1956-12-03 Regular Meeting., Aieeting of November 26, 1956 - Continued STATEMENT OP ADVERIISING FUND FOR •1956 - 1957 • Amount Appropriated for 1956 - 1957 $? 5,000.00 DisUursements: Retarded Children - ?+ 500.00 • Southeastern N.C. Beach Association 750.00 WiLnington T4erchants Association 500.00 i Cape 1+''ear Squadron Civil Air Patrol 150.00 • Wilmington Athletic Assoc.Open Golf Tournament 400.00 Community Seaside Hotel Corporation 250.00 ?,S?u.UO • § _ Earmarked for: Agricultural Committee, Pat Stock Show 500.00 _ Sdilmington Chamber of Couunerce 500.00 $? 3,550.00 Balance as of November 26, 1956 ? 1,450.00 The meeting caas then adjourned. e Clerk. . ? .111 . 5?-f1 fLT Sdilmingtoiz, N. C., December 3, 1956. The regular weetcly meeting of the Board iaas held this day at 10:00 o'clock A:hi. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice Chairman, presiding and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, 3ames E. Iiolton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, Jokui Briglit bIill; County Attorney and -T. D. Love, County Aud.itor. The meei:ing was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. B. Earlg, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of NovemUer 26, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion oP Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, aPproved. Commissioners James E. Holton, Jr., and L. E. Broadhurst, (who have been serving out unexpired terms) and Berry A. Williamst newly elected County Coumiissioners at the General Election held Rovember 6, 1956 for four (41 year terms, having qualified by talcing the oath of office be- fore the Honorable id. J. Bundy, Jucige Presiding, Superior Court, the Board proceeded to re- organize: . The adntinistrative policies of the Board taas first discussed, and it was the mnsensus of the majority, and it was so moved by Mr. Broadhurst that the Board continue its administrative policies with the Chairman as the Executive aild Presicling Officer and the Clerk to carry out and adrniilister the policies set by the Board as had been the practice for the past several months. Mr. Broadhurst said it has been his observation that the plan has worked successful- ly.. ,-,,,. .?, A substitute r?otion was offered by Mr. Ldilliams to the effect Lhat the Chairman be the active ? Executive Officer of the Board anil in effect as Manager of its affairs to give the orders in the operation of the County Institutions and administer and supervise the affairs of the County generally, which would reqixire a good bit of IZis time, or so much as necessary to see that the policies of the 13oard are carried out. His motion failed of a second and the first motion offered Uy rir, 13roaclhurst was secor.ded by Mr. ASayhan and carrigd. , M The term of the Chairman of the Board having expired this day, this is the meeting at which a , Chairman is to Ue elected. Mr. Broadhurst nominated Mr. J. PI. Hall, Jr., to fill tlie Office?,Pr.?&J oP Chairman, Mr. Williauis then nontinated Mr. Holton for the election of Chairman of this ? Body. A vote was then taken and Corumi.ssioners Broadhurst and Tiayhan voted for the election of Dlr. Iiall as Cliair-man oP the Board aizd Conunissioners Williams and Iiolton for Mr. Holton. A tie was declared and Mr. Hall refused to be put into the position of having to vote for him- ` self. After a few monents, Mr. Holton changed his vote to 2•ir. Hall whereupon Mr. Williams al- so switched his vote to NIr. Iiall and Pir. 41a1J.• iaas unanimously elected Chairuian of the Board for a tei°m of one (1) year beginrLing as of thi,s date and ending the first Monday in December, 1957. The next order of business was the el•ection of a Vice Clza•irman, and Mr. Williar.is nominated Mr. fiolton and Mr. Broadhurst. nomiizated rir. Dfayhan, which also resulted in a tie vote. The Chair- > man voted for Mr. P1a.yhan and Air. Tlavhajwas duly elected Vice Chairman of the Board. Upori motioii of Afr. 13roadhurst, seconded by Mr. riayhan, Thos. X. Woody 14as re-elected Cler.k- J Executive Secretary of the Board, and John Br.iglit Hill was re-elected County Attorney. At this point Chairman Hall retired from the meeti-ng to attend the funeral of a friend and Vice Clzairman Ma3rhan took the chair. Mr. C. R. riorse, Tax Collector appeared to explain the effort that has been ru3de to collect -r? items open on the Inso].veiit List aiid that effort is being oontinued, and reported 94.67% of Lhe 1955 taxes collectecl. 