1957-02-04 Regular Meeting,126 Meeting of January 28, 1957 - Continued Authority is here.by given to appropriate such funds out of the Emergency Fund as may be necessary to meet the expense of the new equipment. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, second- ed by Mr. Broadhurst, the old radios are to be retained by the County for use to the best advantage, possibly by the Volunteer Fire Departments if they will utilize and maintain them. The County Tax Supervisor recommended that our present Tax Assessor or some one else be trained by the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company during the course of the Revaluation-Appraisal --' work, without additional expense to the County, as is provided in their contract, so that such person may be prepared to do appraisal work for the County in the future, without any obligation to employ such person after the work is done. Upon motion of P1r. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board voted to go along with Mr. Love's recommendation, and that he use his discretion in the matter. It was suggested. that some men out of a job,stenographers, etc., may be available to fit in, that tY?e Coun- ty would not be obligated to empby when the work is completed. Upon motion of Mr. tlolton, seconded the Boa-rd of Education on a request y? to furnish the labor to cover drain, in thqditch riuining along MacMillan open ditch about 410 foot distance, School. by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board agreed to go along with presented by Mr. H. M. Roland, Superintendent of Schools ige pipe, to be Purnished by the State Iiighway Commission, Avenue from the south edge of Peachtree Street to an to correct a drainage condition at the Winter Park Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the meeting was then adjourned. O- ? Clerk. I"f Wilmington, N. C., February 4, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Boar-d was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: J. Pi. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Commissioners Ernest H. Piayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., and Berry A. Williams; John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend N'rank Davis, Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of January 28, 1957, having previously been mailed to each member oF the 73oard, the same were upon motion of Pir. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, approved after correction was made in the motion providing for the disposition of the radioa to be taken from the Sheriff's three (3) cars traded in, which was stated "the old radios to be retained by the County for use to the best advantage", same to Be corrected by letting it appear in lieu thereof, "the radios to be taken from the Sheriff's three (3) old cars traded in, be disposed by the Sheriff to the best advantage." ? County Ageilt, Mr. D. D. Baggett reported on his trip to Washington, D. C., wi'th members of the New Hanover N'arar Bureau, North Carolina Flower Growers, and Castle Hayne Growers and ? Shippers, for the purpose of presenting a brief in support of the continuation of the pres- ent quarantine regarding the Soybean Cyst Nematode in an effort to prevent the spread of this pest. Mr. Baggett said the trip was successful and very worthwhile, and submitted a copy of/their brief for our files. .`. The Reverend Mr. J. S. Crowley, retired Presbyterian Minister, appeared to offer a sugges- y tion to increase property valuations by 10% wtiich he said would raise . million dollars in assessments and thereby save the County the expense of the revaluation work. His reference ? F to going into homes to assess personal property, was advised this was not contemPlated in the revaluation work. ; Paul R. Reese, Administrator of Convnunity Hospital and Mr. J. R. Hollis, Superintendent of ? Yublic Welfare appeared at the request of the Commissioners to discuss items of accounts receivable from so called pay-patients which was shown in the Iiospital financial report as PA4 of llecember 31, 1956, reported to the Boai^d at meeting of January 28th to be $37,174.18. The discussion was initiated by Commissioner Holton who inquired as to what period did this item of accounts receivable cover. Reese answered that after six (6) months the accounts were pulled out and written off as a bad debt, and turned over to a collecting agency who did good t.o collect 50%. Reese further explairied that in the absence of hospitalizat3on they took a chance on collections; they try to get the first week's expenses, and allowed' a twenty-foutr (24) hour credit extension. They tried to go along with the patient to.col- lect the money, but beyond Insurance were usually stuck f'or it and let them go on install- ment payments. Mr. Broadhurst asked about the recent Brunswick Countq patient care bill of approximately $2,000.00. Reese said the patient was a special care case to keep hi.m alive as a humane act. Lengthy discussion continued and Mr. Williams raised the question` if it would be advisable to invoke a lien Law for Hospital pay-patients similar to that which applies to Welfare Assistant cases, to require patients to sign a lien agreement cov- ering their property upon admission to the Hospital for treatment. And, moved to recom- ment to the Board of Trustees of Community Hospital to give serious consideration to put- ting the lien Law procedure into effect as to non-welfare patients. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Broadhurst an0arried. Mr. Mayhan called attention to the higYhrices paid for clothing for boarding home children 0?? ' purchased through the Welfare llepartarent, and cited the cost of shirts at $3.75 each, dung- ???/y"? arees $2.95, srioes ?6.95 and socks at 55¢ per pair, etc., Mr. Love said it was up to the Department to get best prices. Mr. Williams felt it was up to the Purchasing Agent to check on prices with the Department Heads. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, secnnded by Air. Holton, Adrain Deems Sellers, 70-year old in- ? digent citizen, 508 Wooster Street, suffering with a heart condition and could no longer, live alorie was admitted to the County Home as a pay patient at $40,00 per month on recom- mendation of the Superintenflent of Public lielfare. ?