1956-11-05 Regular MeetingMeeting of October 29, 1956 - Continued 105, The folloiaing good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court for-5;:i the trial of Civil cases for the two weeks term beginning November 19, 1956: Alfred 13ryant, Jr., Rte.2-Box 233. Leon P. Felton, 18-1 Lake b'orest D. Pi. Enslen, 64 Lee Drive . George S. Coker, 401 No. Car. Avenue James M. Futrelle, 1810 Perry Avenue E. F. riarshburn, 18 Morningside llrive A. S. R. Davis, Rte.2-Box 168 Melvin Midgett, 2955 Yark Avenue J. C. Williamson, 2727 Harrison Street S. R. Chinnis, 59 Lee Drive D. W. Haub, lite.l - Box 471 E. A. Kerr, 1709 Orange Street C. H. Davis, 320 Davie Drive W. C. Rigg's, 3723 Market Stree$ E. S. Piver, P. 0. Box 293, City Carl B. Brown, P. 0. Box 308, City F. C. George, Jr., Wrightsville Sound R. S. Tisinger, Box 311, City R. H. Williams, 1811 Perry Avenue James Batson, Rte.2-Box 234.. George H. Chadwick, Jr., Olender Ct.,Apts. C. M. Yarborough, Rte.l - Box,26-A G. C. Miller, C-23 - Box 349-A Earl' C. Andrews, 21 Surtuni.t Walk Robert C. Smith, 15 Brookwood Avenue J. B. Bowden, 4100 Wrightsville Avenue John F. Dixon, 43 Lake Forest Parkway C. L. Blanton, Rte.l - Castle Hayne Robert E. Pliller, 2215 Brandon Road J. D. Barnes, 7 Swimiit Walk H. J. Jones, 2108 Princess Place Drive 0. F. Hunnicutt, 18 Wrightsville Avenue Freddie A. Barefoot, Rte.l - Castle Hayne Jesse G. Coleman, 116 South 17th Street J. L. Wilkes, 18 Lagoon Drive, Ldrightsville Beach Irwin Rourk, 2310 Metts Avenue For*the second weelc beginning November 26, 1956: J. C. 131anton, Rte.l L'has. Galbreath,%a Foster-Hill Realty Co. Sailford lloxey, 1806 Ann Street Sdalter G. Olsen, 121 Dare Street J. W. Blanton, 413 North 41st Street C. D. Capps, 4 Swnmit Waik S. J. Cherry, Rte.l-Box 504 G..C. Clark, Rte.l - Castle Hayne vuke C. Marshall, 105 Southern Boulevard Clarence W. F'ales, 1903 Pender Avenue M. H. Powell, 8-J Lake Forest Rock Faison, C-25 - Box 526 George Perdue, 214 idilliamson Drive Hollie D. Carlisle, 6252 South 2nd Street D1ary D. Shepard, 2734 South N'ront Street Robert Daniels, 114 Magnolia Avenue I. A. llyches, 10 Northern Boulevard K. 0. Vance, 2524 Van Buren Street Mrs. J. B. Anderson, 1724 Orange Street J. N. Barnes, 229 Vance Street Percy R. Hall, 309 IVorthern Boulevard T. A. Edwards, Rte.2-Ilox 430 E. V. Moore, 407 Nun Street Joseph R. Rushing, 204 Plercer Avenue W. R. Dosher, 2414 Creasy Avenue Alex Musial, P. 0. Box 112, Castle Hayne Kelly Walker, Rte.l - Box 469 [delton Mintz, 4082 Northern Boulevai^d Stack C. Bragg, 2420 Pfonroe Street Nick John Ponos, 2024 Creasy Avenue D. Gray Chadwick, 210 Princess Street F. P. Peterson, 14-H Lake Porest J. R. Batchelor, 4948 Park Avenue L. J. Hilburn, Rte.3 - Box 472 Albert E. Jones, Apt. A-7 Oleander Court F. B. Iiewlett, Rte.3 - IIox 162 Upon motiun of Mr. IIall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the meeting adjourned. Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., November 5, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held tltis day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan., L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., 7ohn Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the'Reverend A. L. PicGee, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting oP October 29, 1956 having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, tle same were upon motion of Dir. TSayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. , Upon motion oP Pir.'Broadhurst, seconded Uy Mr. P4ayhan, autllority was given to transfer $49.73 from Stationery and Supplies to Capital Out-lay witPiin the Veterans' Service OfFicer's Bud- get for tlie purckiase'oP a filing cabinet requested by Mr. A. H. Seawell, Veterans' Service OfPicer. ' Upon iriotion of Mr. Holton, secoizded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Chairman coas authorized and direct-? ed to join the City of idilmington in the execution of a 50-year term land lease to the United ' States of America on 4.64 acres of land part of Legion Stadium property for the construction a of a Government Armory and other military purposes. p? ' Mr. T. D. Love, County Auditor pi°esented.his Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, and explained in detail the top items ancl reported tliat the County is in good sounci financial COI1CY1t.1011, and total Revenue received 'for the fiscal year was $3,168,211.72 and that approximately twenty (20) tnillion dollars inerease in tax values for 1956. ldith reference to insolvents 1953 and 1954 which represents uncollected personal property tax -ro-/ in the amount of $64,287.17 was on motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Ptayhan ordered dropped from the list of County assets on reconunendatioii of the County Auditor, but was contained on the list of unpaid taxes for collection. Pir._Love further reported that the City was not properly reimUursing the County in its just proportionate share of the expense incurred in the preparation of the City-County Tax Books. At this point Mr. FIolton suggested that a compilation of the cost of the preparation and com- pletion of the City-County Tax Boolcs ancl taz listing January 1 be made and the City billed with half the cost. Mr. Hall said that tYie other Afunicipalities in the County should be billed accordingly. A copy of the Auditor's Report was furnished to each of the County Commissioners. Mr. Broadhurst suggested that bids on County Insurance be secured and consid.eration be given '?js°` to a blanket policy covering all insurance as a possible saving to the County. Afrs. Louise E. Jordan appeared to ask for improvements to the old Ford La,nding Road which runs from the 14rightsville Beach Highiaay at Seagate to the Sound, a distance of approximately 1/4 mile on which four (4) families reside. She was given a road petition on wl-,ich to make ap- plica.tion to the State Highway & 1'ublic ldorks Commission for improverrcents. Instructions were given to have P1r. Rivenbark shrub the road in the meantime. .? Pieeting of AiovemUer 5, 1956 - Continued , A request of Mr. Jack Thompson for an appropriation of $250.00 to match lilte amounts a pro- priated each by Wrightsville Beach and the City of Wilmington towa.rd the expense of a?500.00 survey made in connection with the effort to secure a Hotel at Wrightsvil.le Beach to meet.a balance of $175.00 outstanding and have somethi.ng left in•the Budget. ' A request of Mr. P. M. Camak, Manager of the Wilmington Chamber of Conunerce to increase the $500.00 appropriated ear-marked for the Chamber by 5700.00 was upon motion of Mr. Ha11 and seconded by Mr. 13roadhurst taken under advisement. ' City Councilman James E. L. Wade appearecl and making it clear that he taas speaking individ- ually anct not for the City Council urged that the Commissioners negotiate further with the American Legion on the matter of lifting the restriction on the use of the Stadi.um property with the view of the City, County and•American Legion getting together on the matter to en- able the City to improve the facility or to re-suUmit the question of a Bond issue to the people for Funds for making the improvements contemplated. Mr. Flall said our endeavor was the same as theirs (City). "We just want to carry out the wishes of the ]:,egion and sug- gested that the City make that approach to the Legion". Mr. Trask suggested Mr. Hall and Mr. Holton be named to represent the County with representatives from the City to call on the American Legion to explain the proposed program. Thereupon, Mr. Hall moved and it was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and earried that the Chairman appoint two (2) members of this Board to represent the County with a like Committee fro!n the City Council to call on the American Legion and i'ron out any differences to enaUle the City Council. to carry out its program. The Chairman appointed Commissi_oners Hall and Holton to represent the County. Monthly