1956-11-26 Regular MeetingMeetiizg of November 19, 1956 - Continued The following good and lawful persuns were diawn to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court Por tlie trial of Crimirlal Cases for the two (20) week§ term beginninb Pfonday, Uecember 3, 1956: . • ? R. E. Arthur, 601 ldrightsville Avenue ' L. R. George, Jr., 146 Pinecrest Pkwy. Joseph Tayl.or, Ri:e.l '- Box 449 . R. F. Johnson, 414 Orailge Street C. C. Peterson, 213 Calhoun llrive R. W. Hiclanan, 2807 Linden Avenue Louis Smith, Jr., 127 Sumter Lrive H. R. Newlcirk, Jr., 1507 South 4th Street J. A. Matthis, 318 ChLU ch Street Carl Ti. 3enne, 8 Northern Blvd., D'eLeon lCornegay, 126 Autledge llrive Thomas E. W. Sylces, 131 Castle Hayne Road E. W. jdallace,(04212 Oleander Brive L. W. Aioore, Box 701, City L. R. Nlillar3, 1605 Orange Street John E. Hales, Y. 0. Box 271, City Toseph A. Thomas, 1902 Woolcott Avenue C. D. Dobson, 2109 Rhodes Avenue G. 0. Focaler, 304 Tdright Street Willarcl H. Capps, 510 South 3rd Street W. E. Blackborn, RE"e.l - Box 257 F. A. Haasis, 405 South 18th Street John K. Lewis, Rte.2-Box 276 C. A. Robeson, 1923 Perry Avenue J. W. Lawther, 2318 Chesttlut Street For Second Week, llecember 10, 1956: G. V. Lai^son, Jr., Rte.3-Bog 117 D. G. Raines, Rte.l - Box 5261 City A. F: Gibson, Jr., 2525 Sdashington Street K. M. Hall, 1507 Ranlcin Street G. H. I3arker, C-33 Box 343-E J. M. Brite, 2849 E. Jefferson Street E. F. lioftin, Sr., 2012 Idoolcott Avenue J. F. Council, 211 South 16t1i Street W. T. Croom, 419 WrigJltsville Avenue T. R. Farmer, 402 Sunset Avenue Thomas W. Bird, 125 Sdard Street fl'. J. Hatley, 3800 Peachtree Street L. J. Willett, Rte.3-Box 234 J. Allen Lewis, 24 ATOrth 23i•d Street ,T. E. Miarrell, Box 105 Victoria Drive Tohn Lewis, 915 South 3rd Stireet L. W. Humphrey,, 104 Colonial Drive Franlclin S. Taylor, 2109 IIarnett Avenue W. R. Hadley, 152 Colonial Drive Ivey Batson, Tdrightsville Avenue I3arriss L. Taylor, 712 Central Blvd. Carl S. Ferger, 4015 Wrightsville Avenue S. C. Anderson, 2510 Washington Street Henry 1+1. C. Habenicht, 1907 Pender Avenue R. D. Pearsall, 115 South 15th 3treei: John H. Perten, 1938 Church Street A. G. Heri^ing, 2109 Pine Street DeSditt T. 'Phomas, 110 Vance Street Raiph S. Grover, 2025 Klein Road [dilliam D. Iierring, 23 Pinecrest Plaay. Arvell Duncan, 2212 Klein Road James L. Jessup, G-1 Oleatider Crt. Apts. Joel H. Cook, 311 No. 16th Street L. T. Aioore, 121• South 5th Street Wm. Julius 'Farrow', 325 Pine Grove Drive A. Ld. Farrow, Sr., C-25 Box 303 R. I. Christian 27 Terrace jti'alk J. SJ. Gore, Jr!; 123 rSoi^gan Street tdilliam H. Tate, 1405 Virgini.a Avenue Carl E. Taylor, 107 Vorth Dlouroe Street George T. Rich, 56 Lee Drive L. L. 13artlett, ICure Beach R. G. Parlier, 4304 Oleander Drive 3ohn C. Skipper, 15-W Laice Village Arthur Bennett, Rte.l - Box 156. A. B. Collins, 210 Rutledge Drive James T. Sidbw^y, Rte.l-Box 334 N. W. Bond,2529 adams Street G. G. Pfurray, Rte.3-Box 458 K. B. Hampton, 207 Nun Street D. P. Xanthos, 420 North Front Street W. J. RoUinson, Rte.l-Box 224-C Joseph M. Watkins, 120 Castle Hayne fload William R. Zimmer, 2710 Arden Road Earl M. 5tevens,118 Newton Lane M. J. DicLeod, 1238 Pairway Drive Ernest E. ICing, ?20 Bernard Drive D. C. Howard, Sr., 2724 Monroe Street tdilmer J. Barefoot, 1519 Castle Street Curtis W. Elliott, 1921 Church Street W. H. Tatum, 2417 l+ionroe Street C. V. Butler, 139 Swnter Drive F. Pf. Hickman 214,Kenwood Avenue Harlee R. Williams, Hte.l-Box 17E Charles W. Ruark, 2431 Plonroe Street John W. Elsea, 15 Jackson