1956-05-14 Regular Meeting,68 Wilmington, N. C., A1ay 14; 1956 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman aizd Coimnissio!iers J. M. Hall, Jr'., Ernest R. Playhan, Z.E. 13roadhurst, John .Bright liill, Cowlty Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Ray B. Noland, Pastoi^ of Grace Baptist L'hurclz. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of Play 7, 1956, having pi^eviously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon 1710L1GI1 oP Mr. P1ayhan, seconded b3= Mr. Hall, ap- I • proved. Mr. Louis T. Tloore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Commission, appeared to object ? to reference made to Bluethenthal F'ield by radio announcers and other sources as "A'ew Han- over County Airport", or as "The Wilmington=New Hanover Aii^port" referred to in Hill's Wilmington City Di.rectory, and urged that this misrepresentai,iori of the name be called to their attention and insist that the correct name "Bluethenthal Field" be used in the future. A Brief resume was given by Mr. Dfoore on the life of the late Arthur Bluethenthal, an out- standin; athlete and highly respected Jewish citizen of this County who made the Supreme Sacrifice for the Cause of b'reedom while serving wi.th tne N'rench' Forces in Sdorld War One, and for whom tne County's Airport was named and dedicated to his mettiory as "NEtd IIANOVI;ft COUNTY AI1iPUrtT BLIJE'PiiLNTHAL PIELD". It was the sense of the Doard on recommendation of Mr. Ha:l.1 to contact the parties and give the matter publicity in an effort to correct the erroneous , use of the name. ' The Chairman announced that the Civil Aeronautics Administration will assist us in our ef- , a? fort to secure a release fr-om the recapture clause to enable the County to offer lands border- ing Bluetheni:hal r,ieia for industrial sites. ? Mr. Jack Hart appeared to object to the CoLuity purchasing whiskey for the Azalea F'e>tival BCBanquet. Mr. Hart was assurea that the appropriation toward the Azalea Pestival entertaLin- ment with the L'ity was appropriated out of the AI3C profits ancl nu tax maiey was used for that expense. `Phe 1956-1957 Assi.stance Estimates submitted by tne County [aelfare Officer for the State Boarcl of Public Welfare in the total amount of $998,163.00, showing the County's proportion- ? ate part for: $9C ?''' Old Age Assistance $ 62,635.00 Aid to Dependent Cilildren 461200.00 • Aid to Partial & Totally Disabled 29,325.00 Aid to the 131ind 10,440.00 Aid to the 131ind Case Workers - Salary and Travel 1,683.00 $150,433.00 The foregoing was upon motion oY Mr. I{all, seconded by Mr. Pfayhan, tentatively approved in Lhe aiuounts sfiown, subject to reduction or other necessary changes before final adoption of the County's 1956-1957 General 3udget Appropriations. , /. George JoYulson and delegation from Seabreeze appeared to request Police protection service , ??.?•• 'at Seabreeze during 1:he sununer montlis, but stated that due to curta.iled business caused by the hurricanes last year they would not Ue in a position to conLribute toward that ex,pense as heretofore. Tliis being a Budget ma•tter in whicn the County with the cooperation of the Seabreeze interests have provided Police protection thru the Sheriff's Office i.n Lhe past, it was therePore the consensus of the 13oard that satisfactory ari°andements can be worl:ed out for tliis season. ? T e Chairman announced that copies of the brief prepa.red by Lhe Legislative Committee oP the• State Associai;iun of County Conmiissioners, would be prepared for distribution to 1:he }3oaid . members for study. • C,6'rAU'v A communication on the Inctustrial sitixatiun was passed on to the Cammissioners for study and their conunents and opinions to be submitted later. ? A request of the Board of Education Lo increase Sailmington College Budget by $10,000.00' from ? Unanticipated Tuition N'ees r•eceived to enable them to disburse the same to meet correspond- ing increase in expenses for increase in number oi' students, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. ]3roadhurst, granted. -? A request of,the Board of Education submitted by Mr. Com. E. Br,ock, Controller, for permis-' sion to increase the 5chool Budget by LYie amount of Federal Ftiznds iohen received from the Government for School Lunches, was dec].ined unti:l such time the b'ederal ri'unds are received, and the request was therefoi^e withdrawn by Mr. I3rocic for presentation at the proper time. Mr. Gene Fonvielle and delegation of heating co ntractors appeared in the interest-of having the Health Department make inspections of building constructions and furnace heating instal- lations under authority of a code to be prepared for that purpose, and an enahling Orclinance adopted by the Board of Health to enforce the same as a public health and safety measure. After discussion it was agreed i:hat the Coimnittee appointecl at the last meetiqg meet with the delegation and the County ALtorney and draft a code to meet the situation. The Conunit- , tee named by the Board will meet at any time upon receiving/notice. . _, u?Upon 'motiq?i of Mr. Ha11, seconded by Mr. Afayhan, $1,200•.00 was appropriated out oP the ? 43,500.00 Budget appropriatiou allowance for building repa,irs under County Home, to be used for repairs and additions to the small three(3) rooiu County-owned Uui.lding occupied by Mr. L. D. Niintr, County I'armer, to provide better accomodations f'or his family of four (4) children. tidith rei'erence to Mr. Piintz using gas in his car out of' the County's tank For County busi- ness, which Mr. Hall advised was necessary on an oecasion, the Chairman advised that a Coun- ty vehicle used in hurricane debris clean-up program has been turned over to the County N'arm which will take car•e oY that situation. ` 1'? Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, the Board approved the installatian of ? , ))y?