1956-12-10 Regular MeetingMeeting oF December 3, 1956 - Continued 113 A card was received from i:he family appreciation our expression of symp; Faithful Performatice Bond for R., L. with the United States Pidelity and approval of the County Attorney. of the late John H. Farrell acknowledging witlz greatful '2Y? ithy to tlze family in the passing of Pir. Farrell. . . _? Black as Hegister of Deeds in the amount of $10,000.00 Guaranty Caiipany as Surety, was accepted subject to the Upon motion of Air. Hall, seconded Uy P1r. Braadhurst, County bills No. 4974 to 5052 were ap-4-k-11- proved Por payment. ' Upon motion of D1r. Broadhurst, seconded by Pir. Holton, 44r. I{ingsley I{ing was exempt from the TV payment of poll taxes on account of poverty and physical disability. rir. Berry A. IJilliams, newly elected County Commissioner, was cordially welcomed to trie Botird as a member of this Body. The meeting then adjourned. 7 Q Clerk. / . Sailmington, N. C., Decemher 10, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board saas held this day at 10:00 o'cloclc A.M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Co;nr,tissioners Ernest,R. Piaghan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. tdilliams, John Briglit Hill; County Attorney and P. D. Zove, County Auditor. • . The meeting was opened with prayer by the Heverend Iiarry Mitchell, Pastor of Carolina Beach Presbyterian Church. , Copies of the minutes of the meeting of December 3, 1956, having been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motioiz of hir. Maykian, seconded Uy Air. [dilliams, aflproved. c Upon motioci of P1r. Bro2dhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board approved a suggestion offered by TSr. Louis T. TSoore, Chairman of the Neza Hanover Historical Commission, that a portrait of Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States of America and a former resi- dent of Wilmington, North Carolina be pLaced on the caalls of our Court Room'on or before DecemUer 28, the 100th Anniversary of President Wilson's birth. The Clerk was instruCted to proceed along the lines suggested by rir. Tioore to secure the portrait. Upon motion of PIr. Broadhurst, seconded by A1r Mayhan, a request of Mr. Mr. J. R. Hollis, T• Superintendent of Public Welfare to transfer i656.90 from Unanticipated Funds to Extra Help within his Budget to enable him to employ a Junior Clerk to bring his records up i:o date, ?? ?• and$287.50 Unanticipated Social Security Pauper Burial Funds received, was appropriated to Burial of Indigents under his Buciget. A request of A1r. Hollis to appropriate future Unanticipated Biu°ial' 13.uzds wheii received from Social Security or other sources to Indigent BuNials at Lhe time the occasion arises, was received For consideration. ' A request of the Board of Education to transfer $10,000.00 from Heatic7g.. Lighting and Plumb- ing and ?4,000.00 fran Bui.ldings and Grounds-Salaries to Bui.lcling and Grounds - Platerials, , under the item Maintenance of Plant ?aithin tYie 6cYiool Regular Budget, was upon motion of Air. FIolton, seconded by Pir. Broadhurst, granted after Pir. John 0. Marshall, Schools Business Manager, caane before the Board to explain that the transfer was necessary to 'tneet the expense of the type of major repairs recommended by the Gratid Jury. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by PSr. Tiayhan, the following persozis were elected tax listers for their respective 'Pownships for ti:e year 1957 on recommendation of Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor: T9rs, Sally Best, Tioute #1, Mi.ddle Sound, AFD Citq - Harnett #2 Township Pir. T. H. Gerdes, 516 Porest Hills Drive, City - Wilmington " TIr. J. L. Gholson, 1510 Docle Street City - " " Mr, , W. F. King 4803 Wrightsville Avenue City - [drightsvill e Beach " Mrs, , , John C. Leeucaenburg, 3407 Wilshire Blvd., City - Harnett #i _Township Mrs. G. W. Melton, Jr., Rte.2- Box 163, Citp - Tlasonboro " rirs, J. C. Plyatt, Carolina Beach, N. C. - Federal Point " Incl. (Carolina Beach - ICure Beach) Pir. W. F. Toon, Jr., 520 Princess Street, City - Wilmington Towilship P1rs. George