1956-07-02 Regular Meeting71*4 , Pueeting of June 25, 1956 - Continued .? As required by Law the County Auditor, Mr. T. D. Love submitted a IIudget Estimate for the County's fiscal year 1956-1957 in the total aanount of $3,210,631.08 together caith a State- ment of Revenues to meet f,he Budget Estimates, calling for a tax rate of $1.20 on the $100.00 T? valuation of property based on a valuation of ?p105,000,000.00, reconunended by the County Audi= tor; after which coirunents were made by Pu . Love and discussion by the Board was received for stuely. . ? Mrs. J. P1. Highsmith, Director of Hospitalization appeared to report on her Department stat- ing that every effort is made to keep down expense in making admissions to the ft ospital and limiting their stay as much as possible, and working closely with the Courts, and so forth. ? Upon motion of Mr. rlayhan, seconded by Mr. Broaclhurst, bills for the expense of holfling the 1- Second Primary, June 23, 1356, in the total amount of $3,321.76 were submitted and recommend- ed by the Chairinan of the Board oP Elections, Mr. J. D. Carr, and were approved for payment. ? Upon motiuri of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Hotlon, the Board voted unanimously to refund the full purchase price of $125.00 to the Reverend J. S. Crowley which he paid the County for ? four (4) acres of "John James" land in FIarnett Township purch.ased at a tax sal.e, upon re- conveyiilg the said land back to the County for the reason that Reverend Crowley or the Coun-V? ty have not been able'to actually loca.te the land in question. Mr. Trask said he xaanted to see every Court House employe click in full cooperatioii and ef-- fori; for the 'betterment of our County Government and be prepared to face the facts and situ- ations as they arise in tne years to come. 'Mr. Playhan then brought up the matter of e].ecting a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board, and suggested that the matter be put up to the voters in the fall election as to wheLher they would p.refer the County Pfanager fbrm of Government or the Board Chairman System. This matter is in the hands of'the County Attorney for legal opinion. ? A motion was offered by Mr. Piayhan to elect Mr. Raiford Trasli, Chairman of the Board to fill the unexpired term of Mr. R. T. Horton,'resigned, until the first Monday in December 1956, his motioil was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimously carried. A motion was then made by Mr. Holton to elect Mr. Hall as Vice Chairman a.nd in turn Mr. Hall moved that Mr. 3iolton Ue elec£ed as ViceTa?irman of the Board and Mr. Broadhurst moved to ,. name Mr. MayYian, the Poregoing motions each failed oP a second thereupon Mr. Broadhurst with- • drew his motion and seconded Mr. Holton's motion to elect P3i°. FIall as Vice Chairman of the Board. A vote was taken and Mr. Fiall was elected as Vice Chairman on the affirmative vote of all the Comntissioners except Mr. Mayhan who voted "no-•. ' It was agreeable to the Board'to ref'er drainaoe caork re2uests to ,fr. Herbert Rivenbark for investigations. ? Mr. Broadhurst annoLUZCed the resignation of Mr. H. J. 3aclcson as Dog Warden to become effec ^ tive July 1; 1956. Recoimnendations for appointment of a Dog Warden-Deputy Sheriff to re- , • place Mr. Jackson was requested. Upofi motion of Pir. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 2949 to 3045 were .74?? approved for payment. Upon motion the meeting was then adjourned. Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., July 2, 1956 The regular weekly meeting of the 73oard was held Lha_s day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Haiford Trask, Chairman and Corrunissioners J. M. IIall, Jr., Ernest R. Playhan, L.E. 33roadhurst, James E. FIolton, John I3right FIill, Couilty Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. r The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend B. D. Critcher, Pastor of the Fifth Avenue Piethodist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting June 25, havii7g previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same caere upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by AIr. Hall, aPproved. P1iss DeLean Longley, rirs. W. E. Sisson and Mrs. Martin Willard appeared to present their An- sci'`-"9" nual Report of the School for.Retarded Children, and asked that an appropriation of $1,000.00 be provided the School for the coming year. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, the request was takeiz into consideration during the preparation of the Budget. P:ayor R. A. llunlea and Riehard F. Meier of C,irightsville Beach requested that two (2) OfPzcers J-' be assigned to Wrightsville Beach to assist in the handling of congested traffic there on ig KV0"W week ends. The Sheriff was requested to pu't a man on Sunda.y afternoons ancl the State High- way Patrol was also.requested to assign an OfPicer for duty in assisting them ii1 handling this traffic during the sunmier season. ' ?? P4r. A. H. Seawell, Veterans' Service Officer presented his Aruzual Report shocaiilg that the rw7riing monthly and acting monthly awards receiveii by his Office for the tcaelve (12) month period amounted to $122,462.91. He also submitted his report for J?une whi_ch was received and filed Mr. R. C. Cantwell, 7r., appeared to further discuss the revaluation program. That being a Budget n,atter, it will be worked out later Uy the Board. A memorandwn concert7ing T1i°. George H. lfutaff for• replacement of 1000 feet of fence on his land a/TV11- near the AirPort iahich he said was destroyed by fire when it got out of control Prom the Air- port about a year ago, stating this fence is necessary to keep trespassers off his premises. Upon motion by Mr. Hall, the matter was rePerred to