1956-10-22 Regular Meeting"2 Meeting of October 15, 1956 - Continued ? Following last weeks unfavorable action on a bill submitted by Mr. Y. H. Sponcler, Deputy Clerk of Superior Court, for overtime pay., The Yersonnel Rules and Regulations adopted by the Conmiissioners April 13, 1953, was brought up by Mr..Iiolton and discussed at length. In the opinion of the County Commissioiiers it was found to be to the best iilterest of all con- ? cerned to adjust future problems as they arise, through recommendation,and negotiation by the Departrient Heads and tkie County Cormnissioners, rather than by a set of fixed rules that are often confusing. The said Personnel Rules and Regulations were therefore, upon motion of Mr. liolton, seconded by?rir. Broadhurst, abolished. , ? Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by NIr.Holton, the County Attorney was authorized to at- teud the Annual School for County Attorneys at the Institute oP Government at Chapel.Hi11, October 26 and 27th. Mr. Holton suggested that the 1'15.00 per diem charge for Indigent IIospitalization cases should be reduced to $12.50. It caas reported that apProximately $90,000.00 was pai.d out for this expense last year and something should be done to cut this"expense down. The ques- tion was then discussed concerning the disposition of the Funds received from the Stat,e IIos- ? pitalization Pool Plan which heretofore has been used as an offset, in effect, against the •?6^?? appropriation for Community Iiospital in the amount received, which aPpeared to be largely responsible for the present operational?fwzd deficit of the Hospital. Therefore upon mo- tion of P1r, liolton, seconded by Dir, rlayhan, it was carripd, and ordered that retroactive as of 3uly 1, 1956, that no funds received from the State Hospitaliza'Tion Pool Plan shall be deducted from the Community Hospital Budget appropriation, and the funds received from the Hospital Pool Plan for Community Ifospital be turned over to them. All memUers voting af- firmatively except Mr. Broadhurst taho voted "no", feeling such funds made available at the expense of the County should not be ttarned over to the Hospital in addition to the $86,666.67 agreed upon in the l3udget. A motion then offered by Mr. Broadhurst to withdraw from the Hospitalization Insurance Pool Plan, failed of a second. With reference to the recommendation of the Grand Jury August Term 1956, the Board went on record favoring the appointment of a County Building Inspector and will take the matter up ? with our Representative to secure necessary Legislation to put the same into effect, With S(?'+^Q their reference to the Boiler Inspection Certificate for the Jail hot water boiler which ex- pired June 1956, reiiewal has been received from the State and turned over to the Jailer for, posting a.s the Laia directs. ! In view of the foregoing recommendations having been complied taith, instr.uctions were given to ascertain if it would be necessary for the Commissioners to appear before the Grand Jury on these matters at the October 29th Term. rir, R. L. Black, Register of Deetls, appeared to discuss a matter of one of his Clerks being out on sick leave for a month, but inasmuch as the County's Personnel Rules and Regulations have been abolished, he will check on the situation and report to the Board at the next meeting. .' Upon motion the meeting was adjourned. i???ir M_ ; Clerk. 10,4 Wilmington, N. C., October 22, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Tlayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Joyce V. Early, Pastor of Grace Niethodist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of October 15, 1956, having previously been mailed to each ,?- member of the Board, the same were upon inotion of Mr. Alayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. A petition of twelve (12) property owners to include Cape Pear Boulevard which is located °'- in South Wilmington Place, Masonboro Township, in the County Highcaay System for State P4ain- tenance, iahich said road is paved and runs from Bell Street outhwardly 400 feet to Cape Fear Boulevard thence eastwardly along said Boulevard 950 feet on which six (6) houses ar.e located, was upon motion of P1r. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved and referred to the State FIighway and Public Ldorks Comnussion. ' ? ?y? A petition and right-of-way agreement signed by fifteen (15) property o?aners requesting drag- -r' line drainage along their southeast property lines in the area on US-17 near the five-mtle [jl?ojvrv,pa- post for a distance of approximately 1,089 feet, previously submitted by Mr. L. Paul Stanley, and otYiers, was upon motion of Tir. Hall, approved and ordered placed on the Agenda as the next dragline operation after completion of the International Paper Company drainage project in the area back of Winter Park and T. B. Hospital. Mr. Henry Lee Kidd, 1403 Castle 5treet, 87-year old siclt and totally helpless white resident, NB-vx,v discharged from the Hospital and no one to take care of him, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Ma.yhan, admitted to the County Home on reconvnendation of the Superintendent of Public Welfare. H1,0 A report of the Board of Health for September was received and Piled. ' - A request of Pete Peterson for drainage improvement at his place on Wri gitsville Avenue near ??Seagate was referred to Mr. llave Rivenbark for investigation and report as to possible tem- porary relief. . t Public notice was received from the United States llistrict Engineer showing a list of water- . ways in various parts of the State, New Hanover County not included, eoncerning which the State Highway and Public Works Commission has made spplication for advanced..appi°oval of yUG?"