Drive M. R. Blalock, Box 167 Carolina Beach Howard A., Hanby, P. 0. Box 89, city J. E. Soles, 4025 Cherry Avenue Iiarold L. Cagle, 2496 Adams Street L. P. Jones, 306 Northern Blvd., W. F. Flowers, 409 lJalnut Street J. H. Piills, Jr., 15A Lake Village W. H. Carter, 1013 South Front Street M. F.; Mattocks, 2510 Jefferson 3treet , Wilmington, N. C., November 26, 195t. The regular weekly meeting of the Board taas held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Raiford Trask, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. fIall, Jr., Ernest R. T2ayhan, L.E. Broaillrurst, and Jolzn Bright Hill, County Attorney. The meeting iaas opened with prayer by i:he Reverend H. J. Kaylor, Pastor of Westminster Pres- byterian Church. . 11d09 Collies of the minutes of ineeting of November 19, 1956, having previously been mailed to each meuiber of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Pfayhan, seconded by Pir. Aall, approved. .?.- The following Iilstitutions and Training Schools taere gi^anted donations in the amounts sllown below to supplement tlzeir Ciiristmas Fund, which was upon motion of ASr. Hall, seconded by hir. Dfayhan, approvecl in consideration of the iilriates from this Cowity in the said Institutions, Ueing the same amowzts appropriated last year: . Caswell Training Sclzool, Kinston, N. C. $25.00 Eastern North Carolina 'Pru ning School, Rocky Mount, N. C. 25.00 Samarcand Dlanor, Eagle Springs, N. C. 30.00 State Training Sclxool for Negro Girls, Kinston, N. C. 25.00 Stonewall Jackson Traizsing School, Concord, - N. C. 30.00 Morrison Training School, Iioffman, N. C. 25.00 American Advent Cllristian Home and Orphanage, Live Oalz, l??la. 25.00 yS 185 UU A request of Prank C. Hill, colored, that the County sponsor a groins to rehabilitate the sand dunes that have washed away at the beach fiom further caave erosion, similar to the protective rePerred to Couunissioners Hall and Broadhurst to investigate t Tliursclay morning, November 29 and report theii recommendations project to provide one or two N'reeman Beach and to protect work at Caroliiia Befich, was ,ie same with Frank C. Hill, to the Board. J IIto Meetiilg of November 26, 1956 - Continued With reference to a communication reCeived from Brigadier General Ediaard F. Griffin, State Director of Civil Defense, stressing the importance of forwardirg to him additional letters ? from the land owners along our streaius, giving.estimates of their damages caused by the clog- ged streams, which condit:ions was Urought about Uy the hurricanes of 1955, said lettei^s to be used for further justification of our application re-submitted for adcli tional fund's i°n ? the amowzt of $300,712.20 for Stream Clearance throughout the County, was referred to A1r. Trask to secure the statements and Letters requestecl. / An invitation was received from the North Carolina Bar Assoeiation urging the Judge of Re- corders Court and Solicitor to•attend the Traffic Court Znstitute sponsored by the AeaocY- ation, and-conducted by the Institute of Government, iaitYi the cooperation of the American Bar Association, to be held at the Institute of Government at Chapel Hill, on November 29,. ? through the lst of llecember, 1956, was upon motion apnroved for the Aecorder and Solicit'o"r to attend if they see fit to clo so. A financial report ancl Summary of patients discharged for October was received from the Com- ,,,. munity Hospital, and ordered filed. •• :• Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Public Welfare, it was agreeabl'e to the Board to loan a