1956-10-01 Regular MeetingMeeting of September 24, 1956 - Continued 971 With reference to a request of the City to have certain restrictions removed from the Deed ? of Conveyance of the Legion Stadium to the City to enable the City to make certain further / improvements to the facility, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall re- ferred to the City apa County Attorneys to study the provisions of the lleed and report back to the Board. The meeting then adjourned. , Clerk. , Wilmington, N.'C., October 11 1956.q?/ 7 The regular weelcly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Cmnmissioners J. M. Iiall, Jr., Ernest R. Piaynan, L. E. Broadllurst,. Jas. E. Holton, Jr., John'Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opeued with prayer by the Clerk. Copies of the minutes of September 24 havirig previously been maiied, to each member of the Board, ? the same were upon,moti.on of bSr: Mayhan, s?conded by Mr. Hall, apgroved. Mr. C. R. riorse, Tax Collector made his report of settlement of 1955 taxes as shown below whichTO? was upon motiun of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, accepted subject to the check of the Cer- tified Public Accountants STATEMLIQT OF 1955 COiiNTY TAXES CFIARGEll TO 'PHE TAX COLLECTUR Listed as per Abstract lteal Estate & Personal Property ? 1,309,809.27 Late and "not-listed" Real Esta,te & Yersonal I'roperty 44,839.70 Less Abatements liisted and Collected by tlie Tax Collector Penalty Collected Advertising Cost Collected ;;c 2?e :k' YF :c •. ?;e :A ' yF Real Estate Sold for Taxes Late and "Not-listed" Sold Insolvents' ' Taxes Prepaid lliseount Allowed Collected by the Tax Collector and Deposited in the Wilmington Savings & Trust Company Over =F YF . %k r . * :k /s/ - C. R. Morse - C. tt. Dlorse - city- & CounLy Tax Collector ?p 10354,648.97 4,251.72 1,350, 397.25 3,943.60 3,469.14 102.65 $ 1,357,912.64 ? 39,526.19 7,227.16 21,405.20 382,151.69 2,217.28 905,501.51 $ 1,3551029.03 116.39 $ 11357,912.64 A list of Insolvents for 1955 prepared by'the Tax Collector in accordance with the-T;aw was re-TO ceived and filed. • ' ' The 1956 Tax Books tobether with the necessary orders required'by Statute were then presented to the Board by the County Audi_tor in the amounts of $1,452,096.57 taxes due the County and $1,315,784.33 taxes due the City of Wilmington, making a total of $2,767,880.90, which was upon moti a1 of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, accepted ancl ordered. turned over to the Tax Col- lector foi collection. The County Auditor and Tax Supervisor reported total values of $118,700,000.00 for 1956 whirh represents an increase of Nine'Million Dollars over the preceding year. With reference to a matter between Dr. Aowena Hall and the Superintendent•of Public Welfare con- Cerning charges by the Babies" Hospi.tal, Inc., for the expense for the treatment of County Wel- fare indigent patiemts. Atteiition «as called to a resolution of ttii.s Board of July 23, 1934, showing that from affidavits of its officers charges for treatment and rental for rooms were only made to the parents of children saho were able to pay 'and the Board at said meeting found that from the facts submitted that the Hospital 'was an orgariization maintained 2nd operated ex- clusively for charitable purposes for tlie eare of szck children, and was therefore declared ex- 'empt from tasation. rir.. Niurray James appeared bePore the Board and indicated that the Iiospital woul.d receive such 4?72,g,, patients if given the same considerat'ion of pay allocaed James Wallcer Memorial Huspital. There- upon, Mr. Broadhurst moved and it was 5econdea by Mr. FIall and carried that the 'Sdelfare Officer. be and he is hereby auttiorized anii instructed to give consideration to t,he placement of future County Welfure patients in the 13aUies' Hospital at the 'same rate of cost for treatment allowed James Walker Hospital. The follocaing bids for furnishing a one-ton Truck, Chassis and Cab for the County Farm as ad- vertised were received: ' Aaney Chevrolet Company - Chevrolet Truck, Ttodel 3803, Chassis and Cab with 135" Wheel Base. Equipped with a 6-cylinder 140 II.P. Engine, 700x20 - 8-ply F'ront and Dual Rear [>>heels at a net bid price of ...... ..?$ 1,495.00 ? Cape P'ear Piotor Sales -' 1956 Ford F-350 Chassis and Cab, 130" ldheel Base V-8 Engine -6 8x7.7.5 6-ply Tires at a net price of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $p 1,600.00 Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. IIroadhizrst, the contract to furnish the Truck was awarded to the Haney Chevrolet Company, they being the lowest bidders at and Por a net price of $1,495.00. ' .A ,98 Mee,ting of October 1, 1956 - Continued. A request of Rebecca Hall, Colored Home Demonstration Agent for water anrl toilet faci2ities to rpIr- be installed in her office to aid her in her demonstration work, was received for investigation by the Board following an adjourivnent of the meeting. llr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of L+'ducation appeared to request the B oard to give - the Sheriff an additional Deputy that would be qualified to instruct Driver Train ing Classes at the New Hanover High School, reconmiended by the State Board of Education who will put liim on as ro,v? a teacher but will not pay anything. Approximately 100 Students'have signed for the course, he said. This service previously provided by the City lias been discontinued. Upon motion of Mr. Broad- hurst, seconded by Mr, liall, the request was taken under consideration wltil next DSonday to see what can be worked out. Mr. W. W. Small appeared to request that the debris washed into tlie lake by storms at the ;;.v-, Babies' Hospital be cleared away at the fall or dam at the road culvert to permit the free pass- age of water ii1 and'otiethe lake to eliminate a bad mosquito breeding probl.em saas upon motion of Mr. Holton referred to the State Hi giiway Commission. . A petition of seven (7) property owners for grading and surfacing a roadway approximately 600 ?