1956-09-24 Regular Meeting951 Meeting of September 17, 1956 - Continued , ?• A communication was received from the Reverend Randolph.L. Gregory, President of the Com- munity Council requesting an audience with the Commissinners the first meeting in January 1957 to present recommendations regarding the expenditures of the $50,000.00 received from" the sale of the T. B. Sanatorium, and asked that the funds be held aside.until the.Commis- sioners have had an opportunity to review the reconunendations of the Community Council. No action was taken at this time. A request from Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager to transfer $400.00 from money receiv- ed from the Navy to ElectriCal Supplies under his Budget to replace $326.29 spent out of his t appropriation of $400.00, lea.ving a balance of $73.71 for repairs to the runway•and taxi-way lights damaged caused by lightning, August 16, 1956 was declined, but a transfer of funds out of the Emergency Punds if and when needed would be given consideration. J? An offer was submitted by the Willetts Realty Company to purchase tax f,oreclosure property ??' part of Lot 5 in Block 37 at a price of $300.00 was upon motion of Mr. 13roadhurst, seconded ? by Mr. Mayhan, approved subject to tkie approval by the City,•and•the Chairman and Clerk of -r-? the Board were autriorized and directed to sign a Deed conveying the property to the purchas- er upon payment of the purchase price. • ? A letter of thanks was received from Pir. John H.,Farrell, Executive Manager of the South- eastern North Carolina Beach Association for the $750.00 appropriation for their 1956-1957 Advertising Program, ? A copy of a letter from Walker 'Paylor,. Insurance, to the General Adjustment Bureau, acknowl-?" edging a claim for $12.25 Windstorm damage at the Airport Terminal was received from Mr. John A. Ldestbrook, Airport Manager. With reference to a request of Mr. Y. H. Sponcler, Deputy Clerk of Recorder's Court for an increase in salary from ?p352.00 per month to $400.00 per month submitted to this Board September 10, 1956 was declined. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Holton, the .? Board voted to stand by its agreement in the preparation of the Budget not to allow County employes more than fp20.00 per month increase in salaries for 1956-1957 as final, and order- ed that the three (3) employes, namely: J. S. Williamso.n, Mrs. Mae Stuart and Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden who were set up in the Budget to receive an increase of $25.00 each per month , were reduced to $20.00 each per month as of October 1, 1956,. ` l ? Reports for August were received from: Wilmington Public Library and Boolrniobile; Tdilmington Colored Library. • , , Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, •seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 4063 to 4103 were approved for payment. , 7'he meeting then adjourned. Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., September 24, 1956 The regular weekly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. IIall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L.E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. 'Phe meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend J. P. C. Johnson, Yastor of Fourth Street Advent Christian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of September 17, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the 13oard, the same were upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved, f ` • ?,R,?? ? The following Resolution submitted by the United States Distr:ict Engineer regarding the re- moval of debris attributable to hurricanes, from existing agricultural streams and outlets in New Hanover County was adopted: RESOLUTION At the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, on the 24, day of September 1956, the following resolution was pre- sented by Mr. L. E. Broadhurst and seconded by Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., and unanimously adopted. •THAT WHEREAS, the United States of America, consistent with the policies and prin- cipals of Public Law 875, 81st Congress, 2nd Session, approved recommendation made by a Special Board of Investigation on Federal Disaster Assistance in the Carolinas authorized the removal of debris, attributable to hurricanes, from existing agricultural drainage out- lets, streams, canals, chamiels and rivers in certain areas within the State of North Car- olina more particularly in New Hanover County. AND WHEREAS, as a part of said work certain requirements are made to secure local cooperation on the part of local interests as set forth in the Report of Special'Board of Investigation for Federal Disaster Assistance in the Carolinas as follows: provide with- out cost to the United States of America, all easements, rights-of-way, access to'work sites, debris disposal sites, and all other prerequisites to the actual prosecution of the work and shall riold the United St'ates of America, harmless and free frora claims for damages to proper- ty, persons, or things•due to the orderly processes of the work of improvement in the area.s set forth on the map attaclled; ' ANll WHEREAS, the said Board of Commissioriers being cognizant of the importance and benefit to be derived by the people of Neca Hanover County, growing out of said proposed im- provement, desires to guarantee to the United States of America the local cooperation for the aforesaid improvement. NOW THEHEF'OHE BE IT RESOLVLD, that the County of New FIanover guarantees to the United States of America, in consideration of the work of the aforesaid improbements, the requirements as to local cooperation hereinbefore set forth and that the County of New Han-. over will release, hold and save the United Stai;es of America free from such damages as may grow out of the caork of the aforesaid improvement. -A I96 Meeting of September 24, 1956 - Continued M ?? ?;??