1956-05-21 Regular MeetingPfeeti.ng of May 14, 1956 - Continued t A petition submitted Uy tcaenty-six (26) property owners of Harnett Township to include Rose Avenue in the County Highway System for maintenance Uy the Sta2e Ilighway Canmission, which said avenue runs from Wrightsville Avanue northiaardly for approximately 1700 feet, on which R0?5 nine (9) houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhiu^st, seconded by Mr. P4ayhan, ap- proved and referred to the State iiighway and Public Works Conmiission. Upun motion of Mr. llroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, payment of $75.00 to Cape Fea.r Blue Printers for tfacings and aprroximately 200 prints of site maps for the Steering Committee of the Campus-locating group for the proposed Presbyterian College si2e, was approved, and ?50.49 of the amount was ordered transferred from the General Emergency Fund Lo meet that expense. A lettei° was received from Senator 14. Iierr Scott in reply to our leti:er concerning the need of a 24-hour operating Uasis at the Weather Bureau at Bluetlienthal Pield, advised that he had written Lhe Chief of the Weather 13ureau, and will keep us dvised on wliat he finds out ..-- 7-? ., . : ? I --?r Lv" from the Weather }3ureau Department. '-, An invitation was received from Pirs. Lena L. Beachwn,.Secretary, to attend the 26th Annual? a?? Encampment llepai°tment of \TOrth Carolina Veterans of Poreign Wars, to be held in the Cape Fear Hotel, June 7 thru 10. The Chairman will extend the caelcome on behalf of New Hanover County, to the visiting delegation 9:30 A.Pi., Friday, June s. Noi:ice was received from the United States District Engineer that dredging operations will '^,j? be carried on in 13anks Cnannel betcaeen the Highway Bridge and Piasonboro Inlet, May 14, 1956, and to be completed on or about May 31. All vessels using the Sdaterway in the vicinity , are advised to exercise all necessary caution in approaching the dredgiilg operations. e ?? ? '7 P,,? .' Plouthly repoi°ts for April were received from: Wilmii7gton Itousing Autharity; Tailmington Public Library and Bookmobile; Wilmirigton Colored Library and. County Farm Agent. , Statement of income and disbursen:ents were received from the Airport f'or April together with eash receipts for Apr•il 18, 26, 30 and Diay 4, 1956. `Phe Chairman reported a very successful Local Students' Goveriunent Day, Afa,y 10, when we were higYily honored by Local Students who took over the reins of Government for a day to prove their ability to become oui° future leaders. • Upon motion of Mr. Broadhiu°st, seconded by r1r, liall, Mr. Lester D. Lennon, 1307 South Third Street, was exempt from the payment of poll taxes and granl;ed FREE License to operate a lieather Craft business in New IIanover County on account oF being a disaUled L+Iorld War II Veteran, as is provided hy Law in such cases. _L ? Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan,secoiided by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 2328 Lo 2452 were approved ?"^?+?•^'- for payment. .? , The meeting was tlzen adjourned to meet as the Board of Equa].ization and Review with Mr. Love, Taa Supervisor as Secretary. . JC _ ? Clerk. ? Wilmingtoi7, N. C., A1ay 21, 1956. The regular weekly meei:ing of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: It. T. IIortoil, Chaii^man and Conunissioners Raifot°d Trask, J. b'L Hall., 3r., Ernest R. Dlayhan, L. E. 13roadkiurst, 3olin Bi°ight Hill, Coiuit3- Attorneg and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened iaith prayer by the Cl.ei°lc. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of P1ay 14, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same we2^e upon moti.on of Mr. hiayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. A request of Rebecca L. Hall, Colored Home Demonstration Agent, to transfer $50.00 from Sal-7",ro aries witnin her Budget to Demonstration Plateria.ls and Supplies, saas upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Iiall, approved. Upon moti.on of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, William Brown, 720 ATUn Street, 67-yeai^ old colorea indigent citizeri„ suffering with a heart concLiti.on and a senile unable to care for his own needs; is a Social Secmrity recipient and can pay board, was approved for sion to the County liome on recotmnend.ation of the Superinterident of PuUlic Welfare as a pay patient. , Callie Smith 13arrzson, 77 years old has been receiving Old Age Assistance, was discharged ? froiu the Community IlospiLal, PZay 11 after amputatian of Yier right leb. She is unaUle to .take care of herself and has no one to care far her. 5he has no children and nearest rel- atives are a brotiher and sister bozh of iahom are invalids; was upon motion of Mr. Hall, sec- ended by Mr. Piayhan, aclmitted to the County Home as an emergency case on recommendation of the 5uperintendent of Publie We1:Pare. Aiotice was received from the State High?tay and Public Worics Commission advising that Pfyrtle Grove Avenue running east from US-421 north of Seabreeze, Be]_1 Street running east from Adams Street in Sunset Park, and streets in Oak Grove Development on Wrightsvi.lle Avenue, Harnett Township knowi7 as Oak Leaf Drive, Huntiilgton Road, Forest Road, Greeil Leaf Drive, Spruce Drive ai7d Spruce Ci.rcle taere added to our County Hi.bhway Systeru at its meeting held April 26, 1956. Upon -motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadh;arst, Lhe Board approved the renetaal of lease a^'G°ot with Jocie Motor T,ines of Charlotte, N. C., for the north end of Warehouse Buii.ding No.T-976 at New lianover County Airport Bluethenthal P'ield, siz.e approximately 40x40,f`eet, for the term beginning Api^il 1, 1956, and ending March 31, 1957, at the rate of $5;b.00 per month in advance, water and electricity to be furnislzed by the County. ? ? I 70 Dfeeting of Dfay 21, 1956 - Continued • 'r0? ? Upon motion of Mr. hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board approved the sale of tax foreclosure Lot 5E 1/8 of 1 in Block 502 to Arteacher B. McKoy, 1314 Nun Street at a price of $290.00 subject to approval by the City of [diltnington, and the Chairman and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a 3eed in the name of the County cenveying the said Lot to the purchaser upon payment of Lhe purchase price. C,'?; A letter of tharzks was received fron-, Mrs. Ptary N. Hartley, Corresponding Secretarp of the United llaughters of Lhe Confederacy for displaying the Confederate Plag, Afemori4l Day, T1ay lOth, 1356. ? . ? " '? '7 Upon moti a? of rir. Afayhan, seconded by ?1r. Hall, the Carolina Light and Power Company was granted right-of-way over County land bounded by lands of Long Leaf Hills Development on the south, and idinter Pariz-Shipyard ilighway ou the west for the pui pose of Purni.sni?ig elec- tric current for lighting Baseuall Diamoslcl ai, liugh P1acRae Park. 'Prees necessary to be re- ? moved fi°otn the right-of-way will Ue turned over to the Cotmt,y for its disposal. . The Chairman i°eported thai; poles and equipment will be on hand for park lightiug tYiis week, will go ahead with settiiag the poles and lights which should be ready for use June 2 for series of games. The funas are available for thai; purpose. f?- The Cha.irniail further reported that two-weapon-carrier Goverivnent-surplus tnucks at a cost - bf $25.00 and $30.00 respectively, and two auxiliary generatoi°s were secured in Raleigh last week for the Airport equipment. The folloiaing Resolution was adopted: W21EREAS, in accordance with and Uy authority of Chapter 513 of the 1953 Session Laws of Nortli Carolina, the County of New iia,nover conveyed to the City of idilntington the Legion Stadiwn for certain purposes, and 14HEREAS, it is provided in the said Act that in the event the said property so conveyed should cease to be used for the sai.d purposes, then the saicl Legion Stadium, lands, building and other properties so conveyeii shall be reconveyed by the City of Idil.mington to the County of New Hanover, and