1956-07-30 Regular Meeting Meeting of July 23, 1956 - Continued IIpon motion oF L. E. Broaclhurst, seconded by James E. Holton, Jr., it is here- by ordered that T. D. Love, County Accountant oY',New,Hanover County or such other official as the Board may see_fit to designate, as the agent for said County, is hereby authorized and empowered to"sign and execute all papers ancl documents which may be proper and neces- sary in connection wiLYi the request to the Federal Civil Defense Administration and /or ?j the State of North Carolina for financial and other assistance in New Hanover County, grow- ing out of and in connection with Hurricanes'Connie and Diane of August 1955, and the acts of said person in said behalf are in all respects validated approved and confirmed. The authorized signature of said person appears upon the copy of this resolution, which shall be duly certified by the Clerk to this Board. •• • • The undersigned Thos. K. Woody, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of New Iianover County hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true copy of Che resolution of - the Board of County Commissioners at a meeting duly called and held on the 23rd day of Jttly, 1956. . Clerk. The annual report for the New Hanover County Farm Advisory Countil was received from Mr. A? Schleger, Chairman of the Council in connection.with the activities of the County Agent's &9? Office, and upon motion of Mr. liroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Mr. Peter H. Braak was appointed as a member of the Farm Advisory Council at the request and on recommendation of its members. • ?? A report of the Wilmington Public Library and Boolmobile for June were received and filed. • ?':??'" f?. Certificates of Inspection and Permits to operate various Boilers at the County Home; Farm and the Court House were received,from the State Department of Labor. With reference to a request of the Trustees of Warner's Temple A.M.E. Church to purchase a, tax foreclosure Lot in Block 325 was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton referred to the Clerlc and the City Manager to secure the facts and report to the Board. A letter was received from the County Auditor concerning property taken over by the City and County for taxes in Blocks 252, 268, 269 and 270, advising that F. C. Sadgwar who owned a third interest in the property is collecting the rents on the same was referred to the " County Attorney for opinion and report to the Board. , • • Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board endorsed the polici.es of e the Neca Hanover County Safety Council outlined in a comtnunication received from Mr. Hershel V. Hawley, Field Representative. Commissioner.Jas. M. Hall, Jr., was named to.represent the County on the Safety-Council.. ' A communication was received from Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Commission concerning the removal of unsightly road building machinery and broken pieces of asphalt from the premises at Hugh MacRae Park caas upon motion of Mr. Holton referred to Mr. Hhoda I+'arrow to remove any rubbish or other unsightly accwnulation from the Park premises. ,P1rc Cunningham, representing Mr. E. E. Beaty, rlanager of Naval Properties Branch; U. S. Naval 7nJ4,1"1 Base, Charleston, S. C., was here Thursday, July 19 to settle payment to property osonere for ?t the removal of certain trees which form an obstruction between the CAA tower and one of the runways at Bluethenthal Field. . Mr. Cunningham reported that settlement has been made and the_ trees are in process of being removed. . Mr. E. L. White appeared to announce his acceptance.of the appointment as Civil Defense Di- e"'"?? ? rector for New Hanover County and the,City of Wilmington, and the matter of locating an Of- ? fice to carry on his duties was referred to Mr. TJhite and the Clerk. ? Mr. Hall announced.a meeting of the Industrial Committee of 100 at 3:00 P.1I., in the Cape' ? F'ear Hotel Ball'r.oom and will report items of interest to the Board. • Upon motion of Mr. Holton the meeting was then adjourned. i!. J4 _ 41 Clerk. ? Wilmington, N.•C., July 30, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L.E. IIroadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John Bright Hill, Cowity Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. .•nThe mEPting was opened with prayer by the Reverend M. C. Dunn, Pastor of Trinit,y Dlethodist Church. • Copies"oP the minutes of ineeting of July 23, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved after the same were corrected by letting,it appear that Commissioner James E. Holton, Jr., was named to represent the County on the New Hanover County Safety Council; inadvertent- ly_shown as "Jas. M. Hall, Jr.,". _ ??? Mrs, W. E. Sisson appeared to ask the Board to niake some provision to help out with the ex-??''O ? pense of the School for Retarded Children this year. She said the City will•not appropriate . any funds, but would give the use of the abandoned fire station at 5th and Castle Streets until such time buiTding is sold. No action was taken. Major H. V. Reid, StafY Assistant for the 252nd NCNG AAA Unit appeared to present a framed C,b ?•?-copy of "I am the Guard" on behalf of the seven (7) National Guard Units in the County, in appreciation of the close and successful cooperation betcaeen the organizations and the Coun- ty. The same was accepted with chosen words of appreciation expressed by the Chairman on . behalf of the Board. ca",1(OA?