1956-12-17 Regular Meeting16 Wilmington, N. C., December 17, 1956. . ? ?? The regular weekly meei;irig of the Board was held ttiis day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Conuiiissioners Ernest R. Tiayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., and Berry A. Williams, and John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by Captain Don B. Cartin of the Salvation Army. The miilutes of the meetiizg of December 10, 1556 were approved after tile following correc- tions were ordered: As to the appoiiltinent of the Stanciing Convuittees, let it appear - "The following Standing Committees of the Board were named by the Chairman." Strike out the remainder of the paragraph. As to the administrative duties of the Corimittee, let it appear -"That the employmeiit of Department Heads or major things creating a policy, be handled by the full Board 'and that all orclers be channeled thru the Executive Secretary." At the invitation of the Board, Ttessrs Jolzn Van B. Pietts, 7r,, and H. G. Latimer, Jr., Counl;y 3nsurance Committee, appeared to cliscuss a proposed survey of County Tnsurance saith the view of making such adjustments necessary to provide ample coverage, taking into con- sideration advanced cost of construction and depreciation. The Committee recommencled a re- view of the insuranee ualues as they clid not feel a percentage adjustment would be accurate. Mr. Williams suggested it would be well to appoint a Committee to work with the Insurance Coimnittee and report back to the Board. The discussion was continued however, until the next meeting, and the Chairr,tan requested that in the meantime copies of the Insurance Sched- ules be furnished the Board. Mr. W. K. Rhodes, representing the American Legion Post came before the Board to announce that Lhe Post members following a meeting of the three (3) Committees representing the Coianty, Ci1:y and Amei^ican Legion at the Court House Tuesday, December 11, had decided that the re- strictions on the Legion Stadium Property should be lifted and the Citq be permi.tted to go ahead with its proposed improvements, and expre?ssed the appreciation of the American Legion Post for the courtesy shown them by the County in calling them in on the question, although they had no jurisdiction in the matter. Mr. Rhodes further stated we zaould receive a letter from the Post recoiwnending that the restrictions be lifted as a8resaid. Mr. Broadhurst said he felt the Schools should Ue'given some priority in the use of the Stadium and its activities. Mr. Williaris felt it would be the responsibility of the County to provide other facilities for the Schools activities if the City would deny them the privilege of the Stadium, and we should talee the necessary precaution to guard against that. Mr. Holton expressed himself as feeling the City is as interested in School activities and are as capable of handling it as we are, and moved that we cause an AcL to be drawn by the City and County Attorneys auth- orizing the County Lo convey the Legion Stadium Pronerty to the City in fee simple, unre- stricted, and that the proposed Act zahen dracan be submitted to the Board foi° its approval. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst. After further discussion Mr. Holton called for a vote on the question ?ahich was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and the question was put to vote by?the Chairman and carried on the affirmative vote of Commissioners IIolton, Broadhurst, and Tiayhan, Mr. Williams voted "no". Tlze County Auditor reported receipt of' a lett4r from a Securities Firm advising $100,000.00 14fo School Bonds due 1979 and 1980, could beought for $67,750.00 which he thought was a goocl deal and could be taorked out within the present Budget structure by proper appropria- - tion transfers. Mr. Holton felt it would be a good deal for the County and moved that the County Auditor be authorized to negotia .e-up to but not exceeding $50,000.00 for the pur- chase of the Bonds and to transfer such money necessary out of the Emergency Ftuid toward the purchase of same. The motionwas-i;econded by Mr. Broadhurst and carried, Mr. Mayhan voted "no". Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by P1r. Mayhan, the Board authorized the sale of City- ? County owned tax foreclosure Lot NW -h 4, in Block 568 to T. W. and J. A. Sneeden through VJ-c,ktheir Agent, Mr. Leonard E. Allen, at and for a net price of $350.00,, subject to approval by the City. And, the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board are hereby authorized and direct- ed to sign a lleed in the name of the County transferring the said property to the purchaser upon payment of the purchase price. _y A narrative report of the County Home Agent for November together with her Annual Repori; for 1955-1956 were received and filed. t A report of the Wilmington Public Library and Boolvnobile for November were received. A report of the Castle Hayne Group Dragline ? of P1ain Canal #2, 1675 feet completed iahich b,,,ywr?^vey?- to the Airport where it will be painted and operation. 'Phe Dragline Operator has been ther operations will hot be resumed with ani January 7, 1957. Drainage Project was received shoiving balance completes the project and the dragline caas brought put in condition for the next dragline drainage released with pay to December 21, 1956, and fur- )ther operator until after the holidays, or about ? With reference to the pay for the services of a Dragline Operator, Mr. T4ayhan suggested?that ? he be put on,on hourly basis with pay only for time actually worked. ' Mr. Williams suggested a review of long range drainage petitions and problems. It was agreed to ask the Soil Conservationist to come up and discuss the problems with us. ?A letter was received from the State Highiaay and Public Worl:s Comiviss3on advising that there are no N'unds available at this time to hard surface the Graveyard Road leading from US-421 to the Horne Graveyard in Masonboro ToAinship, but will place the petition on file and give it careful consideration if and tahen Funds are available. - ?o Letters of thanks for our Christmae contributiuns were received from the State Traiiling School for Negro Girls at Kinston, and the East Carolina Training School for Boys at Rocky Mount. Acknowledgment of the resolution adopted by the Board on December 10 in connection with local cooperation required for the project of Piasonboro Inlet and coniiecting Channels was received from the District Engineers who advised that the resolution has been reviewed and found sat- isfaCtory and accepted by the Government. \ Meeting of llecember 17, 1956 - Continued 1171 C y,. ,.,., Mr. Williams reported upon his attendance of the Fayetteville Area Industrial Development Corporation meeting at Fayetteville, llecember 12. He said out of nineteen (19) Counties invited, seventeen (17) were represented and a very nice meeting. A long range program , of deepening and maintenance of depth of Lhe Cape Fear River and flood control was present- ed by the Engineers. It was brought out that with proper flood control program, the flood damage which occurred some years ago could have been reduced by 85jo. A Cape Fear Basin De- velopment Association was formed and each County is to appear before the llistrict Engineers at b'ayetteville in January and report what advantages could be derived from improvements to the Ftiver Basin and its tributaries, and suggested that New Hanover County should spear-head the efforts for improvements and recommended the Chairman to represent the Cowzty to that end. The County Attoniey?reported briefly on the meetiug held at the Institute of Government at Chapel Hill llecember 13 to discuss the Social Decurity Act with respect to covering Public Employes. He said it was difficu].t to get atiything definite on the question, but they would send a man here to explain the matter at a later date. The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jur.ors in the Superior Court Sw?v? for the trial of Criminal Cases for the one week beginning January 14, 1957, and for the trial d of Civil Cases for the two weeks term beginning.January 21, 1957: J. G. Vernon, 305 Castle Hayne Road Meares Harriss, Rte.3 - Box 382 E. J. 13usch, 259 Lake Porest Parkway F. H. Killette, Jr., West Drive T,ake Village F. W. Lyerly, 1819 Ann Street W. 11. Humphrey, 217 Brookwood Avenue Thomas H. Sellers, 321 Davie Drive J. A. Canady, 2915A Adams Street Johnnie A. Pope, 215 SJilliamson llrive Robert