special "fracture bed" frbm the Community Hospital to the J. Arthur posher,Aiem- orial Ilospital at SoutYiport, which is necessary Lo coiitinue the treatment of Kersell Evans a Brwzstaick County resiclent who has been reoeiving treat.mefzt at Corrununity Hospital as a charity patient since injured in an automobile wreclc April 1956. IL appeared that this case lias just corie to the attentioiz of the Sdelfare Officer who made inunecliate arrangemeizts to have him transferred to Brwiswick County as its obligation, but they not having the spec- ial type of bed to receive him an4continue his treatztient, the foregoing arrangemeiits iaere made to furnish the bed. The matter of expense covering the euse to Ue worked out with Brunswick Cowzty. • • • A check for $15,011.30 was received from Lhe State Reveiiue Departmeiit and turned over to the County Auditor for proper credit, which represents our shai°e of the distribution of the•I3eer and SJine Excise taxes for tfie Pei^iod from Octol>er 1, 1955 to September 30, 1956. A request of the NeNa Iianovez• Fishing Club for an appropriation of V?50.00 out of the Advertising Qp,,yo Fund as prize money to be 2warded to the mernber of the Club catching the largest Red Dr.um in ,y New Hunover Cow7ty iahich they said Naould be listed as a special prize in the Club's Annual and carried by the ilewspapers as good advertisemeizt for the County, was upon motion oP rir. Broad- hurst, seconded Uy Dir. Tiayhan, decliized for the reasoiz we don't have the F'unds available for that expense: • • The County Auditor reported the ElecLioiz Appropriation for holding the General Election, Nov- ember 6, 1956, is overdrawn Uy ?'?'473.88 plus an additional request of the Chairman of the lioard of Electioiis for $150.00 for Clerical and Secretarial costs malcing a total additioizal appro- priation of ?623.83 needed to ineet the expense, and reconuuendai,ion for appropriation to be macte from Unanticipated Funds - General rund Intangible Tax to Elections, which was upon motion of, rir. I3roadhurst,. seconded by bir, riayhan, appa ovecl aizS it was so ordered. • Tiinnie-Moore 1+'oushee, 73 years of age, feeble mentally and physically disabled colored incligent citizen, anil P1rs. Bettie t-iurray Carney Siainson, 80 years old, xahite citizen •who has been liv- ing alone but nota has a bad heart condition making it impossible "o care for herself, were up- on taotion of rir. Bro :clhurst, seconded by P1r. hlayhan, aiitnitted to the County lIwue on recommenc'fa- tioi2 of the Supeiintendent of Public tdelfare. The 1955 lnsolvent tax list of uncollected personal property taxes ieas again discussed, and ,?...-- upon motion oP Pir. Broadhurst, seconded by Ttr. Iiall, it was ordered that those persons re- 'i"G? inaining oiz the list as wzpaid after effort to collect the same has failed, be published by the Tax Collector in the local newspaper, a.nd in the future the insolvent l?rbe published at the same time and alorg with the sale of real estate foi^ taxes at the el se of the Lax year. The Sheriff zaas piesent ancl .recomi:ien3ed the purchase af three (3) new lieavy--2--dooi^ Autoinobiles equipped with 12volt batteries to replace the three (3) present old cars nota iti servzce in 11is ? Department. Upon f:iotion of PIr. Broaclhurst, instructions were given to advertise for bids for the purchase oP three (3) cars as requested, less trade-in alloiqance for the three (3) old cars, Gj?y^ 021 specific;ations to be furnislled by the SheriPf. The matter of Lransferring the radios and other, equipmetlt froni the