1956-09-17 Regular MeetingPieeting of September 10, 1956 - Continued E. S. Ackerman, 2919 Adans Street J."M.'Gregg, Jr., Gregg Brothers Herbert Smith, 1 Liberty Court Aaron Everett, Rte.3-Box 78 W. B. Hanchey, 323 Williamson Drive A. W. Land, 308 Castle Street J. F. Murray, Rte.l-Box 313 E. W. Sikes, 27 Jackson Drive James H. Dfedlin, Sr., 2522 Monroe Street James H. Moore, Rte.l-Box 93 J. C. Dlelton, Rte.3-Box 266 ' N. A. Simpkins, 514 Ann Street II. E. Shepard, 2734 South Front Street James C. Clarida, Rte.l-Box 82 D. Elmer Kelly, 2718 South Jackson Street H. B. Moore, 211 Northern Boulevard M. T. Craig, 312 North 3rd Street L. E. Culbreth, 5-C Lake Forest J. G. Register, 124 Victoria Drive A. P. Grimstead, 302 Castle Hayne Road Edward Lewis, 17-K Lake Village John B. Riggs, C-25 - Box 323 Amos Smith, Rte.2 • • E. K. Chestnut, 239 Davie Drive Robert A. Nioore, Rte.l-Box 442 R. E. Tapp, 1920 Princess Street L. C. Smith, Jr., 4502 Peachtree Street G. R. Howard, 111 South 17th Street The meeting then adjourned. Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., September 17, 1956. / The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Yresent: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest H. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John Bright Hill, County ALtorney and T. D. Love County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Aeverend Milton J. Boone, Pastor of the Masonboro Baptist Church. • Copies of the minutes of the meeting of September 10, 1956 having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion by Pir. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. ,p Mr. H. F. Beasley of 502 North 45th Street, Tdinter Park was present to complain of Mr. George ?'? A. Brickle, 4921 Maple Avenue, Winter Park blocking traffic over the Meares Road, a former Q?/? County-maintained road and a neighborhood road, at a point over the lands of Beasley and Brickle east of Kerr Avenue, was advised by the County Attorney to take action against the party and employ a lawyer to handle it for him. tIOCaever, the Board upon motion of Mr. Iiolton instructed the Clerk to write Mr. Brickle requesting him to open the road to traffic for the benefit of the citizens. • r1r. Cicero P. Yow, City Attorney appeared to ask that restriction on the use of the Legion Stadium contained in the lleed of Conveyance by the County to the City be removed by Legis- lative enactment to enable the City to have a free hand in making improvements, and dispos- ing of certain portions of the property for funds to improve this facility. The request was tabled for further consideration after a motion offered by Atr. Hall to remove Certain restrictions to enable the City to sell off portions of the back property and put the pro- ceeds back into the improvements to the facility, failed of a second. •This being the date set by the Board to receive bids for the revaluation of property in ac- cordance with the action by the Commissioners on August 30, 1956, the folloiaing bids saere received: Cole-Layer-Trumble Company,•Dayton, Ohio - Appraise all proPerty City and County without mapping .-. $ 124,500.00 Mapping of property in County ........................ 70;000.00 Plapping Rural County only ...... ...................... 32,000.00 Pfapping Urban property . ... ...... .. ....... .. 47,000.00 Alternate bids for-appraising andmapping allproperty . 2150000.00 R. C. Cantwell, Local Appraisers -• Feeling our specifications were too extensive to follow, submitted a bid on his own to appraise all property at $2.50 per parcel; the County to furnish such maps as necessary or reply on questionnaire to secure the necessary information needed. Also submitted a verbal bid of $85,000.00 maximum for the entire project. It was announced by Mr. Love, Tax Supervisor, that the Uid of E. T. Wilkins & Associates ? of Lincol'n, Nebraska, would stand as originally bid of $92,500.00 for appraising the entire C6""?^ County - plus--b`72,000.00 for mapping. Or, mappiug the Rural areas only at $18,000.00 Plus $57,000.00 for mapping all Urban property, as they did not care to bid on,our speciPications. rir. M. H. Lander, Civil Engineer was present to advise that he xaith Andrews and Biglow, lo- cal Engineers had prepared a proPosal on mappiizg the County but would not suUmit the figures on the project at this time on a competitive basis as tYie ethics of his profession caould not permit it. He felt that best qualified Enginezrs should be selected to do the worlc, and would not submit a price at this time, but if callecl in would be glad to discuss price at any time but not on a competitive basis to which the Chairman responded that such a pro- posal could not be considered. A communication was received from h1r. Richard A. Shew, local Realtor wYtich was presented by him following up his previous endorsement to employ local people to carry out the revalua- tion program and called attention to Sections 404 and 408 of the Plachinery Act, General Statutes 105, 287 and 291 which provides for the appointment oP resident appraisers and as- sessors, and ssghted the case of E. T. Wilkins & Associates of Nebraska, a foreign organiz- ation pending on appeal in the Supreme Court from Henderson County on the legality of non- residents making the appraisal of property for tax purposes. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, the Board thanked the gentleruen for the bids submitted and the same were received for the study by the Commissioners. Upon motion, instructions were given to advertise for bids for the purchase of one (1) one-ton, six (6) or eight (8) cylinder Trudk, Chassis and Cab without body for the County Farm less trade-in allowance for the old Chevrolet Truck. ' '? ? A request of John C. Thomas for mosquito control drainage at a place across Wrightsville Nk 1 Avenue opposite Pete Peterson, west Seagate was received for investigation. L? 951 Meeting of September 17, 1956 - Continued , ?