1956-11-19 Regular Meeting17 , Wilmington, N. C., November 19, 1956. ; The Regular weelely meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr.., Ernest R. Afayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., John $right Hill; County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. - The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend [d. M. [iells, Pastor of Carolina Beach Pfethodist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of November 5, 1956, having previously been maiied to each member of tlie Board the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, ap- proved. .?- With reference to cleaning out Henniker Ditch with the vieca of draining the adjacent Beach areas to eliminate a bad mosquito breeding condition in that vicinity and to improve drainage ? conditions generally and the maintenance oP the same requested by the Towii Cbuncil o#' Carolina Beach, was referred to the Health Department. Further prosecution of our application for ' Federal Disaster Relief Funas covering sixteen (16) projects of major Hurricane Damaged Agri- cultural Drainage through-out the County, which was not approved by tlie Administration on the grounds of insufi'icient justification, but the same is still pending caith the Chief of Engin- eers and the Federal Civil Defense Administration, was ordered temporarily abandoned b9 the Board. The following resolution recommended by the Superintendent of Public Welfare, was izpon motion , of Mr. Hall, seconded by Nir. Holton, adopted: S,iHE1tEA5, James M. l+?ranks, heir at Law of Rosa Stolces, cleceased, has previously petitioned the Public Welfai^e Department of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that it re- lease the Old Age Assistance Lieri against any claim he might have to tlle pi°operty located at 313 South 14th Street, [dilmington, N. C., being part of lot 6 in 131oc1z 499, City oP Wilviing- ton, ancl said Public Llelfare llepartment of New Hanover County, after due investigatxoil and finding that the said 3ames M. I'ranlcs has other property in New IIanover County 1a1lich is sub- ject to lien and iuider lien to the County of Neia Hanover; ancl further that James 14. Franks has assigned to the llepartmeut of Public Slelfare the sum of $385.00 to the said Department to be paid to out of tne proceeds oP the sale of certain property, as reimbursement for monies already paid to said James M. Franlzs; and . WHEREAS, the said James M. F'ranks requests the Board of County Commissioners of New Aanover County to approve and allow that tlze aforementionecl lien on part of Lot G, Block 499, City of Wilmington, be released: ' THERET+'ORE BE 3T RESOliVLD, that the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Caroliila, does hereby release the lien, in favor of New Iiano"ver County or any of its agencies, which it now lias or might have against the property above described. The assignmetit of the sum of $385.00 is specifically set out as the consideration. Following-up a complaint made by Mr. Hossie Thompson concerning insufficient water pressure 'at the Airpori: Terminal which he said resulted in damage to the interior of the building and some of his equipment. A letter was received from Mr. J. A. Westbrook, Airport PZanager, ad- vising tliat Thompson has two colored employes wlzo are not properly supervised, and through their neglect, the Terminal Building has been flooded with water twice ancl tiao glass doors broken, one of which was replaced by Mr. Thompson. The matter was referi ed to Mr. Idestbrook to work out the situation iaith Mr. Thompson to the best advantage. • ?? A lettei° was received from the Navy requestiizg that certain maintenance work as outliiled in J ` a their annual inspection sunmiary be accomplishecl in accordance ?aith the agreement, Mr. J. A, a??