1956-05-07 Regular MeetingWilmington, N. C., May 7, 1956. .6l, 'Phe regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: H. T. 13orton,,Chairman and Commissioners Itaiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Sroadhtirst; John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. '1'he meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend John T. Tiaides, Pasl;or of Wesley Piemorial Plethodist Church, Winter Park. Copies of the miiiutes of the meeting oi' April 30, 1956, having previously been mai.led to each member of the 13oard, the same were upon niotioiz of Tir. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Ha11, approved. - ? An Invita=tion was received Prom Diiss CorneTia Q. Williams, Assistant County 13wue Agent, to ? attend Nec+'lianover County 4-H Clubs' Annual Aeal.th Coronation, Dress Revue and Talent Show on Piay bth at 8:00 P. A1., in the Chestnut Street School Auditorium. A request of Pir. Edward M. Marks, Manager of the Sky Line Drive-In Theatre, Carolina Ileach ? Fioacl for a permit to put on a fireworks display for a public Purpose in connection with the ' T.?e?trf w?thout charge for acLnission on the evening of 3uly 3, 1956 ?aith the South Wilming- to?ifl?iree epartment standing by to render assistance if necessary, was upon motion of Ptr. Broadhui'st secotlded by Mr. Hall, granted in accordance with the Law governing the same. An invitation iaas received from P1rs. Olga A. Sears, Executive Director of the Wi.lmington Chapter of the American Red Cross, to attend their Annual Piembership Meeti.ilg to be held on . Friday evening May 11, 1956 at 7:30 at the Chapter FIous 411 South l?ront Street. ]3rigadier Geileral H. L. LiLzenberg, Commanding General P1ai°ine CotSe/Camp Le jeune, will be the guest speaker. Upon motiun of Mr. liall, seconded by PIr. Broadhurst, the fol.lowing resolution was unanimous- ly adopted: ' _ The Board of County Conunissioners of new IIanover County, does hereby lev,y to the ? ' maximwn amount a license tax for the twel.ve (12) months beginning Jwie.l, 1956, on each busi- ness, trade, occupation and profession, and so forth, cai^ried on and conducted in Neia Han- over Co wzty cahicki ar•e speciPically designated and defined in Schedule B, of the Revenue Act of Morth Caroliila, being Article 2, of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes, and by any other sections of the General Statutes, with the follocaing exceptions: PAWNBFtOIERS, on which the levy is hereby fixed for the County at $250.00; and further excepting those cases where it is expressly prohibited by Law. Upon motiun of 'Mfr. Trask,• seconded Uy Pir. Broadhurst, instructions were given to petition the Pederal Government, by proper resolution, to release the County from the operation of the recapture clause included in the deed of transfer of the Airport land to the County, in so far as the outside boun3ary lands adjacent to the Airport are affectecl by the recapture • clause, to enable the County to negotiate with prospective industrial interests for use as industrial sites, ancl that a meeting to that end be arranged with the Sixth Ivaval Distr.ict and our Congressman. ? TkLe Chairrian told. the Board that a represeiZtative of Lhe United States Ldeather Bureau was ay here Saturclay and agreed to resume the twenty-four (24) hour service at the Airport if funds are maclL availaUle by the Government to enable them to put an extra personnel. In that re- spect a lettex• was received frofn Coilgressman F. Ertel Carlyle, advising.that he has contact- ed the United States Sdeather Bureau iu behalf of aro wid-the-clock service for this area and will render all possible sssistancs iiz tllat calnection and caill keep us aitvisecl. „ • A petition of fifteen (15) pronerty owners for grading ancl reconstructing the old IIrick Yarcl r Hoad in Diasonboro Toconsniu cahich rwls from the River Road to Buies' Farm a distance oP ap- proximately 2000 feet on wlxich ten (10) houses are locaLed. Also a petition of tiaei7t,y-six (26) pi operty owners f'or hard-surFacing Hallbrooli Avenue i.n Victoria Vil].age wh:ich runs from US 421 to Shipyai°d Boulevard for approximately 1950 feet on which tiaelve (12) houses are lo- cated, were upon notion oF Mr. Trask, seconded by P1r. Broadhurst, approved artd referred to the State Highcaay and Public Works Commission. -" Mr. Gene Fonvielle appeared with Mr. C. S. Bullard, City Fire Inspector, represenl:ing Heat- ing llealers of New Hanover and surroundi.ng Counl:ies to complain of improper installation of lieai;ing furnaces caused by the construction of houses too low to the ground to install the equipment W1t110Uf, C11gglk1g a hole for the furnace whiell they said couid not be done sat- isf'actory after the lzouse is built, and recor,unended that the 10ire Underwriters Cod.e and in- spections be turned over #.o the Volunteer P'ire Departments for enforcement at a fee of $,5.00 to be paid by the Company making the installation ef the heating equipment from a safety. angle. It was explained that the County or i:Yie Boarcl oP Ifealth don't have the authorit3* to enforce the Code or collect a fee without Legislative authority. The City, however, - has?the autihority under ii:s ordinance. The Coimnissioners were in sympathy wi.th the request, and the matter was referred to the County Attorney to ascertain what Legislation is needed. A Cow.iittee of the Chairman, Commissioner Playhan, the County Ati;orney and P1r. Bullard were nanied to pursue the matter. N4oa Pionthly reports were recei.ved from the Board of Health; Veterans' Servi.ce OfPicer; Colored Ilome llemonstration Agent and 4-H Clubs; County Home Agent and North Carolina Public Welfare 0`7 - Statistical report for period 1946-1956 were received. and filed. „ An invitatioiz caas received to attend the annual meeting of ATew Hanover County Tuberculosis k4?--17? and Health Association to be Ileld on Wednesday, May ?.3 at S:OO o'clock P.AI., at St. James Parish House. The speaker will be T1r. E. N. Pope, Presi.dent of the North Carolina Tuber- culosis Association, ancl advertising manager of the Carolina Power and liight Company. A statement was receivecl from the State Department of Public Welfare advising Lhat $68,592.23,&?c..&,t_ Federal and State money caas sent to this Couni:y in Piarch Por OAA, ADC, APTD a.nd for Adminis- tra tioiz. . The Chairman reported on his trip to Raleigh Thurs<iay on liegislative and Industrial matters concerning Inl:angibles and Schedule D. Taxes, State group to assist Counties on revaluations and otrier imnortant maLters 1:hat caill be'discussed and given Purther consideratzon and rec- onmendations by the Legislative Committee at an Institute of Governr,ient sponsored meeting to be held at a later date. [? -pI,,• The meeLing was then..adj.ourned and the Commissioners met as the Board of Equalization and ° Review with Air. T. D. Love,'Tax Supervisor as Secretary. ? Clerk. ? 1 ' ?