Love, Box 974, City P. S. McDaniel, 105 Borden Avenue Adam Peiinington, C-39 - Box 309 W. H. Cobb, 18-J, liake Village I. J. Stevens, 129 Gordon Road Percy E. Hailey, 316 5outh 2nd Street R. C. Skiles, Rte.3-Box 390 Charles E. Greer, 123 Lalce N'orest Parkway E. R. Johnson, 138 Victoria Drive R. J. Hedgepeth, llll - Lake Forest D. L. Pope, Y. 0. Ilox 240, City G. W. Powell, 116 Cizurch Street W. W. King, 1009 Diarlcet Street L. H. Rouse, Sr., 2421 Chestnut Street F'red L. ICersey, 201 Central IIlvd., Clyde E. King, 257 Lzke F'erest Parlcway L. F. Sellers, Rte.2-Box 201 Richard A. Russ, 607 Northern Blvd. Alfonzo Butler, 140 Gordon ltoad R. Clifton Russ, 1801 Perry Avenue Lonnie Dudley, Rte.3 - Box 94A Nathan P. Xanthos, 1903 Market Street J. Newton Smith, 3924 Sdri.ghtsville Avenue Donald W. Smith, 129 Swnter Drive William A. Brown, Rte.3-Box 377 W.R. Chinnis, 59 Lee Drive S. L. Landen, Rte.3 - Box 61 R. Haywood Sdeeks, 5012 Pine Street W. T. Bouras, 3N, Lalce Forest J. H. Hicks, C-15 - Box 2 Charles McDonald, Rte.2 - Box 230. D. D. Rivenbark, 2875 Adams Street A. C. PScDonald, 147 Sdooillawn Avenue R. S. Hufham, 1709 Ann Street A. 0. Solomon, 2807 Flrightsville Avenue Paul V. Robinsoii,.Rte.l - Box 224-C Charles Dusham, 1918 Nun Street H. C. Heiiderson, 2008 ILl.ein Road William R. Pridgen, 505,Chestnut Street S. R. Bordeaux, Rte.l-Castle Hayne E. L. Heclriclz, 2807 Washington Street For the Civil Term beginning 3anuar.y 21, 1957: George Ashe, Rte.l - Box 451 A. Fiegister, Apt. 45, Colonial Apt. F. T. Liles, Hte.l-Box 68 Thomas 0. Atkinson, 13 Ct-M, Lake Forest J. liarclay Lodor, 715 Country Club Road W. A. Whitmer, 210 Vance Street H. E. Longley, 11I North 15th Street Annell Carpenter, P. 0. Box 204, Carolina Beach C. 13. Boggess, 113 Borden Avenue td.?k. Lancaster, 217 Rutlecige Drive Corris Baines, 319 Soutlz I'ront Street Richard tdinn, Jr., 1412 Ann Street H. G. Carney, Wallace Bldg. James C. Cook, 2122 Barnett Avetiue Joseph E. Ross, Rte.2 - Box 254 John A. Harriss,. Rte.l - Box 52 R. H. Snipes, Rte.l - Box 416 . Hari°is M. Newber, Rte.2-Box 49 William C. English, Box 711 L. R. Hufham, Sr., 512 Chestnut Street Iienry Feenstra, Rte.l - Box 72 R. D. Drew, Rte.l - Box 224-D ? W. B. Lennon, 2918 Yark Avenue B. H. 4larshall, 3r., 208 South 23rd Street R. J. Edens, 119 Gordon Road R. B. Davidson, 4200 Oleander Drive L. G. Haywood, Hte.2-Box 295 R. P. Anderson, 1603 Urange Street G. T. PTusselman 7104 Ma.rket Street Charles L. Justice, 417 Castle I3ayne Road Isabell M. Stolcley, Rte.3 Sd. L. Baumgarclner, 2851-E. Adams Street M. C. McIver, 1314 Chestnut Street J. B. Tdatson, 330 Davis llrive S. M. Daniel, 33202 Tiarket Street Road H. C. Cartrett, 120 North 7Lh Street For the second week beginning January 28th: J. J. Robinson, P. 0. l3ox 581, Carolina Beach Thomas C. Bat'son, 4905 Oleaiider Drive _ J.D. hiurray, Rte.l - Box 143 William H. Jones, 314 N. 41st Street J. P. Munroe, Jr., Itte.3-Box 268A Eldridge Grady, Rte.l - Box 266 I<filton Finklestein, 120 F'orest Hil.ls Drive D. B. Atlcinsoil, 3005 Mat^ket Street Iioad E. B. Register, 326 Castle Hayne Road D. N. Owen, 29 Woodlawn':,Aveizue William A. A4orton, 231 No. 23rd 5treet E. C. High, 2821 Adams Street C. H. Suddreth, 215 Vance Street Thomas C. Humphrey, 2019 lClein Road Cha,rlie Cummings, 6-G Nesbitt Courts Apt. Arthur b-tzrlow, Rte.l - Box 466 John C. Davis, 114 Lake Forest Parkaay R. H. Youngblood 1914 Nun SLreet William E. Insco, 117 Newton Lane Aaron.McClammy, Rte.l-Castle Hayne John E. Cotton, 2505 JePPersorl Street R. Harlee ICirkham, Rte.2 - Box 75 , Wilton R. Richardson, 17 Hanilton Avenue D. M. Morgan, 3020 Princess Street James R. Everett, 611 South 7th Si;reet 0. A. Tuttle, P. Q. Box 631, Carolina Beach J. E. Jordan, 225,Calhoun Drive Ed Bryant, 2932D Adams Street Carl I3ewlett, Rte.2 - Box 99 Clove A. Cardiaell, 2213 Chestnut Street Walter [d. Storm, 316 Ann Street Ira L. Hill, Oleander Drive . Herman .flilliams, 15' riercer Avenue 13aymoild R. Ilall, 2521 Van Buren SLreet Aaron C. Carroll, 100 Hamil.ton A.venue , James Harry Pinberg, 4004 Park Avenue ^.. Upon motion of Nir. Holton, seeonded by PIr, biayhan, County bills No. 5218 to 5278 were approv- ?k.,?Ir?•'Lc ed for payment. . The meeting then adjourned. Clerlt. ? L .A