WHEttL'AS, the County is anxious to cooperate tijith the City of Tdilmingtoil in evei^y caay possible to legal].y transfer 4.64 acres of the said land faciug Greenfield Lake Lo Lhe proper Goveri7meni, authorities for the purpose of erecting a Reserve Tra.ining Armory i;hereon, for the use of approximately six (6) Reserve Units of the Army, which said buildiiig may al- so Ue used for Community Public events iahen not being used foi° Army purposes. THEREF'ORE, upon motioii of Mr. FIall, seconded Uy Mr. Diayhan, it was unanimously ItGS(1LVL+'ll, that in order to enable the County to transfer the said 4.64 acres of lancl to be used as a site for t.ie Armory Building, the County Canmissioners voted to re.linquish the County's rightis from the provisions of said Act and restrictions and provisions coni:ained' - in the lleecl o£ Transfer of the property to the City, o;^ if it shoulci Uecome necessary the County Cmnmissioners will use thei.r best efforts to have the sai.d Act amended at the next Session of the Legislature to enaUle the County to transfer the said tract of lanii to meet the requirements requested. A letter was received from Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of New Iianover Hi_storical Commis- sion enclosing a copy of a letter he received frmn Iiill llirectory Compa.ny of Richmond, Va., concerriiilg erroneous designation of "BluethenLhal Field" as shokan on page 1.7, of the Intro- duction of the 1956 Wilmington Ci1;y Dii^ectory. OtherARtters concerniiig the erroneous designation of Bluethenthal l+ield ha,ve been sent out to the adio Stations, the SJeatlier Bureau and the Sdilmi.ngton Star-News Newspapers, as clirect- ed. ' Itequests concerning the matter of air conditioning the Court House Offices, prompLed Uy the ? recent hot days, it was agreed to table the same until Budget-making Lime. q ? U??on motion of' Mr. I3a11, secon3ed by Mr. Broadhurst, authoril:y was biven to transfer $100.00 ? -r? from the Jail Food Accoi.rit fJltYllY1 the Budget Lo Ca,pital Outlay for the purchase of two (2) Pans needed for the Jail. ? T A. request of St. Niarks Episcopal Church to be rel.eased from the payment of $23.36 "not-listed" 1 penalty charged against their rental propeity in Block 238 overlooked listi_ng in 1954 on ac- count of Church property thinking the same did not have to be listed foi° taxes, was upon mo- ?rt tion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, granted. ?4? Pa,yment of $1.00 to the State Uepartment of Labor for opera±inb certificate for Boiler and Tank InsPection covering the Jail Boiler, was approved together with their recoimuendation to replace the present Relief Valve with a 3/4" ASPE and NB approved type RelieP Valve set to release at no greater pressure than 150 pounds. ? A copy of the minutes of James Idalker Hospital for April 17, 1956 was received and filerl. ? A letter was received from Community Hospital advising that Robert Brunson T{ing, age 56 of 1302 North 7th Street was admitted Lo the Hospital on Plarch 8. Dr. E. T. Alarshburn diag- nosed his case as Pulmonary Tuberculosis and he was transferred to P4cCain Sanatorium on TYay 9th, 1956. i? OAA,?4rO" Airport Cash Receipts for Piay 11 and 15 saere received and filed. / Federal and Staie N'unds were reported by the State Department of Public Tdelfai°e as having been sent to this CoLUZty for April in tlie amount of $79,076.38 for OAA ADC, APTll anci Acl- , ministration. -V Notice of formal heariilg on APTD appeal for Mr. I{ingsley Lee King, 705 Soui;h 4tYi SLreet ancl ? -A Mrs, l:atie LeggeLt Brown, 3122 Queen SLreet, set for 11 A.Af. and 1:30 P.M. in the Office. , , of the Superintendent of Public Welfa.re May 21, 1956, was received from the State Board of i Allotments aild Appeal. j ? Report of Netia Hanover?County Prison Narm Prisoners Work Report for the tTsree (3) week period , Apri1_22-.to-Niay 12, 1856 was received and filed. ? !? Dleeting of May 21, 1956 - Continued ' Census report of inmates at the Couizty Home, Prisoners and Juveniles for. April was receiv- ed from the State Board oP PuUlic Welfare: 71' County IIome Inmates - Present on the Pii^st day of the month 60 ? Remaining at the end of month 59 , Prisoners - Serving on the first day of the moilth 70 • Remainii;g on last day oF the month 81 Juvenile Detention Quarters - Presei7t on first day of the monLh 12 Rer,iaining on the last day of the month 10 P1r. Hall brought up the matter of accwvulated deficit at Conununity Iiospital which wi11 run / appioxiniately $27,000.00 in mlpaid bills Uy the end of the year anci said the City and Coun- ty shoulcl do something about it. 