°'? TdestUiook, Airport Ptai7ager, reported that all of tlze said work referred to has been, accom- plished with Lhe exception oP tlie erosion work wYfich,the Navy, he said, proposed to do. A petition received from six (6) property ocaners requesting opeiling,'grading and maintenance of a roadiaay in Federal Point Tpvmship knowii as 7th Aveiiue outside the City limits of Caro- liiza ]3each, iatiich said roadiaay rwz§ from IIarper Avenue North to Plymouth Avenue for a distaizce Q of 750 f'eet, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded Uy Mr. I3roadhw^st apnroved, and referrecl to the State Highiaay and Puhlic «orks Commission. A petition submitted by eighty-one (81). petiti alers of N'ederal Point and T4asonUoro Toianships ? to hard-surface the dirt road leading from US-421 to Horne's Graveyard a distance of about --- 365 feet, and located. approxii,iately 1000 feet north of Plonicey Junction, was upon motion of A4 r. Broad'nurst, secondecl Uy Mr. Mayhari, approved and. referred to the State Iiighiaay and Pub- lic C•Jorlcs Commission. A copy of the Aucli t report of the Consolidated Tax Office prepared by J. B. PfcCabe and Com- T<Y paizy for tiie taa year 1955, iaas received and referred to the Cow1ty Auditor for study and report to the 73oard at the izext meeting. , . ? . ? Monthly reports iaere received from the County Farm and County IIome Agents, Wilmington Pub- 1ic Library; aild Sdilmington Colored Library for October. I A copy of the Septerriber-OCtober 1956 issue oP tlze "Southeastern Housing Neids° featuring the Housiilg Autlxority and its work, was received and filed. Acknowledb ient 'was received from Mr. J. R. Benson, City A4anager, concerning Cowity-City Coin- (??° mittee conference with Awerican Legion about restrictions on Legion Stadiuri property. Mr. Benson advised he would sulimit the proposal to the City Council aild will advise us of their •action. • A charge of $100.00 made by Taylor Termite Exterminating Company for initial treatmer.t of ttie -?' new County 1+'arm Dairy baria for termites, which was not included in the original agreement G• ' covering other Uuildines. Mr. RivenUark, Superintei7dent of the County Ta'arm reconunended that he Ue paid only for tlze cost of materials used and the barn be included for treatment under the original contract. The same was reeeived for further investigation. ? ?.08 ° Meeting of November 19, 1956 - Continued kLp? A letter of appreciation was receivea from the Lions Club for pernu tting them to place four (4) Chewing Gwn Machines in the Court House wkiich are lzelping to finance a progrram of furiv_shing glasses for needy children and other activities for assisting the blind. ? A letter of thanks was received from Mr. Henry Bost, Chairman of the Cowlty Board oF Elec- tions, for the assistance and overall cooperation of Mr. Herbert Rivenbark in placing the voting booths in the 30 precincts Por the Genersl Election ATOVember 6th. An invitation was received from Sears-Roebuck and Company guest at a cocktail Party in the Seville Hotel, DYiami Bea C? preceding the National Associatiaii of Assessing Officers' Novetnber 28. \An invitation was received from BaUcock-Ldilcox Company to from 10:00 o'clock A.Tf., to 10:00 o'clock P. P1., Aionday, of Atlanta, Ga., to Ue their ,h, F11., 5:30 P.M., immediatel? Banquet there Sdednesday evenin attenel Open IIouse at thei.i^ Platit November 19, 1956. A letter was received from the laayetLeville Area Industrial Development Corporation request- ing the Board to designate a representative to a ttend a meeting to discuss proposed improve- ments in the Cape Fear River and its tributaries, at 3:00 o'clock P. M., Wednesday, Decem- Uer 12, at the Payetteville City IIall. No one indicated that they would attend. Upon motion of Mr. Broadizurst, seconded by Mr. Hall; rYr.?l3oet and Mr. D. R. Afurray of the CB,„',?,Atc,- Cape F'ea.r 'Powiiship, New Hanover County, North Carolina saere a d Represeiltatives to the Board of Trustees of the Wrightsboro Fireman's Relief Fun?onrecommendation of the idrightsboro Volunteer Fire llepartment, in accordance with GS-118-6, paragraph b. A letter was received from the State Higkiway and YuUlic Tdorks Conunission, Ra7.eigh, N. C., advising that at its meeting on Nover,iber 2, 1956, approved the addition of the following roads to our State Highway System: ?v Oakley Circle, Cape Fear Township, Ajorth of Ness Creek, 2/10 of a mile Sdilmington Avenue, Harnett Township, East of ICerr Avenue South from US-17 to Rail- road tracks at Roger Tfoore Brick Yard 01'fices. Pine Cone Road, Harnett Township, Loop on Road runniilg east from Shipyard-idinter Park Road near Silver Lal:e, 4/10 mile. Pine Valley Road, AIasenboro Tocanskiip, Prom Shipyard-Tdinter Park Road south to entrance of Pine Valley Cowzty Club, 6/10 mile. St. Joseph Street, Caroliiza 13each Township, part oP ioad to Carolina Beach Yacht Basin, ' 8/10 mile. Olc1 Brielc Yaru Road, riasoizboro 7bwnshzp, from River Road izorth of Bernards Cr eek, 4/10 r,ri.l e . 47th Street, Harnett Townsnip, from Peachtree Street to Oleandcr Arive, 1/10 mi.le. Cherry avenue, Harnett Township, from Ploral Parkway to 42nd Street, 1710 mile. The followiilg streets were not approved for the reason the serviee rendered by saicl roacls would ? not '. justify the expenditure at this time: Wilson Street - NYom Wrightsvillc Avenue to Park Avenue, 1/10 mile. Jefferson Street - hiorth from Shipyard Aoacl Extension to a point NTJ of Adams Street, 15/100 of a mile. St. 7oseph Street - Connectizlg Roads near Yacht 33asin at Cai^olina Beach, 7/100 of a mile. A report on the Castle IIayne Dragline Prbject showing 615 feet caripleted for the week ending Novenriber 16. An offer of T. C. Barefoot Mat•ti°ess Company to renovate approximately fifty (50) inattresses for the County Home at a cost of ?4.50 each and using cotton availaUle at the Couizty FIome for 'J material needed in the t•rorfi, against an ofTer of 155.50 each suhmitted by the New Way Piattress Company, was aiaarded to T. C. I3ar(,._oot Pfattress Conpauy unless the New FJay 4lattress Company can meet that lower price. The 1955 Insolvent list of mlcollected personal personal propei^ty taxes was discussed at length -r? aud the Tax Collector was instructed to continue his efforts to collect the amoutzts by/f,miting to tYie tax payer, ancl to talce such steps necessary to adjust any errors should any apnear. A request oF Au^. Wooclus l:ellwn, Attorney to refund H. Ludlwn $175.00 paid the County at a tax Poreclosure sale in 1950, for Lot #l, in Block #39 Wilrtiilgtoil T3each, otz account of error aiZd ?