1956-08-06 Regular Meeting. 87 Meeting of July 30, 1956 - Continued Upon motion of PSr. Broadhurst, seconded by Pir. Holton, the following resolution,setting the? 1956 tax rate at $1.20 on the One Hundred llollar ($100.00) valuation of property and Two (2) Dollars on each Poll, recommended by the County Auditor was adopted: . BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, that the follow- ing Tax Levies and Assessments upon all taxable property in New Hanover County for the year 19561 as prescribed and authorized by the'General and Special Acts of the Legislature, to be as follows: • ' BUllGET General Fund . . . . . . . . . . . Agriculture &Economics . . . . . . . . Aid to Blind . . . . . . . . . Aid to llependent Children . • . . Aid.to Permanently & TotallyDisabled . Old Age Assistance . . . . . . . . Hospitalization . . . . . . . . . . . . Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Hospital?. . . . . . . . . . Workmen's Compensation . . . . . . . . Health F?Znd ... . . . . . . . . . . . . County Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School School School School School School School School School School ? Bond Fund . . . Book Ftiu?d . . . . Building Nl,tnd . . . Regular F?.tt1d . . Supplement l+und .., Veterans Fund . . . Lunchroom b?znd. . . Pension N'und . .,. Capital Outlay ... Junior College . . Total Budget . . . ? 519,575.82 . . 19,545.00 ... . 12,123.00 , . 3560400.00 . 173,880.00 . . . 4031560.00 . . 64,800.00 . . 117,207.50 . . . 861901.67 . . . 3,452.09 . . . 840313.33 . . 88,578.50 $10:300:36.91 . ? 243,337.50 . 20,000.00 . 52,898.83 . 408,490.00 ., 367,500.00. . 11,243.55 .. 50,000.00 . 20,420.91. . 50,000.00 . 148,000.00 $1,371,890.79 $3,302,227.70 TAX LEVY POLL .1205 ? .50 .0152 .0079 .0310 .0199 .0447 .0603 . .0504 .0337 .0416 .0371 ? .4623 $ .1541 .0139 .2556 1.50 .2000 .0165 .0476 .0500 .7377 41.20 $ 2.00 • ? The following good and lawful persons were,drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court ? for the trial of Criminal Cases for the one iaeek August Term beginning Dlonday, August 20th,? 1956: . ' B. B. Cameron, Jr., P. 0. Box 990 M. A. Abernathy, Jr., Box 120 Carolina IIch, C. M. Appleberry, 5 Lake Forest Parkway M. L. Baysden, Jr., 7-H Lake.Village ,ll. M. Borneman, Jr., 24 Terrace Walk Bernice C. Bryan, 105 South 41st Street Hichard W. Cannon, 702 Greenfield Street_ C. E. Eason, 14 West Drive Elwood Eckert, 106 Penn Street Connie Floiaers, Rte.l-Box 467 , H. E. Gardner, 2852 7efferson Street George S. George, 2939 Olednder Drive James M. Hardiman, Rte..l-Box 44 Stedman Hewett, Rte.2-Box 350 R. G. Hodgkin, Jr., 29462 Park Avenue C. W. Houston, 26 Morning Side Drive R. P. Houston, 217 South 5th Street PSilton E. Howell, 2110 Princess Place H. K. Powell, Rte.3-Box 264 C. E. Rich, Rte.2-Box 174 WilZiam A.-Robbins, Rte.l-Box 162 M. H. Scott, 12-J Lake Forest H. 0. Taylor, Rte.2-Box 352 C. B. Thompson, 214 Vance Street ' Milton LJalker, 1410 Ann Street A. Dlugin, 401 North 5th Street E. V. Hunt, 511 Wrightsville Avenue J. B. Inman, 1917 Church Street Willie R. James? Rte.l-Box.46 J. Troy Johnson, 2906 Market Street M. T. Johnson, 120 Castle liayne Road . L. G. Jones, 16 East lienderson Street Wirt,P. Jones, 1915 Pender,Avenue Walter L. Landers, Rte.2-Box 421 Walter T. Lewis, Rte.2-BOx 269 LaDfar McClain, Rte.l-Box 117 A. L. McNorton, 411 South 6th Street ' Robert G. Pierrith, 312 North 45th Street M. SJ. Miller, 211 South 2nd Street •. Frank A. Aiontgomery, Jr., Sdrightsville Sound George D. hiurray, 108 Boi°deawc Avenue Wm. L. Pearsall, 204 North lOth Street Frank P. Piner, I3te.2-Box 398 . Oscar E. Register, Rte.2-Box 297 Clarence Rivenbark, 514 Market Street Robert E. Roudabush, 233 Castle Aayne Road E. B. Sneeden, 4605 Oleander Drive Will Taylor, 309 North 21st Street tv. P. Troutman, Jr., 219 South 17th Street - M.•E. Wester, 2116 Klein Road f r Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. IIroadhurst, County bills No. 3414 to 3456 were approved for payment. Upon motion, the meeting then adjourned. Clerk. , ? Wilmington, N. C., August 8, 1956 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, County Attorney John Bright Hill and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Edward R. Kirton, Pastor of St. Marks Episcopal Church, Colored. . Copies of the minutes of the meeting of July 30, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion.of A1r. Mayhan, seconded,by Mr. Hall, approved. • • I " I pr 88 Meeting of August 6, 1956 - Continued Mrs. W. W. All appeared to further press her claim for damages to her property by cutting a ditch thru the same between Dixie Avenue and Wallace Avenue, Winter Park, and dumping the water on sorue of her lots part of a 30-acre Lract which she is developing. The Soil v? Conservationist was requested to make a survey.of the condition and recommend as to the best method.of relieving the situation. A request of seventeen (17) property owners of Federa oint Townshj,p for improvements in the St. Joseph Street Extension by providing a sand-clay top surface or better, and whidh ! said road 60 feet wide runs from the end of St. Joseph Street Road north to the intersec- tion of Carolina Beach Yacht Basin and the Inland Watercaay thence taest to US-421, approx- imately one and one half miles in length on which six (6) houses are located was upon mo- tion of P1r. