1956-12-31 Regular Meetingr 118. Wilmington, N. C., December 31, 1956. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock, A. M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Coimuissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, 7ames E. fiolton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. . The meeting was,opened with prayer by the Reverend J. B. Early, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of llecember 17, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Holton secoiided by Mr. Williams, approved. Co the recent sickness of Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court, his request for an extension of two weeks time to complete his annual report of PubliC Funds in his hands as of llecember 1, 1956 for presentation to the Board, was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by iXr. Broadhurst, granted. Bids for furnishing three (3) Automobiles for the Shei°iff's llepartment, and one (1) pick-up Truck for the County Farm as advertised to replace the Truck lost in wreck October 26, 1956, were received from the following: Cape r'ear Motor Sales: . 3- 1957 b'ord Custom 300 Tudor Automobiles as per specifications in its entirety, for difference plus three (3) 1955 N'ord trade-ins . . . . . . $ 2,625.00 1- 6-Cylinder 1/2 Ton Pick-Up Truck as per specifications . . . . $ 1,414.00 Raney Chevrolet Company: 3- 1957 Chevrolet Model 2102, Series 210, 8-Cylinder Passenger Cars in accordance with specifications for a net cost of ....? 3,675.00 1- 1957 Chevrolet Aiodel 3204, 6-Cylinder 1/2 Ton Pick-Up Truck according to sPecifications for a net price of ........? 1,516.17 Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the contract to furnish the three (3) Ford Automobiles at a net cost of $2,625.00 and one (1) 6-Cylinder one-half Ton Pick-Up Truck Por the sum of $1,414.00 was awarded to Cape Fear Motor Sales in accordance with their bid, and specifications as adve'r.tised, they being the lowest bidders, / Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, sufficient funds were ordered trans- ferred from the Coimty Farm Emergency Fund to Capital Outlay under the County Farm Budget toward the expense for the purchase of the above Truck; such funds so used to be replaced by receipt of Insurance Funds to be received for the Truck lost in the wreck. Mr. W. D. Small appeared to inquire into the status of petition he filed on October 1, 1956 ?,.cLO for improvements:to a roadway approximately 600 feet in length which runs from US-74 to Motts Creek near the Babies' Hospital aL Wrightsville Sound. The matter was received for further checking with the State Highway Commission to whom it was referred. ? A statement of $130.75 received from James Ldalker Iiospital for treatment of Dir. Rhoda Farrow account of injury sustained in Truck wreck October 26, 1956, was ordered held in obeyanee pending settlement of the Insurance claim. A copy of the minutes of the Board of Health for DecemUer 5, 1956 was received and filed. Hn? ?A solicitation received for County Advertisemeilt in the New York Times Vacation Section is- sue of January 13 was referred to the Wilmington Chamber of Cohunerce for its consideration. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board authorized renewal of annual ' membership in the Nati.onal Association of County Officials at a cost of $6.00 per person per year on a basis of revised list of New Hanover County Officials. The Board feeling it is worthwhile to continue the memberships in the Association. • Mrs. Joyce Stanley, Clerk-Stenographer employed in the Veterans' Service Office, July 1956 at a starting salary of $172..00 per month to fill a position set up in the Budget at $186.00 per month for improved services after six (6) months, was upon motion•of Mr. Holton, second- ed by Mr. Williams, granted salary at $186.00 per month as of January 1, 1957, on recommenda- tion of Mr. A. 11. Seawell, Veterans' Service Officer. Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, appeared to complain of the delay of the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company in getting started on our real estate revaluation appraisals, which was to begi.n im- mediately upon acceptance of the contract October 8, 1956. Mr. Love expressed serious doubt of their getting the work completed in time for the 1958 tax books with only approximately eleven and half (112) months to go, and an enormous lot of work to be done. Tkiereupon it was ordered on motion of Mr. Holton, that a letter be directed to the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company calling their attention to the situation and insist that they begin the revaluation work im- mediately and that the same will progress in a satisfactory manner or the County will have.to take some action to that end. • 'Mr. Love reported that Mr. J. FI. Womble, one of our tax listers for`Wilmington Township will ___J?-? not be able to serve in that capacity this year, and recommended the.appointment of Mrs. N.L. Wallace, 507 North 23rd Street to take lii.s place, which was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, approved. I The County Auditor reported that the Securities N'irm who advised that $100,000.00 la New Hanover County School Bonds due 1979 and 1980 could be bought for $$67,750•.00, declined an offer of the Board to purchase same at a price of not exceeding $50,000.00 authorized at meeting of llecember 17, and asked for further instructions as to the Board's wishes in the ? matter. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst the same was tabled for further consideration. ? ? r L? Meeting of December 31, 1956 - Continued 1.19 In accordance with previous instructions, the County Attorney prepared and presented a pro- posed draft of a bill to amend Chapter 513 of the Session Laws of North Carolina 1953 so as to authorize the County of New Hanover to release the restrictions and convey the property mentioned in said Chapter in Fee Simple to the City of Wilmington, which was upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved and referred,to our Representatives in the Legislature for enactment into Law. All rffmbers voting affirmatively except Mr. Williams, who voted "no", for the reason, he said: "It seems useless f.or us to go into a long discussion of the merits of the problem before us, as it seens that the minds of you Gentlemen are made up. . "As you know,we fail to see eye to eye on the removal of protective clauses in the deed to the Legion Stadium property. . "To me, this is not a matter of confidence in other ofPicials. It is simply a mat- ter of business in which a valuable asset of tYie Citizens of New Hano'ver County areinvolved. The removal of the protective clauses contaiiled within this Ueed without substantial remun- eration to the County of New Hanover, I cannot agree to. "It has been said that mne of us are willing to have the Stadium returned to the Coun- ty. I would rather see the Stadium revert to the County than-see ?the clauses protecting the Athletic Program of the Schools of New Hanover County removed. The removal of other clauses is agreeable with me." Mr. Hall said he felt the City Council will have.the interest of the people at heart and Mr. Holton said that he felt very strongly that if they woul.d undertake to dispose of the pro- perty oras set forth for athletic use by the Schools, !ie would be the first to take out an injunction against the City. He said he feels the City with its en p neering and technical furce, and know-how, are in a better position to take care of the property and do a better job than we can. 0 AN AC'P AMENllING CHAYTER 513 OF THE SESSION L9I4S OF NORTH CAROLINA 1953 SO AS T'0 AUTIi01lIZE THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVN:kt TO RELEASE THE RESTI3ICTIUN5 ANll CONVEY THL PHOYEATY TiENTTONED IN SAID CIIAPTER IN FEE SIMPLE TO 17iE CITY ON WILMINGTON THE GENETtAL ASSEMI3LY OF NURTH CAItOL1NA DO ENACT: Section 1. That Chapter 513 of the North Carolina Session Laws of 1953 be and the same is hereby amended by inserting a period in lieu of the comma after the word "part" in line seven in Section 1 and striking out the remainder of said Section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be and it is hereby authorized and empowered in its discretion, to convey to the City of Wilmington, in fee simple, the recrea- tional center generally lcnown as the Legion Stadium, situate in the Southern limits of the said City, together with all structures and buildings situate thereon, and together with all lands, belonging to the said County of.New Hanover, adjacent thereto,,in whole or in'part without any restrictions or reservations as set forth in Chapter 513 of the 1953 Session Laws of North Ca'rolina. Section 2. All laws and clauses of laws in conPlict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this Act'shall be in force and'effect from and "after its ratifi- cation. In the General Assembly read three (3) times and ratified this the day of 1957. r Following up the investigation of Insurance Value Coverage on CoLUtty property, Mr. Williams suggested that we accept the offer of the Insurance Committee to review the values with the Board, and the matter was continued until next meeting. ? Witki reference to the pdicy of approving County bills for payment, Mr. Williams moved that if the policy is continued all future bills presented to the Board for approval be itemized to the extent that each bill show'the number of the check - the name of the payee - and the amount'payable. In the absence of a second, it was agreed tha.t future bills prepared by the County Auditor be brought over and approved as formerly, unless exception is taken to , some particular item. ' I ' Mr. Williams called attention to a School for newly elected County Commissioners sponsored ea ? by the Institute of Governmen't at Chapel Hill, January 17, and lb, and it was urged that any member of the Board attend who can ficid it convenient to do so. Mr. Williams and the County Auditor indicated that they would attend. The Clerk was instructed to secure a copy of Mr. Claud Currie's plan referred to in the Dec-4t".CP ' ember issue of State Association of County Commissioners Newsletter concerning maintenance and construction of Secondary Hoads. At the suggestion of Mr. Holton, the Clerk was instruCted to take up with the State Highway Commission the matter of repairing the roa3 in the curve at the intersection of the Timme ltoad and the road leading to the County Home and to malce the road as attractively as possi ble. Also on account of traffic congestion at that intersection due to three (3) shifts now in operation at the Timme 1'lant together with traFfic genera.lly would'recommend the in- stallation of a trip-signal light as most advantageous as well as a safety measure. On recommendation of the Chairman, Mr. Williams was delegated to attend a meeting of the Cape Fear Basin Development Association at Ia'ayetteville, January 11, for a discussion of pro- , posed improvements to the Cape'N'ear River Basin and tributaries and flood control with the ,?, U. S. Corps oP Engineers. Mr. P. M.'Camak, Manager of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce ??,;.?? and.others from this section will a ttend the meeting. Instructions were given to'prepare letters immediately for land owners and farmers to cariteC -/vu1)- ' and send in to the Regiorial Admi.nistrator, Federal Civil Defense Administration, Thomasvil1e,2_)9_f P,`°9` Ga., as additional i.nformation with respect to the stream clearance and drainage projects in ? our County in accordance with instructiors given by M'r. Earl E. Mader of the Civil Defense Office at Thomasville, Ga., at'a meeting held in the Court Aouse here Friday, December 28, ' 1956. Upon motion the meeting was then adjourned. _=!?, Clerk. ? The following is a copy of the proposed Act aP- , dpr- proved by the Board. ?