old cars to the neta oizes was left with t3-se Sheiiff to handle. / A request presented 'oy Mr. Hall for Mrs. Cora Stokes, Nurse in the Cowity Juvenile Home to be included in the Couilty Employes Retirement System and be permitted -Co pay nine and one-half(92l) years back, payments to the Aetirentent Board, was refeired to i+;r. T. D. Love, 'Preasurer of the Retirement Boarcl. Upon motion of Pir. D1ayYzan, seconderi by h1r, 1i.11, CounLy bills No. 4889 to 4914 ioere approved ?for,payment. The followii7g cotuparative stateiaent of the Advertising F'unds for the fiscal year ending June x- 30, 1956, and for the fiscal year ending Jtuie 30, 1957, as of Nove.mber 26, 1956, was submitted for the Commissioners information. ,COMPt1.1;ATIVE 3TA'FENENT OP AllUE!'iTISING rIINU 1+Oli 1955. - 1956 tiND b'OR 1956- 1957 :r . ? .? , =? . :? . . ._ STATETIENT t;i+ ADV"r.I'iTISIiJG b'UND FOR 1955 - 1956 ' Amount Appropriated for 1955 - 1956 Added Appropriatioti from.Refund Disbursements: Charlotte OUserver Agricultrual Coruuittee Chamher oP Connerce Wilmiizgtoil tierchants Association • Retarded Children Band Boosters Clubs CharaUer of Conwierce Southeastern N. C. Beach Association Azalea Festival ? 5,000.00 ?84.89 y5, 5 ,184. 8y 441.00 ' ? 800.00 404.50 500.00 480.00 500.00 500.00 1,659.39 ? 5,284.89 • li L S. L ., Aieeting of November 26, 1956 - Continued STATEMENT OP ADVERIISING FUND FOR •1956 - 1957 • Amount Appropriated for 1956 - 1957 $? 5,000.00 DisUursements: Retarded Children - ?+ 500.00 • Southeastern N.C. Beach Association 750.00 WiLnington T4erchants Association 500.00 i Cape 1+''ear Squadron Civil Air Patrol 150.00 • Wilmington Athletic Assoc.Open Golf Tournament 400.00 Community Seaside Hotel Corporation 250.00 ?,S?u.UO • § _ Earmarked for: Agricultural Committee, Pat Stock Show 500.00 _ Sdilmington Chamber of Couunerce 500.00 $? 3,550.00 Balance as of November 26, 1956 ? 1,450.00 The meeting caas then adjourned. e Clerk. . ? .111 . 5?-f1 fLT Sdilmingtoiz, N. C., December 3, 1956. The regular weetcly meeting of the Board iaas held this day at 10:00 o'clock A:hi. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice Chairman, presiding and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, 3ames E. Iiolton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, Jokui Briglit bIill; County Attorney and -T. D. Love, County Aud.itor. The meei:ing was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. B. Earlg, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of NovemUer 26, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion oP Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, aPproved. Commissioners James E. Holton, Jr., and L. E. Broadhurst, (who have been serving out unexpired terms) and Berry A. Williamst newly elected County Coumiissioners at the General Election held Rovember 6, 1956 for four (41 year terms, having qualified by talcing the oath of office be- fore the Honorable id. J. Bundy, Jucige Presiding, Superior Court, the Board proceeded to re- organize: . The adntinistrative policies of the Board taas first discussed, and it was the mnsensus of the majority, and it was so moved by Mr. Broadhurst that the Board continue its administrative policies with the Chairman as the Executive aild Presicling Officer and the Clerk to carry out and adrniilister the policies set by the Board as had been the practice for the past several months. Mr. Broadhurst said it has been his observation that the plan has worked successful- ly.. ,-,,,. .?, A substitute r?otion was offered by Mr. Ldilliams to the