1956-05-28 Regular Meeting? Z Meeting of Pfay 21, 1956 - Continued ' `- was The meetiizg/then adjourned to cneet as the Board oT Equalization and Review with Mr. T. ll. ? gye, Tax Supervisor as Secretary. it.IN , ;. Clerle. ? Wilmington, N. C., May 28, 1956. RThe regular weekly meeting of the Board was held Chis day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairmau and Commissiuners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Erizest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst,,John ]3right liill, CoLulty Attorne3r and T. D. Lo,ve, Cowity Auditor. the meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend John T. D4ai.des, Pastor of Weeley rfemorial Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of May 21, 1956, having previously been mail.ed to each member of the Boai°d, the same were upon ntoLion of Mr. Alayhan, approved. With reference to the result of the Nlay 26 Primary, in which Mr. liorton was a Candidate for C re-election to the Office oP County Commissioner, ofPerec't his congratulations to the Candi- dates on the high ticket for County Commissioners and said he csill continue his best efforts to accomplish what we have before us unti]. he relinquishes the office December 1956. ?- ?;,t? QJ,v PP Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the resolution aclopted at the meeting of the Board Pfonday, May 21, 1956 to oooperate with the City of Wil.mington in an effort to ?? transfer 4.64 acres of Legion Stadium land to the Federal Government for a Resei°ve Training ? ? Armory, was amended by wlanimous vote by agreeing to join the City of Wilmington in diviilg the Goveinment a Fifty (50) Year Lease on the said land for the purpose of erecting a Reserve Training Armory thereon, pending Legislative action to enable the Cit}' 2.21CZ COU11t3' to transfer the said land to the Government. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, secondecl by Mr. Hall, Mr. Walter T. Johnson, 601 E Plaza ASoore (p Terrace, tlilmington, N. C., was granted Free License to peddle Jewelry in New Hanover County on account of being a disabled Sdorld Tdar II Veteran, as is provicled for by Law in such cases. ??„ The Chairman announced that a School IIudget discussioxi will be hel.d in the Oftice of the 13oarci of Education Tuesday eveniiZg 7:30, and urged that members of tlie Board be.present. An offer submitted by J. C. Evans, 712 North 6th Street, to purchase tax foreclosure Lot part 2 in Block 350, 60x150 fee.t in size a.nd located 90 fee1; from Lhe SE co.rner of Howard and 7th Street, at a price of 4?400.00, was upon motion oP Mr. I3a11, secoilded 'oy Mr. riayhan, approved subject to approval by the City. And, the Chairman and Clerk of this I3oarct were authorized and clirected to sign a deed in the name oP the County conveying Lhe sa.id pro,perty to the pur- chaser upon payment of the purchase price. A telegram was received from Mr. Leonard Yaseen of the Fa ,%Lus Reseax^ch Corporatioiz of New ,?,annnP.?lYork, reporting satisfactory progi^ess in the Industrial Survey, ana expect to complete Lhe r. • - same by July. Instructioris were also given to furizish them with the hourly wage rates trades scale, requested. ? Notice was received from the Chief of the Bureau of Yard.s and Docks, acting under the direc- tiion of the Secretary of the Navy, that under the provisions of Paragraph 5 of Government lease: NOY(R)-47787 with Neia Hanover County, Lessor, dated July 1, 1954 cuvering joint use of Bluethenthal P'ield. by the United States Tfarine Corps Auxiliary Landing FS.eld, the United v•v States of America elects to renew the said lease, as the same may have been amended, for the period of one (1) year f'rom and after 3une 30, 1956, and by these piesents does renew, ex- tend, and adopt the said lease and all t11e terms and conditions thereof for tlie period Ue- ginning Suly 1, 1956, and ending June 30, 1957. The same was referi^ed Co the CounLy Attorney. A communication was received from General Edward F. Griffin, Ditoi of Civil Defense, ad- visin; that