-?r. W. M. Hewlett and a delegation of local Healtors appeared to offer their servzces and cooperation to complete to fair market valuation the revaluation of all Real Estate in New Hanover County within fourteen (14) months or in time for the 1958 tax assessments at a cost of ?88,550.00, in accordance with a proposal signed by eighteen (18) Realtors and As- sociates submitted to the Board. No mapping will be required they said, but will use such maps as are available. Pir. Love, Tax Supervisor, said this was a serious matter, and he will carry it out accord- ing to the Machinery Act. We will hire men to do the work and these gentlemen will caork with them. There will be no discrimination, and will folloia the Law. FIe said he can `.handle it "if you want me to do 50", and added most of the areas are mapped. Mr. Mayhan raised the question, would the appraisers appraise tYieir own property? He was advised by Mr. Hewlett that would be done by another group. After further discussion, Mr. Holton moved to thank the gentlemen for their proposal and,we ill meet c.lth the County Attorney tomorrow 7:30 P.M., to give an answer. His motion was seconded by Mr. NIayhan and carried. • A copy of a letter from Mr. Isaac Wright, Attorney to Mr. C. R. Piorse, Tax Collector concern- ing a tax foreclosure of the property of the Heirs of Oscar Williams in Block 36, which sale was confirmed by the Clerk of Superior Court and set aside by the Supe rior Court and appeal - , of the case to the Supreme Court contemPlated on account of improper services. Margaret White, one of the heirs ofPers to pay all the taxes, street assessment and costs so as to free this proPerty from any tax claim or lien. The Tax Collector was upon motion of P1r. ? Holton, seconded by Tir. Hall instructed not to accept any money on either side until the Supreme Court renders a decision in the case. A request of twenty-four (24) property owners of Cape Fear Tosanship to pave Oakley Circle, a roadtaay approximately 1/2 mile in length on which five (5) houses are loca.ted was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Hall approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Sdorks Commission. With reference to notice received from the United States District Engineers concerning the advisability of Federal improvements in the vicinity of Carolina Beach with particular re- ference to an Inlet and Channel north of Carolina Beach, a Tidal Lock in Snows Cut and a? small-craft Channel and Basin in Carolina IIeach Harbor, concerning which a public hearing , -was held, october 7, 1946. Since that time local interests have opened the Znlet and have improved the Boat Basin, however, provisions for an improved Inlet or of a Tidal Lock in the tidaterway would be very costly and economically unjustified. They find moreover that Federal participation in improvements and maintenance ot a small-Boat Basin and Channel may W0411,v be justified. Upon motion of Dir. IIall, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board endorsed furth- d er improvements to the small-Boat Basin and Channel andAlso that further consideration be given the Tidal Lock and further improvements to the Inlet, and instructions were given to write the Lngineers to that effect. ? No objections were indicaLed by the Board from a stand point of navigation to the United T States District Engineer granting a permit to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company to construct a telephnne line of 30-foot clearance above mean high tide across the North East= ' Cape Fear River near Castle Hayne. A request of Pirs. J. W. Walton for a refund of taxes paid on an assessment of $1,000.00 ?m cliarged in error on Lot at Seagate since 1935, was upon motion of Dir. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, granted for the previous two (2) years, or, as far back as the Law will al- low. The request was investigated and recommended by the Tax Assessor. ? , Mrs. Walton's request for a reduction of the $4,030.00 assessment on Lot 14, Seagate, which , she says is too high and out of line with other similar and adjacent property was received .for consideration by the Board of Equalization and Review. ? s.- A request of the Oakdale Cemetery Company to be released from the payment of the 1956 taxes.% on property in Block 465 purchased from Henry B. Rehder, December 23, 1955 and used exclus - ively for cemetery purposes was granted, and ordered placed on the tax-free list in accord- ance with the Law, the same having been purchased prior to January 1, 1956. Their similar request on_property in Blocks 463 and 464 purchased from Pirs. Eli2a B. William- son, et al, by Deed dated March 160 1956 was declined for the reason the said property was owned and lawfully assessed for taxes against the ocaner as of January 1, 1956 for the full taxable year 1956. The title to same did not pass to the Cemetery Company until March 16, 1956. A report for August was received from the County Farm Demonstration Agent." ?q" A statement was received fY?om the State Board of Public ?Jelfare showing that $68,080.60 ?c,yn ? State and Federal Funds were sent to this County for the month of August for Assi_stance Grants and Administration, ? Upon motion of P1r. liolton., seconded by Mr. Hall, the County Auditor was authorized and direct- 1tJv ed to transfer $400.00 from the Unanticipated Receipts to Electrical Supplies under the Air-. port Budget to meet bills payable. Tt appeared that funds set up in the Budget for this purpose were exhausted by reason of necessary repairs to damages caused by lighning, August 16, 1956. , , The $25.00 per month salary increase set up in the Budget for Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden in the ?o- Welfare Department which was cut back to $20.00 per month at meeting of September 17, 1956 ?6G A"?