1957-01-28 Regular Meeting,"l 24' Meeting of January 21, 1957 - Continued Mr. Holton announced a meeting for Thursday.. January 24, 1957 at 2:00 P.D1., and certain representatives of various business interests and Municipal Officials have been.invited to attend a discussion of a proposed Building Inspector's plan. A member of the Institute of Government staff has also been invited to attend to give us such help he can in the form- ? ation of a plan. ???'?""Mr. Williams said he. had talked to Dir. AfoAiahon in Chapel Hill about having a staff inember here, but he had not':received.o.ur letter..of invitation at that time. He said he would be out of town on that date, but would try to have some member of the staff to attend the meet- ing, if possible. Mr. Holton brought up the question of increasing fees charged for services by County Depart- ments which was discussed with Department Heads during Budget meetings last year with the view of bringing the same up-to-date and make our request for increase in fees. . Also to get together with our Representative Mr. Hewlett on Bills we have in mind so the County Attorney can prepare such Bills we wish to submit to the Legislature. Pir. Hall sug- gested a meetirig the latter part of next week,.and the.Clerk was instructed to see Pir. Hewlett and arrange for a meeting to that end. The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the Pebruary Super- J.? ior Court for the trial of Civil cases for two (2) weeks, term beginning February 11, 1957: Marshall Wescott, 211 Wrightsville Avenue LeRoy Tienken, 4911 Wrightsville Avenue James A. 7ones, Rte.l - Box 349 C. M. Blackwelder, 514 Nun Street Floyd F. Kay,J*89 P3necrest Parkway Hubert Mueral Meeks, 518 Castle Street V. G. 13enson, Hte,3 - Box 111 G. C. Moore, 16-T Lake Village A1 G. Nance, 3-H Lake Village William tT. Jordan, Rte.2 - Box 229 John D. Charlton, 23 Barnard llrive W. C. Lawrence, Rte.l - Castle Hayne Robert L. Smith, I3te.3 - Box 94-A James Diack Moore, Rte.l - Box 110 B. M. Jones, Jr., 312 South 3rd Street William S. Hewlett, 243 Pinecrest Fkwy. iiendell D. Moore, 34 Terrace Walk Edward J. Allen, 123 Colonial Village W. L. Godley, Jr., 1305 Simon Avenue . W. G. Bland, 201 South 4th Street A. G. Scott, 153 Terrace Walk Fred F. Singleton, 1602 Castle Street S. W. Murray, Jr., Rte.l - Box 120 John H. Kirkham, Rte.2-Box 75 Geo. H. Murray, Rte.l - Box 143 David E. Lewis, Rte.2-Box 266 C. H. Adkins, 204 Sunset Avenue R. A. Cook, 609 South 4th Street A. M. Baldwin, Sr., 125 ,forgan Street Alton L. Hines, 407 Meares Hoad Albert Roades, 617 Mercer Avenue V. B. Potter, 28-T Lake Village Charles Kovech, 139 Gordon Road J. W. Smith, 9-F Lake Porest William Rosenmann, 14 South 15th Street Joseph E. Benson, P. 0. Box 202 Car. Bch, Second Week - Pebruary 18, 1957: P. P. Rwnple, 243 Castle Hayne Hoad N'rank Smith, 234 llavie llrive T. M. Watson, Rte.3 - Box 106 Nathan Stein, 6 Keaton Avenue Eugene C. King, 102 Graham Street Paul Kosh, Sr., Rte.l - Castle Hayne Fred P. Harris, Rte.2 - Box 234 R. M. Grissom, 402 Central Blvd. G. L. Flowers, 416 North 5th Street J. B. Vandever, 701 Northern Blvd. Charles Rogers, 447 Castle iiayne Road R. L. Scharr,, P.' 0. •13ox .94, Castle Hayne I. T. Long, 1002`South?2nd Street Churchwell K. Stallings; Rte.2-Box 222 I. T. Baxter, Rte.3-Box 175 Robert V. Al1en, 2011 Creasy Avenue John Oosterwyk, Castle Hayne Henry J. Batson, Rte. - Box 234 llon M. Has^relson, Jr., 22-M Lake Village Clarence L. Swartz, 119 Channel Drive T. R. Harrell, 2870-F Jefferson Street Ernest Rouse, C-25 - Box 350A R. B. Capel, P. 0. Box 156, Car. Bcli. llevereaux B. Overby, 17 Terrace Walk J. I. Rushing, 220 Mercer Avenue Henry P. Batton, Rte.l -Hox 231 S. A. Woolard, P. 0. Box 576, Car. Bch. Archie W. Sidbury, Jr., 815 Orange Street John L. Palmer, Rte.l - Box 232-B . J. F. Cribb, 226-A Williamson Drive C. N. Long, 2848-E Adams Street Charles H. llooley, Genei^al Delivery, Car.Bch. B. D. Wright, P. 0. Box 404 Thomas H. SQright, Jr., 2232 Acacia Drive David H. Noble, 814 Greenfield Street Herbert H. Council, 56 West llrive Upon motion of Pir. Afayhan, the meeting adjourned. Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., January 28, 1957. The regular meeting of the I3oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broad- hurst, Janies E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams and John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. .,, The meeting was opened with prayer by,the Reverend B. D. Critcher, Pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes of Meeting of 7anuary 21, 1957 having previously been mailed to each member of tlie Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. City Councilmen Dan D. Cameron, Mayor, J. E. L. Wade, E. S. Capps, Jr., J. R. Benson, City rianager and Cicero P. Yow, City Attorney were present to discuss their proposed change of participation in the financial expense and responsibility for the support of trie Board of Health and Community Hospital. With that in view, the Diayor said he had talked with our ? Representative DSr. Addision Hewlett concerning the necessary Legislation required and rSr. C? liewlett thought it wouTd be best that the City and County have a discussion on the matter and reach some agreement as to what is desired in order to make it easier on him, hence this meeting: 1. He proposed that the City convey all its half interest in Comnunity Hos- pital to the County and be released from any further expense or obligation, or the City retain its interest in the Hospital and the County assume all expenses for the care of the indigent sick with no appropriation from the City. . a L_ Meeting of January 28, 1957 - Continued 125 2. The City be released from all expenses in connection with the Board of . Health, except the•salaries and eapenses of the two (2) employes used in the Water Testing Laboratory for City residents?plus percentage cost for any other services rendered City resi- ? dents exclusively. 14Air. Williams said this has been a problem for a number of years and the MAyor's suggestions as to the Hospital was reasonable, and as to the Health Department on certain percentage of cost. Mr. Broadhurst was a greeable to taking over all joint functions and the County get all the ABC profits.. Mayor Cameron replied that he didn't think whiskey consumption had anything to do with it. Mr. Hall observed the issue as a coverage and not a dividing line. • ., Mr. Holton said the care of the indigent sick is a County obligation, but in View of joint ownership of the Hospital felt we can continu?ts operation as a joint venture if cae pay for the indigent sick. Other Municipalities shou d share in the expense of the Health Depart- ment. Municipalities within the County should pay for any expense as we have to pay more in congested areas. • • • To this Air. Benson replied that it should be less expensive t o the County by reason of Incor- proated Towns' special obligations. At this point, Mr. Wade reiterated that the Liquor Receipts have nothing to do with the mat- ter, this question should be settled in aCCOrdance with the Statute and mutual agreement, and suggested for 1957, the County take over the care of the indigent sick, and the Board of Health, except to provide pure water and leave the Liquor question out of it. Mr. Williams said he understands there is a Statute that sets for.th the duties of the Health Department and asked if it would be feasible to do away with the Act we have and go under the General Statute. Mr. Hesalett said he felt the present Law meets the Board of?Health needs, but if a change in Appropriations are desired, it could be done by amendment of the 1911 local Act. These matters werIldiscussed at considerable length and Mr. Williams said we want to do what is best for all the citizena of New Hanover County, and asked that copies of the Institute of Government's report on the s tudy of rTew Hanover and other Counties concerning Health De- - partment arrangements and over-lapping services be secured for study, and come baclt two (2) e,? weeks from now to say what tiie County is willing to do. This appeared to be agreeable to all concerned and no further action-was talcen at this time. A meeting was then scheduled with our Representative Mr. Hewlett Por Friday 7:30 to discuss other Legislative problems. A letter was received from P1rs. Lilliam Baltzegar of Clinton, N. C., offering to sell the County a 9 1/2 acre tract of land and a 4-room tenant house for a land-fill garbage disposal area at a price of $2,500.00; was upon motion of Mr. Iiolton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst tabled at this time. A bill for $30.37 was received from Knight Photo Company for furnishing portrait of Former President Woodrow Wilson and framing the same for hanging in the Superior Court Room. The expense in connection with this having been previously acted on favorably by the Board, no further action was necessary. Upon motion of Mr. Holtori, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Wiliiam Dudley, Sr., 96 years old and his son William Dudley,•Jr., 68 qears old, both disabled colored indigent citizens were on recommendation of the Superintendent of Public ?delfare, admitted to the County Iiome. .. , ,VJ,44 . Repurts were received from the Board of liealth and Community Hospital for the month