1957-01-07 Regular MeetingIr?. 2?? Wilmington, N. C., January 7, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held Ehis day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: J. M. Iiall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners lilrnest R. Tiayhan, L. L. Broadhurst, James E. IIolton, Jr., and Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, Comity Auditor. , The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend S. J. Starnes, 1'astor of Sunset Park Methodist Church. • Copies of the minutes oP iueeting of December 31, 1956, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motinn of Mr. Holton, seconded by P1r. Broad- hurst, approved after correction was made with reference to the policy of approving County bills for payment, iahich was 3nadvertently stated that it was agreed that future bills pre- pared by the County Auditor "be brought over and approved as formerly, unless exception is taken to some particular item" which was corrected to read, "Be brought over for OBSERVA= TION and unless exception is taken to some particular bill, NO ACTION TO IIE TAKEN BY THE BOARll." ? • Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Williams, Air. Bradford Tillery, De uty Judge of Recorder's Court was granted an increase in salary from $150.00 per month to 9200.00 per month as of January 1; 1957, on recommendation of the Recorder and petition of twenty-eight (28) Attorneys regularly practicing in the Recorders Court presented by Mr. Aaron Goldberg, and authority is hereby given to appropriate such funds necessary out of Unanticipated Re- ceipts to salaries under the Recorder's Court Budget to meet this additional expense. Miss Verna Belle Lowery and Rebecca L. FIall, County Home Agents and Mr. D. D. Baggett, Coun- ty Farm Agent appeared to present their monthly reports for December, and gave a lengthy verbal resume of the activities and acconplishments oT their respective Departments for the ? quarter ending December 31, 1956, which saas received with interest and appreciation by the Board. However, in the intei•est of time necessary for the transaction of County business, rir. Williams suggested that future presentation of reports be limited to a maximum of teti, (10) minutes each; which the Chairman explained was not binding, but would be observed as a suggestion, to which no objections were indicated to the contrary. ? Mr. Baggett reported that proposed letters for land oianers and farmet°s for additional justi- fication for Pederal b'unds for stream clearance and agricultural drainage account of 1lurri- cane damage, covering the three (3) categories of damages outlined by P1r. Alader d' the Fed- eral Civil llefense Administration, have been prepared and are being circulated among the farmers. He reported some oppositzon to the effort, but would continue to pursue the matter and report back to the Board. rir. T. A. Crews appeared to inquire about the approximate time the dragline drainage opera- ?,rt tion would start in the W. W. All - T. A. Crews - T. B. IIospital Area over the lands of the International Yaper Company from whom a right-of-way easement has been secured. He was ad- vised the dragline was being put in condition SI1d L40L11d start work on the project as soon as practical. He caas also assured that was the next dragline-drainage projeCt on the a genda. ? A letter of thanks was received from P1rs. Louise S. Bland, Secretary of the Social Service Index-Christmas Bureau Committee, for the use of County Truclc and services of the men as- ?`? ? signed to assist them during the weelc bePore Christmas. ' r A request fur an abatement of the 1956 taxes on a valuation of:$3,250.00 on house`213 North 6th Street, Block 195 destroyed by fire January 14, 1956 was received from Mr. Arthur D.. ` Cashwell. Inasmuch as the Law requires that property shall be assessed for taxes for the -?-o? full taxable year against t,he owner as of January lst, and no provisidn to abate any portion of Lhe taxes on account of loss by Fire within the taxable year, the Board, th6xefore, can-, not act favorably on the request, and no action was deemed necessary in view of\the Law. A report oP the Veterans' Service Ufficer for December was received and. filed. An offer of liogers Clock Service of Harrisburg, Pa., to have their representative inspect our Court House Tower Clock without charge to the County, was decliried for--the reason an in- o-,j??v?- spection is,not necessary at this time as the clock appears to be in good condition.• , Upon motion of T4r. tdilliams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, authority was given to continue our raembership in the National Association of Assessing Officers a t a cost of ?'?'20.00 per year. Mr. Love reported that tax listing is going forward as usual, and that representatives of the Cole-Layer-Trwnble Company, Revaluations-Appraisals were hei•e last Wedziesday afternoon and said they would pull a man out of their Piichigan Office to push the work on the Revalua- tion project and assured it would be completed on time in a satisfactory manner. At the suggestion of Pir. Williams, the Soil Conservation Agents will Ue invited to meet with us during the second or third week in Pebruary to help us plan a long range drainage'program and inform us on what assistance can be given us and cohat services they have to offer. Pir. Williams called a ttention Lo a meeting of the Cape Fear Basin Development Association in Fayetteville 10:30 A.M., Priday, February 8, 1957 at a public hearing with the U. S. District Engineers in the interest of improvements to the Cape Fear River Basin b'lood Control, and to w check with Tir. P. M. Camak, Afanager of tkie Chamber of Commerce and hir, Clark, Executive llirec- W tor of the Committee of One liundred to make arrangements for a Committee of County and Munic- ipal Officials anrl other authorized representat3ves to attend the i3ieeting and present our case. _ It was agreeable to the Board on recommendation of Ai"r. Holton, to install one joint of pipe in a ditch or washed condition on triangle-shaped lot at Mr. 5.,0. Floyd, 3814 Wrightsvi?le Avenue, to enable the beautification of the premises. ? . . / Instructions were given to investigate the legal status of a park in the vicinity of 39th /Sj?y,,K.o Street and Cherry Avenue supposed to be dedicated to public use, iahich ?aould possibly in- U? terfere or be objectionable to the owner of the adjacent lot, who iaishes to build a home there. With reference to Insuranr,e coverage on County property, Pfr. Broadhurst