1956-10-08 Regular Meeting99 Wilmington, N. C., October 8, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John Bright FIill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. • ' The meeting was opened with•prayer by the Clerk. . Copies of the minutes of ineeting of October,l, 1956, having previously been mailed to each mem- ber of tlze Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. ? Mr. Robert E. Calder, Attorney, submitted for the Board's acceptance, a right-of-way easement bti?- from the International Paper Company to the County, for the purpose of establishing and main- taining a drainage ditch over, through and across its lailds in Harnett Township in the Winter Park-T. B. Hospital area, known as their Baugh-Wagner Tract as shown on map presented, which said drainage ditch would benefit the property owners in that area, was upon motion of Mr. Aall, seconded by Mr. A4ayhan accUted as presented,,and said project was given priority on the agenda as the next drainage projecL to be performed. This aCtion was taken after.a substitute motion by Mr. Broadhurst to delete paragraph 9 from the said easement agreement wlzich provides "that in the event any damages are caused by this diversion of water due to the ditch, that said Grantee shall be fully liable for said damages", failed of a second, and he therefore voted "no" on the motion. In a ccordance with the action of the Board October 1, concerning the feeling and recommendationsp,, of the Local Post American Legion in the matter of releasing the restrictions in the deed of conveyance of the Legion Stadium property to the City. Mr. Holton reported this is being given consideration by the Local Post through its Judge Advocate, and will make its report at , an early date. ? Mr. J. E. L. Wade was present and urged the Commissioners to take necessary steps to establish Cr? a zoning ordinance for the County to meet conditions should the City limits be extended, and called attention that the City now has certain rights under the Law within one mile outside the City limits. Mr. Trask was not in favor of restricting the privileges of our citizens too much and no action was taken. A motion offered by Dir. I3roadhurst to take the matter under con- sideration failecl oP a second. ?p A request of the residents of the Northern end of IIarbor Island presented in a communication received from Air. John T. Schiller, for the necessity of creating a School traffic zone in the vici?u ty of the Wrightsville Beach School, wlu ch situation has become more acute of late due to the bridge construction at the Northern end of the Island and the increase in traffic and heavy equipment vehicles both passenger and trucks operated at speed past this School wllich endangers the small children attending, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broaclllurst approved and turned over to the State Highway and Public Works Commission with request that early steps be taken to cope with this dangerous situation. ? PA,QEd? A communication was received from the City Dfanager advising that the City Council rejected of- ? f,ers submitted by Mr. H. H.-Mathews and Willetts Realty Company to purchase tax foreclosure parcels of property in Bloclcs 349 and 37 at $300.00 each respectively, which were pi^eviously approved by the Commissioners subject to City.approval. .? llr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Education, appeared to further press his request for an Instructor for llriver Ti^aining Classes at the High School. It appeared that the Sheriff eannot assign a Deputy for this iaork from his present office help, and limited P'unds in his Bud- get will not permit the enployment oP an additional Deputy for this service. ? • e e,-?-- An invitatioil was received from Lhe Institute of Goverrunent to attend a meeting of the Board of llirectors of tYie State Association of County Commissioners,.F'riday and Saturday, ATOVember 9 and lOth. No action was taleen. I ,n?? A request of the ?dilmingto?i Athletic Association for an appropriation of $750.00 for the Azaleay- Operi Tournament, March 28 thru 31, 1957 was upon notion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Holton ap- proved ?400.00 out of the Advertising Fund, the Commissioners feeling it would be to the interest of the County for advertising its resources and advantages, _?