1956-08-13 Regular Meeting89 ? Meeting of August 6, 1956 - Continued At this point Mr. Broadhurst urged needed repairs and improvements to the County Home and 1 Farm; improvemen in Produce production, and also drainage. Mr. Mayhan•recommended putting Mr. Mintz in charge of farming operatious and Mr. [iall'said we should pay attention to the County Agent, Pir: BaggettTs reconunendations. Mr. Broadhurst also recoimnended visiting the State's Goldsboro Home for ideas that may be.helpful in the Parm and Home operations. y. • • • ?v. A conununicai:ion was received .from Mr. P'oster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court advising that a$20.00 monthly increase in_the salary for Tirs. Evelyn Larson, Typist-Clerk in his ?-?- Office recommended by him which was allowed in the Budget at $10.00 per rtionth on account ? she has not been employed as long'as the others on his staff, and later the $10:00 increase was eliminated. He asked that the $10.00 raise be restored. The County Auditor was in- structed to re-instate the increase of $10.00 in accordance with previous action of the , 13oat'd'S. ' . The monthly reports for July were received from the Veterans' Serviee Officer; Colored'Home Agent and the 4-H Clubs, also the ]3oard of Health for June aiid the same ordered filed. . . . . t,=._ Upon motion of Dir. Tlayhan, seconded by Pir. Hall County bills No. 3468 to 3562 were approved _?_ for payment. ' Upon motion of?Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan the meeting was adjourned. Clerk. ' O Wilmington, N. C., August 13, 1956. This being the date for the regular weekly meeting of the Board, no quorum appeared and aC. ? recess was taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday, August 20, 1956. ? tpD.e, A¢ -14 Clerk. Z? LqiLnington, N. C., August 20, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. FIall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Jas. E. Ho3ton, Jr., John Bright Hill, Couiaty Attorney and T.•ll. Love;•County Auditor. I The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Chas. E. Bernhardt, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church. • - Copies of the minutes of the meeting of August 6, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. - J- rir. PTayhan reported on his attendance to the• 49th Annual Conventio4of the State Association of County Commissioners at the Robert E. Lee Hotel, Winston Salem; N. C., August 12 thru as a very fine and successful meeting. • . Mr. Flenry E. Miller, speaking for the Wilmington Cont"r.actors Association urged the Board to C,ri'" take under consideration the appointment of a County Building Inspector to enforce the Build- iilg Gode Regulations in the County, and submitted a-communication to that end which was upon motion of Mr. Holton referred to the County Attorney for legal opinion and report back to the IIoard. • . Mr. Fred Sdilletts, Committee Chairman of the jdilmington Board of Realtors and members of the Board appeared to urge_the Commissioners to take immediate action toward a complete Revalua- L,^"? tion Program, and submitted.the following Resolution•adopted as of August 17, 1956: . !'The Board.of County Commissioners . New Hanover County , . Wilmington., North Carolina. . . Gentlemen: . . . The Wilmington Real Estate Board in Session this 17th day of August 1956 reviecaed the proposal presented to the Chairman of the ]3oard of County Commissioners on date of March 30, 1956. We saish to reiterate the points made at that time. In conjunction with this proposal the following Resolution was adopted today. • 1. ne it resolved that the Wilmington Board of Realtors are in favoi° of immediate action by the Board of County Commissioners to the end that a proper and thorough reevaluation program be enacted c,rithout further delay, • 2. That the I3oarcl of Realtors feels the County is justified in expend- iiig the necessary fwids to engage the firm best qualified to handl.e the re-evaluation program. 3. That the Board of Realtors further offers the services of its mem- ' , bers individually and collectively in an advisory capacity. , Yours very truly WILAiINGTOAT liOARD OP REALTORS . ' /s/ Frederick.Willetts Committee Chairman " • FW/cf . . .. . . . . Thereupon a lengthy discussion ensued as to the selection of appraisors to do the work whether local or outside Appraisal Companies.. Mr..Richard A. Sheca, local Realtor rec- oimnended the worlc be done by local appraisors. Mr. Willetts again reiterated•the point that a proper and thorough revaluation program be enacted without Purther delay with the best qualified appraisors whether outside or inside. - 'A