New Hanover Coiznty Stream Cleai:ance Project No.NC-8 ,?in the total amount of. n? $355,824.00, oP which amount we requested a Federal grant from Disaster Relief Funds of ? ?314,153.20, was submitted to the Federal Civil Defense Admiiiistration on Piay 18, 1956, but • inasmuch as Congress has not passed the bill makirig an appropriation for these Stitam Clear- ance Projects as yet, thouglit we might be able to save time in submitting them now so that the Pederal'Civil Defense Administration cuul.d make such engineering surveys as they desire which caould save a lot of time if and when the money is made available, and will advise us ptomptly of any action taken by the b'ederal Civil Defense Admini_stration. A letter of thanks was received from Helen Romeo, 411 South 2nd Street for the valuable time devoted by the Chairman to the Studeilts on Student Govermnent Day. It was most interesti.ng aiid educational clue to his kindness in explaining and discussing with us nrojects and plans in oux° County, she sa.id. pow A letter of appreciation was also received from Mr.C. J. Gurganus, Assistant Pi°incipal New Hanover I3igh School i'or permitting the Students 'uo participate in the Local Government Day. / A request of the Engineering Departirient of the State liighway Corrunission to eli;ninate twelve (12) of tlieir key-men Prom future jury duty, was granted, as per list submitted. . A letter was receivea From the New Hanover County Pledical Society advising that the Society CEv''?'? woul?l like to endorse a change-over fron the present Coroner system to a meclical examiner ?? system. No action was taken. An executed copy of the contract between the County and the United States Department of Jus- tice, for the safekeeping, care and subsistence of persons helci in our Jail under authority of the United States autnoi^ities, at a rai;e of $1.00 per day per person, was received for g? our files, frora Mr. B. Ray Cahoon, United StaLes Marshall. - U A report of the Grand. Jury for the May 1956 Term of Court was received and filed. I \ • I ?3 ? Meeting of May 28, 1956 - Continued i ? Payment of $25.00 each to Drs. J. W. Hooper, R. T. Sinclair, II,orace C. bloore and Sam Warshauer _ Por services iendered as expert witnesses in the case of State vs. Dr. Miriam P4ix],drow and L. W. - Upperman, charged in a Uill of indictment wit4i Conspiracy, /May Criminal Term 1956, was approv- 5-4- . ed on order of the IIonorahle Henry L. Stevens, Jr., Judge Yresiding. A copy of the minutes of the Board of Ti°ustees of Community IIospital for April 20, 1956, and copy oP the minutes of the 13oard of Health for May 2, 1956, were received and filed. Public A 7anuary report of North Carolina/Welfare Statistics was received. • A communication was received f'rom Congressman P. Ertel Carlyle enclosinb a letter he received from iNYr. P. W. Keichelderfer, Chief of Weather Bureau, advising that at the moment the great- ? est effort of the Weat,her Bureau is cli rected towarcl hurricane research, and ava,i.lable funds are.being used for developiilg better Aircraft Heconnaissance, securing more radar iaeatizer ob- servations anci upper air s9undiii;s, and conducting forecasts studies that will lead to more ' accurate for•ecasts in the future. And, said further that 24-hour coverage caill be maintain- ed at tdilmiiigton whenever there is a hurricane or severe storm threat. The WeaLher Bureau will lceep in mind tlie recognized service i^equireinents at Wi:I.mington in its plaivzing, and hope to re-establish 24-hour service here at the fii°st available opportunity. ? • 'Phe County Auditor reported receint of $3,510.08 from the Government for Lhe ScYtool Lunch Pro- gram, cidiich was upon motioii of Mr. Broarihurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, ordered appropriated to the Sctiool Lunch Program 13udget to enable disbursement of •the same. Upon motion, duly seconded, the folloiaing trailsfers tlie Emergency Fund reconunended by the County Auditor ance of the'fiscal year on the 1'ollowine accountis as ized. The County Aucli Lcr was further authorized to his judgment appears to be necessary: TFtAVSb'li1tS : - within the Budgei: ancl appropriations fran needed to meet requirements for the bal- of May 17, 1956, were approved. and author- make t ransfers within the Budget as in -- -7'?cy''"'°aqn Auditor - Bonds to kuditor - Repairs, Equipment ? 