- Reports for 5eptember were received from the County Farm Agent; County Home Agent, Wilmialgton Public LiUrary and Boolunobile. A report of the Grand Jury foUctober 1956 Term was received requesting the County Commissioners??"a , to report to it at the OctoUer 29 Term of Superior Court as to action taken on the recommendations made at the August Term for the appointment of a County 13uilding Inspector. Tt was explained by the Board that the appointment of a Comity Building Inspector would require Legislative,action. lluring a discussion of the appropriatinns made to the various organizations out of the $5,000.00 Advertising Pund, to cait: • • ' . ' Liilmington Pferc2iants Associatiun . . . . .$? 500.00 • SLNCB Associ.ation . . . . . . . . . . . . 750.00 Retarded Children . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 • Civil Air Patrol . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 Azalea Open Golf Tournament . . . . . . . 400.00 Total . . . . . . . . . $y2,300.00 $500.00 was ear-marked for the Agricultural Committee - Fat Stock Show, and $500.00 was ear- marked for the Wilmington Ciiamber of Commerce. i^ Mr. Holton raised the question for discussion o1' Mr. Sponcler's request for payment for overtime,S.L? work on Saturdays and Sundays during July, August and September based on Rules and Regulations. aclopted by this Board, APril 13, 1953. Mr. Hall suggested that the same be referred to the , Chairman and Conwuttee to make reconunendations to the Board. ? rr- Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconcled by Mr. Mayhan, bills aggregating $312.00 for 104 hours over- time pay for 13 Saturdays and Sundays work for July, August and September submitted by AIr. Sponcler was ordered returned to him without favorable action. • • -A !?00 Meeting of October 8, 1956 - Continued. Mr. Hall said it was his understanding that the appropriation made to the CouunLUiity Hos- pital would be paid to them without deducting the amount of Hospitalization Punds receiv- ? ed from the State HosPital Pool instead of holding the funds back as heretofore, feeling that the Hospitalization N'unds should be paid to the Hospital in addition to Lhe regular appropriation which he said was responsible for the liospital deficit. Mr. Aolton concur- red with Mr. Hall's statement, but Mr. Broadhurst did not agree feeling that the County was justified in deductiiig the amount cahich it bought thru the Hospital Insurance Plan. The matter was continued for further discussion at the next meeting. Mr. Hall announced his resignation as the County's representative on the Board of Directors ? of the Community Hospital due to tke lack of sufficient time he needed to devote to this apcf, service stating however, that the controversy over the Iiospital appropriation had nothing to do with or influence this action.. Thereupon, the Chairman named PSr.?Mayh?an to succeed Mr. Hall to represent the County on the Hospital Board of Directors. ' Upon motion of Mr. Broafllzurst, seconded by Mr. IIall, Claude jdright Herring 75-year old white ndigent citizen an Old Age Assistance recipient was on recommendation of the Superintendent ?•? of Public Welfare, admitted to the County Home. The contract for the re-appraisal and revaluation of property in New Hanover County Por as- sessment purposes which was awarded to the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company at the meeting of Oct- ? ober 1, 1956, subject to certain changes and clarification of questions ancl details to Ue worked out by the County Attorney. Such changes having been made as directed, the contract as amended was presented and read by the County Attorneq, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, second- ed by Pir. 1[olton, accepted. Thereupon the following resolution was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Holton, adopt- ed: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of New Ffanover• has not had a general overall revaluation since 1928 and there are many instances of inequalities on the tax books and the County Conmiission- ers are anxious to egualize all taxes based on a true valuation in money accordi.ng to the General Statutes of North Carolina, and SJIIEREA5, the Supervisor of taxation of New Hanover County has requested the Board of County Commissioners to employ an expert appraisal company, having knowledge of the value of speciPic kinds of classes of property within the County, to aid and assist the County Super- visor of taxation and the list takers and assessors in the respective Townsllips, or to advise with, aid and-assisL the Board of Equalization and Review in arriving at the true value in money of the property in the County, further stating he did not have sufficient personnel for this purpose, and WHEREAS, according to General Statutes 105-331 (6) it is the duty cC the County Com- tnissioners to appoint competent men to malce a diligent