of llecem- ber and filed. ' . _? The Chairman read a letter received from the Cape Fear Ambulance Company in reply to a recent ?AI?? complain about the price of ambulance service. It appeared their charges are $19.00 for calls within the City limi.ts plus $19.00 for each additional person on the same call, plus 60¢ per taile beyond the City limits per person non-stretcher cases included. They said they were trying to form an ambulance club at 65.00 per year for a two-member family and $1.00 for each member of the family living at the same address, which would help reduce the price, or for Lhe County and City subsidize their Company. No action was taken. With reference to a financial statemerit received from Community Hospital, Mr. Holton raised the question as to why there was such a large amount of accourits receivable from patients, y? which was shown to be $37,174.18. It appeared from discussion that a large portion of this was caused by patients remaining at the Hospital beyond the time covered by the initial or admission payment and could not pay the additional expense. ' The County Auditor said a merchant recently called about past due bills, and he further an- ticipated a deficit of $20,000.00 at the end of the year. The Caunty Auditor said a way to correct this was to limit the days of treatment of indigent patients, but the Hospital Super- intendent would have to be governed by zahat the Uoctor says. The Chairman suggested it would be advisable.to have Mr. Hollis and Conununity Hospital Admin- istrator Reese to come before the Board next Monday to reach some understanding of this matter, which was agreed. Only one additional letter was received asking for clearanee of IIurricane damaged streams. Since instructions of procedure were given by the Civil Defense Office, instructions were given to forward the same on to the Office of Civil llefense for their action. A letter was received from llr. W. C. Diebane concerning injury sustained by Mrs, H. R. Kuhl, an elderly lady residing at 4107 Wrightsville when she slipped on the waxed floor'and fell in the Clerk of Court's Office on or about December 8, 1956, and received bruises and oon- tusions of the pelvis and lower back. She received four (4) treatarents in Dr. Afebane's Of- fice for these injuries, total bill amounted to $20.00, payment oP which to Mrs. Kuhl wae up- on motion of Mr. Broadhurst, 'seconded by Mr. bfayhan, authorized upon'releasing the County from anq liability. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board authorized c.hanging the fi-volt mobile radio communication equipment in the SherifP's three (3) cars to 12-volt and flxrnish and install complete three (3) Mobile 30-watt Tr.ansmitters and Associated Receivers for 6/12-volt ? operation, complete with all accessories to operate on 155.010 M.C. Motorola Type P43GgV-1 by C?x.. Motorola Communications &&lectronics, Inc., at a cost of $498.50 per unit or a total cost of $1,495.50 less #747.75 Civil Defense matching funds, leaving a nAt cost to be paid by the Coun- ity of $747.75. 1 \ 1?; ? ,126 Meeting of January 28, 1957 - Continued Authority is here.by given to appropriate such funds out of the Emergency Fund as may be necessary to meet the expense of the new equipment. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, second- ed by Mr. Broadhurst, the old radios are to be retained by the County for use to the best advantage, possibly by the Volunteer Fire Departments if they will utilize and maintain them. The County Tax Supervisor recommended that our present Tax Assessor or some one else be trained by the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company during the course of the Revaluation-Appraisal --' work, without additional expense to the County, as is provided in their contract, so that such person may be prepared to do appraisal work for the County in the future, without any obligation to employ such person after the work is done. Upon motion of P1r. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board voted to go along with Mr. Love's recommendation, and that he use his discretion in the matter. It was suggested. that some men out of a job,stenographers, etc., may be available to fit in, that tY?e Coun- ty would not be obligated to empby when the work is completed. Upon motion of Mr. tlolton, seconded the Boa-rd of Education on a request y? to furnish the labor to cover drain, in thqditch riuining along MacMillan open ditch about 410 foot distance, School. by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board agreed to go along with presented by Mr. H. M. Roland, Superintendent of Schools ige pipe, to be Purnished by the State Iiighway Commission, Avenue from the south edge of Peachtree Street to an to correct a drainage condition at the Winter Park Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the meeting was then adjourned. O- ? Clerk. I"f Wilmington, N. C., February 4, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Boar-d was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: J. Pi. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest H. Piayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., and Berry A. Williams; John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend N'rank Davis, Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of January 28, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member oF the 73oard, the same were upon motion of Pir. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, approved after correction was made in the motion providing for the disposition of the radioa to be taken from the Sheriff's three (3) cars traded in, which was stated "the old radios to be retained by the County for use to the best advantage", same to Be corrected by letting it appear in lieu thereof, "the radios to be taken from the Sheriff's three (3) old cars traded in, be disposed by the Sheriff to the best advantage." ? County Ageilt, Mr. D. D. Baggett reported on his trip to Washington, D. C., wi'th members of the New Hanover N'arar Bureau, North Carolina Flower Growers, and Castle Hayne Growers and ? Shippers, for the purpose of presenting a brief in support of the continuation of the pres- ent quarantine regarding the Soybean Cyst Nematode in an effort to prevent the spread of this pest. Mr. Baggett said the trip was successful and very worthwhile, and submitted a copy of/their brief for our files. .`. The Reverend Mr. J. S. Crowley, retired Presbyterian Minister, appeared to offer a sugges- y tion to increase property valuations by 10% wtiich he said would raise . million dollars in assessments and thereby save the County the expense of the revaluation work. His reference ? F to going into homes to assess personal property, was advised this was not contemPlated in the revaluation work. ; Paul R. Reese, Administrator of Convnunity Hospital and Mr. J. R. Hollis, Superintendent of ? Yublic Welfare appeared at the request of the Commissioners to discuss items of accounts receivable from so called pay-patients which was shown in the Iiospital financial report as PA4 of llecember 31, 1956, reported to the Boai^d at meeting of January 28th to be $37,174.18. The discussion was initiated by Commissioner Holton who inquired as to what period did this item of accounts receivable cover. Reese answered that after six (6) months the accounts were pulled out and written off as a bad debt, and turned over to a collecting agency who did good t.o collect 50%. Reese further explairied that in the absence of hospitalizat3on they took a chance on collections; they try to get the first week's expenses, and allowed' a twenty-foutr (24) hour credit extension. They tried to go along with the patient to.col- lect the money, but beyond Insurance were usually stuck f'or it and let them go on install- ment payments. Mr. Broadhurst asked about the recent Brunswick Countq patient care bill of approximately $2,000.00. Reese said the patient was a special care case to keep hi.m alive as a humane act. Lengthy discussion continued and Mr. Williams raised the question` if it would be advisable to invoke a lien Law for Hospital pay-patients similar to that which applies to Welfare Assistant cases, to require patients to sign a lien agreement cov- ering their property upon admission to the Hospital for treatment. And, moved to recom- ment to the Board of Trustees of Community Hospital to give serious consideration to put- ting the lien Law procedure into effect as to non-welfare patients. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Broadhurst an0arried. Mr. Mayhan called attention to the higYhrices paid for clothing for boarding home children 0?? ' purchased through the Welfare llepartarent, and cited the cost of shirts at $3.75 each, dung- ???/y"? arees $2.95, srioes ?6.95 and socks at 55¢ per pair, etc., Mr. Love said it was up to the Department to get best prices. Mr. Williams felt it was up to the Purchasing Agent to check on prices with the Department Heads. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, secnnded by Air. Holton, Adrain Deems Sellers, 70-year old in- ? digent citizen, 508 Wooster Street, suffering with a heart condition and could no longer, live alorie was admitted to the County Home as a pay patient at $40,00 per month on recom- mendation of the Superintenflent of Public lielfare. ?^'. . ? ?