1957-01-21 Regular Meeting123, Zdilmington, N. C., January 21, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Pfayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Iiolton, Jr., and Berry A. Williams, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, ? County Auditor. . The Chairman having been temporaa^ily detained, the meeting was called to order by Vice.Chair- man Ernest R. Piayhan. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. V. Eearly, Pastor of Grace Piethodist Church. Mr. James L. Allegood, Advertising TSanager of the Wilmington Star-News appeared to request a County full page advertisement for their Annual PuUlication of business forecast, issue of , February 17 or 24 at a cost of $418.88. Mr. Holton felt that in view of the limited amount left in our Advertising Fund, could not see the way clear to spend that amount. P1r. Allegood then requested that consideration be given to including this.in next year's Budget which was received for consideration. ?.?Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, the Azalea Festival Committee was granted an appropriation of $1,000.00 out oF the Advertising Pund toward the expense for the Tenth Annual Azalea Festival scheduled to be held in March 1957. The Commissioners feeling such an appropriation would ? be to Lhe County's interest for advertising its resources and advantages. A report of the Grand Jury (without recommendations) for the January 24, 1957•Term-of 1Crimin- ?(-`? a1 Court was received and filed. A statement of Cash Receipts, Disbursements and 13alances of tlie Wilmington Colored Library for period July 1, 1955 to November 30, 1956, was received and filed. An offer submitted bv Roy Shepard, 1210 Dawson Street to purchase a 32x100 foot tax foreclos- ure Lot assessed at 4100.00, appraise,d value 4250.00 in Block 70 located on eouth side of ?- , Queen Street 133 feet from the.SE corner oP 12Lh and Queen Streets at•a price of $325.00 was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst seconded by Mr. Aolton approved subject to approval by the City. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., came in at this point and took over the Chair. Following up a recent request for transportation expense to enable the School Bands to partic- ipate in a State Contest at Greensboro. In the absence of Mr. Roland, Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Jol:n Marshall, Schools' Business Planager, appeared at the request of the Board to explain any reason why this service could not be furnished by the Board of Educa.tion as it was the understanding when the Budget appropriation was approved for the Board of Education, ? it was to include all expenses in.connection with the Bands and no further P'unds zaould be re- quested. It appeared the only other means for transportation, Mr. Tiarshall explained was their Cross-Country Vehicle iti*hich caas inadequate. Mr. Broadhurst moved not to grant appro- priation at this time. Mr. Holton felt the School Bands should be represented in Greensboro or other places and the Board of Education should furnish the transportation, and that Mr. Piarshall convey his feelings to Mr. Roland, and offered a substitute motion "in view of our having requested the Board of Education to make an ap,propriation to the Band Boosters Club for transportation at this time which was declined, and uniforms having been taken care of, they should provide transportation." It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and carried after Mr. Broadhurst withdrew his motion. • ? A request of Mr. Pred D'Lugin for an abatement of the 1950 taxes charged against tax fore- closure Lot in B1oc2c 280 he purchased at a tax sale from Clayton C. Holmes, Commissioner, September 8, 1952 subject to.the payment of the 1951 and 1952 taxes for the reason he had no knowledge of the 1950 taxes due at the time of purchase of said sale, was upon•motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, referred to the County Attorney for opinion. ' .?-- ? Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, payment of a bill for $18.00 to Credit -?