50.00 Clei^tz Superior Court - Capital Outlay to Clerk Superior Court - Stationery & Su.pplies 45.00 County Aid - Industrial Development to County Aid - Drainage 8Erosion 2,000.00 Court House - Repairs Building to Court House - Janitor Supplies 200.00 Jail - Hep. Mairitenance Equipment • to Jail - Repairs Building 100.00 Superior Court - Jury Fees to Recorder's Court - Stationery Supplies 250.00 Sheriff - Salaries . to Sheriff - Uniforms 400.00 Tax Listing - City Listers t"o Tax Listing - Courity Listers 15.20 Superior Court - Jury Fees to Clerk Superior Court - Binders 250.00 County b'arm - Rent EquipmenL to County F'arm - Pertilizer, Seed and Plants 200.00 liealth - School Dentistry to Health - Indigent Dentistry 50.00 SJelfare - Clothing Indigents to Welfate - Conveyi-ng Zndioents • 400.00 Welfare - Clothing Indigents to WelPare - Repairs Equipment 25.00 Welfare - Clothing Indigents to Welfare - Notary Fees 2.50 Wel.fare - Clothing Indigents to Welfare - Stationery Supp].ies 400.00 Welf'are - Clothing Iildigents to Welfare - Telephone 100.00 Agriculture & Economics-Capital Outlay to Agriculture & Economics-County Agent-Supp7.ies 25.00 Agriculture & Economics-Capital Outlay to Agriculture & Economics-County Agent-TraveZ 40.00 Unanticipated b'unds to Airport - Janitor`s Supplies 50.00 General 13u1d Emergency to Sheriff - Auto Expense 375.00 General I+3and Gmergency to Tax Listing - Repairs Equipment 50.00 County llome Emergeircy Lo County Drainage - Sa].aries 160.00 Count,y Home L+'mergency to Cowlty I'arm - Aledicine arid Vei:erinary 125.00 Couni:y liome Lmergency to County Farm - Repairs Eguipment 10000.00 County Farm Emergency to County Parm - Fertilizer, Seed and Plants 700.00 County liome Lmergency to County Farm - Clothing 50.00 Unanticipated Ftiands-County Home Store to Cowlty IIone Store 10000.00 ' Uiianticipated Punds-County llome Board to County Home - Janitor's Supplies 900.00 Unanticipated Funds - CoLuzty Home Board to County H ome - Repai_rs Equipment 150.00 Unanticipated I'unds - Welfare Boarding Home Care to Wel.fare Boardino Home Care 3,900.00 Unanticipated 1°unds - Colored Library State Aid to Cowity Aid - Colored Library State Aid 110.41 The L'haii^man reported two (2) Grartary representatives were here the past week and it appears we will do business caith oize oi' tiiein. They are anxious to do business with us and will buy the Boizds to fiizance the project. Others are coming in this week, but believe we can handle the matter with the first two. ? ' Upon motion of Mr, riayhan, seconded Uy Mr. Iiall, County bills No.2588 to 2626 were approved for payment. Vouchers covering checks caritten during the week ending May 25, 1956, Nos. 2519 to 2587 and 2627 were presented to the 13oard for inspection. ?. The meeting then adjourned. ?-7,1,2.? -, l,y?_, y Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., June 4, 1956. The regular weekly meeting oP the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. llorton, Chairman and Comi;iissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Iiall, Jr., Ernest , R. Mayhan,.L. E. Broadhurst, Tohn Bright Ilill, CoLmty Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The r,ieeting was opened cai.th prayer by the Clerk. ' Copies of the minutes of' the meeting oP May 28, 1956, havi_ng previous].y been mailed to each member of the Board, 'the same were upon motion of hir. tlall, seconded by R"r. A:a,yhan, approved. ? e InsLructions were given to acknowledge with thanks the 'Sdachovia Bank and Trust Company invita--171'''"" tion to attend Open House at their powntosan OfPice cahich was held on Tuesday, May 29, 1956, , on the occasion of their newly remocleled building. I