• to conform with agreement of the Commissioners not to allow County em.ployes more than $20.00 •? per month increase in salaries for 1956-1957 was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by r ' Pir. Holton reconsidered and restored back to $25.00 as set up on the Budget, to meet the re- quirements of the State's Merit System, otherwise under the State's Merit System it would have to be set back to $10.00 per month. An invitation was received from Mr, Nat S. Crews, Chairman of the Gove.rnor's Youtki Service Commission to attend one of their scheduled meetings thru out the State thru OctOber 26 to study and discuss a proposed system of family courts recommended by the Commission. Upon motion, County bills No. 4131 to 4171 were approved for payment. ? L, _. ?.. -. ? Meeting of September 24, 1956 - Continued 971 With reference to a request of the City to have certain restrictions removed from the Deed ? of Conveyance of the Legion Stadium to the City to enable the City to make certain further / improvements to the facility, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall re- ferred to the City apa County Attorneys to study the provisions of the lleed and report back to the Board. The meeting then adjourned. , Clerk. , Wilmington, N.'C., October 11 1956.q?/ 7 The regular weelcly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Cmnmissioners J. M. Iiall, Jr., Ernest R. Piaynan, L. E. Broadllurst,. Jas. E. Holton, Jr., John'Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opeued with prayer by the Clerk. Copies of the minutes of September 24 havirig previously been maiied, to each member of the Board, ? the same were upon,moti.on of bSr: Mayhan, s?conded by Mr. Hall, apgroved. Mr. C. R. riorse, Tax Collector made his report of settlement of 1955 taxes as shown below whichTO? was upon motiun of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, accepted subject to the check of the Cer- tified Public Accountants STATEMLIQT OF 1955 COiiNTY TAXES CFIARGEll TO 'PHE TAX COLLECTUR Listed as per Abstract lteal Estate & Personal Property ? 1,309,809.27 Late and "not-listed" Real Esta,te & Yersonal I'roperty 44,839.70 Less Abatements liisted and Collected by tlie Tax Collector Penalty Collected Advertising Cost Collected ;;c 2?e :k' YF :c •. ?;e :A ' yF Real Estate Sold for Taxes Late and "Not-listed" Sold Insolvents' ' Taxes Prepaid lliseount Allowed Collected by the Tax Collector and Deposited in the Wilmington Savings & Trust Company Over =F YF . %k r . * :k /s/ - C. R. Morse - C. tt. Dlorse - city- & CounLy Tax Collector ?p 10354,648.97 4,251.72 1,350, 397.25 3,943.60 3,469.14 102.65 $ 1,357,912.64 ? 39,526.19 7,227.16 21,405.20 382,151.69 2,217.28 905,501.51 $ 1,3551029.03 116.39 $ 11357,912.64 A list of Insolvents for 1955 prepared by'the Tax Collector in accordance with the-T;aw was re-TO ceived and filed. • ' ' The 1956 Tax Books tobether with the necessary orders required'by Statute were then presented to the Board by the County Audi_tor in the amounts of $1,452,096.57 taxes due the County and $1,315,784.33 taxes due the City of Wilmington, making a total of $2,767,880.90, which was upon moti a1 of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, accepted ancl ordered. turned over to the Tax Col- lector foi collection. The County Auditor and Tax Supervisor reported total values of $118,700,000.00 for 1956 whirh represents an increase of Nine'Million Dollars over the preceding year. With reference to a matter between Dr. Aowena Hall and the Superintendent•of Public Welfare con- Cerning charges by the Babies" Hospi.tal, Inc., for the expense for the treatment of County Wel- fare indigent patiemts. Atteiition «as called to a resolution of ttii.s Board of July 23, 1934, showing that from affidavits of its officers charges for treatment and rental for rooms were only made to the parents of children saho were able to pay 'and the Board at said meeting found that from the facts submitted that the Hospital 'was an orgariization maintained 2nd operated ex- clusively for charitable purposes for tlie eare of szck children, and was therefore declared ex- 'empt from tasation. rir.. Niurray James appeared bePore the Board and indicated that the Iiospital woul.d receive such 4?72,g,, patients if given the same considerat'ion of pay allocaed James Wallcer Memorial Huspital. There- upon, Mr. Broadhurst moved and it was 5econdea by Mr. FIall and carried that the 'Sdelfare Officer. be and he is hereby auttiorized anii instructed to give consideration to t,he placement of future County Welfure patients in the 13aUies' Hospital at the 'same rate of cost for treatment allowed James Walker Hospital. The follocaing bids for furnishing a one-ton Truck, Chassis and Cab for the County Farm as ad- vertised were received: ' Aaney Chevrolet Company - Chevrolet Truck, Ttodel 3803, Chassis and Cab with 135" Wheel Base. Equipped with a 6-cylinder 140 II.P. Engine, 700x20 - 8-ply F'ront and Dual Rear [>>heels at a net bid price of ...... ..?$ 1,495.00 ? Cape P'ear Piotor Sales -' 1956 Ford F-350 Chassis and Cab, 130" ldheel Base V-8 Engine -6 8x7.7.5 6-ply Tires at a net price of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $p 1,600.00 Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. IIroadhizrst, the contract to furnish the Truck was awarded to the Haney Chevrolet Company, they being the lowest bidders at and Por a net price of $1,495.00. ' .A