide effort to promote the expansion of Cliristian service and comfort among the young people of less fortunate countries abroad in combaLino Communism in countries confused by iaar and misery, Lhru the promotioiz of Christian living and moral de- cency. - em??^^??' An invitation taas received from the County Commissioners of Tooele County, Ut4, urging the Corrunissioners to attend the National AssociaLion of Count,y Officials to be held in Salt Lake Cit9, July 22 thru the 25. ? 1 copy of the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Board oP Health of April 4, 1956, and finaizcial report and balance slieet for Piarch from Community I3ospital, and County Farn C%fGW weekly prisoners work report for week ending April ll, were received and filed. Upon motion of Air. Mayhan, seconded by Air. l3roadhurst, County bills No. 2204 to 2293.wei^e ap- proved for payment. No further business appearing the meeting was then adjourned to reconvene as 1lhe Board of ?. Eo,ualization and Review iaith T. U. Love, 'Pas Supervisor as Secretary. ? . ? :4., it a2_ e r c . ? ?