1956-07-09 Regular Meeting?80 Pieeting of JiRly 2, 1956 - Continued Upon niotion of Mr. Broadhursi: seconded by Mr. Hall, acZd invitation to meet taith the Grand _?,? Jury 3urin; the July 30 Session concex°nii.g the County Auditing System 1aas accepted a,nd a- ? b greed to meet at 11:00 A.M., and instructions were biven to uotify the Boarcl qf. Cducation of thi_s action. ? Upon motion of Mr. ;3roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Halton, the Sheriff was authorized to have ? a represeiztative from his llepai^tment to attend a Jail Pianagement Course, s,ponsored by the Institute of Goveriunent in Chapel Hill, July 11 - 13th. ? A ckieck for $66.50 taas received from the State Council of Civil Defense for IIurricane dis- ?„ aster RelieP b'wids which represents 100 of invoices withheld from the Hanover Compan,y, and the same was ord,ered appropriated to Hurricane Disaster Re7.ief Account for clisbursements. , -'s? A petition of twenty-Pive (25) property owners requesting hard-surfacing on Peachtree 5treet in Winl:er Park, Harnett Township which runs from [aallace Avenue east 1,000 feet to Cha.flwiclt Avenue on which sixteen (16) houses are loc:sted was upon motioi7 of Pir. Iiall, seconded by Mr. Holton, approved and referred to the State Highway & public Works Commission. _ Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconcled by Mr. BroadhurSt, P4rs, riary Baldwin Sel.lers 83-year old County iridigerit was upon recommenda'tion of the 5uperintenclent of Pub].ic fdelfai e adtnitted to the County.l[ome as an inmate. Instrucl;ions were given to request that she make over her life insurance pblicies to the County Lo talce care,of lier burial expenses and other expenses entailed in the case of death. . Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by A1r. Broaclhurst, payment of the bill for $172.66 to ??? 'the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad i,o,ipaily foi^ cost of' repairs to a signal at the Wrightsboro ,?,,,t5-'Hailroad crossing ?,?hich was damaged June 7, 1956 while negotiating the curve in the road in ?V°. moving the Countiy's dragline from one location to ailother, was approved. ? A report fro¢i the Iloard of Health f'or hfay 1956 was received and filed. A checlc Por ?4,992.Ud/was received Yrom the Unii;ed States Goveri-iment covering annual payment for the joint use of Bluethenthal FYeld due for the year ending July 1, 1956 as per agreement. A couuniulictition was received fi°mn tlie Dlodinos Insw°ance Agency concerning putti_ng the County's Tnsurance on a coisipetitive basis. Upon motion of Mr. Iiall, secoizdecl by Mr. Broadhui^st, . in- Vv?` structions iaere given to mal:e a complete tall,y on Insurauce that we are carryiilg and see what saving it caotil.d be to the County compared witki tlie present rates. ? The County Auditor announced receipt of $45,000.00 Proia the A.73.C./ Board wlv.ch bri.ngs the a- mount col:Lccted for Piscal yearJ'ending June 30, 1956 to $195,000.00. Mr. Love also an- nounced the retirement of $33,000.00 School Bon s due July 1, 1956. fJ ,(3G The Board was informed that the Junior Chamber of Coimnerce wished to present their recommenda- tions and valuable information on t)Ze proposed revaluation at the next meeting. 1f1l?r!?/Y . p?¢9rr Upo'n motion of gir, eliolton, seconded by Mr. Meiyhan, the following resolution was adopted: _ ? , ? BE IT RL+'SOLVED BY THli I30ARll 010 COMAiI5SI0NER5 OF' NEW HANOVER COUNTY: Section 1- THt1T in order to operate the County and its suUdivisions fran July 1, 1956 to the date of the adoption of the 1956-1957 13udget Resolution, appropriations ai^e liereby mad.e for the purpose of' paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness, and tlie usual ordinary expense of the Cowlty and i.ts subdivisions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the Budget for the 1955-1956 fiscal year. This resolution shall cease to be effec'tive from and after the adoption of the 1956-1957 Budget Resolution, and all expenditures made in a ccordance taith this resolut,ion shall be chargeable to appro.priations made in the 1956-1957 Budget Appropriations. ' ?Upon motion of Mr. Diayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bi].ls No. 3046 to 3120 were ap- ?,+ij904"'«p'roved for payment. i An invitation was extended the Conwiissioners to atl:end Lhe Dedication for the tlew SJinLer Park Cb';? Volunteer Fire Uepartment Iieadquarters Building, July 8, 1956. i)'YiaOV. A1r. Berrv q? Wi?l;?ms? County Commissioner-elect who will take h9.s seat as a member of this Body Lhe first Moi7da3* in December was oreeted by the Board and extendecl a we_lcome to sit in ? on our meeLings to observe the functioning of the Board. After informal cliscussions oiz the revaluation program and the City's proposed w:ithdrawa7l from t . . I fu Lu e paiticipation in heretofore joint Budget appropriations, the meeting was upon motion. , of Air, fiolton adjourned. ? - _-<,, ' Clerk. ? ? tdilmington, N. C., Suly 9, 1956.