- Bureau oP New Hanover County for six (6) months services making monthly reports on useful intangible tax information previoizsly requested by Mr. J. C. Bethune, Secretary of Board of Assessment, caas approved on recommendation of the Auditor. With further reference to Lhe adoption of a County land-fill refuse disposal system recom- mended by the IIoard of Aealth, the Chairman announced i;hat he has called the following to ' serve as a Corrunittee to study the problem and come up with some conclusion: Commissioner Berry A. Williams, L. I. Lassiter, Sanitary Engineer for the Board of Health, Henry P. Per- menter, 4715 La1g Leaf Hills Drive, Cliff D. liewis, Caroli»a Beach and Hugh Oosterwyli, Castle Hayne. Mr. Hall explained the Comnittee will come up with a practical plan, cost and oper- ation and location for a site, also to take into consideration whether it should be financed • by County-wide taxation or Legislation for the areas outside the City-limits. Mr. Mayhan said wherever you put a disposal place every area cai12 want one too. Mr. Broad- hurst advocated burning the refuse as practical and economical. Mr. Williams said inasmuch as we do not have a central location to dump trash at present, suggested the Clerk check in- to the problem of trash.dwnpage at Iiugh Diacfiae Park, and in view of the approaching time for the Azalea N'est3val, moved that we urge all citizens to refrain from the indiscriminate prac- tice of dumping trash and write the State Patrol and Sheriff to enforce the Law on dumping of trash and mail copies of the lelLers to the Recorder, and that more attention be given to ? the enforcement oP the State Law. His motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and carried. Mr. Hall urged all citizens to clean up their premises especially in view of the•influx of ? visitors during the Azalea Festival. The County Auditor presented a Statement of A.ppropriations and Disbursements for the first ?-? r`•" six (6) months of the fiscal year, December 31, 1956, showing 40dfo of Appropriations expend- ed and called attention to variations of iteros in certain months. We are running along all ? right on Receipts and Expenditures and the County is in good financial shape. Mr. Love call- ' ed attention to the same period last year 70% collected on the levy, and 71% this year. ? Mr. Love told the Board the Cole-Layer-Trwnble Company had four (4) men in their Office on the Iievaluation work last week. The Chairman instructed the Clerk to have one of their representatives come before the Board, and give us an up-to-the-minute report on the progress of the Revaluation worlc, at our next meeting. Mr. Broadhurst called attention to an instance of three persons involved in a wreck on Car-L olina Beach Road and were charged $26.30 each or a total of $78.90 by an Ambulance Company for bringi.ng them tn to the Hospital. The Clerk was instructed to call on the Company for a schedule of its rates. However, the same appears to be an individual matter. ' ?' ? ,"l 24' Meeting of January 21, 1957 - Continued Mr. Holton announced a meeting for Thursday.. January 24, 1957 at 2:00 P.D1., and certain representatives of various business interests and Municipal Officials have been.invited to attend a discussion of a proposed Building Inspector's plan. A member of the Institute of Government staff has also been invited to attend to give us such help he can in the form- ? ation of a plan. ???'?""Mr. Williams said he. had talked to Dir. AfoAiahon in Chapel Hill about having a staff inember here, but he had not':received.o.ur letter..of invitation at that time. He said he would be out of town on that date, but would try to have some member of the staff to attend the meet- ing, if possible. Mr. Holton brought up the question of increasing fees charged for services by County Depart- ments which was discussed with Department Heads during Budget meetings last year with the view of bringing the same up-to-date and make our request for increase in fees. . Also to get together with our Representative Mr. Hewlett on Bills we have in mind so the County Attorney can prepare such Bills we wish to submit to the Legislature. Pir. Hall sug- gested a meetirig the latter part of next week,.and the.Clerk was instructed to see Pir. Hewlett and arrange for a meeting to that end. The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Pebruary