1956-07-23 Regular Meeting Wilmington, N. C., July 23, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. piayhan, L. E. 13road- hurst, Jas. E. Holton, Jr., County Attorney Johi7 Bright Hill. 'Phe meeting was called to order by Mr. James M. Hall, Jr., Vice Chairman and opened with prayer by the Reverend R. B. Noland, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church. Minutes of the meeting of July 16, 1956, copies of which had previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion by Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. llue to a misunderstanding as to the time bids were to be received for furnishing Gasoline for the County's equipment on an annual basis, and with only three (3) bids received and receipt of other bids anticipated but not yet received, the Board ordered that the three (3) bids be returned to the bidder unopened and advertise'for new bids to be received un- til 10:00 A.M., Monday, August 6, 1956 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read; the County Commissioners reserving the right to reject any and all bids or to accert any bids that may appear to the best interest of the County. Mr. R. C. Cantwell, III, appeared to inquire about the status of the proposed revaluation of property. He was advised that same is still being considered in the preparation of the Budget. Dfayor Dan D. Cameron and Mr. J. R. Benson, City Manager appeared to further press their_ claim for adjustment of the City's share of the Hospitalization Funds received from the ,i State ear-marked for IIospitalization of Public Assistance cases iahich they claim the County deducted from its annual appropriations to the Hospital, resulting in a deficit of some $29,000.00 in payment of bil,ls owing by the Community Hospital at this time, and if neces- sary will take such legal action to settle the question; and urged the County to go along with them on the-basis of previous discussions. Mr. Broadhurst felt that inasmuch as the Community Hospital is jointly ocaned by the City and the County, that the City should meet its full obligation in connection with its main- tenance and operation rather than withdrawing from participating in apPropriations with the County for the care of the indigent poor and afflicted sick. Mr. Hall felt it would be best to hold action on the matter in abeyance until we could se- cure accurate figures from the County Auditor when he returns from a trip out of town. The matter was discussed at great length, bnt no act.ygg was taken at this time and furth- er discussion was continued until the next meeting, when Mr. Love and the Chairman who are absent today will be present. -r-? Mr. Herbert Rivenbark, SuPerintendent of the County Home and Farm appeared to explain Bud- ?Nvw?` get requests for Janitorial Supplies which appears to be excessive. Mr. Rivenbark told the Board that the item includes the purchase of disinFectants, detergents, mops, brooms and laundry supplies for the 65 to 70 County liome inmates and 75 to 80 prisoners, the Ju- • venile G,uarters and the entire premises plus advance cost in commodities. Cost of Administration of the various Departments; separation of Cattle herds for beef and milk cows; purchase'of a truck to replace the Chevrolet Truck, together with the matter of producing sufi'icient eatable crops, Poultry and Eggs for t2ie County Home consumption; Jail and Hospital and surplus hog feed and the canning of surplus food-stuffs were discussed at length. ' With reference to the employment of an extra Nurse, Mr. Hall asked if it would not be prac- tical to put on the third Nurse permanently. Mr. Holton suggested she be put to use help- ing out in the Home when not otherwise busy as it appears that Mrs. Davis would Ue agree- able to fit in for services with other employes. Air, fIall recommended the third Nurse, (Mrs. Davis) be put on,on full-time basis. Thereupon,Mr. Piayhan moved and seconded by Mr. Holton and carried that Mrs. Davis be employed as the third Nurse at regular pay, eight,(S) hours per day, seven (7) days a week with approval of such other internal duties in the liome that may be practical to arrange. Confirmation of a meeting of the County Commissioners and the Board of Education with the Grand Jury at 11:00 A.Af., Monday, July 30 was received from D1r. R. T. Burney, Foreman. A communication was received from Dir. Floyd Arnold, Assistant District Forester advising someone from his Office will contact us in the near future concerning insect damage to uuOOItrees in Hugh P1acRae Park. ? A letter was received from Col. R. L. Hill„ U. S. District Engineer advising he is under orders for re-assignment to the U. S. Army in the Caribbean. Col. Henry C. Rowland, Jr., will assume the duties of District Engineer on July 19. Col. Hill expressed his thanlcs for the Commissioners'cooperai,ion in the Civil works and Military construction activities of the Wilmington District. With reference to a claim of Mrs. W. W. All, 5004 Wrightsville Avenue for damage to her property by digoing a ditch across her land between Dixie Avenue and Wallace Avenue without permission, is still pending with Mr. Trask for report. r A Bi-Tdeekly Analysis of current news affecting Industrial Development was received from the Pantus Area Research Corporation of New.York. A letter was received from Mr. C. E. Brown, State Highway Division Engineer relative to in- stalling Road signs in residential sections of the County, advised that in the past they have run into difficulties in many instances wliere there was a difference of opinion amo,ng the residents, and residents and the Post OfPice llepartment as to the correct name, to keep down duplications, it assured the Commissioners if they will advise the location of ?? • any Road and its coi°rect nanie, they will be glad to place the signs. k / oy% The following Resolution