search and to discover and report to the Board or the Supervisor any unlisted property within the County, to the end that the same may be listed and assessed for taxation as provided in this section, and WHEFtEiAS, serious consideration has been given the problem of revaluation for sev- eral months and every type of revaluation has been considered from a local and out of State viewpoint and because of the magnitude of a complete revaluation and equalization after so many years, i*has been decided that it would be for the best interest of the citizens and all the taxpayers to negotiate a coni;ract for this service with the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company of lluyton, Ohio, for the overall sum of $129,500.00. NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, in regular meeting assembled, do hereby authorize, empower and direct the Chairuian of the Board of County Commissioners to sign a contract with the Cole-Ilayer-Trumble Company of Dayton, Ohio, agreeing to pay them the awn of $129,500.00 under certain terms and conditions as set forth in said contract and direct the Clerk of the sa.id Board toattest with his signature and seal said contract to employ said Company as an expert Appraisal Company, having knowledge of the value of specific kinds or classes of property within the County, to aid and assist the County Supervisor of taxation and the list takers and assessors in the respective Townships, or to advise c,*ith, aid and assist the Board of Equalization and Review in arriving .' at the true value in money of the property in the County; and further to make a dilibent search and to discover and report to the Board or the Supervisor any unlisted property with- in the County to the end that the same raay be listed and assessed for taxation as Provided by the General Statutes of North Carolina. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that this resolution represents the official act and deed of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Count,y and was unanimously adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of County Conunissioners on the 8th day of October, 1956. ? Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Holton, the $53,000.00 was ordered transferred from the John C. Wessell T. B. Sanatorium Account to tkie Revaluation Account to be used toward the expense of the same inasmuch as these F'unds had not been appropriated for any other purposet and a total amount of $80,000.00 was approved and appropriated for revaluation purposes. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 4252 to No. 4329 were approved for payment. The Board authorized the County Auditor to close his offices from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock P.M., `t6? account of the funeral of Mr. D. Gilliam Edmondson, late employe of the Tax Listing Depart- ment. ? ? VJIA? The following good and lawful persoiis were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal cases for the two weeks term beginning October 22, 1956, and for the second week beginni.ng October 29, 1956: William N. Kingoff, 301 No. 15th Street L. C. Robertson, Jr., P. 0. Box 814, City Richard F. Allen, 24 Summitt Walk A. G. Herring, 320-A No. Car. Avenue James A. Ploore, 151 Colonial Circle Lawrence S. Hubbard, Jr., 417 riercer Ave. A. H. Parsons, Oleander Court ApLs. C. M. roster, 8-L Lake Village Boyd A. Miller, 404 No. Car. Avenue J. E. Olsen, P. 0. Box 993, City J. P. Bradshaw, 307 S. 17th Street, City R. E. Edney, 18 Jackson Drine R. U. Bell, 4929 Pine Street Junior Earp, 242 Vance a"treet W. H. Huggins, 310 Colonial Drive Harold J. «oolward, P. 0. Box 634, Car. Bch. R. T. Slaughter, 107 No. Audubon Blvd., Lloyd E. Hales, 415 So. 2nd Street H. W. Slack, 4810 Wrightsville Avenue Daniel S. Slawson, Rte.3-Box 77 , Meeting of October S. 1956 - Continued W. M. Blanton, 5001 Oleander llrive W. A. Bonham, Rte.3-Box 222A Albert Bergen, 14-C Oleander Apts.. Willie E. Bostic, 110 Morgan Street. E. L. Burnett, Rte,2-IIox 513 Itobt. R. Jernigan, Rte.l-Box 21 J. H. Hall, 1712 Orange Street L. E. Herring, Rte.l-Box 101 George E. Hughes, 2104 Pender Avenue D. P. Niven, 1504 Ora nge Street H. M. Parker, Rte.2-Box 400, City Edward A. Neuwirth, 120 Market Street Andrew P. Cartrell, 916 South 2nd Street Lloyd Bradshaw, 409 Northern Blvd., Robert S. Ayers, Lake Porest Pkwq.