1956-06-18 Regular Meetingpr 7,6 , NI'eeting of June 11, 1956 - Coutinued 'I'he Vice Clzairman pi^esented to tiie Board for consideration and action a contract with Car- olina Power and Light Comiiany for electric power service, which coutract is dated June 5, 1956, and provides for the beginning of service on the lst day of June, 1956, and ending on the lst da,y oP June 1966, to which Contract is attached the Company's schedule of rates and rules and regulatioi7s covering such service. Mr. L. E. Broadhurst, a member of the Board introduced the following resolution and moved that it be adopted, subject to the approval of the contract by the County Attorney: RESOLVEll, that the Chairman and Clerk be and they are hereby authoi°ized and em- powered, in the uame of and for and in behalf of the Count,y of n'ew lianover i;o execute said contract with Carolina Posaer and Light Comnany. The motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was seconded by Mr. J. M. IIaIl, Jr., ? ?a member of the Board, and, after discussion, the resolution was duly adopted, thei°e being four (4) votes in favoi° ther-eof and i7o votes against it. P1r, T. G. Love, iax Supervisor i°eported tax collections at tliis time are running ahead of T? Previous yeai°s and that personal property listings are holding up good and Pive (5) mill.ion dollars increase in real estate va.lues over last year, and tlie General 1l'und is dropping off + some. Al1 Department I3udget Estimates will be ready for presentation to the Board at the next meeting showing a complete picture of the situation. Mr. Love urged that evei°y effort be made toward industrial improvements to cushion the economic situation by the time the At- lantic Coast Line Railruad Company's General Offices are removed fi°om the Commwiity, as con-, templated. Inasmuch as the 13oard will be without tiie services of a Pull time Chairman occasioned by the resignation of Mr. R. T. IIorton as a County Commissioner, effective June 18, 1956, Mr. Trask suggested that Thos K. Woody, C1erk to the Board Ue given additional duties of Executive Secretary with i;he authority to administer the policies of the Board f'or a period of six (6) C.? monLhs to December 1, 1956, when the newly elected members will tafie their seat as members of this Body, and re-organization of the Board. Thereupon, Mr. 13roaclhurst moved aiid it was seconded by Mr. Hall a.nd carried that 7'hos. K_ Wnrj?1y be made Executive Secretary of the Iioard aild given authority to operate the Office and carry out and administer the polici.es of the Board, formerly administei°ed by the Chairman, under the supervision and direction oP the / County L'ommissioners, until December 1, 1956, or until such time further change is made. The Cg,unty Attorney was instructed to look into the legal status of the matter a.nd necessary Legislation PILT?eroent in connection with the change-over of the adrninistrati.ve duties form- erly administered by the Chairman, and so forth. ? Mr. Broadhurst uroed immediai,e steps be taken to complete the preparation of the east Court ??IIouse lot area to ?arovide additional parkin; space, which wa.s agreed. kke`"' Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Pia.yhan, Mr. Na11 was desi gnated as the Coun- ty's repres2ntative to serve on the Executive Committee of the ChauiUer oP Commerce Industrial ` Committee of "One Hwldred", to replace Mr. Horton. Mr. Broadhurst brought up the niatter of giving tlie IIealth Department sufficient help to lceep ' V"CKtheir pr°emises clean iahich caas discussed anct instructioris caere given to ascerta,in what prison yPlabor would Ue necessary to l:eep the premises clean. ,..,•+.t.lipon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 2777 to 2861 were ap- proved for payment. Upon motiion of Mr, liall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the meeting was acl.journed. il Clerk .. ? Wi.lmington, N. C., June 18, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the lioard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Presetlt: Raiford Trask, Vice Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, 3r., Ernest R. P4ayhan, L. E. ]3roadhurst, Jolu1 Bright Iiill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was o.pened n*ith prayer by the Reverend H. H. Hilton, Pastor oP Winter Park Presby- terian CYiui°ch. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the meeti.izg of,June 11, 1956, pertaining to the period of time Thos. K. Sdoody, C].erk, was appointed to serve as Executive Secretary of the IIaard, was corrected to rea,d, "for a period of Lwo (2) weeks to June 25, 1956" instead. of "until llecember 1, 1956". Otherwise the minutes wei^e approved as recorded. = Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Salvation Army was granted an aba,te- Tvc - ment o'P taxes al a valuation of $1,100.00 charged against the south half of Lots 1 and 2, in Block 35, Kure Beach, for the year 1956, and the same ordered placed on the tax-free list, \ on account of tlie said property, purchased Fr•om Mr. W. L. Price, October 3, 1955, is used ex- clusively for benevolent purposes of the Salvation Army. A request made by Mr. J. ]3oyd Jones, City Tianager of Carolina Beach, to have the County's Dog ?QWarden remove dogs Prom Carolina Beach Co the County's Dog Pound, when picked up at Carolina ay.i,?yrv???Y' Beach by their dog catcher, because they do not liave that facility to cope with the dod situ- ation, was upon motion of Mr. IIroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, granted on a Call basis to i remove the dogs when picl:ed up as afresaid, and the Cowity Dog Warden was instructed to coop- erate with i,he Town of Carolina Beach to that end. nurs " e at the ?owlty liome in uext year s Budoet to flll in for County Home persomiel on vacatioi7 and other substitutions, and also that funds Ue marle avai:l.able to ta.ke care of that expense for June 1956. •/?,?/?? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconcled by P1r. Iiall,`$300.00 under Salaries in the Re?ister of Deeds I3udget for indexing Births and Deaths, and ?50.00 for t ravel was ordered transferred to Hegister of Deeds Binders Account, requested Uy Mr. Black. ,-??,n Upon motion of Mr. Hall, it was agreeable to the Board to provide Por tize services of an ex- e? ?`?' "'?" tra ? Q - L 77 , Keeting of June 18, 1956 - Continued A communication was received from Mr. T. A. Early, Director of Coi^rectional Institutions, under the State Welfare Department, calling attention to one of the Juvenile Detention Build-?-? ings at the County FIome as a serious fire hazard. rir. Hall said it was a fire hazard and S something has got to be done about it to make it a fireproof building, and suggested that in the meantime leaving the quarters unlocked and the yard enclosure locked inasmuch as a guard is on duty there at nights. Air. Ha7,1 said he would investigate it as to the necessary cor- rections that should be made to rnake it safe and report Uack to the Board at a subsequent meeting. -? A copy of the minutes of Lhe Trustees of Conununity Iiospital- was received., With reference to the resignation of Lhe Administrator effective julyi, 1956, Mr. Hall reported some one who is being consiclered 1:o replace him has Ueen here, but he ctid not have the opportunity to in- terview him personally, but thinks from what has been reported, is qualified. Pir. Hall urged that consideration be given their operation Budget. They are behind in their bills payable and caill have to be worked out at Budget time to talee care of it. A narrative report on Organization aiid.Plaivling for May was received from the Home Demonstra-?? tion Agent. A cbpy.of the Grand Jury report for June 1956 Term was received a.ncl with reference to their recommendation that a report on the progress of providing a proper intei^nal control of the County Auditing System Ue ma3e to the Grand Jury, July 'ferm, 1956. A'Ir, liall moved and. it •' , - was seconded by Mr. 13roadhurst and carried, that a meetino be arranged with the Grand Jury, E'04w/.-. " this Boarcl and the Board of Ectucation for a date in July to look into the aspects of the matter. ' Pir. Noster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court, appea.red to announce that he woul.d swear in the new County Commissioner at the meeting next Monday tha.t he will appoint to fill ouC the unexpired term of T1r. R. T. Horton, r.esigned. ' .? A letter was received from the State tlighway and Pu'alic [dorks Commission advising that Allen's2?