'Phe matter was discussed and it was decided to give the matter consideration at Budget-making L'ime. A motion offered by D1r. Aiayhan that no Cowity bills be paid in the futi.ue until after the same have been presezztecl and appioved Uy this FSoard, failed of a seconct. k ?vh ioners each ASonday. Upon motion of Dir. rlayhan, seconded by Dir. Ilall, County bills No. 2470 to 2517 were approved for paywent. ? The following good and lawful persorts were draian to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civil cases for the two week term begiiining Niay 28, 1956, and f'orr the Crim!? inal term beginning Jwie 11, 1956. It was explained that vouchers with checks are presented to the IIoard foripayment at Pionday's meetings, fcr expecliency sonie Uills covered by Budget appropria.tions are not put across the table, however, it w.as suggested that vouchers for bills so paid Ue presentecl to the Corrmiis- W. M. lIill, % Fostei -Hill Realty Company A. J. Lee , Jr., 501 Ffei cer Avenue 0. D. Piead, Jr., 412 SouLh 3rd Street Allen B. Huband, 203 North Floral Parkway Kenneth Eaton, 26 North 23rd Street R. L. Tfincy, 2850-D Jefferson Street D. M. Geor;e, Jr., % Trails Inn Rte.2 Ernest N. :'late, 2520 Van Buren Street M. A. I'oreman, 518 North oth 3tree.t William L. Turner, 401 North 21st Street J. D. Har.ison, Jr., 2031 Chestnut Street C. E. St. Amand, 1917 Yrincess Street . Alton B. Pozalas; Rte.3-IIox 153 .7ames S. Craig, Jr., 1709 Orange Street Horace S. Jackson, 3705 Wrigntsville Avenue J. D. Brunjes, 79 Lee Drive L. N. Johnston, Hte.l -Bos 87 C: E. Wlzite, Jr., % C. E. Svhite Lwnber Co. Second Week: Gleiui J. Toon, 45 Woodlawiz Avenue HuUert II. Mchoy, 135 Lake Forest Pai°kway Gordon 0. lteed, 115 Bryan Avenue RoUert C. Newkirk, Rte.3-Box 230-B A. Elwood Hilburn, 5003 Oleander llrive ICenneth E. llavis, 407 Nun Street L. B. Harrell, 118 South 17th Street Sd. E. Curtis, 32 Country Club Pines John E.'Bunn, 420 Wrigtit Street Clyde E. Davenport, 302 North 21st Street E. P. Roudabush, 31 Sbuth F'ront Street G. Swart, P. 0. Box 838, City H. N. Vandei°grift, 2525 Burilett Boulevard A. L. Motte, 113 South 17th Street Joseph Tate, Rte.l Castle Hayne, N. C. J. L. Mai°shUurn, 615 Castle Hayne Road H. M. Pields, 2119 Iilein Road Everett L. Harvell, 2901 Pi^incess Street L. S. Harrell, o E. W. Godwin Sons Roy Jordan, Rte.l Stephen W. Rogers, 304 South 15Lh Street C. C. Pridgen, Jr., 4805 Alaple Avenue V. B. Sanders,.'P. 0. Box 180, Wilmington, NC G. G. Pountain, 4911 Olea2zder Drive T. E. Applewhite, 4906 Piiie Street F. 0. Whitely, 3620 Sdrightsville Avenue Pearl C. Jones, 2925 Park Aveilue B. B. Somersett, Rte.3-Pinecrest Drive Earle Ranson IIardy, 5 South Liberty Street W. C. Downing; 619 South 17th Street Ldalter L. IIiarnett, Rte.2 Lawrence C. Rose, Box 221, Wrightsvi]1 e 13each Alexander Pirchio, 2827 kdams Street J. Robert Sneeden, Harbor Island C. H. Spooner, Rte.3 -Harbor Island waae R. Cox, 27 Pinecrest Parkway 13amei° F. Long, 2424 Jackson Street J. B. PSctCoy, 2848-8 Adams Street S. E. Sory, 4909 S4rightsville Avenue Van A. Ploore, 2219 Brandon Road N. ICalnen, Castle Hayne, N. C. Robert C. Horne, Rte.2-Box 388 Harolcl May, .15 ATorth 23rd Street R. C. Phelps, 3001 Princess Place Drive James Rhodes, 2020 Creasy Avenue M. M. Ploore, 215 Walnut Street W. H. Driver, 2112 Cedar Street Louise M. Hancock, 1301. Priilcess Street John W. Liles, 1720 Oraiige- Street • Ellison G. Nelson, Ji°., 