reports were received from the Colored liome Agent and the Veterans' Service Offic- er for September. • • • "4ne Bi-Tdeekly Analysis of Current News" affecting IndustriaZ development was received from the Fantus Area Research Company. A dragline report showing 6,100 feet main Castle Hayne and 5,870 feet of l.ateral canals drain- age completed to date. ? The Grand Jury report was received and filed. A communication was received from Fayetteville Area Industrial Development Corporation seek- ing cooperation conceriii.ng the Cape Pear Hiver Drainage.Area Development. Mr. Rossie Thompson, restaurani concession operator at the Airport Terminal Bui.lding appear- ed to complain of the inadequate pressiu e and supply to furnish water for all facilities, p? therefore same was referred to Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager for recommendations to correct the condition. --I A petition from fourteen (14) property owners to hard surface and grade the TYill Road, Cape /?'?" Fear Township which runs from the Railroad Crossing at Mill Road to7Castle Avenue a distance "? of approximately 3/10 mile as per sketch attached. IIpon motion of Mr. IIall, seconded by Mr. Flolton was apLrojed and referred to the State Highway and Public'Woi^ks Commission. Also a petition of six (6) property owners requesting improvements to hard surface Canal Drive Extension, Federal Point Township which runs from 17th Street Northern Extension of Carolina Beach, approximately 600 feet north to N'reeman's Beach Resort. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton was approved and referred to the State Hightoay and Public Works Com- mission. Upon motion of Mr. 13roadhurst, secaided by Mr. Mayhan, $7,339.56 Unanticipated b'unds receiv- ? f ed from the State to reimburse the County for expenses for holding the Special General EleC- tion, September 8, 1956 was appropriated to Electi ais under the Budget. The County Auditor was authorized and instructed to pay bills Q' expense for holding the General Election, November 6, 1956 when presented. ?? Upon motion of Mr. I?all, seconded.-by_.Tir. P1:.?yhan payment of ?C150.00 special attorney fees to ? Attorney William M. Cameron, Jr:, for defending Mary ICenney charged w?h murder was approved ?`"'}? on order of the Honorable William J. Bundy, Judge presiding, Octobei^ Term 1956. --A statement was received from the State Boat°d of Public [delfare advising that $70,149.42 was $Fn, t sent to tPiis County in SeptemUer for assistance cases and administration. ' J, A request of Veterans of World [•7ar i, U.S.A. Inc., of Salisbury, N. C., for the use oF the ,7.nSuperior Court Room for a meeting of all World War I Veterans, Sunday aPternoon, November 25, ` c1 was received for investigation and report at the next meeting. Notice of a public hearing to be.held at Charleston, S. C., 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, December 50 1956 was received from the U. S. District Engineers Office concerning the adoption of reg- ulations governing draw-bridges over the Atlantie Intra-Coastal Waterway from Virginia-North Carolina State Line to Key Tdest, N'lorida was received. No objections were indicated Uy the ? Board from the standpoint of navigation. ??. A letter was received from Mr. D. L. Flagner, 4609 Wrightsville Avenue complaining of ditehes that needed to be cleaned in Winter Park in the vicinity of 47th Street from the old Sarights- ville Road northward. The same was ordered placed on the regular drainage agenda for pro- cessing. Upon motion of Mr. hfayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 4611 to Noo 4662 were ap- proved for payment. ? Veterans' Day, November 11, 1956 falling on Sunday and the same being a legal holiday, author- ity was given County Employes to observe Monday, NoveinUer 12 as a holiday in lieu thereof, and this meeting was adjourned until the next following da-te for tkie regular meeting at 10:00 o'clock A.U., Monday, November 19, 1956. ? Clerk. ? \ ,