/'?clighting equipment for baseball games at Hu?i PiacRae Park Dall Diamond out of available ]3ud- get Appropriation F'unds, at a cost well under the $1,000.00 bid requirement. The Carolina Pocaer and Light L'ompany will furnish thc transformers; six (6) poles will Ue needed and Lhe zaork will be supervised Uy T-Ir. Dave Sandlin, Czty Electrical Inspector. ? Pfeeti.ng of May 14, 1956 - Continued t A petition submitted Uy tcaenty-six (26) property owners of Harnett Township to include Rose Avenue in the County Highway System for maintenance Uy the Sta2e Ilighway Canmission, which said avenue runs from Wrightsville Avanue northiaardly for approximately 1700 feet, on which R0?5 nine (9) houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhiu^st, seconded by Mr. P4ayhan, ap- proved and referred to the State iiighway and Public Works Conmiission. Upun motion of Mr. llroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, payment of $75.00 to Cape Fea.r Blue Printers for tfacings and aprroximately 200 prints of site maps for the Steering Committee of the Campus-locating group for the proposed Presbyterian College si2e, was approved, and ?50.49 of the amount was ordered transferred from the General Emergency Fund Lo meet that expense. A lettei° was received from Senator 14. Iierr Scott in reply to our leti:er concerning the need of a 24-hour operating Uasis at the Weather Bureau at Bluetlienthal Pield, advised that he had written Lhe Chief of the Weather 13ureau, and will keep us dvised on wliat he finds out ..-- 7-? ., . : ? I --?r Lv" from the Weather }3ureau Department. '-, An invitation was received from Pirs. Lena L. Beachwn,.Secretary, to attend the 26th Annual? a?? Encampment llepai°tment of \TOrth Carolina Veterans of Poreign Wars, to be held in the Cape Fear Hotel, June 7 thru 10. The Chairman will extend the caelcome on behalf of New Hanover County, to the visiting delegation 9:30 A.Pi., Friday, June s. Noi:ice was received from the United States District Engineer that dredging operations will '^,j? be carried on in 13anks Cnannel betcaeen the Highway Bridge and Piasonboro Inlet, May 14, 1956, and to be completed on or about May 31. All vessels using the Sdaterway in the vicinity , are advised to exercise all necessary caution in approaching the dredgiilg operations. e ?? ? '7 P,,? .' Plouthly repoi°ts for April were received from: Wilmii7gton Itousing Autharity; Tailmington Public Library and Bookmobile; Wilmirigton Colored Library and. County Farm Agent. , Statement of income and disbursen:ents were received from the Airport f'or April together with eash receipts for Apr•il 18, 26, 30 and Diay 4, 1956. `Phe Chairman reported a very successful Local Students' Goveriunent Day, Afa,y 10, when we were higYily honored by Local Students who took over the reins of Government for a day to prove their ability to become oui° future leaders. • Upon motion of Mr. Broadhiu°st, seconded by r1r, liall, Mr. Lester D. Lennon, 1307 South Third Street, was exempt from the payment of poll taxes and granl;ed FREE License to operate a lieather Craft business in New IIanover County on account oF being a disaUled L+Iorld War II Veteran, as is provided hy Law in such cases. _L ? Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan,secoiided by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 2328 Lo 2452 were approved ?"^?+?•^'- for payment. .? , The meeting was tlzen adjourned to meet as the Board of Equa].ization and Review with Mr. Love, Taa Supervisor as Secretary. . JC _ ? Clerk. ? Wilmingtoi7, N. C., A1ay 21, 1956. The regular weekly meei:ing of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: It. T. IIortoil, Chaii^man and Conunissioners Raifot°d Trask, J. b'L Hall., 3r., Ernest R. Dlayhan, L. E. 13roadkiurst, 3olin Bi°ight Hill, Coiuit3- Attorneg and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened iaith prayer by the Cl.ei°lc. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of P1ay 14, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same we2^e upon moti.on of Mr. hiayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. A request of Rebecca L. Hall, Colored Home Demonstration Agent, to transfer $50.00 from Sal-7",ro aries witnin her Budget to Demonstration Plateria.ls and Supplies, saas upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Iiall, approved. Upon moti.on of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, William Brown, 720 ATUn Street, 67-yeai^ old colorea indigent citizeri„ suffering with a heart concLiti.on and a senile unable to care for his own needs; is a Social Secmrity recipient and can pay board, was approved for sion to the County liome on recotmnend.ation of the Superinterident of PuUlic Welfare as a pay patient. , Callie Smith 13arrzson, 77 years old has been receiving Old Age Assistance, was discharged ? froiu the Community IlospiLal, PZay 11 after amputatian of Yier right leb. She is unaUle to .take care of herself and has no one to care far her. 5he has no children and nearest rel- atives are a brotiher and sister bozh of iahom are invalids; was upon motion of Mr. Hall, sec- ended by Mr. Piayhan, aclmitted to the County Home as an emergency case on recommendation of the 5uperintendent of Publie We1:Pare. Aiotice was received from the State High?tay and Public Worics Commission advising that Pfyrtle Grove Avenue running east from US-421 north of Seabreeze, Be]_1 Street running east from Adams Street in Sunset Park, and streets in Oak Grove Development on Wrightsvi.lle Avenue, Harnett Township knowi7 as Oak Leaf Drive, Huntiilgton Road, Forest Road, Greeil Leaf Drive, Spruce Drive ai7d Spruce Ci.rcle taere added to our County Hi.bhway Systeru at its meeting held April 26, 1956. Upon -motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadh;arst, Lhe Board approved the renetaal of lease a^'G°ot with Jocie Motor T,ines of Charlotte, N. C., for the north end of Warehouse Buii.ding No.T-976 at New lianover County Airport Bluethenthal P'ield, siz.e approximately 40x40,f`eet, for the term beginning Api^il 1, 1956, and ending March 31, 1957, at the rate of $5;b.00 per month in advance, water and electricity to be furnislzed by the County. ? ?