'Mr. Morse taas commended for the very fiize job he is doing. Mr. A. P. Tleier, member of the Board of Alderman of Sdrightsville IIeach appeared to ask the " Convaissioner's cooperation with «riehtsville 13each and the U. S. District ingineers in provid- ? ing all necessary easer,ient right-of-ways and spoil disposal areas in coruiection caith the pro- - posed project for iiaproving AZott's Chanriel, Banks Chaiuiel and adcliLional material fill in the ' vicinity of the central pax°t oP S;lrightsville lieach southward and widening and deepeuing Dlason- boro inlet. i•Ir. Ilolton moved that we cooperate with iYrightsville Beach to the extent tae can, ? and the U. S. District Li7gineers ba assured of our coope:ation and the Chairman Ue ai.i+,;hoi^ized to sign necessary resolution to meet the requii°ements and to put the pro4 ect iilto effect. Ilis motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst ancl carried. ' • _ Upon motion of Mr. I3o11:on, seconded by Mr. tdilliams, Lhe followiiig Resduticii was adopted on r? recomr,iendation of tfze Superintend.ent of Public Welfare: • ??-?% WHL+'REF;S, the County of New Hanover is the holder of record of an Old Age Assistanee lien ! agaiiist Eusi'bio A. Valerio filed iiz Lien Book 2, Page 310, on October 1, 1951, in the OPfice ' of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County; and, , 'A ?! ?. ?? ?r Tleeting of December 3, 1956 - Continued ,WHEFiPAS, the property owned by the said lienor is in need of necessary repairs and the Cooperative Savings and Loan Association, lJilmington, RTOrth Carolina, has made a loan to said lieizor, subject to the sai.d Old Age Assistance lien beiiig subordinatecl to the lien o€ the said Savii-igs and Loan Association; and, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the County that said loan be macde to eiiaUle the lienor to make the necessary repairs to saicl property, aild that the County lien for Old Age Assistance should Ue subordinated and rtiade inferior to the lien of the Deeds of Trust to C. D. Hogue, Trustee.for saicl Assoeiation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RLSOLVE?; 1. That it is to the.best interest of Ide?,r Hanover County that the repairs Ue made to the pi^operty of the said lienor located in: Part of Lot 1, Bloclc 280 accorcli ng Lo the official plan of the City of idilr.iington, N. C., the size of said Lot Ueing 66 feet in depth ancl 27 feet 6 inches Prontage on Bladen Street. 2. That the lien of NeialIanover Ccunty, recorc.ed in Lien Book 2, Page 310, against Eusibio A. Valerio is hereby suUordinated to, and made inferior to the lien of that certain lleed oP TrusL executed by Eusibio A. Valerio and Taife, Cairie L. Valerio to C. D. lIogue, Trustee for the Cooperative Savings anci Loan Association in the amount of $650.00 anel duly recordect in the office of the Regi::iei° of Deeds of Nei•7 Hanovei° Cowlty in Book 599 oiz Page 305 in the OfPice of the 1?egister of Deeds of vew IIanover County, and further that the Chair•r,ian of Lhis Boarci be and he is hereUy authorized ancl direcLed to enter the subor- dination of said lien on the docket in the Office of the Superior Court oP hew Hanover County. Instiuctions were given to take immeeliai;e stegs to revise the Jiuy List which was called to the atteiition of the Cormnissioners by the HoizoraUle tdilliam J. Bwzdy, Judge, holcling Courts of the Fifth 3udicial District Fall Term 1956. The Couiity Auclil;or reported i•u^. i+osLei• Ldwards, Clerk of Supei•ior Court is out sick and will subnut his annual report txao (2) iaeeks fr•om today. Witi1 reference to a counnluzication received froia the Board of liealth urging the Cowlty Coin- missioners to request our°Hepresentative iii the cominb Legislature to introduce necessary Legislation to permit the appointment oP a County Building,Inspector, in view of the fact that higjz grade houses are being built in areas Tvhere septic ta?u;s iaill not worlc satisfact- orily, and the Coucity has no Building 3nspector ancl does not issue building permits, which makes the si4;uatiozl more difficult to i.ell a irian he caiznot