1956-08-20 Regular Meeting89 ? Meeting of August 6, 1956 - Continued At this point Mr. Broadhurst urged needed repairs and improvements to the County Home and 1 Farm; improvemen in Produce production, and also drainage. Mr. Mayhan•recommended putting Mr. Mintz in charge of farming operatious and Mr. [iall'said we should pay attention to the County Agent, Pir: BaggettTs reconunendations. Mr. Broadhurst also recoimnended visiting the State's Goldsboro Home for ideas that may be.helpful in the Parm and Home operations. y. • • • ?v. A conununicai:ion was received .from Mr. P'oster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court advising that a$20.00 monthly increase in_the salary for Tirs. Evelyn Larson, Typist-Clerk in his ?-?- Office recommended by him which was allowed in the Budget at $10.00 per rtionth on account ? she has not been employed as long'as the others on his staff, and later the $10:00 increase was eliminated. He asked that the $10.00 raise be restored. The County Auditor was in- structed to re-instate the increase of $10.00 in accordance with previous action of the , 13oat'd'S. ' . The monthly reports for July were received from the Veterans' Serviee Officer; Colored'Home Agent and the 4-H Clubs, also the ]3oard of Health for June aiid the same ordered filed. . . . . t,=._ Upon motion of Dir. Tlayhan, seconded by Pir. Hall County bills No. 3468 to 3562 were approved _?_ for payment. ' Upon motion of?Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan the meeting was adjourned. Clerk. ' O Wilmington, N. C., August 13, 1956. This being the date for the regular weekly meeting of the Board, no quorum appeared and aC. ? recess was taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday, August 20, 1956. ? tpD.e, A¢ -14 Clerk. Z? LqiLnington, N. C., August 20, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. FIall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Jas. E. Ho3ton, Jr., John Bright Hill, Couiaty Attorney and T.•ll. Love;•County Auditor. I The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Chas. E. Bernhardt, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church. • - Copies of the minutes of the meeting of August 6, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. - J- rir. PTayhan reported on his attendance to the• 49th Annual Conventio4of the State Association of County Commissioners at the Robert E. Lee Hotel, Winston Salem; N. C., August 12 thru as a very fine and successful meeting. • . Mr. Flenry E. Miller, speaking for the Wilmington Cont"r.actors Association urged the Board to C,ri'" take under consideration the appointment of a County Building Inspector to enforce the Build- iilg Gode Regulations in the County, and submitted a-communication to that end which was upon motion of Mr. Holton referred to the County Attorney for legal opinion and report back to the IIoard. • . Mr. Fred Sdilletts, Committee Chairman of the jdilmington Board of Realtors and members of the Board appeared to urge_the Commissioners to take immediate action toward a complete Revalua- L,^"? tion Program, and submitted.the following Resolution•adopted as of August 17, 1956: . !'The Board.of County Commissioners . New Hanover County , . Wilmington., North Carolina. . . Gentlemen: . . . The Wilmington Real Estate Board in Session this 17th day of August 1956 reviecaed the proposal presented to the Chairman of the ]3oard of County Commissioners on date of March 30, 1956. We saish to reiterate the points made at that time. In conjunction with this proposal the following Resolution was adopted today. • 1. ne it resolved that the Wilmington Board of Realtors are in favoi° of immediate action by the Board of County Commissioners to the end that a proper and thorough reevaluation program be enacted c,rithout further delay, • 2. That the I3oarcl of Realtors feels the County is justified in expend- iiig the necessary fwids to engage the firm best qualified to handl.e the re-evaluation program. 