( The regular weekly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held this day at lO:Oo t1.Pi.- Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and L'ommissiojlers J. M. I{all, Jr., Ernest R. Playhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John Bright Hill, County Attoi^ney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. - The meeting caas opened with prayer by the Reverend R. Irving Boone, Pastor of the Central Baptist Church, (Colore3). ' • ' Copies of the minutes oP meeting oP July 2, 1956, having previousl.y been mailed to each mem- ber of the 73oard, the same were upun nrotiun of Mr. Dtayhan, secoilded by Mr. Holton, approved. ' ? L? 81, Pieeting of July 9, 1956 - Continued ' %r \ A petition of 60 residents complaining of a eondition existing at Wrightsville Sound with reFerence to the approach from IIighway 74 to Summer Rest ovei^ a narrow Cause?aay and small ' 13ridge which they claim is far Uelow the level of High?aays 74-7G and totally inadequate for p.resent day traffic, and whicli also during stormy weather or hurricanes is impassable be- cause of high water flooding it fran end to end completely isolating the 30 odd families, or about 130 people living on Sunvner Rest, as this Causeway and Bridge is Lhe only outlet from that area and i,hey urge tihat i:hi s condition Ue corrected. If no1: inuned'iately feasible, an outlet be provided by extencling Beach Street on Summer Rest to Highcoay 74-76 which would at least eliminate this isolation of Sununer Rest duriizg an emergency. Upon motion of,A1r. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, tlie peition was referred to the State FIigllcaay aiid Pub- - lic Works Commission for its consideration. Mrs. Boyd D. Quarles, Alanager, New Hatlover Humane Society, appeared to ask that two (2) dis?- e:ased dogs at tlie County Home be disposed of (put to sleep) in the most human way, and two C,:1-4? (2) other dogs turned over to her Society. Upon motion of Mr. 33road.hurst, secondeii by Mr. Dfayhan instructicns were given that Mr. Rivenbark dispose of the two (2) dogs in the manner aforesaid and after fifteen (15) days turn the other dogs to the osaners. 'i'he Clerk was instructed to get quotations'on high-test gasoline for County equi.pment (not ior Airplane use) inasmuch as one (1) concern has oPfei°ed Gasoline at 1/2y/.below the then prevailing ma.rket. Instructions were oiven to contact the State Forester about removing cerLain trees in Hugh MacRae Park reported to be infected iiith "borers" and have the trees marked that are to be ? removed. , The Sand N'ence construcf.ed by Sears Roebuck and Compaiiy under their bid of P'ebrua.ry 25, 195613 having neen completed aizd. tlle same checked and approved by Mr. H. M. Loughliii, Engineer and Supervisor of the work for the Cowity, a check posted b,y Sears koebuck ana Company in the amount of $5,620.00 in lieu of a performance bond was upon motion of Mr. Ha].1, seconded by Mr. liolton ordered i^eturnec3 to them. " A program of the 49th Annual Convention of the State Associatioii of County Commissioners at the Robert E. Lee liotel, Winston Salem, North Carolina, August 12 thru 15 was receivecl from Mr. Wally llunham, President of the Association. Two (2) reservations have been made for' members of the Board who will attend. a? ? A statement was received from the State Department of Public Welfare advising that $13,579.16 Federal and State Funds were sent to this County for the munth ot' P1ay for OElA,ADC,APTD and ? Administration. _?