LJiZkins, Castle Hayne Rd., City - Cape Pear " P1r. J. H. Womble, 4913 Oleander Drive, City - [dilmington " rir. Haywood S. I{ing 114 South 5th Street City - " " Mr. , , G.. T. Swain, 608 Orznge Stieet, City - " " Tlr. Love stated he will follow thru with the same procedure of tax listing by.Corporations, T(3-1 Firms or Individuals as has been the practice for tlie past two years. Inventories to be listed at 100`fo of cost, and the County, to use 40/ of this listing in figuring the taxes. Tiachinery, TYxtures and Equi.pment 100% of original cost as per book record, less amount of aecruecl deprecia-Lion, against these cost figures as of January 1, 1957. The Cowlty will use 40% of the clepreciated value of tliese iLems.. Uut not less than 25% of the original cost in figuring i,he taxes. Automobiles and Trucks will be assessed accordiiig to tiie 1957 Red Book of Average Cash VaTue. Figures furnished on.the tax abstract and listing should agree with records as returned to the State and Federal Government Por Income Tax purposes. hir. [dilliar.is felt that AutomoUiles should be listed on tFze 40%, scale also, Uut as to his sug- gestion, no action was taken. . . ' •?? rir. Broadhurst raised the question of the inconsistency of the amounts of premiwns charged on l-wo UPficial Bonds compared with the•amount of coverage involved in the various categories. Upon motiun of Tir. Holton, instructions were given to m•wke a study of all Cowzty Insw ance , coverabe, and ttiat a representative of the local Underwriters explain the same in detail to , the Comnussioners at Lhe next meeting. , ? I? 14 Meeting of Dececnber 10, 1956 - Continued The followiiig Official Boncls having beeiz approued by the Couizty Attorney wei^e upon motion of h1r. Broadhw st, secondecl by Pir. Williams, appi^oved by the Board. PRInTCIPAL R. L. Black B. B. Christmas L. F. Duke G. E. A4organ R. C. Patten J. M. Shingleton Nicholas H. Modinos Rayraoi1 Hichard C. S. Sidbury Kegister o Canstable, Constable, CoilstaUle, Constable, Constable, Justice of Justice of Justice of Ol4FICE f Deeds FPederal Point Ldilmi.ngton i+iasonboro Cape Fear Harnett Peace Peace Peace ST7RETY - AM0UNT OI' BONll USFSG Cor.:Pany ? 10,000.00 Natl. SLU^ety Corp. 1,000.00 Travelers Ind em. Co. 11000,00 Natl. Surety Corp. 11000.00 " " " 1,000.00 " " " 1,000.00 Ainerican Auto Iiic.Co. 1,000.00 Natl. Surety Corp. 1,000.00 " " " 1,000.00 Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by rlr. F!illiams, Caaup Lejeune Officers were gf^anted per- mission to install a cage in their quarters in the Court House baeemeiz2 for the tecnporary detention of personnel not necessary to be placed in the jail. Since Christmas llay falls on Tuesday this year, the 33oard upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, _secondecl by rir. Playhart, granted Co-Lmty Employes t,ionday, December 24th i;hru Wednesday. Decem- ber 26th, in observance of the Christmas Iiolidays, suUject to the approval of the Bepartment Heads. This action, however, does not in any way establish a prececlent for any future holi.- days. A suUstitute motion 'offered by 1-7r. Willian:s, to s et the I3olidays frotn ilcon 5ati.u day, Decem- ber 22, to Weclnesday morniug, Decefnber 26, i10t having received a second, was withdrawn. ? No objections e,eie indicated by the Board to the U. S. DistricL Engineers granting Pir. J. M. Everett an extension of time from 'e,he 31st of DecemUer 1956 to the 31st oP Decerber 1959, on the Permit issued to hitii for dredging and construction of a pier in froiit oP his property oii the southwest side of the Flrightsville Beach Canse[aay. Payment of ?150.00, Speeial Attorney fee i.o 5t'. K. Rhodes, Aitorizey for serviees rendered -?' George R. Iiarmon, defendent, charged with raPe DeceinUer Criminal Term of the Supsrior Coiu t 1956, on order of the Honorable William J. 13uncly, Judee Presidiflg, was appi°oved. A request of Pu . H. R. Davis, Cizairman of the S•days aizd iteans Committee, BaiZd Boosters Club, .? for an aPpropriation out of the Advertising rund to carry on the activities of the Sdilmi.ngtou JLU1ior High School Band for the year 1956-1957, was uiaon motion of Mr. Broadlzurst, seconded Uy Mi.Holton decliried, as it was the understauding at 3udget-making-time that no request for funcl.s would be made. • i? . . . • A i eport oP the County Farm Demonstra`e,ion Ageizt Por Nover,iber was received Por Purther stuciy. It was ailnounced that a meeting of the County, City and Amei°ican Le;ion Committees will Ue ?