*un feet in length from US-74 to Motts Creek at [drightsville Sound on wliich three (3) houses are ? located as per map attached, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by A1r. Broadhurst approv- ed and referred to State Higkiway and Public Works Uommission. ! A petition of the Gmployes of the ABC Board who appear not to be covered by any Retirement Bene- fits asked that steps be taken to ascertain what is necessary to be done to bring them under Social Security was referred to the Coianty Attorr?ey tosecure the Attorney General's,ruling on the question. .?._. A request of Edwin A. Metts, Jr., New York Life Insurance Company's Agent to solicit County v"`° emPloyes for insurance on a salary deduction plan which would be entirely up to the employe and would entail some additional work on the County Auditor in keeping the records was receiv- ed for consideration with Mr. Love, the County Auditor. With reference to the proposed revaluation of property, Mr. Joseph H. Quigley representii7g the / Cole-Layer-Trumble Company of Dayton, Ohio, submitted a contract to furnish the services of its experience and qualified appraisers to aid and assist the County Supervisor of taxation and the list takers and a`ssessors in the respective Toxanships, and to advise with, aid and assist the Board of Equalization and Review in arriving at the true value in money of the property in the County of New'Hanover for the re-appraisal and revaluation for assessment purposes in said Coun- ty, according'to specifications Provided in said oontract and agreement, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Holton, was unanimously awarded to Cole-Layer-Trumble Company of Dayton, Ohio at and for the contract price of $128,500.00, witliout maps other than the use oP avail- able maps of the City of Wilmington and the Beaches, subject to clarifying of questions and de- tails to be worked out by the County Attorney. The contract provided that the work to be per- formed under the proposal shall begin immediately upon its acceptance by the County Commission- ers and shall Ue completed and delivered to the County by January 31, 1958. Mr. Love, the Tax Supervisor, requested tlzat in order to coiiform with.Section 408 of the Mach- inery Act, he'was formally requesting that expert help be employed to aid and assist the County Supervisor of taxation and the list-takers and assessors in tlie respective townships, or to ad- vise with, aid and assist the Board of Equalization and Review in arriving at the true value in ? money of,the property in the County. ?poMca2? U Mr. J. E. L. Wade, City Councilman, appeared to ask that some official action be taken on the City's recent request to release the restrictions in the Deed of Conveyance of Legion Stadium from the County to tiie City to enable then to make certain improvements and changes in the faC- ility, was upon motiou oP Mr. Broadhurst referred to Commissioners Hall and Iiolton to confer with the Local Post of the American Legion as to their feeling ancl wishes in the matter.and r ePort to the Board at next tionday's meeting. ? Theresa Bell Harris, 54-year old colored County indigent sent to the State Hospital in December ? 1955 now ready for release and has no place to go. She is apparently harmless but cloes not have enough mentality to hold a job. Also, Johnnie Sidbury, colored who has had both legs amputated and has been in the Iiospital since June and is now ready for discharge has no place to go were upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Niayhan admitted to the County Home on recom- mendation of the Superintendent of Public Welfare if room is available. ? e? An invita,tion was received from Columbus County Democratic Executive Committee to attend the Democratic Caravan Seventh District stop-over Barbecue Supper and Rally in Whiteville, Friday evening,•.October 12. A copy of the minutes of the Board of Health for September 5, were received and filed. / Announcement was received from the Institute of Government that it will hold its annual School (3,p,-?Ca•,nJ for County Attorneys on b'riday and Saturday, October 26 and 27, and urged the County Attorneys to attend. Announceenent was received from Dr. Ellen Winston, Conunissioner of State Board of County Couunis- sioners at the Sir Walter Hotel, November 9, to discuss the itupact on this State of the 1956 jqaAaa, Amendments to the Social Security Act, and review the approp'r.iation requests of the State Board of PuUlic Welfare before the 1957 General Assembly, and also to review proposed Legislation. ? COMn.e^?A communication was received from Dr. John H. Hamilton, Chairman of the Committee on the Cor- oner System, Medical Society of North Carolina, concerning putting into effect the 1955 Post- mortem Medicolegal Examination System Act, whicli is optional with Counties to replace the Cor- oners' Sy.etem. No action saas taken. " ?-- Announceruent was received from the National Association of Assessment OfPicers concerning a meeting to Ue held at Piiami, Florida, November 25th thru 29th to discuss problems on revalua- tion of property. r Reports for September were received from the Veterans' Service OfPicer and the Colored Home ? Agent and 4-H Clubs. A booklet "Trees for better Living" in connection with "A Piner Carolina" Campaign sponsored ?j!??e?+?' by the Carolina Po«er & Light Company was received from Mr. Louis' T. rioore, Chairman of the IJew Hanover Historical Caumi.ssion. The meeting then adjourned. Clerk. , L?