- Instructions were given to have the I'ine 13ettle damaged trees in Hugh TlacRae Park cut and removed in accordance with the recommendaLions of the State District Forester following his inspection of the trees and report of July 26, 1956. -A 86 Meeting of July 30, 1956 - Continued A statement was received from the State Board of Public Welfare adv:ising that $69,942.15 State and Federal Punds were sent to this County in June for OAA, ADC, APTD and Adminis- tration. j? Upon motion, the Civil Air Patrol organization was granted an appropriatioil of $150.00 toward their expense of operation for 1956-1957 in consideration of a public service ren- dered the Coromunity. The request was made by the Reverend H. J. Kaylor, Pastor of West- minster Presbyterian Church. ?-- iJith reference to a claim of Dirs. W. W. All for damages by cutting a drainage ditch thru her property between llixie and Wa.lla,ce Avenues at Winter Park. It was the consensus of the Board, on recommendation of the Chairman, there is nothing that can be done about it. A request for increase in salary comparable to salaries paid other Welfare Superintendents as per list, sixteen (16) Counties where the Superintendent salary is $500.00 or uiore, was received from Mr. J. R. Hollis. Tt was the consensus of the Commissioners that he take the maximwn one step allowed others in this llepartment which was set by the County Commis- sioners. An executed copy of the contract to flxrnish electric service for the operation of the Lit- ? tle League Ball Park for period to June 1, 1966, was received from the Carolina Power and Light Company. . , -f? Mr. W. G. Broadfoot phoned to ask that the Board give its answer of their request of 7uly 9th, for $1,500.00 appropriation on a 50/50 basis with the City for expense for sending the Azalea Goodwill Float on trips to adjacent Coumunities. The request for an appropria- , tion was upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst declined on recommendation of the Chairman that there were more pressing needs for funds. A telegram taas received from Senator W. Kerr Scott advising that final action was taken by wCongress on 6120,000.00 appropriation for the Masonboro Inlet Yroject for work 1956-1957 f.iscal year. Will press next Session for remaining $306,000.00 to complete the project. 1 following bids were received for repairing the heating equipment and boiler in the Court House Annex, to include the following: Furnish all necessary labor and materials required for complete retubing the Boiler. Aepairing leaks in return piping around the Boiler and repacking stuffing box on condensation pump. , Ideal Plumbing Company ? 795.00 Springer Coal and Oil Company 806.70 Wilmington Iron Works 816.21 Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by 41r. Hall, the contract for making the above repairs was awarded to the Ideal Plumbine Com»any at and for the bid price of $795.00, they being the lowest bidders. A lengthy discussion then followed concerning appropriation for Community Hos,pital in view of the City"s withdrawal from participating in the expense for the care of indigents. Mr. fiall felt we should assume the care of Commw7ity Hospital indigents for the fiscal year . 1956-1957 in view of the County's obligation to care for the indigent sick and afflicted poor of the County, and accept the City's appropriation of $20,000.00 for maintenance of the Hospital. Mr. Broadhurst was willing to go along with the County's appropriation of $86,666.67 as requested in the Budget and made a motion to that effect, and if the City participates in the Hospitalization Plan, shall pay its pro rata share of all the expense. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan, but no vote was taken until the cost of maintenance and indigent obligation could be ascertained as requested by Mr. Hoiton, who, in his opin- ion, felt the City as,joint owners is equally responsible for the operation of the tlospit- al as the County. Mr. Trask recommended the adoption of the Budget and apply the $50,000.00 received for the T. B. Hospital to revaluations account and meet the City's claim for money that went into the Hospital account they didn't get credit for. At this point a recess was taken to meet i,rith the Grand Jury as scheduled to discuss the County's Auditing System, after which the Commissioners returried to their office to resume transaction of the County's business. The Chairman announced that we were ready to go into the question ofrevaluation now and suggested we write the Companies who submitted previous bids to submit-new-bids including mapping, and so forth. A communication caas received from the Junior Chamber of Commerce presented by Mr. Ed Pitts, Chairroan of the Junior Chamber of Commerce Committee on revaluation, recommertding a reval- .- uation program by specialized reappraisal organization from outside New Ilanover County to 0,?6b,? perform a comprehensive, unbiased revaluation of all real property, and of machinery and equipment located in industrial plants, and that a re-mapping of the County sliould be under- taken prior to the revaluation program. Por the Boardts information, Mr. Love said the State Association of County Commissioners will hold a panel discussion on revaluation at the annual meeting in Winston Salem, August 12-15, and asked that the County Attorney at- tend with other members of the Board. After further discussion Mr. Holton moved to turn the question over to the Tax Supervisor for recommendations and plans and report back to the Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and carried. The County's 1956-1957 Budget Estimates as revised and amended as directed, showing the a- mounts of expense for County Government, its activities and institutions, in the total a- mount of $3,302,227.70, was presented to the Board by the County Auditor, and was upon mo- tion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, tentatively adopted and ordered placed in ?