- ? A petition of 56 residents of Newton Lane and Victoria llrive for iinprovements to drai.nage was received and upon motion of Air, liall was approved and the Soil Conseryationist was re- quested to make a survey of the same Por proper processing. Letters iaere receivecl from Senators W. Kerr Scott and Sam J. Ervin, Jr., and Congressman ? Ei°tel Cttrlyle in reply to our recent letter concerning improvements to Masonboro Inlet. fhey- advise that they will urge the Senate Ahpropriations Coimnittee for immediate action to include necessary funds in the 13udget for deepening and stabilizing Masonboro Inlet at Wrightsville Beach which has been approved and endorsed Uy the Rivers & Harbors Congress and the Corps of Engineers. ? ?Dr ? Notice was received from the State I3oard of Public Welfare show9.ng the amount of $128,360.00 to be raised by the County for OAA, ADC, APTD and FIospitalization for Public Assistance ' recipi.ents for the year 1956-1957. Applications submitted by Mr. H. M. Bridges 1913 Castle Street, and Mr. P. W. Bryan, 1311 Dawson Street Por Lhe appointment of llog Warden for ATew H,nover County to operate thru the Sheriff's Department to fill a vacancy occasioned Uy the resignation of Mr. Tackson, were presented by the Sheriff xoho recommended eitiler of the two applica.nts. After some dis- ? cussiun Mr. Broadhurst moved the.appointment of Mr. Bridges, was seconded by Mr. NIayhan. A? substitute m6tion was then offered by Mr. I[all ann seconded by Mr. Ti°ask to appoint Mr. 73ryanl??Mr. Holton not immediately voting, a tie wa.s declared and Mr. Holton then voted "yes" on the ' motion of Mr. I3roadhurst, and Mr. Bridges was appointed Dog Warclen on the affirmative vote of Commissioners l3roadhurst, Afayhan and Holton. A camnunicatioiz was received from the Junior Chamber of Commerce a,nd presented to Mr. Ernes Lane, urging the Commissio,-iers to have a complete revaluation of all real property in the Coupty by a professional revaluation firm, which, they said would be to the best interest of the tax payers. The same was received for coixsideration during the preparation of the Bud- get. Mr. W.'G. Broadfool;, Jr., appeared to asl: tha.t the Commissioners_go aloi7g with the City on a-- 50/50 basis in providing ?1,500.00 for expeizses to send the 1957'Good-Will Aza,lea Pestival-J_ . b'loat to adjacent Communities, was taken into consideration auring the prepai^ation of the Budget. . , Mr. George H, Hutaff again appeared in the interest of' having something dorie about the fire .• dainage to his Pence near the Airport. Tnstructions were given to have Mr. John A. West- , brook, Airport Manager to cut a ditch. or trench along the fence line on the Airport side to keep trespassers oft his property. a? Mr. Tr-ask and Mr. Hall were author•ized to represent the Count,y wi.th a delegatial to recei.ve? an Industrial Report Pz°om the Fantus Researeh Corporation oP Neco Xork Oity, this weeic. Upon a motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Pfayhan, Foster F. Burnett, Sr., was granted an `7-&?, abatement af taxes Por tlie years 1954 and 1955-on a valuation of $1,700.00 charged against ? him in error un a house 1ocated on W. V. Easley's land, parL of N'reeman land in Federal Point Township, and the said house charged to W. V. Easley. It appeared that Burnet.t sol.d part ? oi the tract oP land to Easley on which the house is located, but inadvertently, the house was noL charged to him. \ A F' 82 pleeting of July 9, 1956 - Continued Upon motion of Mr. Holton, secouded by h1r. :13roadhurst, instructions caere given to incl.ude a picture of the late HiChard A. Burnett in the group of photographs of CoLinty Officials in the Office of the County Commissio,iers, rir. ]3urnett was a highly respected citizen l and Counl:y employe who served this County a s 5uperintendent of Roads iaith outstanding abil- ity for a number of years prior to the Stat e taicing the County roads into its System, and continued to serve the State Aighway Lommis sion in the same capacit,y until his death. C ? Reports for June were received from the Cou nty Home Agent; Colored Home Agent aild the l+arm ir 04e Agent. `_V- Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by bir. Ma yhan, County bills #3152 thru #3286 were approv- for payiuent. The folloti*ing good and Tawful persons were draian to serve as jurors in the Superior Coui^t for the trial of criminal cases Yor the one week term beginning July 30 1956 and for the ? ? one week civil term beginning August 6, 195 , , 6. b'or the Criminal Term: b'. W. Hohr, Jr., 145 Lake Forest Parkway Geo. A. Collins, 234 Vance St,reet Betty Blackwell Bugg, Wilmington Hotel R. L. Jones, 2915 Wrightsville Avenue Garvey Townsend Fowler, 2312 Gibson Avenue ZJalter E. Cooper, 1312 Orange Street N. J. Boruch, 