iilstall a septic tanlz after lie has already put tiis money iilto bui.lding a house. hir. Holton suggested a Connnittee from the Boascl be namecl to coilfer with persons favtiliar with P1waUing, Electrical Installations, Health anu other agencies taith the view of fornu.iag a Committee to study the situation ancl coor@inate their iueas and recommendations in a plan to be flrafted into a Bill for Legisla- tive Eilactnent to enable the proposed l3uilding Inspector to issue a perr,u.t i;hat laould cov- er all buildiizg requirernents for the successful buildiizg constructial. Comtnissioner Iiolton and the Clerk were nai;ied t.o represeilt the Board witlz Pir. IIolton as Chairman of the Colrvnittee ??(? The Clerk was instructeci Lo arrange a iaeeting date for the Comlty, City ancl Americasi Legiou ? Coi:unittee to consider the li£ting of restrictions on tlze Lebion Stadiwn p'roperi;y. -? A report of the Colored IIome llemonstratioii Ageizt and 4-H Clubs for ivovember were received. p?wa A report of the Veterafls' Service Officer for November was received and filed. -? A report of the Castle Hayne dragline worlc was receivecl showiizg 986 feet comnleted for the week ending November 30, 1956. , A report on the Castle Hayize dragline project was received shoteing 7,100 feet eompleted. Will start on A. J. Schiegel lateral 1,600 feet then ttao (2) more short laterals to complete the pro ject. , T:ie State T3oard of Public Welfare reported $52,643.22 «as sent to this County for public as- sistance cases and administration for October. -? ? Copies of ttie rninutes of Lhe Board of Trustees of ConununiCy Hospital for September 28, and the Board of Health for Noveiaber 7, 1956 iaere received. ri9'i7'N17 The followiiig Certificate oP Award for the Valuable and Loyal services rendered by D4r. Raiford Trask, retiring membcr and former Chairman of this Body was wlaninously adopted: CERTIFICATE Ob' A[dAFiD OF1iICE OI' 'P1iE BOARD OF COTYPfISSIGNERS OF NE[J HANOVGR. COUNTY, i7IT,PIINGTCIN, NORTII CAROLINA GRELTINGS: In Appreciation of The Fidelity and Allegiailce of RAIFaRD `PRASK and in profouncl recognition and in truly esteemed aud grateful acknowledgmeiit of outstanding faithfulness aizd service i;o his Coinmu7ity as a valued meutber of the Board of New lianover Coiuity Couunissioners, we, of said Board are hignly pleaseci and privileged to offer and present this citatiori, with the hope that it iaill perpetuate aiid coimnemorate your valiant personal effort and signal accomplishmeilt, both of tahich have immeasurably contributed to.the contin- ued developmeilt, progress and gi^oiath oP Neta Ilanover County. SIGNED, TdITH THE SEAL OF TfEi COUI3TY AFr'ISEll 'IHIS TIIE 3ItD llAY OF llecember 1956 /s/ Tkzos. X. Idoody C l eric J. M. Iiall, Jr. cnairman Isl Ernest R. piayhan /s/ Jas. E. Holton, Ji^ /s/ Bei ry A. Williams /s/ L. E. Broaahurst L Meeting oF December 3, 1956 - Continued 113 A card was received from i:he family appreciation our expression of symp; Faithful Performatice Bond for R., L. with the United States Pidelity and approval of the County Attorney. of the late John H. Farrell acknowledging witlz greatful '2Y? ithy to tlze family in the passing of Pir. Farrell. . . _? Black as Hegister of Deeds in the amount of $10,000.00 Guaranty Caiipany as Surety, was accepted subject to the Upon motion of Air. Hall, seconded Uy P1r. Braadhurst, County bills No. 4974 to 5052 were ap-4-k-11- proved Por payment. ' Upon motion of D1r. Broadhurst, seconded by Pir. Holton, 44r. I{ingsley I{ing was exempt from the TV payment of poll taxes on account of poverty and physical disability. rir. Berry A. IJilliams, newly elected County Commissioner, was cordially welcomed to trie Botird as a member of this Body. The meeting then adjourned. 