^'. . ? ? Meeting of Pebruary.4, 1957 - Continued 1-27' An inuitation was received from the Institute of Uovernment for County Accountants to at- C? tend a one-week course in County Accounting planned to begin Monday'. February 25 and run- ning through March lst. The same was referred to the County Auditor who in his discretion was authorized to send a member of his Office staff or attend himself as he sees fit. A copy of the Veterans' Service Officer's report for January was received and filed. A request of the Veterans' Service Officer for a new Underwood Typewriter for his Office at a net cost of from $145.63 to $167.50, to replace his present 17 year-old typewriter, was declined for the reason the same was not provided for in the Budget, and instructions were given to include the same in next year's Budget. A bill for $100.00 received from Taylor Exterminating Company for treatment of the CounLy Farm Dairy Barn for termites in addition to the cost of $$360.00 charged on other buildings at the County FIome, which would raise the present cost to $460.00, was referred to Mr. Broad- hurst for investigation and report back to the Board at the neat meeting. ? A letter was received from Major Francis G. Moffit, U. S. Army Advisor Group, thanking the Commissioners for their past cooperation and courtesies, and look forward to the continua- tion of a pleasant relationship in 1957. , , A copy of the minutes of the Board of Trustees of Commwiity Hospital for November 16, 1956 was received and filed. ' Surety Bonds for Wilbur Lee 13est and John Edward Griffith as Justices of the Peace in the amount of $1,000.00 each with the National Surety Corporation as surety, the same having been approved by the County Attorney as to form, were approved by the Board. A communication was received from Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, advisin that ? Rossie Thompson who rents two rooms upstairs in the Airport Terminal Building at $0.00 per month including lights and water (no electrical power) has since installed additional electrical equipment including a hot water booster at 6000-watts, two deep 'freezers, elec- tric ovens, deep fryer and five electric refrigerators, Mr. Westbrook notified him that due to increased use of electrical equipment he would have to pay for his own electric ser- vice. This was dotie January 30th, and a meter was installed. PSr. Westbrook recommends that hi.s rent continue at $50.00 per month, including water, which was agreeable to the Board. A report of funds deposited by the Airport, January 31; 1957 received from rents, sale of gasoline and miscellaneous receipts in the amount oP $1,234.73 was received and filed. Mr. Holton reported he was approached by two boys who want to build their own hangar at the Airport were referred to Mr. Westbrook for recommendations. Mr. Williams inquired as to who set the rentals at the Airport and if not already arranged should get some one who is qualified to set up a rental scale. Would be best for an ex- pert to handle, he said. Mr. Hall fel.t it would be best to leave that up to the Airport Manager. No action was taken. ' Mr. Broadhurst urged the Commissioners to go out with him to investigate the 23rd Street HigY?way right-of-way through the County Farm land. He said we will have to have a new fence on each side of the Highway for a distance of half mile which will require one..mile , of fence construction. Mr. Mayhan also suggested we look into a potential trash dump in that territory. Dfr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, presented a bill for $7,200.00 he received From Cole-Layer- 'Prumble Company for payment on account of the revaluation work in January. Pfr. Love said four (4) men were working on the job, and based on installment progress rate would not justify that amount at this time. The same was referred back to Mr. Love for checking and recommedations. A request of I'red D'Lugin Por an abatement of the 1950 taxes charged against a tax fore- closure Lot in Block 280 he purchased from Clayton C. Holmes, Commissioner September 8, 1952, subject to the payment of the 1951 and 1952 taxes without reference having been made to the 1950 taxes at the time of sale. The matter having previously been referred to the County Attorney for opinion he ruled that he taould not recommend abatement of the 1950 taxes, i The County Tax Supervisor said we have no legal authority to abate the taxes. Thereupon -? Mr. Williams moved that in view of the Law and what the Tax Supervisor said, the abatement 6,??'•`"-? be declined. The motion wasiseconded by Mr. Holton, but the motion failed on the negative vote of Commissioners Mayhan, $roadhurst and the Chairman, and the matter was referred to the County Attorney to investigate the matter with the City Attorney and come back to the Board with recommendations a t the next meeting. Mr. Williams said he failed to get an answer to a phone call he made to this ofPice one day last week between one and two o'clock, and suggested the Clerk be authorized to employ a secretary to help him and to have someone in the Office when he is attending to outside ?P ""°• duties. 'lhe matter was received for future consideration. ' No further business appearing, the meeting was upon motion of PSr. Ho7.ton, seconded by Mr. Williams, adjourned. Clerk • ? Wilmington, N. C., FeUruary 11, 1957. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman and Commissionei°s Ernest R. M,Eyhan, L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holtdn, Jr., BePry A. Williams, and John Bri ght Hill, County Attorney and T. ll. Love, County Auditor. I i The Meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend llr. E. D. Witherspoon, Paster of S.t. Andrews- ' Covenant Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of February 4, 1957, having previously been mail.ed to each ' member of the Board the same were upon motion,of Mr. Diayhan, seconded by Mr. Broaclhurst, approved. i ?