514 Siuzset Avenue W. M. Holland, I1te.l-T3ox 259 John C. Keith, 17 Lake Forest Parlcway P. A. Shepard, 207 Calhoun Drive W. J. Morgan, 2933-8 Adams Street M. C. Aioore, 2540 South Front Street J. Arthur Bro<<*n, 67.6 Porest Hi:lls Drive Arthur Cad3s11, 128 Newton's Lane ' John Newton, Hte.l-Box 410 E. R. E. BrowiyiII, 919-'2 Country Club Blvd. Jack R. Craig, 2509 Jefferson Street TJi1:Liam R. ,territt, 4-P1 Lake Vi.l].age W. C. Hall, 404 North 16th Street Paul Schmidt, Jr., 41 Lee Drive John C. Thomas, Rte.3 David W. Wilson, Wrightsville Sow1d, Box 24 J. W. Jaekson, 2407 South Hront Street W. H. Salling, 55 Lalce Forest Pa.rlcway J. Sam Jones, 415 South 17th Street M. Tdilson Clark, 415 Dock Street H. E. P4cLaurin, 219 Pauline Avenue JoYin Verzaal, 616 South 17th Street A. Lawrence Cheek, Jr., 1922 Chestnut Stree t-N. H. 131ue, 905 South 5Lli Street J. F. Harmail, 610 Central Boulevard • 0. M. Blanton, Bo:c 120, Castle Hayne Aoad• Ft. W. Reeves, 2111 Princess Street J. H. Reaves, Rte.3-Sox 12 David W. Currier, 1707 Cliestnut Street W. Albert Brown, 2305 Market Street James S. Williams, 3908 Peachtree Street J. 13. Williams, Rte.l-Box 505 Elroy C.' Ward, 244 Davie Drive W. E. Crump, 17-r1 Lake Village Arthur Hill, Hte.l D. A. Boyette, 4918 Wrightsville Avenue It. H. Hewett, 4100 Lake Avenue T. J. Hewitt, 215 Porest Hills Drive Sam H. Blake, P. 0. Box 678-A Caroliua Beac h-C. L. Hhodes, 2123 Barnett Avenue E. P. Dudley, 4101 Wrightsville Avenue L. K. Hill, 712 Colonial. Circle EcLward M. Taylor, 202 Davie llrive Clarence L. Holland, 1915 ATUn Street For the Civil Term: C. L. Munalie, 1901 Castle Street N. J. llavis, 1308 Castle StreeL Jack W. Weeks, 239 Calhoun Drive Koy Lee lludley, 1906 Chestnut Street J. L. Cheshent, 4244 Market Street A. J. Lampron, 2105 Brandon Road George Diurray, 263 Cast:le Hayne Hoad J. R. Broian, 506 South 5th Street William L. 73oone, 8 Lake Porest Parkcaay B. W. ]3rowii, 110 Bryan Avenue Oliver E. Harriss, 1016 South 8th Street G. W. Garner, 440- Castle Hayne Road Wallace I. West, 603 Thomas Aveilue John Tinga, Rte.k- Castle Hayne Loui.s W. Shrier, 1509 Grace Strest E. L. Iiobbiiis, 2507 Washington Street Bennie M. J'ordan, 226 Calhoun Drive J. S. Barker, Jr., 2205 IClein Road Roy K. Schellenger, 315 North 43rd Street W. B. Mouring, General Delivery, ICure Beach T. W. Burriss, 408 ATun Street J. C. Williams, 4006 Parlc Avenue R. F. Phelps, 719 Llindsor llrive Dwight M. Peay, P. 0. 13ox 636-A, Carolina Beach Pender P. Durham, 1021 I{acathorne Road W. H. Hinnant, 6 A'orthern 13oulevarct H. Beroer, 707 Nortli 4th Street E. P. llavis 435 Afonroe Street H. G. Willis, 304 Wi°ightsville Avenue W. T. Tliars, 2516 AZonroe Street [dalter J. Piowell, 2519 Burnett 13oulevard H. L. Clariz, 5 SouthernBoulevard George A. Ploore, Sr., 129 South 8th Street J. W. Craig, 910 Princess Street Homer K. Barnes, 21 Pinecrest Terrace E. P. Mohr, Rte.l-Ilox 532 The meeting was then adjourned an3 the Commissioners reswned further study of the Budget. c 3Clerk. i .?. ?l.i•?c_ -? ,0? Wilmington, N. C., July 16, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of Lhe Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman ancl Commissioners J. M. IIall, Jr,, Ernest R. Kayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Jas. E. Holton, Jr., John }3right Hill, County Attorney and T..D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by 13everend Eugene D. Tditherspoon, Minister of St. Andrews- Covenant Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes oP the meetin; of July 9, 1956 having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of hir, riayhan, seconded by 1,Ir. Broadhurst and approved. The Reverend B. E. Hardy, Pastor of the Gregory Congregational Chiu°ch appeared with a dele- ? gatian oP colored citizens and members of the Womens Auxiliary of the Commwiity Hospi_tal to request enlargement of the Boarcl of Directors of the liospital by appointment of additional negroes to the Board for better relations betioeen the Hospita.l and Lhe Community aL large. This heing a matter for joint consideration by the City and i;he County on recommendation to ? be made by the ]3oard of llireci:ors oP the 1lospiLal they were instructed to first secure rec- ommendations from the Board of llirectors in accordance with the By-laws oP the Institution. CThe County Attorney was instructed to study the liospital Charter and repor't Uaclc to the Board. ; ,