- double tax cliarge, the said loL haviiig been previously sold by the SJilminston BeaCh Corporation to iVoah S. Perry, riarch 23, 1917, Recorded August 26, 1926, and iater sold to Otto Sciwiidt by I•Iainland Beach Corporation, Pia.y 10, 1924, the same having been foreclosed for taxes as a Held ? by the County Charge in error, and no taxes due the County, the same was upon moi:ion of Mr. Broadhw°st, seconcled by Mr. htayhan, referred to the County Ati:oi^ney for investigation and with potaer to act. Upon motion of Mr. Ilall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, an appropriation of°?.'50.00 caas granted the Couununity Seaside Hotel Corporatioiz of W'rightsville Beacli out of the Advertisiflg P'w1d to- ward the expefise for inaking a survey of Wrightsville Beach Hotel possibilities. The 13oard feeling that such an appropriation would be to Lhe best interest of the Cowlty foL advertis- ing its resources and advanLages. A request of iNSr. P. 21. Camale, General Planager oP the Wilmington Chamber of Comtiierce, for an additional appropriation to the $500.00 earmarked for tkie Chamher, was taicePi iuzcler, consider- ation until next meeting and pendiiig receipt of a s£ate,iteizt of the Advertising I1xnd showing the amounts appropriate3 and the balarice left ii1 the Fwid. Mr. Camak submitted a statement C?yr^ showing the amount of Tourists' business for New Haaiover County for 1956 to be $13,651,808.00. ,--" Upon motion of lir. P4ayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Cowity bills No. 4732 to 4884 were ap- pt°oved for payment. Jurors drawn for the trial of Criminal cases for the tiao wecks term Superior Court beginning D1onday, lleceiuber 3, 1956 are as follows: L_ Meetiizg of November 19, 1956 - Continued The following good and lawful persuns were diawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court Por tlie trial of Crimirlal Cases for the two (20) week§ term beginninb Pfonday, Uecember 3, 1956: . • ? R. E. Arthur, 601 ldrightsville Avenue ' L. R. George, Jr., 146 Pinecrest Pkwy. Joseph Tayl.or, Ri:e.l '- Box 449 . R. F. Johnson, 414 Orailge Street C. C. Peterson, 213 Calhoun llrive R. W. Hiclanan, 2807 Linden Avenue Louis Smith, Jr., 127 Sumter Lrive H. R. Newlcirk, Jr., 1507 South 4th Street J. A. Matthis, 318 ChLU ch Street Carl Ti. 3enne, 8 Northern Blvd., D'eLeon lCornegay, 126 Autledge llrive Thomas E. W. Sylces, 131 Castle Hayne Road E. W. jdallace,(04212 Oleander Brive L. W. Aioore, Box 701, City L. R. Nlillar3, 1605 Orange Street John E. Hales, Y. 0. Box 271, City Toseph A. Thomas, 1902 Woolcott Avenue C. D. Dobson, 2109 Rhodes Avenue G. 0. Focaler, 304 Tdright Street Willarcl H. Capps, 510 South 3rd Street W. E. Blackborn, RE"e.l - Box 257 F. A. Haasis, 405 South 18th Street John K. Lewis, Rte.2-Box 276 C. A. Robeson, 1923 Perry Avenue J. W. Lawther, 2318 Chesttlut Street For Second Week, llecember 10, 1956: G. V. Lai^son, Jr., Rte.3-Bog 117 D. G. Raines, Rte.l - Box 5261 City A. F: Gibson, Jr., 2525 Sdashington Street K. M. Hall, 1507 Ranlcin Street G. H. I3arker, C-33 Box 343-E J. M. Brite, 2849 E. Jefferson Street E. F. lioftin, Sr., 2012 Idoolcott Avenue J. F. Council, 211 South 16t1i Street W. T. Croom, 419 WrigJltsville Avenue T. R. Farmer, 402 Sunset Avenue Thomas W. Bird, 125 Sdard Street fl'. J. Hatley, 3800 Peachtree Street L. J. Willett, Rte.3-Box 234 J. Allen Lewis, 24 ATOrth 23i•d Street ,T. E. Miarrell, Box 105 Victoria Drive Tohn Lewis, 915 South 3rd Stireet L. W. Humphrey,, 104 Colonial Drive Franlclin S. Taylor, 2109 IIarnett Avenue W. R. Hadley, 152 Colonial Drive Ivey Batson, Tdrightsville Avenue I3arriss L. Taylor, 712 Central Blvd. Carl S. Ferger, 4015 Wrightsville Avenue S. C. Anderson, 2510 Washington Street Henry 1+1. C. Habenicht, 1907 Pender Avenue R. D. Pearsall, 115 South 15th 3treei: John H. Perten, 1938 Church Street A. G. Heri^ing, 2109 Pine Street DeSditt T. 