• A communication was received from the Reverend Randolph.L. Gregory, President of the Com- munity Council requesting an audience with the Commissinners the first meeting in January 1957 to present recommendations regarding the expenditures of the $50,000.00 received from" the sale of the T. B. Sanatorium, and asked that the funds be held aside.until the.Commis- sioners have had an opportunity to review the reconunendations of the Community Council. No action was taken at this time. A request from Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager to transfer $400.00 from money receiv- ed from the Navy to ElectriCal Supplies under his Budget to replace $326.29 spent out of his t appropriation of $400.00, lea.ving a balance of $73.71 for repairs to the runway•and taxi-way lights damaged caused by lightning, August 16, 1956 was declined, but a transfer of funds out of the Emergency Punds if and when needed would be given consideration. J? An offer was submitted by the Willetts Realty Company to purchase tax f,oreclosure property ??' part of Lot 5 in Block 37 at a price of $300.00 was upon motion of Mr. 13roadhurst, seconded ? by Mr. Mayhan, approved subject to tkie approval by the City,•and•the Chairman and Clerk of -r-? the Board were autriorized and directed to sign a Deed conveying the property to the purchas- er upon payment of the purchase price. • ? A letter of thanks was received from Pir. John H.,Farrell, Executive Manager of the South- eastern North Carolina Beach Association for the $750.00 appropriation for their 1956-1957 Advertising Program, ? A copy of a letter from Walker 'Paylor,. Insurance, to the General Adjustment Bureau, acknowl-?" edging a claim for $12.25 Windstorm damage at the Airport Terminal was received from Mr. John A. Ldestbrook, Airport Manager. With reference to a request of Mr. Y. H. Sponcler, Deputy Clerk of Recorder's Court for an increase in salary from ?p352.00 per month to $400.00 per month submitted to this Board September 10, 1956 was declined. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Holton, the .? Board voted to stand by its agreement in the preparation of the Budget not to allow County employes more than fp20.00 per month increase in salaries for 1956-1957 as final, and order- ed that the three (3) employes, namely: J. S. Williamso.n, Mrs. Mae Stuart and Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden who were set up in the Budget to receive an increase of $25.00 each per month , were reduced to $20.00 each per month as of October 1, 1956,. ` l ? Reports for August were received from: Wilmington Public Library and Boolrniobile; Tdilmington Colored Library. • , , Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, •seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 4063 to 4103 were approved for payment. , 7'he meeting then adjourned. Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., September 24, 1956 The regular weekly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. IIall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L.E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. 'Phe meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend J. P. C. Johnson, Yastor of Fourth Street Advent Christian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of September 17, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the 13oard, the same were upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved, f ` • ?,R,?? ? The following Resolution submitted by the United States Distr:ict Engineer regarding the re- moval of debris attributable to hurricanes, from existing agricultural streams and outlets in New Hanover County was adopted: RESOLUTION At the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, on the 24, day of September 1956, the following resolution was pre- sented by Mr. L. E. Broadhurst and seconded by Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., and unanimously adopted. •THAT WHEREAS, the United States of America, consistent with the policies and prin- cipals of Public Law 875, 81st Congress, 2nd Session, approved recommendation made by a Special Board of Investigation on Federal Disaster Assistance in the Carolinas authorized the removal of debris, attributable to hurricanes, from existing agricultural drainage out- lets, streams, canals, chamiels and rivers in certain areas within the State of North Car- olina more particularly in New Hanover County. AND WHEREAS, as a part of said work certain requirements are made to secure local cooperation on the part of local interests as set forth in the Report of Special'Board of Investigation for Federal Disaster Assistance in the Carolinas as follows: provide with- out cost to the United States of America, all easements, rights-of-way, access to'work sites, debris disposal sites, and all other prerequisites to the actual prosecution of the work and shall riold the United St'ates of America, harmless and free frora claims for damages to proper- ty, persons, or things•due to the orderly processes of the work of improvement in the area.s set forth on the map attaclled; ' ANll WHEREAS, the said Board of Commissioriers being cognizant of the importance and benefit to be derived by the people of Neca Hanover County, growing out of said proposed im- provement, desires to guarantee to the United States of America the local cooperation for the aforesaid improvement. NOW THEHEF'OHE BE IT RESOLVLD, that the County of New FIanover guarantees to the United States of America, in consideration of the work of the aforesaid improbements, the requirements as to local cooperation hereinbefore set forth and that the County of New Han-. over will release, hold and save the United Stai;es of America free from such damages as may grow out of the caork of the aforesaid improvement. -A