effect Lhat the Chairman be the active ? Executive Officer of the Board anil in effect as Manager of its affairs to give the orders in the operation of the County Institutions and administer and supervise the affairs of the County generally, which would reqixire a good bit of IZis time, or so much as necessary to see that the policies of the 13oard are carried out. His motion failed of a second and the first motion offered Uy rir, 13roaclhurst was secor.ded by Mr. ASayhan and carrigd. , M The term of the Chairman of the Board having expired this day, this is the meeting at which a , Chairman is to Ue elected. Mr. Broadhurst nominated Mr. J. PI. Hall, Jr., to fill tlie Office?,Pr.?&J oP Chairman, Mr. Williauis then nontinated Mr. Holton for the election of Chairman of this ? Body. A vote was then taken and Corumi.ssioners Broadhurst and Tiayhan voted for the election of Dlr. Iiall as Cliair-man oP the Board aizd Conunissioners Williams and Iiolton for Mr. Holton. A tie was declared and Mr. Hall refused to be put into the position of having to vote for him- ` self. After a few monents, Mr. Holton changed his vote to 2•ir. Hall whereupon Mr. Williams al- so switched his vote to NIr. Iiall and Pir. 41a1J.• iaas unanimously elected Chairuian of the Board for a tei°m of one (1) year beginrLing as of thi,s date and ending the first Monday in December, 1957. The next order of business was the el•ection of a Vice Clza•irman, and Mr. Williar.is nominated Mr. fiolton and Mr. Broadhurst. nomiizated rir. Dfayhan, which also resulted in a tie vote. The Chair- > man voted for Mr. P1a.yhan and Air. Tlavhajwas duly elected Vice Chairman of the Board. Upori motioii of Afr. 13roadhurst, seconded by Mr. riayhan, Thos. X. Woody 14as re-elected Cler.k- J Executive Secretary of the Board, and John Br.iglit Hill was re-elected County Attorney. At this point Chairman Hall retired from the meeti-ng to attend the funeral of a friend and Vice Clzairman Ma3rhan took the chair. Mr. C. R. riorse, Tax Collector appeared to explain the effort that has been ru3de to collect -r? items open on the Inso].veiit List aiid that effort is being oontinued, and reported 94.67% of Lhe 1955 taxes collectecl. 'Mr. Morse taas commended for the very fiize job he is doing. Mr. A. P. Tleier, member of the Board of Alderman of Sdrightsville IIeach appeared to ask the " Convaissioner's cooperation with «riehtsville 13each and the U. S. District ingineers in provid- ? ing all necessary easer,ient right-of-ways and spoil disposal areas in coruiection caith the pro- - posed project for iiaproving AZott's Chanriel, Banks Chaiuiel and adcliLional material fill in the ' vicinity of the central pax°t oP S;lrightsville lieach southward and widening and deepeuing Dlason- boro inlet. i•Ir. Ilolton moved that we cooperate with iYrightsville Beach to the extent tae can, ? and the U. S. District Li7gineers ba assured of our coope:ation and the Chairman Ue ai.i+,;hoi^ized to sign necessary resolution to meet the requii°ements and to put the pro4 ect iilto effect. Ilis motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst ancl carried. ' • _ Upon motion of Mr. I3o11:on, seconded by Mr. tdilliams, Lhe followiiig Resduticii was adopted on r? recomr,iendation of tfze Superintend.ent of Public Welfare: • ??-?% WHL+'REF;S, the County of New Hanover is the holder of record of an Old Age Assistanee lien ! agaiiist Eusi'bio A. Valerio filed iiz Lien Book 2, Page 310, on October 1, 1951, in the OPfice ' of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County; and, , 'A