50?7 South 19th Street K. J. Powers, 2404 Market $treet Rogei^ H. Smith, 1908 Nwt Stre'et Albert F. Perry, P. 0. Box 17.9, City A. L. 13onner, Ate.l, Castle Iia.yne, NC For the Criminal Term begimiing June 11, 1956: C. F. rlalpass, 1.02 Circle Drive J. D. Stefanadis, 312 Church Street Charl ie iNicIntire, Rte.l-]3ox 379 Hilto n E. Boyd., P. 0. Box 384, City Criarl es Y. DeVaun, P. 0. Box 714, City Osbor ne K. Sdalls, 62 Sdoodlacan S. D. Cribb, 125 Graliam Street James A. King, 201 Church Street Percy Yannatta, Ilox 217 Wrightsville Beach B. T. IIatch, 120 Colonial Drive B. E. King, Rte.3-Box 155 Berna rd Spicer, Rte.2-Box 262 N. C. Long, 57 Lee Urive C. M. Benson, lfi-Y Lake Forest J. W. Sherin, 306 Calhoun Drive James E. Croft, 810 Greenfield. Street Grant Titus, 1114 Chestnut Street P. La uriston, H. llarst, 2415 Oleander Drive B. H. 3eawe1l; 2848 Adauts Street M. L. Tadlock, 2126 1Clein Road J. B. `Palbot, 112 Colonial Village Z. E. Nurrell, 413 North 211d Street C. lt. Hewlett, Hte.2-Box 99 E. M. Iilander, 4402 Oleanaer llr:ive Arorwo od ASiller, 149 Oolonial Village James G. Iienderson, 2223 Klein Road Paul J. SmiLh, Rte.l-}3ox 258 ' D. R. Parker, 1916 Ann Street Rober t C. llivine, 111 South 7th Street R..P. Jones, 2909 i•Zarket Street Road G. C. Baggett, 1804 PSarket Street H. B. Willaford, 307 Greenfield Street R. C. Baldwin, 4209 Park Avenue T. C. Jones, 218 Mercer Avenue B. M. Rich, 616 North 23rd Street J. W. Andrews, 208 Piercer iivenue G. C. Tialpass, 1906 Nun Street J. A. Palmer, 304 Tdrightsville Avenue Geo. H. Rogers, Rte.3 John Thomas liurton, Rte.2-Box 148 Leon L. Chadwiclc, 320 Castle Hayne Road. Edwar d W. DYanning, 1908 Church Street J. S. Himmer, General Delivery, Car. Bch, NC.M. 11. Piintz, Bradley Greelc I-I. G. Clenuner, 4815 Sdrioitsville Avenue Henry H. Sawiders, Box 120,Carolina Beach J. D. Ellis, 120 Castle Street Purl Ingraha, General Delivery, I{ure Beach Benni e Smith,9 5outh Walk R. C. Johnston, 246 Porest Hills \ ? ? Z Meeting of Pfay 21, 1956 - Continued ' `- was The meetiizg/then adjourned to cneet as the Board oT Equalization and Review with Mr. T. ll. ? gye, Tax Supervisor as Secretary. it.IN , ;. Clerle. ? Wilmington, N. C., May 28, 1956. RThe regular weekly meeting of the Board was held Chis day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairmau and Commissiuners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Erizest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst,,John ]3right liill, CoLulty Attorne3r and T. D. Lo,ve, Cowity Auditor. the meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend John T. D4ai.des, Pastor of Weeley rfemorial Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of May 21, 1956, having previously been mail.ed to each member of the Boai°d, the same were upon ntoLion of Mr. Alayhan, approved. With reference to the result of the Nlay 26 Primary, in which Mr. liorton was a Candidate for C re-election to the Office oP County Commissioner, ofPerec't his congratulations to the Candi- dates on the high ticket for County Commissioners and said he csill continue his best efforts to accomplish what we have before us unti]. he relinquishes the office December 1956. ?- ?;,t? QJ,v PP Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the resolution aclopted at the meeting of the Board Pfonday, May 21, 1956 to oooperate with the City of Wil.mington in an effort to ?? transfer 4.64 acres of Legion Stadium land to the Federal Government for a Resei°ve Training ? ? Armory, was amended by wlanimous vote by agreeing to join the City of Wilmington in diviilg the Goveinment a Fifty (50) Year Lease on the said land for the purpose of erecting a Reserve Training Armory thereon, pending Legislative action to enable the Cit}' 2.21CZ COU11t3' to transfer the said land to the Government. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, secondecl by Mr. Hall, Mr. Walter T. Johnson, 601 E Plaza ASoore (p Terrace, tlilmington, N. C., was granted Free License to peddle Jewelry in New Hanover County on account of being a disabled Sdorld Tdar II Veteran, as is provicled for by Law in such cases. ??