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, apProved and was referred to the State High- way and Public Works Commission. ? A request of seven (7) property owners to improve Wilson Street in Harnett T-ownshin which runs from Wrightsville Avenue to Park Avenue, a distance of 1280 feet on whicki two (2) ? houses are located was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Ldorks Commission. A bill for $10,000.00 was received from the Fantus Area Research Corporation of New York ?-vvio,u? for making an Industry Survey of the Wilmington area conduCted pursuant to authorization by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, January 31, 1956 on a fifty-fifty (50/50) basis of the cost, was upon motion of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved for pay- ment of Lhe County's part. In accordance with advertisement made and published on July 26 and August 2, 1956 for bids to be received at 10:00 A.M., this day for furnishing approximately 30,000 gallons of H1- Test Gasoline to be delivered at the Airport for County Equipment over a period of one (1) year, the following sealed bids were received and publicly opened and read: MacMillan & Cameron .............. .2490 per gallon Pountain Brothers .............. .2450 Service Fuel Oil Company ......... .2435 Pure.0i1 Company ............... .2384 3inclair Refining Cottipany ........ •.2249 Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by P1r. Mayhan, the contract to furnish the gasoline ae advertised was awarded to the Sinclair Refining Comnany, they being the lowest bidder. Mr. T. A. Crews was present to ask that he be allowed to amend his easement agreement with the County for drainage of roperty, Oak Crest, on Wrightsville Avenue in Winter Park to ° • enable him to use a five (5? foot strip of land to widen his lots and use the dirt from the proposed ditch on his land. It was suggested the most feasible way to correct the drain- age condition would be to tie in with the Bradley Creek drainage canal, and to that'end the Soil Conservationist was requested to make a survey. A request from Mr. L. R. Hewlett for a reduction of the ?5,305.00 assessment on his proper- 'j'o?,A,oo ty in Block 133 purchased July 25, 1956 for $5,500.00 and place the same on a basis of 40% of its cost or 42,200.00 was.received for consideration by the Board of Equalization and iteview in accordance with the Law. During the meantime the same was referred to Mr. H.A. MeGirt, Tax Assessor for investigation and recommendation. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. riayhan, Ella Walker, colored, mentally deficient _ and a resident of Neca•lianover County for 22 years was recently discharged from the State LE.V?ospital at Goldsboro and with no relatives here to care for her, was recommended by the Superintendent of Public Welfare admitted to the County Home if and tiahen room is available. ? ' . . A((??.A Surety Bond for dames Allen Oldham, Jr., as a member of the A13C Board in the penalty of $5,000.00 with the National Surety Corporation as Surety the said Bond, having been ap- proved as to form and execution by the County Attorney was upon motion of Mr. Hall, second- ed by P1r. Mayhan accepted and forwarded to the State ABC Board as the Law directs. ? Upon motion, instructions were given•to have the board fence atop the retaining wall south 'side of the Health Department Building repaired; and also the Court House Parking Lot on CpwfX-"'the Yrincess Street side completed under the supervision of the County with prison labor. The Board authorized turning over the Postage Stamp Machine to the Welfare Department for use until they have used up their large supply of unstamped envelopes on hand and tlien other satisfactory arrangements be made to dispose of the Piachine. Consideration of the Revaluation Program was continued pending recommendations from the County Auditor. . . Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board voted to comply\th a rec- ommendation of the Grand July 30, 1956 Term to: • \ 1. F?arnishing all Departments and/or agencies handling any and all funds with PkE-AtUMBERED Receipt forms. • 2. Ftiarnishing all Departments and/or agencies executing Warrants or any ' docwnents involving the collection of funds with PRE-NUMBEI2ED- DOCUMENT5? necessary to insure absolute control by the Auditor's Office. The County Auditor advised that the adoption of the reconmendation would be simple andw4ld only involve the Sheriff, Register oP Deeds and Clerk of the Court Offices. A communication was received from the Reverend Randolph L. Gregory, President of the Comnun- ? ity Council advising that it is the opinion of the Community Council Executive Cofmnittee• ? that the $50,000.00 received from the sale of the T. B. Sanatorium was to,be set aside to vide facilities for the Aged. It was later understood from newspaper reports that the P1000.00 is to be absorbed in the regular County Operations Budget. The Community Coun- cil urged, therefore that the $50,000.00 be set aside to furnish facilities for the Aged, and not absorbed in the regular Operations Budget. No action was taken: l` L? 89 ? Meeting of August 6, 1956 - Continued At this point Mr. Broadhurst urged needed repairs and improvements to the County Home and 1 Farm; improvemen in Produce production, and also drainage. Mr. Mayhan•recommended putting Mr. Mintz in charge of farming operatious and Mr. [iall'said we should pay attention to the County Agent, Pir: BaggettTs reconunendations. Mr. Broadhurst also recoimnended visiting the State's Goldsboro Home for ideas that may be.helpful in the Parm and Home operations. y. • • • ?v. A conununicai:ion was received .from Mr. P'oster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court advising that a$20.00 monthly increase in_the salary for Tirs. Evelyn Larson, Typist-Clerk in his ?-?- Office recommended by him which was allowed in the Budget at $10.00 per rtionth on account ? she has not been employed as long'as the others on his staff, and later the $10:00 increase was eliminated. He asked that the $10.00 raise be restored. The County Auditor was in- structed to re-instate the increase of $10.00 in accordance with previous action of the , 13oat'd'S. ' . The monthly reports for July were received from the Veterans' Serviee Officer; Colored'Home Agent and the 4-H Clubs, also the ]3oard of Health for June aiid the same ordered filed. . . . . t,=._ Upon motion of Dir. Tlayhan, seconded by Pir. Hall County bills No. 3468 to 3562 were approved _?_ for payment. ' Upon motion of?Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan the meeting was adjourned. Clerk. ' O Wilmington, N. C., August 13, 1956. This being the date for the regular weekly meeting of the Board, no quorum appeared and aC. ? recess was taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday, August 20, 1956. ? tpD.e, A¢ -14 Clerk. Z? LqiLnington, N. C., August 20, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. FIall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Jas. E. Ho3ton, Jr., John Bright Hill, Couiaty Attorney and T.•ll. Love;•County Auditor. I The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Chas. E. Bernhardt, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church. • - Copies of the minutes of the meeting of August 6, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. - J- rir. PTayhan reported on his attendance to the• 49th Annual Conventio4of the State Association of County Commissioners at the Robert E. Lee Hotel, Winston Salem; N. C., August 12 thru as a very fine and successful meeting. • . Mr. Flenry E. Miller, speaking for the Wilmington Cont"r.actors Association urged the Board to C,ri'" take under consideration the appointment of a County Building Inspector to enforce the Build- iilg Gode Regulations in the County, and submitted a-communication to that end which was upon motion of Mr. Holton referred to the County Attorney for legal opinion and report back to the IIoard. • . Mr. Fred Sdilletts, Committee Chairman of the jdilmington Board of Realtors and members of the Board appeared to urge_the Commissioners to take immediate action toward a complete Revalua- L,^"? tion Program, and submitted.the following Resolution•adopted as of August 17, 1956: . !'The Board.of County Commissioners . New Hanover County , . Wilmington., North Carolina. . . Gentlemen: . . . The Wilmington Real Estate Board in Session this 17th day of August 1956 reviecaed the proposal presented to the Chairman of the ]3oard of County Commissioners on date of March 30, 1956. We saish to reiterate the points made at that time. In conjunction with this proposal the following Resolution was adopted today. • 1. ne it resolved that the Wilmington Board of Realtors are in favoi° of immediate action by the Board of County Commissioners to the end that a proper and thorough reevaluation program be enacted c,rithout further delay, • 2. That the I3oarcl of Realtors feels the County is justified in expend- iiig the necessary fwids to engage the firm best qualified to handl.e the re-evaluation program. 3. That the Board of Realtors further offers the services of its mem- ' , bers individually and collectively in an advisory capacity. , Yours very truly WILAiINGTOAT liOARD OP REALTORS . ' /s/ Frederick.Willetts Committee Chairman " • FW/cf . . .. . . . . Thereupon a lengthy discussion ensued as to the selection of appraisors to do the work whether local or outside Appraisal Companies.. Mr..Richard A. Sheca, local Realtor rec- oimnended the worlc be done by local appraisors. Mr. Willetts again reiterated•the point that a proper and thorough revaluation program be enacted without Purther delay with the best qualified appraisors whether outside or inside. - 'A