1956-08-30 Special Meeting,94 , Wilmingtal, N. C., August 30, 1956.' Pursuant to recess taken Monday, August 27, 1956, the Board met this day at 11:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners.J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. piayhan, James E. Holton, Jr.,,John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor and Tax Supervisor. The meeting was held for the purpose of further checking the specifications on which bids are to ? be submitted for the revaluation program of the County. After changes were made in the specifi- , cations by the County Attorney as directed at the meeting of August 27, 1956. /? C?" The specifications as amended were read by the County Attorney, and after further changes agreed upon, Mr. Hall moved that the same be approved and bids for the revaluation.of property in the , County in accordance with the specifications to be received, opened and read at a meeting of the Board to be held 10:00 A. M., September 17, 1956; and further, if any bidder coho declines to sub- mit a bid in accordance with the said specifications, may submit a bid on his own. The County Commissioners reserving the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid that may seem • to be to the best interest of the County in awarding the contract. The meeting then adjourned. Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., September 10, 1956, The regular wee ly meetin; of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest H. Tfayhan, L.E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend M. J. McChesney, Pastor of Izrunanuel Presby- terian Church. Copies of the minutes of the meetiug of August 27, 1956, having previously been.mailed to each mem- ber of the 13oard, the same were upon motion of Mr. Aiayhan, seconded by Mr. Ilall, approved. The question that of purchasing a pocaer lawn mower which is on ti°ial at the County Home for keep- ing the lawn in good condition, was discussed, and Mr. Hall feeling conditions around the barn and G'?e'*?other areas of heavy growth iaould warrant the purchase of a power mower and moved that same be pur- chased at an approximate cost of $75.00, was seconded by Mr. Holton and carried. A motion filed in the Superior Court by $ewlett and Williams, Attorneys, with a copy to this Board that a judgment in the case of New FIanover County, et al against James T. Lowe and wife Ardella Lowe for taxes, costs and interest thru the years 1950 and 1951 on one (1) acre of land part of Williams on the east side of the Carolina Beach Highway in Federal Point Township be set aside and that the Tax Deed from G. C. McIntire, Commissioner to C. W. Davis and wife dated February 25, 1955 and re- corded February 26, 1955 in Book 563, Page 94, be declared null and void for the reason that it ap- pears,from the affidavit by James T. Lowe that all sums of money tahich might possibly be due under the judgments caere paid by him and further, that said sale from G. C. McIntire, Commissioner to C.W. llavis and wiFe was based on the bid by C. W. llavis and wife in the amount of $138.00 is inadequate for that even the tax valuation placed on said property is $925.00, and that the actual value of said property is at least $2,000.00, and that no service has ever been had at any time on his wife, Ardella Lowe who is incompetent mentally and a patient at the State Mental Hospital in Goldsboro since 1944; caas upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Hall approved and the bid price of $138..0 paid by Mr. C. W. Davis for the purchase of said property at the tax sale was ordered refunded to him. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board concurred in the action of the State Re- tirement System according to a conununication received from the Board of Education to place riarguerite /O C. Ready, 65-year old colored school teacher on the Retirement list as of July 1, 1956. She has dtaught 23 years in Ajew Hanover County, hocaever, five (5) of those years saere taught in the o1d?Gregory E? Normal School, a private school sponsored by the American Missionary Assoeiation of New York City. The Board of Education further advised that half of her avera e salary for the last five (5) years would amount to $1,768.10 per year. The State will pay her 9600.00 which would leave a balance of ?1,168.10,to be paid by the New Hanover County Retirement b3and. A petition of fifteen (15) property owners to open and pave Jefferson Street Extension (Outside the / City Limits) in Plasonboro Township, a distance of one and half Blocks on which six (6).houses are lo- cated iaas upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall approved and referr'ed to the State Aigh'- way and Public Works Commission. ? A communication was received from Mr. Glenn Tucker, Realtor of Carolina Beach, sixggesting a joint Session betcaeen the County Comttiissioners and the Governing Bodies of the various incorporated Cities and Towns within the County as to what they may think of the County revaluation situation; and to dis- cuss certain pertinent items related to municipal problems. Steps having already been taken to re- ??aN ceive bids on specifications adopted to bring this matter to a conclusion further steps are not nec- essary at this time, however, instructions were given to advise Mr. Tucker the Board will be glad to hear any group on Monday morning meetings on any question of public interest. A request from Pir. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court to transfer $274.00 from Bonds to Capital Outlay within his Budget to purchase a desk, typewriter and chair needed in his Office to replace the ?office furniture and equipment.borrowed from the Office of Civil Defense which was returned; was upon 'motion of Mr. BroadY?urst, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board approved the payment of bills of ex- ? pense for holding the extra General Election, September 8, 1956 in the total amount of $7,265.54 as ?,?m,,,Oper statement presented by Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the County Board of Elections. The County to be wholl reimbursed b the State as rovided b Act of the 5 ecial Session of the Le Y y p y p gislatur.e covering the School Amendment Act 1956. The list of ditch cleaning and drainage requests received from various citizens for week ending eptember 7, was turned over to Mr. Rivenbark for processing. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, it was agreed.the next dragline project to be placed on the agenda for ? drainage to be the W. W. All problem in the area between Wallace Avenue Extension and the T. B. >r,pvA,?"Hospital to tie in with the Bradley Creek Canal. , / Upon motion, payment of $25.00 to the Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce for the! County's one half share of cost for advertisement in the Junior Chamber of Commerce State Directory last year was ap- proved for payment with the understanding that future payments for advertisements will not be paicyfiy the County unless it has been authorized by the Board. ? A request of the Colored Home Agent to purchase secretarial desk, chair, filing cabinet?and hand-op- ? erated adding machine which she said is needed for her Department at a cost of approximately $$454.00 was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst referred to the Clerk to procee? along the most economical line to purchase the same. ` .