with requests for aid for designating the Official to sign necessary papers in connection hurricane disaster in New Hanover County was adopted: \ Meeting of July 23, 1956 - Continued IIpon motion oF L. E. Broaclhurst, seconded by James E. Holton, Jr., it is here- by ordered that T. D. Love, County Accountant oY',New,Hanover County or such other official as the Board may see_fit to designate, as the agent for said County, is hereby authorized and empowered to"sign and execute all papers ancl documents which may be proper and neces- sary in connection wiLYi the request to the Federal Civil Defense Administration and /or ?j the State of North Carolina for financial and other assistance in New Hanover County, grow- ing out of and in connection with Hurricanes'Connie and Diane of August 1955, and the acts of said person in said behalf are in all respects validated approved and confirmed. The authorized signature of said person appears upon the copy of this resolution, which shall be duly certified by the Clerk to this Board. •• • • The undersigned Thos. K. Woody, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of New Iianover County hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true copy of Che resolution of - the Board of County Commissioners at a meeting duly called and held on the 23rd day of Jttly, 1956. . Clerk. The annual report for the New Hanover County Farm Advisory Countil was received from Mr. A? Schleger, Chairman of the Council in connection.with the activities of the County Agent's &9? Office, and upon motion of Mr. liroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Mr. Peter H. Braak was appointed as a member of the Farm Advisory Council at the request and on recommendation of its members. • ?? A report of the Wilmington Public Library and Boolmobile for June were received and filed. • ?':??'" f?. Certificates of Inspection and Permits to operate various Boilers at the County Home; Farm and the Court House were received,from the State Department of Labor. With reference to a request of the Trustees of Warner's Temple A.M.E. Church to purchase a, tax foreclosure Lot in Block 325 was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton referred to the Clerlc and the City Manager to secure the facts and report to the Board. A letter was received from the County Auditor concerning property taken over by the City and County for taxes in Blocks 252, 268, 269 and 270, advising that F. C. Sadgwar who owned a third interest in the property is collecting the rents on the same was referred to the " County Attorney for opinion and report to the Board. , • • Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board endorsed the polici.es of e the Neca Hanover County Safety Council outlined in a comtnunication received from Mr. Hershel V. Hawley, Field Representative. Commissioner.Jas. M. Hall, Jr., was named to.represent the County on the Safety-Council.. ' A communication was received from Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Commission concerning the removal of unsightly road building machinery and broken pieces of asphalt from the premises at Hugh MacRae Park caas upon motion of Mr. Holton referred to Mr. Hhoda I+'arrow to remove any rubbish or other unsightly accwnulation from the Park premises. ,P1rc Cunningham, representing Mr. E. E. Beaty, rlanager of Naval Properties Branch; U. S. Naval 7nJ4,1"1 Base, Charleston, S. C., was here Thursday, July 19 to settle payment to property osonere for ?t the removal of certain trees which form an obstruction between the CAA tower and one of the runways at Bluethenthal Field. . Mr. Cunningham reported that settlement has been made and the_ trees are in process of being removed. . Mr. E. L. White appeared to announce his acceptance.of the appointment as Civil Defense Di- e"'"?? ? rector for New Hanover County and the,City of Wilmington, and the matter of locating an Of- ? fice to carry on his duties was referred to Mr. TJhite and the Clerk. ? Mr. Hall announced.a meeting of the Industrial Committee of 100 at 3:00 P.1I., in the Cape' ? F'ear Hotel Ball'r.oom and will report items of interest to the Board. • Upon motion of Mr. Holton the meeting was then adjourned. i!. J4 _ 41 Clerk. ? Wilmington, N.•C., July 30, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L.E. IIroadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John Bright Hill, Cowity Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. .•nThe mEPting was opened with prayer by the Reverend M. C. Dunn, Pastor of Trinit,y Dlethodist Church. • Copies"oP the minutes of ineeting of July 23, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved after the same were corrected by letting,it appear that Commissioner James E. Holton, Jr., was named to represent the County on the New Hanover County Safety Council; inadvertent- ly_shown as "Jas. M. Hall, Jr.,". _ ??? Mrs, W. E. Sisson appeared to ask the Board to niake some provision to help out with the ex-??''O ? pense of the School for Retarded Children this year. She said the City will•not appropriate . any funds, but would give the use of the abandoned fire station at 5th and Castle Streets until such time buiTding is sold. No action was taken. Major H. V. Reid, StafY Assistant for the 252nd NCNG AAA Unit appeared to present a framed C,b ?•?-copy of "I am the Guard" on behalf of the seven (7) National Guard Units in the County, in appreciation of the close and successful cooperation betcaeen the organizations and the Coun- ty. The same was accepted with chosen words of appreciation expressed by the Chairman on . behalf of the Board. ca",1(OA?- Instructions were given to have the I'ine 13ettle damaged trees in Hugh TlacRae Park cut and removed in accordance with the recommendaLions of the State District Forester following his inspection of the trees and report of July 26, 1956. -A