?? plans for Bridge construction. No objections were indicated by the Board from`a standpoint of navigation. A report was received from the Department of Agriculture Crop Reporting Service, on the Farm Census Survey of land uses and acreages harvested in the Coitnty for the years 1954 and 1955. U L_ ? o'? Meeting of October 22, 1956 - Continued - A record form concerning data on real estate transactions and transfers kept by the Regis- ter of Deeds was requested by the Director of the Pederal Bureau of the.Census and was re- .ferred to Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds. ? The following resolution concerning a request of the City of Wilmington to be released from P°"fll-'? the operation of certain restrictions in the Deed conveying the Legion Stadium property from the County to the City was received from Wilmington Post 10, American Leg-ion, in which the County Comnussioners, upon motion of rIr. Holton, seconded by.Mr. Braa dhurst, concurred with the request of the Legion: _ WIIEREA5, Wilmington Post 10 of the American Legion, DeparUnent of North Carolina was instrumental in the development of the Legion Stadium property; and CML+'EE?EAS, this Post has been requested to give an expression of opinion to the Board of County Coromissioners of New Hanover County re.lating to the request made by the City of Wilmington, the present owners of said property, that certain restrictions limiting the use of said property for recreational, educational,'athletic and other like purposes be re- moved; and WHEREAS, the membership of this Post has no desire to impede development of the facilities at the Legion Stadiwn and wholeheartedly concurs in all efforts to make it self- sufficient, but feels that the basic purposes for which the Stadium and facilities were es- tablished should be maintained, and feels that as an added safeguard to this end it is wise to have the concurrence of both the Governing Body of the City of Wilmington and of New Han- over County after a Full disclosure of all facts and full knowledge oP what proposed'uses are contemplated before the present restrictions are removed; and WIIEItEAS, this Post feels that in no event should there be any ftmther encroach- ment upon the area now set aside for parking facilities; ' • NG[J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEA by Wilmington Post 10 of the American Legion, Department of North Carolina, at meeting assembled on this the 18th day of October, 1956, that in the opinion of the membership of this Post that should the occasion arise where the Governing Body of the City of Wilmington feels that it would be advisable to devote any part of the present Legion Stadium property to any specific use, or for any purpose other than for recreational, educational, athletic,, or other like mitnicipal purposes, that at such time such proposal should be submitted to the Governing Body of New EIanover County, who could at such time in the light of the circumstances_then existing, and if they deemed it advisable and in the best interests of the Community and the Legion Stadiwn facilities, then remove the existing restrictions on such specific portion of said property, or for such specific use; _ BE IT 1'URTfiER ftESOLVED, that it is the opinion of the MemUership of this Post that in no event=sYiould any further encroachment be made upon the a"rea now set aside for parking facilities. Is/ 7ack L. Yarboro, Conunander Wilmington Post 10 of the Arierican Legion. ATTEST: J. F. Calhoun Adjutant. No objectioris were indicated by the Board to the United States District Engineer granting aL."'77 ''Or permit to the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company to construct an overhead cable over the Cape Fear River at Elizabethtown with a clearance of sixty (60) feet.above mean low water. A copy of a notice was received from the United States District Engineer concerni_ng aclcnowl- edgment of receipts by bidders in connection with their bids on Stream Clearance, Upon motic,n of A1r. Broadhurst, seconded by A4r. Ma.yhan, the following resolution was adopted:fL CHANGE IN COUNTY ROAD W1iERGA5.•the State FIighway and Puhlic k'orks Conunission has filed caith the Board of Couunissioners of the County of New Hanover a map designated as B. S. 3-7-25-30 showing a proposed relocation of a section of County Road; and S+IHfs'REAS? it appears that this relocation is for the best interest of the Road System of the said County; NOW, THL+'REI'URL+', the proposed change and reloca,tion as shown on the said map is hereby approved and ratified. ( The proposed road approximately one and three (1-3/4) miles in length will run from North 23rd Street and Shirley Road in Princess Place, to a point on US-117 north of Victoria Drive) , . • ? Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 4370 to 4486 were approved for payment. ' The meetin; then adjourned. { i' Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., October 29, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Yreseizt: Raiforrl Trask, Chairman and ComnLissioners J. .AS. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Pfaghan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. In the absence of the Pii_nister who was scheduled to give the invocation, the meeting was open- ed with prayer by the Clerk. -A