3. That the Board of Realtors further offers the services of its mem- ' , bers individually and collectively in an advisory capacity. , Yours very truly WILAiINGTOAT liOARD OP REALTORS . ' /s/ Frederick.Willetts Committee Chairman " • FW/cf . . .. . . . . Thereupon a lengthy discussion ensued as to the selection of appraisors to do the work whether local or outside Appraisal Companies.. Mr..Richard A. Sheca, local Realtor rec- oimnended the worlc be done by local appraisors. Mr. Willetts again reiterated•the point that a proper and thorough revaluation program be enacted without Purther delay with the best qualified appraisors whether outside or inside. - 'A ,90? Pleeting of August 20, 1956 - Continued ? Tax Supervisor, T. D. Love said two (2) outside firms and one (1) local firm were inter- ested and urged the Boardto decide what they want, and he will secure the further neces- _sary information and would have some tentative suggestions to make. Mr. Love felt that the County excluding Afunicipalities could be mapped and appraised without increasing the Tax Rate. Mr. Hall suggested that on reconunendation of Mr. Love, that specifications be prepared on what we want and on which to bid and submit same to the firms for new bids. It was then decided to request Air. Henry Leijt,a, Assis iLant Director of Institute of Gov- ernment to come down and give us the benefit of his'k-iiox-iiedge a`na 'experienEe o3"'revalua- tion work, at the earliest date possible. Mr. Lewis was iimnediately contacted by phone and'.arrangements were made with him to meet with us at 6:30 P.M., Tuesday, August 21st at a dinner meeting at the Cape Fear Club_to discuss the reealuation problem. The mem- bers of the Real Estate Boarii were invited to attend the meeting at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Addison Hewlett, Jr., Attorney, appeared for trie Board of Directors of the School for / Retarded Children to urge an appropriation of $1,000.00 be made toward the expense of the School for this fiscal year, as requested by Mxs, W. E. Sisson at the meeting of July 2, S 1956. After presentation of the request, hir. Holton moved and it was seconded by Air. Mayhan that an appropriation of $$1,000.00 be granted. A substitute motion was offered by Afr. Hall and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst that $500.00 be granted at this time and consideration be given for an additional appropriation, if avail- able, after distribution of the Budget Funds for various organizations has been worked out and ascertained. The substitute motion was carried on the affirmative vote of Commission- er Hall, Broadhurst and the Chairman. f Notice was received from the State Board of Allotments and Appeal upholding the rejection of the application of ICatie Leggett Brown, 3122 Queen Street on appeal for APTD Assisbance, because it was found upon reviewing by the State Office of the Piedical Consultant that she was not sufficiently disabled to be eligible for Assistance under the program. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Nir. hiayhan, Therese Bell Harris, colored, brought down from the State Hospital at Goldsboro, but harmless, according to the Hospital authbrities, and they insisted we move her was upon recoimnendation of the Superintendent of the Public Welfare, granted admission to the County Home. Surety Bond Por R. H. Williams as a Justice of Peace in the amount of $1,000.00 with the National Surety Corporation as Surety, the same having been approved as to form and execu- tion by the County Attorney was upon motion of PSr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, ac- cepted. A check for $166,790.17 which represents the County's share of Intangibles Personal Proper, , ty Tax distribution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956 was received from Mr. J. C. . ?. ,,,,?Bethune, Executive Secretary of the State Board of Assessment and the same was turned over to the County Auditor. APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION c ? ? ?The County's 1956-1957 Budget Appropriations, after due notice given by advertisement in ?????„accordance with the Law, were finally adopted, and upon motion of Mr. Ilolton, seconded by Mr. Hall, the following Appropriation ftesolution was adopted, all members voting affirma- tively: . ? ' Section 1. Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, this 20th day of August, 1956, that the expense for County Govern- ment, its activities and Institutions, for the fiscal year ending June 30, - 1957, the amounts of the following schedule, or so much of each as may be • necessary, are hereby aPpropriated. Section 2. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for . General Fund . . .... .. .... ... .... . . ...... .. ......... . . .. ..$ ... 519,575.82 Section 3. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Agriculture and Economics ....... . . .... ....... . . ... 19,545.00 Section 4. That for the said fiscal yeartheie ishereby appropriated for Aid to I31ind . ......... ... . ..... .. ....... . ... •12,123:00 Section 5. -. That for the saidfiscal yearthere is hereby appropriated for Aid to Dependent Children ....... .......... ............. ...... 356,400.00 Section 6. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for / Aid to Permanently and Totally llisa bled ... ............. ...... 173,880.00 Section ?7. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Old Age Assistance .. ...... ... .. . ... . ........ . ... 403,560.00 5ection S. That for the said fiscal year there ishereby appropriated for Hospitalization . . , ..... ... .... .. .. ............. . ... 64 800.00 Section 9. That for the said fiscalyear there ishereby appropriated Por 0 ' Welfare . .. ..... ...... . .. .. .... ........ .. . ... 117,207.50 Section 10. That for the saidfiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Conununity Hospital .. ..... ... .... .. . ........ .. . ... 86 901.67 Section 11. That for the said fiscal year there ishereby appropriated for , Workmen's Compensation ...... .. .... .. . ....... . . .,.. 3,452.09 Section 12. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for . Health b'und ............... o. . .. . . ..... ....... • ... 84 313.33 Section 13. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for 1 County Home 6 0 . 6 ......... 0 ..... ....... . ......... .. . ... . 88,578.50 Section 14. That for the saidfiscal yearthere is hereby appropriated for School Bond Fund ..... .......... • .......... ............. ...... 243 337.50 Section 15. That for the said fiscal year there ishereby appropriated for - 0 School Book Fund ........ ... .... ....... . ... 20• 000 00 Section 16. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for , . School Building F'und ...... ... . . ..... ......... o ... 52 898.83 Section 17. That for the said fiscalyear there ishereby appropriated for 1 School Regular Pund . .... . ... • ........ ....... . .. ...... 408 490.00 Section 18. That for the said fiscal yearthere ishereby appropriated for P School Supplement FZnd ..... ... .. . .. ....... . . ... 367 500.00 Section 19. That for the said fiscal yearthere ishereby appropriated for , 5chool Veteran8' Fund .... 243 11 55 Section 20. . .. That for the said fiscal.yearthere .. • .... ishereby ............. appropriated . ..... for , . , School Lunch Room Fund .......... .......... ............. ...... 50 000000 Section 21. That for the said fiscal-year there is hereby appropriated for , . School Pension Fund ...... 20 420 91 Section 22. That for the said fiscalyearthere . ....... ishereby ........... o. appropriated . .. Por . 1 School Capital Outlay ,. . .......... ............. . ... 50,000.00 Section 23. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby approp'riated for School Junior College .... .. 148 000 00 ? . .. .. . . . . .. .......... TotalBud?et ....... , . .... . ]A /? ... 3?{?IZ Meeting of August 20, 1956 - Continued Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board authorized payment of $5.00 ? Surety Bond premium for Chief of Police Glover of Kure Beach, as Deputy Sheriff on recom- mendation of the 6heriff to enable him to serve as an officer outside his present juris- diction•when neeessary; and for future consideration•of rendering assistance to the Sheriff when called upon and without coneensation. ' • Upon motiou of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Pir. Hall,.the Board confirmed a previous action to permit the Carolina Beach Boosters Association to put on an exhibition of Fire Worlcs at ,? Carolina I3each, Tuesday, August 14, 1956 and Augusi; 17, 1956 and on Labor Day, September 3, 1956 in connection with their entertainnient and Advertising Program, under the supervisiori of experts in accordance with Chapter 210, Session Laws of North Carolina, 1947. , A telegram was received from Colonel Kenneth M. Corbett, Commanding Headquarters 252nd AA.A ' Group, NCNG now traiizing at Fort Steiaart, Ga., inviting trie County Commissioner§ to visit them during their encampment. Tnstructions,were given to acknowledge his invitation with thanks and that we will visit him and the group if we can. A letter of apprecia.tion was received from•the Optimist Club of Winter Parlc for our assist- a,,?. ance in helping develop the Little Tar Aeel League Ball Diamond in Iiugh MacRae Park, f-?U?' . A letter was received from Pir. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the New Hanover.liistorical Com- mission asking that black paint be applied to the inscriptions on the memorial markers at Fort Pisher, Kure Beach and at Sugar Loaf Battlefield; that the same may be more easily'read, caas referred to Mr. Rhoda Farrow to touch up the inscription as requested. A request from Mr. T. A. Crews that an easement he gave the County for/five (5) feet of his Ls ?° larid at Oak Crest for drainage ri;ht-of=way be returned to him inasmuch as the same has not been used by the County for that purpose; was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, mconded by T4r. Hall granted. 1 Monthly reports for July were received from County N'arm Agent; County Home Agent; Wilmington 4?aAl`& Public Library; Bookmobile and Wilmington Colored Library. . . ? A list of requests for Ditch Drainage and Shrubbing from the various property owners up to 2R- August 14, was turned over to Mr. Dave Rivenbark for investigation and processing, was sub- mitted to the Board. . Copies of a tentative program of the rTew Hanover County Safety Council for 1956-1957 sub- S4_,K mitted by Mr. Charles T. Burke were distributed to members of the Board for study and to be approached on the matter at a later date. ? Upon motion of Ntr. IIall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, County bills No. 3584 to 3657 and 3677 to _:7'y' 3719 were approved for payment. . The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civi; cases for two (2) weeks term beginning September 10, 1956: Laurin B. Askew, 2231 Camellia Drive T. M. Patrick, Rte.3-Box 267 Robert A. Woodcock, Rte.3-Box 127 Charles F. Nurnberger, 109 Central Blvd., A. U. Byrd, Rte.3-Box 478 Sylvester Taylor, Jr., 211 Kendall Avenue D. C. Smith, 30-T Lake Forest Alexander Weide, 107 Long Leaf Drive Robert Grady, Rte.l Castle Hayne William E. Ilesaett, Rte.3-Box 6 Hoger R. Smith, Jr., 1908 Nun Street William Henry Mason, Jr., Rte.3 Albert F. Melvin, Rte.3-Box 189 Jacob Horowitz, 2406 South Front Street M. D. Piosely, P. 0. Box 137, Carolina Bch. Curtis•S. Newton, 2836-Jefferson Street C. L. Landrum, 3920•Market Street R. B. Housand, 2731 Harrison Street For Week Beginning September 17: Geo. W. Martin, 3200 Market Street Road R: J. Schnell, 2534 FIarrison Drive A. K. Inman, 9-H Lake Village YI. J. Sharpe,.2112 Kenwood Avenue Dewey R. Breece, 4302 Sarightsville Avenue J. A. Baynes, Jr., 417 South 19th Street R. J. Powell, 2223, Plaza Drive Thurman L. Watson, 205 Williamson llrive D. G. Ellers, 314 Castle Hayne Road Edward J. Sco'tt, I3ox 237, Castle Aayne Coy S. Bridgers, 3811 Market Street Oscar C. Jones, 217 Lake Forest Parksaay R. J. Booker, Rte.3-Box 210 L. G. Bennett, 48 Hudson Drive' Clayton Nayl-or, 419 Castle Hayne Road Piildred L. Watson, 111 Penn Street E. H. Iiill, 2732-C Adams Street d. A. HS11, 29 Keniaood Avenue lludley J. Tabor, Rte.2-Box 404-A ' J. Q. Butler, 206 Pinecrest Parkcaay Hobert W. Pfurray, 5032 South 18th Street Hubert Barnes, 128 Rutledge Drive H. T. Grant, 2515 Burnett Blvd. R. A. Chadwick, 314 South 17th Street John D.;Doscher, 1708 Princess Street Donald E: Lee, 101 South 16th Street John Norwood Smith, 16-I Lake Village H. M. E1'dridge, 2012 Klein Road David AicGuire, Jr., Rte.l Castle Hayne jdilliam M. Saleeby, 1912 Woolcott Avenue C. D. Thompson, Sr., 4402 Park Avenue Harold M. Becker, 208 Nox•thern Boulevard Jodie Mills, 12-G Lake Forest Ernest Sidbury, Rte.l-Box 239 Leon L. Croom, 213 Vance Street Ed Schulken, Jr., 104 Colonial Village James H. Batuyios, 2127 Klein Road R. S. Horrell, 2507 North Tlonroe Street G. K. Aor.ton, 1151 Porest?Hills John C. iJoodcock, Rte.3-Box 127 G. J. Bryan, Rte.l-Box 143 W. J. Porter, 186 Lake Forest R. W. Pottinger, C-25 - Box 281 W. T. Mahler,-155 Colonial Circle Richard V. Jones, Jr., 16-B Lake N'orest Theodore C. Allgood, 2328 South N'ront Street John T. Smith, 404 Central Boulevard J. W. Permenter, Rte.l-Box 167 Fial. R. Singletary, 2309 Chestnut Street J. C. Moore, 708 South 6th Street R. W. Smith, 15 North 2nd Street H. G. HuUbard, 1913 Church Street R. V. Edwards, Rte.l-Box 213 Archie Grady, Rte.l-Box 103 Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by•Mr. Hall, the meeting adjourned. ? Clerk. I