Super- J.? ior Court for the trial of Civil cases for two (2) weeks, term beginning February 11, 1957: Marshall Wescott, 211 Wrightsville Avenue LeRoy Tienken, 4911 Wrightsville Avenue James A. 7ones, Rte.l - Box 349 C. M. Blackwelder, 514 Nun Street Floyd F. Kay,J*89 P3necrest Parkway Hubert Mueral Meeks, 518 Castle Street V. G. 13enson, Hte,3 - Box 111 G. C. Moore, 16-T Lake Village A1 G. Nance, 3-H Lake Village William tT. Jordan, Rte.2 - Box 229 John D. Charlton, 23 Barnard llrive W. C. Lawrence, Rte.l - Castle Hayne Robert L. Smith, I3te.3 - Box 94-A James Diack Moore, Rte.l - Box 110 B. M. Jones, Jr., 312 South 3rd Street William S. Hewlett, 243 Pinecrest Fkwy. iiendell D. Moore, 34 Terrace Walk Edward J. Allen, 123 Colonial Village W. L. Godley, Jr., 1305 Simon Avenue . W. G. Bland, 201 South 4th Street A. G. Scott, 153 Terrace Walk Fred F. Singleton, 1602 Castle Street S. W. Murray, Jr., Rte.l - Box 120 John H. Kirkham, Rte.2-Box 75 Geo. H. Murray, Rte.l - Box 143 David E. Lewis, Rte.2-Box 266 C. H. Adkins, 204 Sunset Avenue R. A. Cook, 609 South 4th Street A. M. Baldwin, Sr., 125 ,forgan Street Alton L. Hines, 407 Meares Hoad Albert Roades, 617 Mercer Avenue V. B. Potter, 28-T Lake Village Charles Kovech, 139 Gordon Road J. W. Smith, 9-F Lake Porest William Rosenmann, 14 South 15th Street Joseph E. Benson, P. 0. Box 202 Car. Bch, Second Week - Pebruary 18, 1957: P. P. Rwnple, 243 Castle Hayne Hoad N'rank Smith, 234 llavie llrive T. M. Watson, Rte.3 - Box 106 Nathan Stein, 6 Keaton Avenue Eugene C. King, 102 Graham Street Paul Kosh, Sr., Rte.l - Castle Hayne Fred P. Harris, Rte.2 - Box 234 R. M. Grissom, 402 Central Blvd. G. L. Flowers, 416 North 5th Street J. B. Vandever, 701 Northern Blvd. Charles Rogers, 447 Castle iiayne Road R. L. Scharr,, P.' 0. •13ox .94, Castle Hayne I. T. Long, 1002`South?2nd Street Churchwell K. Stallings; Rte.2-Box 222 I. T. Baxter, Rte.3-Box 175 Robert V. Al1en, 2011 Creasy Avenue John Oosterwyk, Castle Hayne Henry J. Batson, Rte. - Box 234 llon M. Has^relson, Jr., 22-M Lake Village Clarence L. Swartz, 119 Channel Drive T. R. Harrell, 2870-F Jefferson Street Ernest Rouse, C-25 - Box 350A R. B. Capel, P. 0. Box 156, Car. Bcli. llevereaux B. Overby, 17 Terrace Walk J. I. Rushing, 220 Mercer Avenue Henry P. Batton, Rte.l -Hox 231 S. A. Woolard, P. 0. Box 576, Car. Bch. Archie W. Sidbury, Jr., 815 Orange Street John L. Palmer, Rte.l - Box 232-B . J. F. Cribb, 226-A Williamson Drive C. N. Long, 2848-E Adams Street Charles H. llooley, Genei^al Delivery, Car.Bch. B. D. Wright, P. 0. Box 404 Thomas H. SQright, Jr., 2232 Acacia Drive David H. Noble, 814 Greenfield Street Herbert H. Council, 56 West llrive Upon motion of Pir. Afayhan, the meeting adjourned. Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., January 28, 1957. The regular meeting of the I3oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broad- hurst, Janies E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams and John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. .,, The meeting was opened with prayer by,the Reverend B. D. Critcher, Pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes of Meeting of 7anuary 21, 1957 having previously been mailed to each member of tlie Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. City Councilmen Dan D. Cameron, Mayor, J. E. L. Wade, E. S. Capps, Jr., J. R. Benson, City rianager and Cicero P. Yow, City Attorney were present to discuss their proposed change of participation in the financial expense and responsibility for the support of trie Board of Health and Community Hospital. With that in view, the Diayor said he had talked with our ? Representative DSr. Addision Hewlett concerning the necessary Legislation required and rSr. C? liewlett thought it wouTd be best that the City and County have a discussion on the matter and reach some agreement as to what is desired in order to make it easier on him, hence this meeting: 1. He proposed that the City convey all its half interest in Comnunity Hos- pital to the County and be released from any further expense or obligation, or the City retain its interest in the Hospital and the County assume all expenses for the care of the indigent sick with no appropriation from the City. . a L_