+ Lane running north from near Lhe Junction of US-74/76 at tqrightsville, and Jacksonville Avenue running south from US-17/74 east of Keri Avenue, was added to our County Highcvay System, Ma.y ? 31, 1956, but could not see its caay clear to approve the addition of roads known as Loop Road on US-17 north of Ogden, tha.t part of Allen's Lane from Airlee Road to the Sdrightsville HigYi- way, and 41st Street in Winter Park from Oleanrler Drive to Park Avenue, as their investiga- tion shows that the service rendered saill not justify this expenditure at this time. , . 1 , A request of the Seagate Volunteer?epartment for help to assist them to secure a siren for ?h their Departmerit wa.s referred to the Clerk to see if the same could be obtained from Civil llefense or Camp Lejeune, or elseCahere. A copy of a report on violations of the Plumbing Code prepared by the Special Commzttee apJ pointed by the Board of Iiealth was received. Thi.s matter, however, is being handled by the Health Department. ? With reference to a commwiication recei:ved from Convnunity Hospita.l concerning bad condition of the P'ire Escape at the Hospital, reported by Clzief J. A. Tdest of the Wilmington Fire lle- paitment, the same is being handled by the City for repairs and will biJ.l the County for'its proportioiiate part of the expense. ( Upon motion of Pir. Hall, seconded by P1r. Mayhan, Couuty bi11s nTo. 2798 to 2924 caere approvedl?? for payment. ' Upon motion of Dir. Mayhan, seconded'by P1r. Broadhiarst, the meeting adjourned. ? Clerk. ' ? Wilmington, N. C., June 25, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Vice Chairman and Commissicneis J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Dlayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, John IIrignt Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opeued with prayer by the Revereild Aubert S. TCaylor, Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes oF the meeting of June 18, 1956, having previo.usl,y been mailed to each member of the k3oarcl, the same wer•e upoii nioti.on of 'r1r. Alayhan, seconded by Afr. Hall, approvecl. . • p ??+? Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court appeared Lo inform the Board that by virtue ?t of the pocaers vested in him by Section 153-6 General Statutes of north Carolina appointed hir James E. Holton, Jr., a County Commissioner of New lianover County Co f'ill the unexpired term of Ralph T. Horton, who resigned Jurie 18, 1956, said term to expire on the first Monday in December, 1956. Air. Iiolton, who led the ticket in the Second Primary held Saturday, June 23, 1956 for the nomination to a four (4) ,year tern as a County Commissioner in the Fall Election 1956, laas then qualiPied iii tlie presence of the Board by taking the oath of office before the Clerk of the Superior Court, and iitunediately entered upon lus duties as a County Commissioner torfill the miexpired term of Ralph T. Horton, resigned. ?, . Mr. E. B. Wright, Secretary of the New Hanover Inspection Committee, appeared to submit the 1956-1957 Budget requests for the seven (7) Volutiteer Fire Departments in 'the amount of $70200.00 the same as last year, plus an additional appropriation of $3,500.00 for Mobile Radio Equipment (truck-mounted) for each of the 7 Units at a cost of $.500.00 each, making a total Budget appropriation requested $10,700.00 wliich was received for Budget study. rfr. Allen Jones and Bi11 Rohinson appearing'with a delegatio» of Dfessrs. Fountain, R. A. Dunlea,T ? Jr., Lester Newell, Jack Thompson and requested an appropriation of•$10,000.00 out of the Adver- '? tising Fwid for Lhe Chamber of Commerce for advertising the County's adva.ntages and resources for the coming year; $5,000.00 to be made available July 1, 1956 and $5,000.00 after January l, 1957, ancl that a member of the Board be named to assist them in the effort. They were ad- vised by Dir. Tt°ask that ?10,000.00 taas the limit that coula be used under the' Law for the Ad- vertising N1tnd, and only $5,000.40 has heretofore been allotted. The request however, iaas upon motion of Pfr. Broadhurst taken under advisement. I