-= the hands of the Clerk for public.inspection for a perind of twenty (20) days, from date hereof, pending adoption of the Appropriation Resolution at a regular meeting of the Board to be held at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday, August 20, 1956. Mr. Hall voted affirmatively on the motion with reserVations; that sufficient funds will be made available for the op- eration of Community Hospital feeling that tt would be amiss not to appropriate sufficient funds to that end. . L_ . 87 Meeting of July 30, 1956 - Continued Upon motion of PSr. Broadhurst, seconded by Pir. Holton, the following resolution,setting the? 1956 tax rate at $1.20 on the One Hundred llollar ($100.00) valuation of property and Two (2) Dollars on each Poll, recommended by the County Auditor was adopted: . BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, that the follow- ing Tax Levies and Assessments upon all taxable property in New Hanover County for the year 19561 as prescribed and authorized by the'General and Special Acts of the Legislature, to be as follows: • ' BUllGET General Fund . . . . . . . . . . . Agriculture &Economics . . . . . . . . Aid to Blind . . . . . . . . . Aid to llependent Children . • . . Aid.to Permanently & TotallyDisabled . Old Age Assistance . . . . . . . . Hospitalization . . . . . . . . . . . . Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Hospital?. . . . . . . . . . Workmen's Compensation . . . . . . . . Health F?Znd ... . . . . . . . . . . . . County Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School School School School School School School School School School ? Bond Fund . . . Book Ftiu?d . . . . Building Nl,tnd . . . Regular F?.tt1d . . Supplement l+und .., Veterans Fund . . . Lunchroom b?znd. . . Pension N'und . .,. Capital Outlay ... Junior College . . Total Budget . . . ? 519,575.82 . . 19,545.00 ... . 12,123.00 , . 3560400.00 . 173,880.00 . . . 4031560.00 . . 64,800.00 . . 117,207.50 . . . 861901.67 . . . 3,452.09 . . . 840313.33 . . 88,578.50 $10:300:36.91 . ? 243,337.50 . 20,000.00 . 52,898.83 . 408,490.00 ., 367,500.00. . 11,243.55 .. 50,000.00 . 20,420.91. . 50,000.00 . 148,000.00 $1,371,890.79 $3,302,227.70 TAX LEVY POLL .1205 ? .50 .0152 .0079 .0310 .0199 .0447 .0603 . .0504 .0337 .0416 .0371 ? .4623 $ .1541 .0139 .2556 1.50 .2000 .0165 .0476 .0500 .7377 41.20 $ 2.00 • ? The following good and lawful persons were,drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court ? for the trial of Criminal Cases for the one iaeek August Term beginning Dlonday, August 20th,? 1956: . ' B. B. Cameron, Jr., P. 0. Box 990 M. A. Abernathy, Jr., Box 120 Carolina IIch, C. M. Appleberry, 5 Lake Forest Parkway M. L. Baysden, Jr., 7-H Lake.Village ,ll. M. Borneman, Jr., 24 Terrace Walk Bernice C. Bryan, 105 South 41st Street Hichard W. Cannon, 702 Greenfield Street_ C. E. Eason, 14 West Drive Elwood Eckert, 106 Penn Street Connie Floiaers, Rte.l-Box 467 , H. E. Gardner, 2852 7efferson Street George S. George, 2939 Olednder Drive James M. Hardiman, Rte..l-Box 44 Stedman Hewett, Rte.2-Box 350 R. G. Hodgkin, Jr., 29462 Park Avenue C. W. Houston, 26 Morning Side Drive R. P. Houston, 217 South 5th Street PSilton E. Howell, 2110 Princess Place H. K. Powell, Rte.3-Box 264 C. E. Rich, Rte.2-Box 174 WilZiam A.-Robbins, Rte.l-Box 162 M. H. Scott, 12-J Lake Forest H. 0. Taylor, Rte.2-Box 352 C. B. Thompson, 214 Vance Street ' Milton LJalker, 1410 Ann Street A. Dlugin, 401 North 5th Street E. V. Hunt, 511 Wrightsville Avenue J. B. Inman, 1917 Church Street Willie R. James? Rte.l-Box.46 J. Troy Johnson, 2906 Market Street M. T. Johnson, 120 Castle liayne Road . L. G. Jones, 16 East lienderson Street Wirt,P. Jones, 1915 Pender,Avenue Walter L. Landers, Rte.2-Box 421 Walter T. Lewis, Rte.2-BOx 269 LaDfar McClain, Rte.l-Box 117 A. L. McNorton, 411 South 6th Street ' Robert G. Pierrith, 312 North 45th Street M. SJ. Miller, 211 South 2nd Street •. Frank A. Aiontgomery, Jr., Sdrightsville Sound George D. hiurray, 108 Boi°deawc Avenue Wm. L. Pearsall, 204 North lOth Street Frank P. Piner, I3te.2-Box 398 . Oscar E. Register, Rte.2-Box 297 Clarence Rivenbark, 514 Market Street Robert E. Roudabush, 233 Castle Aayne Road E. B. Sneeden, 4605 Oleander Drive Will Taylor, 309 North 21st Street tv. P. Troutman, Jr., 219 South 17th Street - M.•E. Wester, 2116 Klein Road f r Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. IIroadhurst, County bills No. 3414 to 3456 were approved for payment. Upon motion, the meeting then adjourned. Clerk. , ? Wilmington, N. C., August 8, 1956 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, County Attorney John Bright Hill and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Edward R. Kirton, Pastor of St. Marks Episcopal Church, Colored. . Copies of the minutes of the meeting of July 30, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion.of A1r. Mayhan, seconded,by Mr. Hall, approved. • • I " I