„ The Chairman announced that a School IIudget discussioxi will be hel.d in the Oftice of the 13oarci of Education Tuesday eveniiZg 7:30, and urged that members of tlie Board be.present. An offer submitted by J. C. Evans, 712 North 6th Street, to purchase tax foreclosure Lot part 2 in Block 350, 60x150 fee.t in size a.nd located 90 fee1; from Lhe SE co.rner of Howard and 7th Street, at a price of 4?400.00, was upon motion oP Mr. I3a11, secoilded 'oy Mr. riayhan, approved subject to approval by the City. And, the Chairman and Clerk of this I3oarct were authorized and clirected to sign a deed in the name oP the County conveying Lhe sa.id pro,perty to the pur- chaser upon payment of the purchase price. A telegram was received from Mr. Leonard Yaseen of the Fa ,%Lus Reseax^ch Corporatioiz of New ,?,annnP.?lYork, reporting satisfactory progi^ess in the Industrial Survey, ana expect to complete Lhe r. • - same by July. Instructioris were also given to furizish them with the hourly wage rates trades scale, requested. ? Notice was received from the Chief of the Bureau of Yard.s and Docks, acting under the direc- tiion of the Secretary of the Navy, that under the provisions of Paragraph 5 of Government lease: NOY(R)-47787 with Neia Hanover County, Lessor, dated July 1, 1954 cuvering joint use of Bluethenthal P'ield. by the United States Tfarine Corps Auxiliary Landing FS.eld, the United v•v States of America elects to renew the said lease, as the same may have been amended, for the period of one (1) year f'rom and after 3une 30, 1956, and by these piesents does renew, ex- tend, and adopt the said lease and all t11e terms and conditions thereof for tlie period Ue- ginning Suly 1, 1956, and ending June 30, 1957. The same was referi^ed Co the CounLy Attorney. A communication was received from General Edward F. Griffin, Ditoi of Civil Defense, ad- visin; that New Hanover Coiznty Stream Cleai:ance Project No.NC-8 ,?in the total amount of. n? $355,824.00, oP which amount we requested a Federal grant from Disaster Relief Funds of ? ?314,153.20, was submitted to the Federal Civil Defense Admiiiistration on Piay 18, 1956, but • inasmuch as Congress has not passed the bill makirig an appropriation for these Stitam Clear- ance Projects as yet, thouglit we might be able to save time in submitting them now so that the Pederal'Civil Defense Administration cuul.d make such engineering surveys as they desire which caould save a lot of time if and when the money is made available, and will advise us ptomptly of any action taken by the b'ederal Civil Defense Admini_stration. A letter of thanks was received from Helen Romeo, 411 South 2nd Street for the valuable time devoted by the Chairman to the Studeilts on Student Govermnent Day. It was most interesti.ng aiid educational clue to his kindness in explaining and discussing with us nrojects and plans in oux° County, she sa.id. pow A letter of appreciation was also received from Mr.C. J. Gurganus, Assistant Pi°incipal New Hanover I3igh School i'or permitting the Students 'uo participate in the Local Government Day. / A request of the Engineering Departirient of the State liighway Corrunission to eli;ninate twelve (12) of tlieir key-men Prom future jury duty, was granted, as per list submitted. . A letter was receivea From the New Hanover County Pledical Society advising that the Society CEv''?'? woul?l like to endorse a change-over fron the present Coroner system to a meclical examiner ?? system. No action was taken. An executed copy of the contract between the County and the United States Department of Jus- tice, for the safekeeping, care and subsistence of persons helci in our Jail under authority of the United States autnoi^ities, at a rai;e of $1.00 per day per person, was received for g? our files, frora Mr. B. Ray Cahoon, United StaLes Marshall. - U A report of the Grand. Jury for the May 1956 Term of Court was received and filed. I \ • I