{o held at 4:00 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, Uecember 11, to cotisider a previous request of the City ? to have certain use restrictions removed from the Legion Stadiwn prcperty. ' ? A suggestion offered by I-ir. Williams that the Caunty N'arm aczd Home Demonstration Ageiits be. ,;u.Su2 1°equested i:o malie oral reports of approaimately 5 minutes cluration to the Board quarterly w'nieh eoulcl be initi:atecl at the saiae tivie ihey file their next monthly repcJS°ts, iYas approved. A corumaizication was received fr om i,Ir. L. E. Allei7, advisiizg that he hacl an offer of $350.00 from T. W. &. J. A. 5needen Por a tax foreclosure lot (33x165 feet) on the east side of 15th Stree-t betxaeen Kidder and 24artin Streets, Block 565, a,ssesssa for 050.00 foi^ taxes; subject Lc/the payment of the usual minimLUn commission of $50.00, was referred to the 'L'ax Assessor for arpraisal aiid to ascertain the amount of taxes it was solcl for, and report at the ne?:t meeting. Weekly report of the Castle Hayne dra;line work taas reeeived showiug 952 feet completed for the week encling, llecenber 7th. ? The County Attorney aticl Cowzty Auciitor wei°e authorized to represent the County at a meeting ' c Qtt.? A recommendati f, on made by the Chairman to rec?uire petitioneis for future drainage projects, to furnish and place on site any pipe necessary to provide a crossing desired over such drainage before the draitiage work reached such point of installation, anci to ?aaive anq claim or ob- liga.tion to have such crossings proyided by the County after the project has been completed, was upon motion of rtr. Holton, secondsd by A1r. Mayhan, approved. to he held at the Institute of Goverru;?ent 10:30 A.P1., 'Pnursday, DecemUer 13th to discuss the Social Security Act with respect to covei°ing Public employes. _f. Coi;unissioner idilliams iaas selected to represent the , County at a meeting of tlie Fayetteville ?,c-?-rrn Area Inuustrial Developir?ent Corpora.tion at F'ayet?teville Ci?Ly I3a11 3:00 P.Pi., SJerlnesclay;' Dee- emUer 12 , to cliscuss proposed imProre?:?ents in the Cape F'ear 1?iver basin and its tributii°ies. Upon niotion of irir. Holton, seconded by 2•;r. Cailliams, the Greatei^ TJiltuiiigton Chamber of Com- merce was gY?anted an ap??ropriation of ?''400.00 in adclition to the $500.00 ap ropriatiou ear- r?ariced at meetir.g oP October 8, makii? a total authorized appropriation oF ?900.00 to the ' Greater [,Tilmington Cnamber of Commerce out oP the A?lvertising b3znd for the year 1956-1957. The Commissioilers feeling that such an expenditwre ?aould be to the best inteiest of the Cow1- ty foi advertisii2g its resources and advwntages. A motion was then offered by P1r. Broarlhurst to ear-DIark the balance of ;j1,050.00 left in the Advertising b'und to the Azalea Festival, failed of a second and the motion was withdracdn. ? Upon motion of Dir. Broadhurst, seconded by Dir. Holton, iiistructions were given to advertise for bids for the purchase of a half-ton, 6-cylinder Standard Pickup Truclz to replace the Truck recently destroyed in wreck at-8th-and Orange Streets. -rThe following Standing Cmnmittee of the Board named Uy the Chairman, was upon motion of DSr. ? idilliams, secoiided Uy P1r. Holton, approved: , , L rieeting of December 10, 1956 - Continued County N'arm, Prison and Home Bluethenthal Airport Httgh D1acRae Park and Oak Grove Cemetery Drainage Community fIOSpital Conunittee of 100 ( L. E. Broadhurst, Ckiairman ( Jas. E. Iiolton, Jr., ( J. M. Hall, Jr. ( 3: M. Hall, Jr., ( 7a•s. E.-Holton, Jr., ( Berry A. Williams ) ) lierry A. Williams ) - L. E. Broadliurst New Hanover County Court House " and New lianover County Jail Soutlzeastern Nortlz Carolina Beach Association - Ernest R. Mayhan - J. M. Hall, Jr. ( Ernest R. Mayhan ( Berry A. Williams ( L. E. Broadhurst - • Ernest R. Aiayhan , ? Safety County - Jas. E.