'Phomas, 110 Vance Street Raiph S. Grover, 2025 Klein Road [dilliam D. Iierring, 23 Pinecrest Plaay. Arvell Duncan, 2212 Klein Road James L. Jessup, G-1 Oleatider Crt. Apts. Joel H. Cook, 311 No. 16th Street L. T. Aioore, 121• South 5th Street Wm. Julius 'Farrow', 325 Pine Grove Drive A. Ld. Farrow, Sr., C-25 Box 303 R. I. Christian 27 Terrace jti'alk J. SJ. Gore, Jr!; 123 rSoi^gan Street tdilliam H. Tate, 1405 Virgini.a Avenue Carl E. Taylor, 107 Vorth Dlouroe Street George T. Rich, 56 Lee Drive L. L. 13artlett, ICure Beach R. G. Parlier, 4304 Oleander Drive 3ohn C. Skipper, 15-W Laice Village Arthur Bennett, Rte.l - Box 156. A. B. Collins, 210 Rutledge Drive James T. Sidbw^y, Rte.l-Box 334 N. W. Bond,2529 adams Street G. G. Pfurray, Rte.3-Box 458 K. B. Hampton, 207 Nun Street D. P. Xanthos, 420 North Front Street W. J. RoUinson, Rte.l-Box 224-C Joseph M. Watkins, 120 Castle Hayne fload William R. Zimmer, 2710 Arden Road Earl M. 5tevens,118 Newton Lane M. J. DicLeod, 1238 Pairway Drive Ernest E. ICing, ?20 Bernard Drive D. C. Howard, Sr., 2724 Monroe Street tdilmer J. Barefoot, 1519 Castle Street Curtis W. Elliott, 1921 Church Street W. H. Tatum, 2417 l+ionroe Street C. V. Butler, 139 Swnter Drive F. Pf. Hickman 214,Kenwood Avenue Harlee R. Williams, Hte.l-Box 17E Charles W. Ruark, 2431 Plonroe Street John W. Elsea, 15 Jackson Drive M. R. Blalock, Box 167 Carolina Beach Howard A., Hanby, P. 0. Box 89, city J. E. Soles, 4025 Cherry Avenue Iiarold L. Cagle, 2496 Adams Street L. P. Jones, 306 Northern Blvd., W. F. Flowers, 409 lJalnut Street J. H. Piills, Jr., 15A Lake Village W. H. Carter, 1013 South Front Street M. F.; Mattocks, 2510 Jefferson 3treet , Wilmington, N. C., November 26, 195t. The regular weekly meeting of the Board taas held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. fIall, Jr., Ernest R. T2ayhan, L.E. Broaillrurst, and Jolzn Bright Hill, County Attorney. The meeting iaas opened with prayer by i:he Reverend H. J. Kaylor, Pastor of Westminster Pres- byterian Church. . 11d09 Collies of the minutes of ineeting of November 19, 1956, having previously been mailed to each meuiber of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Pfayhan, seconded by Pir. Aall, approved. .?.- The following Iilstitutions and Training Schools taere gi^anted donations in the amounts sllown below to supplement tlzeir Ciiristmas Fund, which was upon motion of ASr. Hall, seconded by hir. Dfayhan, approvecl in consideration of the iilriates from this Cowity in the said Institutions, Ueing the same amowzts appropriated last year: . Caswell Training Sclzool, Kinston, N. C. $25.00 Eastern North Carolina 'Pru ning School, Rocky Mount, N. C. 25.00 Samarcand Dlanor, Eagle Springs, N. C. 30.00 State Training Sclxool for Negro Girls, Kinston, N. C. 25.00 Stonewall Jackson Traizsing School, Concord, - N. C. 30.00 Morrison Training School, Iioffman, N. C. 25.00 American Advent Cllristian Home and Orphanage, Live Oalz, l??la. 25.00 yS 185 UU A request of Prank C. Hill, colored, that the County sponsor a groins to rehabilitate the sand dunes that have washed away at the beach fiom further caave erosion, similar to the protective rePerred to Couunissioners Hall and Broadhurst to investigate t Tliursclay morning, November 29 and report theii recommendations project to provide one or two N'reeman Beach and to protect work at Caroliiia Befich, was ,ie same with Frank C. Hill, to the Board. J