John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager for in- ; vestigatioil as tc, the status of the claim and report his recommeizdations a.t a subsequent meet- , ing. ? •.? ?80 Pieeting of JiRly 2, 1956 - Continued Upon niotion of Mr. Broadhursi: seconded by Mr. Hall, acZd invitation to meet taith the Grand _?,? Jury 3urin; the July 30 Session concex°nii.g the County Auditing System 1aas accepted a,nd a- ? b greed to meet at 11:00 A.M., and instructions were biven to uotify the Boarcl qf. Cducation of thi_s action. ? Upon motion of Mr. ;3roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Halton, the Sheriff was authorized to have ? a represeiztative from his llepai^tment to attend a Jail Pianagement Course, s,ponsored by the Institute of Goveriunent in Chapel Hill, July 11 - 13th. ? A ckieck for $66.50 taas received from the State Council of Civil Defense for IIurricane dis- ?„ aster RelieP b'wids which represents 100 of invoices withheld from the Hanover Compan,y, and the same was ord,ered appropriated to Hurricane Disaster Re7.ief Account for clisbursements. , -'s? A petition of twenty-Pive (25) property owners requesting hard-surfacing on Peachtree 5treet in Winl:er Park, Harnett Township which runs from [aallace Avenue east 1,000 feet to Cha.flwiclt Avenue on which sixteen (16) houses are loc:sted was upon motioi7 of Pir. Iiall, seconded by Mr. Holton, approved and referred to the State Highway & public Works Commission. _ Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconcled by Mr. BroadhurSt, P4rs, riary Baldwin Sel.lers 83-year old County iridigerit was upon recommenda'tion of the 5uperintenclent of Pub].ic fdelfai e adtnitted to the County.l[ome as an inmate. Instrucl;ions were given to request that she make over her life insurance pblicies to the County Lo talce care,of lier burial expenses and other expenses entailed in the case of death. . Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by A1r. Broaclhurst, payment of the bill for $172.66 to ??? 'the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad i,o,ipaily foi^ cost of' repairs to a signal at the Wrightsboro ,?,,,t5-'Hailroad crossing ?,?hich was damaged June 7, 1956 while negotiating the curve in the road in ?V°. moving the Countiy's dragline from one location to ailother, was approved. ? A report fro¢i the Iloard of Health f'or hfay 1956 was received and filed. A checlc Por ?4,992.Ud/was received Yrom the Unii;ed States Goveri-iment covering annual payment for the joint use of Bluethenthal FYeld due for the year ending July 1, 1956 as per agreement. A couuniulictition was received fi°mn tlie Dlodinos Insw°ance Agency concerning putti_ng the County's Tnsurance on a coisipetitive basis. Upon motion of Mr. Iiall, secoizdecl by Mr. Broadhui^st, . in- Vv?` structions iaere given to mal:e a complete tall,y on Insurauce that we are carryiilg and see what saving it caotil.d be to the County compared witki tlie present rates. ? The County Auditor announced receipt of $45,000.00 Proia the A.73.C./ Board wlv.ch bri.ngs the a- mount col:Lccted for Piscal yearJ'ending June 30, 1956 to $195,000.00. Mr. Love also an- nounced the retirement of $33,000.00 School Bon s due July 1, 1956. fJ ,(3G The Board was informed that the Junior Chamber of Coimnerce wished to present their recommenda- tions and valuable information on t)Ze proposed revaluation at the next meeting. 1f1l?r!?/Y . p?¢9rr Upo'n motion of gir, eliolton, seconded by Mr. Meiyhan, the following resolution was adopted: _ ? , ? BE IT RL+'SOLVED BY THli I30ARll 010 COMAiI5SI0NER5 OF' NEW HANOVER COUNTY: Section 1- THt1T in order to operate the County and its suUdivisions fran July 1, 1956 to the date of the adoption of the 1956-1957 13udget Resolution, appropriations ai^e liereby mad.e for the purpose of' paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness, and tlie usual ordinary expense of the Cowlty and i.ts subdivisions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the Budget for the 1955-1956 fiscal year. This resolution shall cease to be effec'tive from and after the adoption of the 1956-1957 Budget Resolution, and all expenditures made in a ccordance taith this resolut,ion shall be chargeable to appro.priations made in the 1956-1957 Budget Appropriations. ' ?Upon motion of Mr. Diayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bi].ls No. 3046 to 3120 were ap- ?,+ij904"'«p'roved for payment. i An invitation was extended the Conwiissioners to atl:end Lhe Dedication for the tlew SJinLer Park Cb';? Volunteer Fire Uepartment Iieadquarters Building, July 8, 1956. i)'YiaOV. A1r. Berrv q? Wi?l;?ms? County Commissioner-elect who will take h9.s seat as a member of this Body Lhe first Moi7da3* in December was oreeted by the Board and extendecl a we_lcome to sit in ? on our meeLings to observe the functioning of the Board. After informal cliscussions oiz the revaluation program and the City's proposed w:ithdrawa7l from t . . I fu Lu e paiticipation in heretofore joint Budget appropriations, the meeting was upon motion. , of Air, fiolton adjourned. ? - _-<,, ' Clerk. ? ? tdilmington, N. C., Suly 9, 1956.( The regular weekly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held this day at lO:Oo t1.Pi.- Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and L'ommissiojlers J. M. I{all, Jr., Ernest R. Playhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John Bright Hill, County Attoi^ney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. - The meeting caas opened with prayer by the Reverend R. Irving Boone, Pastor of the Central Baptist Church, (Colore3). ' • ' Copies of the minutes oP meeting oP July 2, 1956, having previousl.y been mailed to each mem- ber of the 73oard, the same were upun nrotiun of Mr. Dtayhan, secoilded by Mr. Holton, approved. ' ? L?