•Holton, Jr. -? Upon motion of Mr. tlayhan, seconded by Mr. Holton, County bills No. 5053 to 5156 were'approv- ed for payment. J Upon motion of tir. Williams, seconded by PL. Mayhan, the Board directed that a resolution be prepared in resiect to the passing of John H. Farrell,,former Esecutive hfanager of the South- eastern North Carolina Beach Association. Upon motion of P4r. Holton, seconcled by P4r. Williams, the following resolution prepared by the Corps of Engineers, and read to the Board by the County Attorney, was adopted,.and in the meantime permits to be secured from the land owners to deposit the dredged material on their property bePore January 1, 1957. Also, permits for depositing dredged material on the ocean shore of Wrightsville Beaeh. The Town of Wrightsville Beach to furnish and install and re- move all necessary ramps over the discharged pipe line whei°e it crosses the Highway, and maintain traffic control at the ramp locations: ' At the regular meeting oP the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Ilanover, State of } North Carolina, on the lOth day of Decenber 1956, the following resolution was presented by James E. Holton, Jr., and seconded by Berry A. Williams, and unanimously adopted: '1'HAT.WHP.REAS, the 81st Congress of the United States of America, lst Session, ; adopted House Locument No. 341 providing for (a) the construction of a Channel 14 feet deep and 400 feet wide-across the ocean bar at Masonboro Inlet, thence 12 feet deep and 90 feet wide to the Chaniiel of the Inland Waterway at Wrightsville by way of Banks and Piotte Channels; (b) a turning basin 15 feet deep having a maximum width of 300 feet and length ef 700 feet on the east side of Banks Channel near the Inlet with three 15-pile dolphins therein; and (c) a jetty on each side of the Inlet extending to the 14 foot depth in the ocean, and auth- orized certsin work to be performed by Public Law 516, Slst Congress, 2nd Session knoi,m as the River and Itarbor Act of 1950, approved 17 Piay 1950; ANll WHEFtEAS, as a part of said project certain requirements are nade to seciare local cooperation on the part of local interests as set forth in the report of the Arrqy Engineers as follows: provide without cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas necessary for the construction and subsequent main- tenance of the pr,oject, when and as required,-an4lhold and save the United States free from daiirages due to the construction and maintenance of the improvemeilts. ' • . (/JCtAn- 0 AND [dHEttEAS, the said Board of Commissioners being cognizant of the importance and benefit to ne derived by the people of Alew Hanover County, growing out of said proposed improvement, desires to guarantee to the United States of America the local cooperation re- quired for the aforesaid improvement • NOW, THEHEFOI2E{ IIE IT RESOLVED: That the County of New Hanover, State of North ' Carolina, for and in tne conslderation ox' (a) the construction of a Channel 14 feet deep at mean low water and 400 feet wide across the ocean bar at Ma.sonboro Inlet, thence 12 feet ? deep and 90 feet wide to the Channel of the Inland Waterway at Wrightsville by way of Banks and Motte Channels; (b) a turning basin 15 feet deep having a maximum width of 300 feet and length of 700 feet on the east side of Banks Channel near the Inlet with three (3) 15-pile dolphins therein; and (c) a jetty on each side oP the Inlet extending to the 14-foot depth in the ocean, all generally as set forth in House Document No. 341, 81st Congress, lst Ses- sion and approved by tlie River and Harbor Act of 1950, Public Law 516, 81st Congress, 2nd Session, said County,•does hereby guarantee to provide without cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas necessary for the construc- tion and subsequent maintenance of the project, when and as required, hold and save the United States•free from damages due to the construCtion and maintenance of the improvements. The meeting then adjourned. ?i ?T.O?I. Clerk. ? A