(255) Second Week: Frank Talman, Rte.2-Box 486 fIugh M. Gilmore, 223-Porest Hills llrive V. B. Cheek, 2518 Harrison Street Henry V. Chason, 2802 Chestnut Street Christos Karakitsos, 40121 No. Pront St. James Walback, 3E Oxford St. Wri. Bch. Z. E. Cutler, C4 Oleander Apts. • Graham B. King, 7K Lake Village Jas. J. Pioran, 15-E Lalce Village Leon M. Clark, 2911 Adams Street Sam Maultsby, 2724 Monroe Street Stuart rI. Nock, 2522 13ur?iett Blvd. James D. Salmon, 2202 Klein Road James R. Shaw, 230 Davie Drive G. L. Bottoms, 211 Red Cross Street Clyde M. Bordeaux, Rte.3-Box 444 W. J. Heilig, 15 ATorth 6th Street B. T. Holmes, 4011 Sdrightsville Avenue liarry J. Bowden, 212 South 46th Street Warren Ullrich, 4930 Pine Street Chas. S. Sale, 1151 Country Club Rd. Ted McNeill, Rte.2-13ox 484 M. E. Little, 14-0 Lake Village Chas. W. Miller, 621 Rosemont Avenue Homer E. Chesser, 2006 Yender Avenue The meeting was then adjourned. 7 ?is7??• #t. Clerk. . ? H. G. Sneeflen, 317 Pine Grove Drive H. R.•Snipes, RTE.1-Box•416 Earl Tucker, 120-A Castle Hayne Road R. B. Carter, Jr., RTE.3-Box 49 J. L. Johnson, 2523 Jefferson Street Charles L. Meadows, 212 South 3rd Street Charles A. Tate, Sr., Box 511 C. C. Bledson, Rte.3-Box 146 • Fred A. Mohr, 4920 idrightsville Avenue Aanson Carroll, 3320 Piarket Street Road V. L. Collins, Sr., 1-T Lake Porest A. R. DSerritt, 2414 Monroe Street H. W. Cherry, 723 C. C. Road E. R. Page, 2732 South • Van Buren Street L. C. Johnson, 2106,Pender Avenue James J. Griffin, Rte.2-Box 260. C. L. Long, 2211 Klein Road Cliff C. Morris, Jr., 31 Jackson DriVe W. L. Lanter, 14-S Lake Forest , John R. Player, 123 Victoria Drive J. E. Ellers, 4409 Oleander Drive Daniel Watkins, 110 Newton Lane T. D. Perritt, 4311 Peachtree Street 0. B. Smith, 209 Brookwood Avenue James H. Brown, Jr., 1Ct-Q Lake Village T. L. FIuggins, 110 Northern Boulevard J. V. Henson, 252 Castle Hayne Road C. H. Robinson, 614 Colwell Avenue E. A. King, C-25 Box 292-C Paul Stone, Rte.3-Box 191A Davie P. Bowden, Rte.3-Box 289 R. S. Tilden, Jr., 4016 Oleander Drive L. C. Kure, Kure Beach James S. Potter, 9 Terrace Walk D. L. Bordeaux, 4807 Maple Avenue Leon Chestnut, 1514 South 4th Street W. G.•Cheney, 2812 Columbia Avenue Charles J. Chencaorth, 310 South Front Street F. L. Byrd, 2713 Jackson Street, W. J. Rivenbark, 709 South 4th Street Wilmington, N. C., October 15, 1956. The regular weelcly meeting of the Board was held this day at,10:00 o'clock A.A4: Yresent: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L.•E. Broadhurst, James E: Holton,•Jr., John Bright Hill, County AttOrney and T. D. Love, County-Auditor. •' • ' The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend A. T. Green, Pastor of Sunset Park Baptist Church. • • ' Copies of the minutes of ineeting of October 8, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. ? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, Mr. W. B. Newkirk, 4311 «rightsville Avenue, ancl Mr. Lloyd D: Dunn, 4213 Ceclar Street of Winter Park, Harnett Townslaip, Wilming- ton, N. C., were appoi ed Hepresentatives of the Board of Trustees of the Winter Park Fire- man's Relief Fund on econunendation of the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Aepartment, in accord- ance caith GS-118-6,.paragraph b. With further reference to releasing all or certain restrictions from the operation of the -?` Deed conveying Legion Stadium from the County to the City to enable the City to make certain improvements and to provirle a site for a proposed Army Insta].lation, Mr. Holton reported ? the Judge Advocate, Local Post American Legion, will malce recommendations as to the Legion's feeling in•this matter soon. • . A letter was received from Mr. Henry Von Oesen making inquiry a.s to the wishes of the Board to further pursue the matter of air-c alditioning certain portions oP the Court House under plans and specifications he prepared in 1955, which project was postponed ].ast year on ac- count oP the lack of Funds in the 73udget to meet that expense. The same status still'exists ancl tYie project cannot be undertoken at this time. . . . ? Mr. Holton brougYit up £or discussion the question of a County-Planager form of Government whieh e? has Ueen bePore the Board for study Por some time. It was discussed briefly at tlus meeting but no action was taken. , ? A letter was received from the Director of Farm Census advising that the 1957 Parm Census Report Forms together with instructions were being mail.ed to tlie County Tax Supervisor to complete certain preliminary work preparatory to taking the N'arm Census lists at tax listing time January lst. A report of tlie Wilmington Colored Library for September show9.ng 417 Books circulated during the month, was received and filed. A report on the Castle Ha,yne llragline Drainage was received showing 9,700 feet of canal com- pleted ancl a}?proximatel.y 5,300 feet to be completed. ?