7 Q Clerk. / . Sailmington, N. C., Decemher 10, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board saas held this day at 10:00 o'cloclc A.M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Co;nr,tissioners Ernest,R. Piaghan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. tdilliams, John Briglit Hill; County Attorney and P. D. Zove, County Auditor. • . The meeting was opened with prayer by the Heverend Iiarry Mitchell, Pastor of Carolina Beach Presbyterian Church. , Copies of the minutes of the meeting of December 3, 1956, having been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motioiz of hir. Maykian, seconded Uy Air. [dilliams, aflproved. c Upon motioci of P1r. Bro2dhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board approved a suggestion offered by TSr. Louis T. TSoore, Chairman of the Neza Hanover Historical Commission, that a portrait of Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States of America and a former resi- dent of Wilmington, North Carolina be pLaced on the caalls of our Court Room'on or before DecemUer 28, the 100th Anniversary of President Wilson's birth. The Clerk was instruCted to proceed along the lines suggested by rir. Tioore to secure the portrait. Upon motion of PIr. Broadhurst, seconded by A1r Mayhan, a request of Mr. Mr. J. R. Hollis, T• Superintendent of Public Welfare to transfer i656.90 from Unanticipated Funds to Extra Help within his Budget to enable him to employ a Junior Clerk to bring his records up i:o date, ?? ?• and$287.50 Unanticipated Social Security Pauper Burial Funds received, was appropriated to Burial of Indigents under his Buciget. A request of A1r. Hollis to appropriate future Unanticipated Biu°ial' 13.uzds wheii received from Social Security or other sources to Indigent BuNials at Lhe time the occasion arises, was received For consideration. ' A request of the Board of Education to transfer $10,000.00 from Heatic7g.. Lighting and Plumb- ing and ?4,000.00 fran Bui.ldings and Grounds-Salaries to Bui.lcling and Grounds - Platerials, , under the item Maintenance of Plant ?aithin tYie 6cYiool Regular Budget, was upon motion of Air. FIolton, seconded by Pir. Broadhurst, granted after Pir. John 0. Marshall, Schools Business Manager, caane before the Board to explain that the transfer was necessary to 'tneet the expense of the type of major repairs recommended by the Gratid Jury. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by PSr. Tiayhan, the following persozis were elected tax listers for their respective 'Pownships for ti:e year 1957 on recommendation of Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor: T9rs, Sally Best, Tioute #1, Mi.ddle Sound, AFD Citq - Harnett #2 Township Pir. T. H. Gerdes, 516 Porest Hills Drive, City - Wilmington " TIr. J. L. Gholson, 1510 Docle Street City - " " Mr, , W. F. King 4803 Wrightsville Avenue City - [drightsvill e Beach " Mrs, , , John C. Leeucaenburg, 3407 Wilshire Blvd., City - Harnett #i _Township Mrs. G. W. Melton, Jr., Rte.2- Box 163, Citp - Tlasonboro " rirs, J. C. Plyatt, Carolina Beach, N. C. - Federal Point " Incl. (Carolina Beach - ICure Beach) Pir. W. F. Toon, Jr., 520 Princess Street, City - Wilmington Towilship P1rs. George LJiZkins, Castle Hayne Rd., City - Cape Pear " P1r. J. H. Womble, 4913 Oleander Drive, City - [dilmington " rir. Haywood S. I{ing 114 South 5th Street City - " " Mr. , , G.. T. Swain, 608 Orznge Stieet, City - " " Tlr. Love stated he will follow thru with the same procedure of tax listing by.Corporations, T(3-1 Firms or Individuals as has been the practice for tlie past two years. Inventories to be listed at 100`fo of cost, and the County, to use 40/ of this listing in figuring the taxes. Tiachinery, TYxtures and Equi.pment 100% of original cost as per book record, less amount of aecruecl deprecia-Lion, against these cost figures as of January 1, 1957. The Cowlty will use 40% of the clepreciated value of tliese iLems.. Uut not less than 25% of the original cost in figuring i,he taxes. Automobiles and Trucks will be assessed accordiiig to tiie 1957 Red Book of Average Cash VaTue. Figures furnished on.the tax abstract and listing should agree with records as returned to the State and Federal Government Por Income Tax purposes. hir. [dilliar.is felt that AutomoUiles should be listed on tFze 40%, scale also, Uut as to his sug- gestion, no action was taken. . . ' •?? rir. Broadhurst raised the question of the inconsistency of the amounts of premiwns charged on l-wo UPficial Bonds compared with the•amount of coverage involved in the various categories. Upon motiun of Tir. Holton, instructions were given to m•wke a study of all Cowzty Insw ance , coverabe, and ttiat a representative of the local Underwriters explain the same in detail to , the Comnussioners at Lhe next meeting. , ?