recocnmended that $3,500.00 ooverage on the white juvenile quarters be taken oFf and placed on the corn crib V-r,A building and contents. ' ,_•.j \ ? : I Meeting of January 7, 1957 - Continued ?21 In answer to an inquiry by Mr. Williams, the Chairman reported on a reeent Board of Aealth r? meeting discussion of the garbage and trash disposal problem in the rural areas of tlie County, ?9 ? pointing out that garbage and Lrash carelessly dumped is no.t only unsightly but Creates breed- ing places for rats and disease, burning is hazardous•and obnoxious, and a land-fill method would be the most practical.and-satisfadnry way to dispose of the refuse which would require the purchase of necessary equipment. It was therefore urged that the matter be given Con- sideration in the preparation of the Budget. Inasmuch 'as recommendations are being prepared concerning this situation by the Boar.d of Health, fttrther discussion oF the matter was on suggestion of Mr. Holton continued until next meeting pending receipt of recommendations f rom the Board of Health, after a motion of- fered by Mr. Williams to refer the matter to a Committee to be named by the Chairman for study and recommendations, was withdraian. The Chairman took this opportunity to make it clear that there was no intention to remove the ?&??,;? portrait of former President Franklin D. Roosevelt from the group in the Superior Court Roora, J?u,?. the same was temporarily talcen down for space to hang the portrait of former President Woodrow Wilson, and one-time resident of New Hanover County., Mr. Roosevelt's portrait will be re- placed in the Superior Court koom soon. Mr. Williaros asked for recommendations concerning proposed Legislation. Pir. Holton then announced that infoi°mation was being secured to help in the preparation of proposed Building Inspectors' Bill, and asked that a meeting of a Committee of Representatives from the Afunic- ipalities, Board of Aealth, Electrical Inspectors, Building Inspectors ancl Contractors, Tax Supervisor and Assessor, County Attorney and other essential representatives, be held to de- cide upon a suitable Bill for submission to the Legislature, • , Upon motiori of Mr. Holton, the meeting was then adjourned. Clerk. ? sr0Y/_%o Wilmington, N. C., January 14, 1957: ? The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Presenti J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Comuussioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, ? James E. Holton, Jr., and Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hill, County Attorriey and T. D. Love, County Auditor. , The Meeting was opened with prayer by the Clerk. . The Minutes of the meeting of January 7, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member ? of the'Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. Mrs. Edward H. Southerland, 3r., appeared to request an appropriation for travel expense for the School's Band members to Greensboro to participate in the State 33and Contest. Mr. Holton explained that our appropriation to the Board of Education was supposed to include this ex- pense and everything asked for in their ]3udget which was approved by the.Board as presented, and would not call upon the County for additional money, and moved that the Clerk check with the Board of Educatioti, and report to the Board next Pionday. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and Carried. A r,equest of Mr. G. C. Bordeaux for abatement of back taues charged against liis property in Block 88 which he said taas used for religious purposes during the period 1951 to 1953 was re ferred to the County Attorney and Tax Supervisor for investigation and record, and report to the Board at the next meeting. - County Farm Agent, Dir, D. D. Baggett reported that he had prepared 25 letters for the farmers to sign in connection with request for Fedex°al Funds for stream clearance along the lines out- lined by Mr. Mader of the Federal Civil Defense Administration. The farmers contacted de- clined to sign the letters to that effect as they could not.justify the requirenBnts necessary for Federal assistance for Hurricane damage to their crops and the drainage streams. The only statement secured was from Mrs. J. D. Orrell's farm located at the head of Hewlett's Creek in Masonboro who sustained $1,000.00 damage to 20 acres of growing crops at the time of the 1955 Fiurricane and $400.00 on crops planted in 1956, as a result of improper drainage. Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Couri,, presented his annual report of Public Funds in Gi his hands as of December 1, 1956, showing a total of $128,445.44 which was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, approved subject to checking.- The same then to be.pub- lished in the newspaper as the Law directs and the original filed with the Register of Deeds. . A request of Mr. Kingsley King for additional APTD Assistance,account of increased responsibil- ? ities was referred to the Clerk to check the same zaith Mr. Iiollis, Superintendent of Public Welfare. , In view of the Cape Fear Motor Sales Company not able to live up to specifications to deliver , a 1957 Piodel 1/2 Ton Pick-Up Truck to the County as advertised, rir: Holton moved and it was seconded by Mr. Williams and carried to rescind that part of the action of the Board of Dec= ember 31, 1956, awarding the eontract to thera on their bid of W,414.00, and in lieu thereof, accept the bid of the Hanev Chevrolet Company to furnish a 1957 Chevrolet Model 3204, 6-Cylin- ? der 1/2 Ton Pick-Up Truck according to specifications, on their?bid of $1,516.37. Upon motion of Dir. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Ma.yhan, the Board voted to purchase the County s, Truck damaged in wreck, October 26, 1956 from the Insurance Company at a salvage price of ?$70.00 for use of motor and parts for repairing the County Dog-CatCher's_Tuc . Instructions were given to acknowledge receipt of a letter Prom P1rs. Lillian Baltzegar, Clinton E? N. C., offering to sell a 9 1/2 acre tract of land in Harnett Township for garbage and refuse disposal site and ascertain at what priee it could be purchased. I Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. idilliams, Mr. W A1len_Cobb was r`e-ap.point.ed to the? OffiCe of Assistant Solicitor for New Hanover County for the year 1957 on reconunendation and nomination of Mr. John J. Burney, Jr., District Solicitor of the Eighth Solicitorial District, "-n under the authority and in accordance with Chapter 134, 1953 Session Laws of North Carolina. Sawc.a?-. I?